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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Chim Chiminey!

Excuse the title, I couldn't resist! I'm still plodding along with my model of a William Clarke station building. Progress has hardly being made at lightning speed, but I'm happy with the end results so far. As I've said before, I think the chimneys on William Clarkes buildings are their crowning glory, so I wanted to capture their appearence as closely as possible. I used layers of plastic card to construct the stacks, inlaying "bricks" as required. Once the assembly had dried, the corners



Pony express

Found some Preiser horses in a clear-out of the scrap box, and thought they'd be good on the Spring module. Looks like the local amateur artist (chap in hat) agrees. The mother and foal don't seem that bothered by the passage of the local goods, either.

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

plez leave comment

hi to all views this is a small branch set in gwr/sr region during 50 early 60s in br green however it is mostly served by push pull sets and freight going to and frow throw the branch to its turmanus[not modeled hopefuly size will not be a limit] and back.Thanks for reading.



Etches for SR Golden Arrow

I've recently acquired a set of etches for the Golden Arrow service. There are 2 for locos with the large arrows, smokebox board, flags etc, a separate etch for the night ferry and enough plaques and arrows for a 10 coach train. They are 4mm. Anyone know their origin? Chris



The Rolls Royce of sound chips

Coming soon to a DMU near you, Rolls Royce engine sounds courtesy of the Class 127 high-density 'Bed-Pan' unit at Llangollen. After a very successful weekend spent recording the 104 and 127 with Paul I'm afraid to report that the 127 has leapfrogged everything to the top of the editing pile. The unit had a lovely rasping exhaust which we managed to capture in addition to the engines. Rasping exhausts is something the previous DMU's I've recorded didn't have so it had to be done. I know there are



'Weavers Yard' a Surrey Transplant

Oh no not another blog entry...   Actually it's been about six months - been busy with the '2012 comp' (2entries) project managing the house refurb (still ongoing) and having a pacemaker fitted (ticking along nicely!).   So why this entry? A couple of weeks ago, as a break from architectural modelling (see the comp) I went and looked at some REAL buildings as part of Farnham's 'Heritage Weekend'. Ther I made the aquaintance of a leading local architect, & the subject of modelling came



Gears - A useful tip...

Hello   Recently I have been working on a couple of bogies for Elvis. The chassis is based upon bits from a TOMIX chassis, unfortunately I have been having some problems getting them to run reliably after converting the wheels to 2mm finescale standards. Below are a couple of photos showing the conversion...       The conversion consisted of two pieces of 0.5mm thick PCB glued to the sides of the TOMIX bogie with picups and the cosmetic sideframes soldered to them. Sadly though the sl



Par Station in N Gauge - Progress!

Good afternoon,   It's been a while since I wrote my last blog and since then I have got married, found out my wife is now pregnant with our first child, and I've also changed jobs. And all that in the last 6 weeks!!!   Since the wedding and honeymoon, I have been making some good progress with the layout and in particular the station building for Par.   Since my last entry I have completed the windows, attached the roof and layered strips of thick paper to represent the tiles, made the ch

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Ropley - Illuminating - Updated 30SEP

Shedding some light on things.   Hi All.   For a little while now I've been thinking about whether I should go to the trouble of adding working lighting to the layout. Whilst there isn't that much around the yard, it would add another level of realism, and potentially allow some atmospheric N Gauge photos! Just take a look at Missy's blog post here to see what kind of effects can be achieved.   So, this afternoon I plugged in the soldering iron, dug out some 0.8mm diameter brass and lo



Boring – more about cheap scatter materials

Time has been spent these last few weeks covering up the bare baseboard and the shiny screws:     The aims were to find a series of scatter materials that could be easily replicated and were cheap – better still ‘free’. In our case the answer lies in the garden. We had a quantity of gravel left over from some construction work.   Waste Gravel straight from the garden.   First the material needs washing – you should be on good terms with the lady of the house as you will need the sta

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

The Little People.

The little people in 4mm scale.   Creating figures in 4mm scale is a bit of a hit and miss affair for me. When sculpting the face, some figures turn out great, while others turn into real monsters. The initial  sculpting is done in dental plaster or chalk from which a silicone rubber mould is created.  From this mould is cast a white metal figure which is further detailed to become a 'master figure'. If multiple copies of the same figure are required, then a second silicone rubber moul


snitzl in Misc

2. Opening the box...

So, having sat down and opened the box, I checked to make sure all the parts were there. Easy enough in the Peco kit - the exploded diagram and parts list corresponded to all those big grey lumps of metal. Having a basic knowledge of steam locos, I had no trouble here. The Branchlines chassis kit was rather more fun. The parts list in the instructions included such joys as "Etched nickel silver fret of most parts (1)". In fairness, everything else is listed fairly clearly and has been packed int



1. In the beginning...

Hi, all. After several years learning the basics (building plastic scenery kits, then moving on to plastic wagons etc...) I've decided I want to actually start on building a loco kit. I know that a lot of people would recommend going for a simple kit first, maybe a wagon or something static, but I reckon I've got the basics of soldering down, and after years of building Kitmaster/Airfix/Dapol loco kits wanted to build something that might eventually move by itself.   I came up with a couple of



Surprised by real water!

