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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Ropley - Holiday souvenirs

A reminder of a Norfolk Holiday...........and some railway stuff.   Hi all!   Not much modelling in this entry, having just returned from a week boating on the Norfolk Broads. If you hark right back to the first entry on this blog you'll see that the original plan was to model the swing bridge at Somerleyton and if anything the latest trip has re-kindled interest in that project, a few more close up detail photos being added to the research folder for future reference!   Anyway, to ma



The most precious things....

Having just returned from another weekend of modelling at Missenden Abbey I intended to write up my progress on my workbench thread, then, last night I looked at it and realised I have not made an entry since the last time I was at Missenden, back in the Spring. This got me thinking, my plan had been to show off the progress with the model I had taken and talk about the events of the weekend, but I soon began to think that this gap in my workbench was more indicative of something else, at was at



Gremlins in the works and one month to go!

Another week has passed and the show is now just one month away. Here is the latest update!   This week has seen more changes to the show line up. Sadly the Hockley Goods diorama has had to withdraw from the event. A big thanks to its owner, Don, for giving me as much notice as he could. Nothing he could do and just one of these things. A big thanks to him as well for all of his help and advice over the last few months. Fortunately I have managed to secure a replacement exhibit with a small l




Greetings again. I have been working on loco and rolling stock as time has permitted, and rather feeling my way through a ratio coach kit build, making a few mistakes due to unclear detail in the instructions. The coach kit is neither as flash free as the wagons and loco, and I suspect must be one of the last off the production line before the moulds gave out completely! This will give you an idea of the trimming that has had to be carried out on a lot of this model:     However, I think



You might be a redneck if...

...you mow the lawn and find a car. That was just one of the laughs on the list of 'You might be a redneck if...' that amused me a while back. Well I had a similar moment today when I found a Heljan 86 whilst tidying up the heap. I remotored my Hornby 86 some time ago using a Heljan Hymek mechanism, which has the same wheelbase as the Hornby model. It's a great runner but the fact that it is the wrong wheelbase started bugging me almost as soon as I had finished it. Sometime later a cheap Heljan



Ruby Road sidings part 2. Test board expansion.

using some old Hornby set track lying round in the garage I'm trying to come up with a plan to extend the test board into something useable as a mini layout. I'm liking the idea of an engineers yard like Kingsmill so i have room for all the wagons I've collected over the years. here's what i've come up with with the few bits of track I have.     Obviously it does not have to stay like this and the points will be new and not the battered and broken ones in the picture. I've got some peco



Fisherton Sarum at TaD-Rail – Retrospective

After a bit of a frantic week with some last minute control panel modifications to power the new Cobalt point motors Fisherton Sarum made its appearance last Saturday at the Tring and District MRC show. Set up on Friday night was only available from 7.30pm and wasn’t helped by the lack of power to the socket on the wall that I supposed to be using, resulting in a 45 minute delay whilst an alternative cable was run into the hall. All the point motors bar one end of the double slip worked fine



Lattice Bridge.

Lattice Footbridge and Steps.   Based on a G.N.R. foot bridge that existed at Kimberley station,nottingham, this is a step by step guide to modeling the main components of this bridge, from styrene sheet. The stone support  structures for this bridge are not included in this build because similar structures of that  type have already been covered in other blogs. The build method is very similar to an earlier  construction for Kimberley Station, with slight alterations due to lessons le


snitzl in Stonework and Structures

First post: Model Railway Research Project

Introducing myself I would like to introduce myself, my name is Robert MacKinnon and I am a PhD Researcher from the Institute of Geography & Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University, undertaking a three year Aberystwyth University funded research project that includes taking a look at model railways. I have to say first off I have not been a practicing modeller for about a decade or so, my object of being with RMweb is to engage with the hobbyist community about my research work and I would l

Robert MacKinnon

Robert MacKinnon

La Rocque JER - Planning

Hi   I am building a layout, but in order to test the locomotives, and rolling stock I need a test track. The prototype is an intermediate station on the Jersey Eastern Railway.     The station had a single platform a level crossing and a siding facing St Hellier.     I am intending that the test track will pack into a plastic box with internal measurements of 380mm by 140mm by 160mm. This will include a loco and rolling stock, and maybe the controller.   I don't have transport, so



Safety barriers to prevent a Tay bridge disaster from my train turntable

I have now extended the handles on the bathroom door bolts used to align my train turntable tracks, so that, when the turntable is being rotated any loose vehicles are protected from accidentally rolling off the end of the turntable deck.. I used 5/16 inside diameter brass tube from Eileen's emporium which was a perfect fit for the handles. The locks were from Screwfix.




