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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

More sheds

Whilst the main engine and carriage sheds are in the paint shop, I've turned my attention to some of the ancillary sheds, of which there seem to be a great number.   All use Evergreen sheet, either car siding or V groove. I've collected quite a few photos over the years and kindly been lent some others but it's amazing how long it takes to interpret the layouts from different shots taken from different angles. I think I've just about got it right. The slab and square block is actually the w



Ropley - DAS Yard, the sequel!

A lazy Summer afternoon at Ropley.   Hi all.   Recent progress on Ropley has been limited to work in the yard area, and it hasn't been as straight forward as I would have liked. Getting engines to run through the inset DAS 'muck & oil' is proving to be a challenge, and whilst one engine will quite happily crawl along, another simply refuses to budge, so I foresee much sanding and tweeking to get things running smoothly. Still, we're getting there!   The most challeng



More of gilling August 2012

Hi all, like a bus, two post come along at once!   Anyway, I'm calling it an excuse to test out my new laptop, so a few more pics of gilling August 2012     Yes the weekend was rather wet, certanly the saturday and by end of monday! train sizes were limited as the track became slick with oil, especially the passenger trains, also as we only had 2 passenger sets, though one could be split to make a 3 and a 10 set, an the timetable calls for it to be split later into 5 and 5.     Thi

London cambrian

London cambrian

Unfinished Business

Sometimes it will be the case that when you post a photo of your work on RMWeb there is a helpful person who will kindly point out what is wrong with it. That was the case with my MR coke hoppers. What was missing?     The handrail at the right hand side of the wagon. Now they are finished?   I was waiting on some more container securing chains from N Brass Locos to finish off the GC machinery/implement wagon. They arrived earlier this week and I probably spent as long cutting the hooks,



The train(s) approaching...

...will be a bit late. Once again it's been a case of 'real life getting in the way' in the last couple of weeks. I had hoped to have the 60 & 67 out by now but Mrs. B had plans for me in the garden, and the day job, well it's such an inconvenience. Despite this, progress has been made and I now have a few days off so things should pick up a bit.   The 67 is almost there, just a handful of improvements to the flow of the engine sounds to satisfy myself that it's ready. The project sounds g



2 more N gauge K40s

I am currently working on 2 more N gauge GWR K40 full-brakes. Once again these are TPM overlays on Daol B-set coaches. I am quite pleased with the one in GWR livery as this is the first time I have done such a complex livery. Lining is courtesy of ModelMaster and the lettering by Railtec Models.  



Tidy Workbench, Ready for a day of OMWB

So last night was spent in the cellar, tidying my workbench ready for a whole day of weathering on Monday. It's always good to have a tidy occasionally, but I'll be the first to admit, I don't do it often enough. It's amazing what you find!     I found I have five different airbrushes and several hand build 4mm points.   I'm tempted to use the points for a small depot layout as I also have some baseboards (10ft x 1ft) that have never been used for the intended project. I may set myself a



O Gauge Sentinel ready for it's crew

The Dart Castings crew turned up this morning, handy that, as last night I finished the weathering. Here's a snap taken in my new 30 quid photo booth with my trusty X-10 Mini cameraphone     Just got to paint the crew and stick em in and it's done. Now for that article for MR .........



Servos - Not Yet.

Servo Point Motors, yet another Snitzl Failure.   Here's my short interlude with servos as point motors.   Found a simple circuit on the internet and did a little research on servos and within days  I was able to flick a switch and watch a servo move from one position to another, and whats more, the positions were adjustable. I know that there are control circuits available  commercially, but I had to do this myself, using analog as apposed to digital. Re-wired what was neces


snitzl in Electrics

Moving to P4 (Post 31 (Tangable Progress))

Update: Bodge Jobs, Balls-Ups, & Pigs Ears!   As forecast here are a few pictures. I am yet to lay the four exits but that will be done soon as I wanted the 'harder' bits done first. Due to my faulty board build I used Balsa wood and C&L 3mm foam as the packing and trackbed. Most of it has gone ok but a few bits where the track joins hasdecided to be at a different height. To remedy this I soldered metal fishplates as a solid join whilst holding the track



After the poppy seeds

I feel this entry might be slightly disjointed. It is potentially a huge subject and it is a case of not knowing where best to start. I did think of using the title “What’s black and white and read all over?”     Hornby Scenics Medium Black and Medium Light Grey gravels mixed + Maroon (not Red) Morris Minor Traveller   Ballasting all the visible trackwork with Blue Poppy Seeds is becoming just a distant memory and it is time to stop making excuses and get on with some more scenery.  