Hi all,     Went to new club for second time last night, all round good bunch of guys really, one of the founder members invited me up to see his own layout, what an eyeopener! it must have been the biggest private layout I have ever seen, it was very good, like all layouts of course a work in progress!   What really suprised me was that he had real water, lakes, streams, working mill with water wheel, the lot! don't know about you guys but I have never seen this in any layout, very well do




Having a mate with an interest in railways come over the other week proved to be rather useful. At the moment with the several bare baseboards he was brimming with ideas, such as what about a goods yard, with a station at the back - you could put a engine shed and turntable in etc etc. I had to tell him that I wanted to get projects completed first on the original baseboard before moving on to the other boards but almost got to the point of him sketching some ideas while he was in full flow!  



All Done Dusted!

Almost a month since I last posted but that is because recent modelling sessions have been aimed at getting the J10 & the banana vans ready for the clubs annual competition in early October. They will be on display at our exhibition; - see www.mmrs.org.uk for full details.   I shall be based on the demonstration stand so if you are coming to the show (and if not, why not?) please come and have a chat. I’ll probably be making a start on my scratch built LNER Q4 class 0-8-0 tender loco on th

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

A view from the line #8 Train Spotters on shed

Although probably very tricky to spot from a passing train on the main line, and mentioned briefly in my first ‘a view from the line‘ blog post about the little people, the shed area is hosting a couple of trainspotters. They are taking the opportunity to record and photograph the locomotives on shed being prepared for there turns.   I can only assume that they must be armed with the letter of permission from the Head Office at Waterloo allowing them open access to the shed, as although they



O Gauge Sentinel - Done

So the crew climbed aboard (driver needed his right leg amputating below the knee to clear the motor) and I've added a little coal around the door bottoms and chassis ledges to simulate spillages during loading.   Not sure how prototypical this is but is made me smile last night   So here's some snaps ahead of the photoshoot for the MR article           So, that's it, on to the next project - rebuilding the L&Y Pug I bought from Scanman ages ago - the chassis is already s



Callow Lane - another signal plus some other 'sticky-up' bits

Following on from my previous blog entry where I had started work on a Midland Railway wooden post, lower quadrant signal for Callow Lane, I have now more or less finished the signal, bar a little bit of weathering, plus planting on the layout and connecting to an operating system. This was another MSE/Wizard Models kit, and very good they are too.     I've also finished the painting of the water crane ensemble, again, bar a little weathering:         Also built a Ratio loading g

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Another addition to the fleet

Another small but essential piece of motive power has been added to my collection. 58165's life may have been unremarkable but it was certainly a long one. Built from 1875 onwards the Midland 2Fs 0-6-0 obviously served successive masters well as many lasted well into the 1960's. Their diminuitive stature and low axle loading, giving them a wide route availability, made them useful beyond their years. To adapt a phrase from a well known Danish lager they were able to reach parts of the system



Delph - Wiring completed...almost

Complete, that is, except for the signal control units and their local 12v DC power supply units, which I haven't got, yet.   After months of putting it off, I finally knuckled down to wiring up the station throat board with its numerous turnouts and diamond crossing - by far the most complex in terms of electrics. Photos below show the under board wiring on this board.       However, methodical work and constant continuity testing seems to have paid off as only very minor re-work was

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

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    • Yes indeed Phil - but to be honest all the "gubbins" around the front could also be done better in 3D print - at least that way, I would have put it the right way round!     I found the details from Aston and Tyteford very useful when making it. Hence my thoughts about detailing it in this manner, to add to the collective RMWeb knowledge.   Re: IPA - I was surprised, but that doesn't explain why a fresh bottle still did not remove the paint.   Interestingly,
    • A great start to a worthwhile project Neal and your photos, particularly of the Didcot original make excellent references for, like kingmemder, my own two Dart projects.   I never realised that IPA effectively had a use by date, interesting.   Keep up the good work,   Bill
    • Old tech vs. New tech. Things have moved on!   Phil  
    • Good luck with that.   If I was to do the kit again, I would see if someone could 3D print the steps for me. I am sure they dont need to be as fiddly as they are!   Regards, Neal.
    • Great effort Neal. I have 2 Dart Castings kits sitting in the stash. When I finish the Centenary set (ready for the paint shop), and the O11 Siphon I may make a start. Just a few signals to make in the meantime.
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