When I first fabricated the platform extension, I used Association PCB sleepers to make the base and topped it off with some thin ply. Now there is a old adage that "nothing looks more like wood than wood". This may be true in 7mm and even in 4mm scale. However when you get down to 2mm scale, I'd say that nothing looks less like wood than wood. I'd used some ply on Masham many years ago and was less than happy with the result; I was therefore mildly surprised to find that I'd made the same mist

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

Ex-GER J65 no.8211

J65 no 8211 was the penultimate survivor of twenty locos. Built as GER no.155 in 1889, it spent much of its life alongside several others of the class working the Blackwall line from Fenchurch Street (hence the class nickname 'Blackwall Tanks') until rusticated by the LNER in the late 30s. It then spent the rest of its life vacillating between Ipswich and Norwich, with spells at Cambridge, Colchester, Yarmouth and Yarmouth Beach until withdrawn in November 1953. For almost all of its life it r



CDA conversion and MGR hopper comparison

Here's a couple of shots of work in progress on the first CDA conversion. The donor body for this wagon was a Minitrix HAA. After making an approach to Peco, they kindly allowed me to purchase a small quantity of unpainted hopper roofs and end discharge covers, which is allowing me to convert a small fleet of HAAs I've built up over time. The roofs require some careful filing to fit snugly inside the hopper body but once that's done I think they look the part. The second photo shows the prominen



Out with the old, in with the new

It's been now some time after the Great-britN modular meeting. Since then I decided to scrap my Borve modules, which where a junction station. So because our group lost a junction, I decided to build a simple junction module. Here is the actual result.                   Markus



The long journey

Hi All,     Still working away without much to show however, after my 4th visit to my new club, idea's are beginning to come back to me, a little help from friends always brings results, it can be a lonely hobby at times as we all know, club life does make a difference!   At the club we are building an extension to the fiddle yard at the back of the layout, to allow more train storage for exhibition running, hopefully this will be ready to fit to the layout after the clubs next show which i



J39 tender continues

Just a quick post to show some updates I have made.   I have made up some lamp brackets from plastic L strip also the brass rear steps were fashioned from some brass... (obv)           I has spreayed the whole thing with grey primer to highlight any areas that needed more attention (of which there were a few). I'm just waiting to get some more filler to work on the smaller areas. Whilst I am waiting to purchase that have also made some brake gear to give the chassis a little bit m

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Streaks and Highlights – Weighing up Bachmann A4s

I noticed a thread this last week asking if anyone had comments on the ‘new’ Bachmann A4s – here are mine!     I have fond memories of A4s speeding past Darlington Station hauling the Elizabethan. Hence it did not take much persuasion for me to buy one of Bachmann’s latest A4s with a new DCC ready chassis. Initial impressions are of a well engineered model that I think looks the part and compares very favourably with the latest Bachmann A1s and A2s.   Bachmann A4 DCC Ready Chassis  

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

terence...the tractor...

Good evening,   I was having a trawl through the KoL images earlier for Chris Higgs and I happened upon a pic that I always liked but it never made it into the final cut.   It was taken on my iPhone, with me balancing dangerously on the edge of our desk in our spare room late one night with only the small directional ceiling mounted spots directed at the layout as it is stored out of use about 2m high on the wall.   I always liked this pic as the light coming in from the right threw some n



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    • Yes indeed Phil - but to be honest all the "gubbins" around the front could also be done better in 3D print - at least that way, I would have put it the right way round!     I found the details from Aston and Tyteford very useful when making it. Hence my thoughts about detailing it in this manner, to add to the collective RMWeb knowledge.   Re: IPA - I was surprised, but that doesn't explain why a fresh bottle still did not remove the paint.   Interestingly,
    • A great start to a worthwhile project Neal and your photos, particularly of the Didcot original make excellent references for, like kingmemder, my own two Dart projects.   I never realised that IPA effectively had a use by date, interesting.   Keep up the good work,   Bill
    • Old tech vs. New tech. Things have moved on!   Phil  
    • Good luck with that.   If I was to do the kit again, I would see if someone could 3D print the steps for me. I am sure they dont need to be as fiddly as they are!   Regards, Neal.
    • Great effort Neal. I have 2 Dart Castings kits sitting in the stash. When I finish the Centenary set (ready for the paint shop), and the O11 Siphon I may make a start. Just a few signals to make in the meantime.
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