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

lms fury 6399

this is my first blog so please forgive the mestakes,im not a professional modeler by no means! but im on that steep learning curve!,so this is how ive built the lms prototype high pressure steam loco 6399 fury.this is the starting point a set of drwings from pdh drawing services,the pictures were obtained from both old magazines and the mitchel archive in glasgow.   next step is to make some paterns from the main drawings,some simply traced others done by measuring and drwing them out.these t



"Pathfinder - Ganwick"

Inbetween work on my veritable and varied fleet of steam locomotives, I have begun clearing out my railway room in anticipation of the first section of my Pathfinder layout.   Remembering the priorities I covered in one of my previous blog entries:     My idea is a simple scenic layout; a double track main line with no turnouts or complicated track formations, and the ability to bring together all three priorities in one first test section.   Having studied and poured over photographs an

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

1984 - Winston Arrives

Winston Smith arrived this morning courtesy of Gaugemaster. I've trawled the net looking for a suitable figure, but could only find one from the Preiser Mechanics set. Although you can tell that H0 figures are slightly underscale for 4mm, Preiser still have the best range of rendered figures. They are so well painted and detailed that I personally can't resist them.     Winston looks lost under the claustrophobic concrete roof. I've also bought some East German guards (which have yet



DJH Duke of Gloucester - Back on it's wheels

So the Duke is back on it's chassis for the first fit with it's new Golden Arrow rear pony. I have had to move some of the under cab pipework to clear the pony swing bit it's not looking too bad. The front bogie is also attached with a new bracket - this had to be shorter than the one from the current kit again suggesting that the earlier 71000s were made too short!     Note I've fabricated the tender drawbar as per the DJH instructions but have not set the length. I'll attach the tender bo



Pedants & Odours or is it Odours& Pedants?

Last weekend saw us take my layout Pen Y Bont to the 45th Redditch MRC exhibition at their usual venue Trinity High School. All I can say is thank the lord for Satnavs! without my Tom Tom I would have never have found the place, Redditch town centre is like a maze to me, I thought Telford was bad but this place is something else. It was also a good job that I use our car to transport the layout because one bridge I had to pass under only has a 8ft clearance! You can actually see the skid marks




The biggest problem I have at the moment is what type of building is the transit shed going to be?   I could make it a typical railway company goods warehouse but that would make it dominate the layout, something I do not want to. If it was to be a goods warehouse that would tie the layout down geographically - again something I don't want to do.   I could model a typical British Railway railway building - a fabricated unit consisting of a roof on top of a steel frame, such as the one at Pen



Thomas the Tank Engine

I have one of these on my layout for the grandkids. It's a Hornby I have a lot of trouble getting it to start. It's on NCE Procab DCC and I have tried changing the decoder to a TCS but it's no better. The wheels and contacts on the sides of the wheels are clean. If I give the loco a little push, it takes off nicely. Anyone know if the motors on these locos are suspect for reliability and if there is a way of overcoming the starting problem. (Apologies if this blog is improper but it's the



do not pass go...do not collect €200...

Update   Whilst there is a flurry of activity on Paddock Wood at present, this is a small update to show that work is continuing on CJ-M albeit at a slower pace.   The last entry which covered some of the recent detailing of the Moorswater buildings touched on some other works, namely the buildings to the adjacent area. This has changed of recent since becoming a cement terminal but research shows there were 4 small buildings, a mix of huts and a portakabin in this area. Using pics and drawi



The camera never lies :)

About thirty years ago I had a 'Saturday" job in specialist model railway retailer in Birmingham namely called Just Continental as simply they only sold at that time 'Just Continental", in fact to this day i still keep in contact with the owner who has moved on to other aspects of model retailing. At the time I was gradually building up a nice collection of French HO items and began to construct a small terminal station layout, unfortunately due to discovering 'females" the layout never got c




Where does all the time go? I'm now six months into this project and I'd have to say the summer has not been as productive as I'd have liked. Still, progress, whilst not being spectacular, has at least been steady and fairly continuous. First off, I'd always intended to change the name and I felt it was about time to come up with something more in keeping with the Great Horton/Queensbury Lines concept. I didn't want to just use Great Horton as it's not a slavish recreation and to my mind there



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