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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

New Images Overview Westfall 18th Oct 2012

Here are some images of the layout as requested.     OK the first one shows an overview of the layout from the right hand side. Showing hotels and station area.         This is the view from the lower right hand corner showing the single road shed with the station and town to the rear.         From the front of the layout we see the mini golf course to the left, Church and monument of the "Santa Julia" with cinema and town to the rear and station to the front.         Cla



Getting There?

A severe attack of logic: Harry's Hornby will now be moving to the cellar (5m x 3.6m) and the spare bedroom (2.5m x 2.5m available) will now house my 2mm layout. When he prefers girls to trains I'll move my layout to the cellar.   The cellar room was cleared, but has now acquired some surplus furniture. When that finds a home I will be able to start preparation. I'm currently adding lights to the Hornby Railroad carriages. I've already added seats and passengers.   Now I've joined the A



Carfax Junction

Hello     An interesting fact about the club. We use to meet in a very small venue, with a minute storage cupboard.   So when we built our first club layout Carfax Junction, is has OO gauge outside and N gauge on the inside. The scenery is OO size on the outside, shinking to N gauge on the inside.     For more information http://www.horshammrc.org.uk/



Westfall - N Gauge

So the background to this is last year I built an N Gauge Layout 'Santa Julia' that was themed mainly in Spain with the odd visiting loco. But I've had a change of thought and am in process of changing it to an early 1980's British Rail Railblue era theme. I'e sold all of the Spanish stock and have started on the UK side of things.   I have a blog at http://railblue.blogspot.co.uk/ where I am posting regular updated to along with my photos from the 1980's - Present day and this Blog also conta



Moving to P4 (Post 34 (Problems))

The point motors will have to wait a while as I have not brought any yet.   Basic track wiring is done minus any turnout feeds.   I have a serious problem. I started my first TOU using 0.7mm brass rod soldered to the rail webs through generous holes onto some gapped PCB with a drill hole. Had no sleepers so quickely cobbled up my own. The problem may only be with this one point because the switch rails are bent ever so slightly upward so whenever I 'operate' the tie-bar with a wire powered



getting the point (blades) across...

Update   Good evening - The electrics are continually slowly...but I am trying not to rush it and make a complete dogs breakfast as usual.   One thing that had been troubling me for a while was how to deal with the turnout control for the layout.   Normally, I use good old fashioned wire in tube as namely my sparks skills are pretty basic, I am still on DC operation and the folding track section at the rear of the layout looked as it it would not be suitable due to the need to be folded 90



La Rocque JER - Layout Design 2

Hi   In order to design any layout, especially a micro layout, like La Rocque some compromises have to be made.   Starting from the right hand side, the cottage has been moved towards the railway crossing and turned through about 15 degrees, to make the back parallel with the railway. The cottage then acts to screen trains as they enter the scene.   The platform at La Rocque, could accommodate 6 carriages, but on the model this will be reduced to about 3.5 carriages, due to space and bala




Having finally got the cab looking right. I thought I would go back to the tender.   I thought this would be the post before the castings were fitted. I wanted to get all the high melting point soldering done before the castings. One of those it won't take long there is nothing to it moments, with the shortage of modelling time over the last 2 weeks, progress has seemed very slow.     All the steps and ladders were replaced with some made from brass and nickle silver. Ex


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Chagford - Revised Track Plan

Hi   Whilst the initial design worked with the sequence. The modified design has two goods sidings, like the prototype. The back siding is the coal siding, and the front one for general goods.   The design, is designed to fit into two plastic boxes for transport, measuring 380mm by 140mm by 140mm. This allows for the loop being the correct length.     This idea of using two boards, came from reading page 305, of MRJ No. 75 on buiding a simple diorama.   Lisa



Bachmann 47706

Goodevening - A quick post from me as ebay doesnt want to upload my pictures this evening so i've given up on that ....   As much as I love my vitrains 47s, I've decided to give a Bachmann version a try, as the livery on their latest release looked ideal for a quick identity change. As soon as I clapped eyes on the new 47/7 'shove' model in Scotrail livery , I thought of 47706 , in its flakey NSE branded Scotrail livery. The original Bachmann numbers, printed names and Scotrail branding ar



Albion Yard on Telly

Filmed at Model Rail Live we're on telly! There may be some exclusive 'literally' shots of the Hornby 72XX moving, as it was on the trainset at the time.   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/62391-steamontvcom/



La Rocque JER - Initial Design Thoughts

Hi   I've done some experimentation with a short length of Easitrack, a small piece of plywood, double sided tape and three wagons, to determine the minimum radius which 10' wagons could negotiate, without coming off. The answer is 75mm radius, if I slightly gauge widen the track.   Initial design of the baseboard, the main baseboard will be 380mm by 140mm, with two add on boards 185mm by 140mm and a hinged flap to support the cassette at the back of the layout.   The scenic area will be p



A Cornish Class 56013 - Part 1

Good evening all,   A couple of blogs ago I mentioned that I would dedicate a blog to my Dapol class 56. There are very few photos of the loco in Cornwall but thankfully the legendary John Vaughan has several photos published in one or two of his books which were used as reference material. There is also a nice colour one taken by Craig in the Cornish Railways section of this site which will come in handy to get the weathering accurate at the time of the visit. I also have found some rare foot

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Various shed and water tank progress

Evening all Now I've stocked up on Evergreen I've been able to make some progress on Clevedon. The Engine Shed has gained a roof, made from a base layer of clear plasticard with car siding laminated to the insides and cartridge paper glued to the outside. The roof lights were then fitted with individually cut glazing bars from 0.5 mm square section. The roof lights were sealed in the later years with something and it's this laddered finish I'm trying to replicate (all except the front roof lig



Killybegs Train Shed

The roof and wall structures are now finished. The next step is to build a jig to hold the roof and wall firmly in the correct position while I solder them together. Both components are too big to fit in the sink so I ended up cleaning them in the bath!



Delph - Main panel bell code dinger fitted

Yet another step forward with the electrics - nearly there now. I've had two bell code dinger units made to enable the layout operator (driver/signalman) at the front to commincate with the fiddle yard operator (hidden at the back) using prototypical bell codes. These units utilise a modified door bell mechanism (to give single dings each time the switch striker is depressed) operated by a battery powered circuit board at each block post and a change-over micro-switch. Only two wires are require

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

A "Tail" of two "Dogs"

"Two dogs?" I hear your say!   The two "Dogs" concerned here are these K's white metal kits.   A GWR "Bulldog" Class loco This is not mine, I am building this kit for a client, and this is my very first commission job!     Work will commence very shortly on this one as it needs a lot doing to it. No motor or gears have been supplied with the kit so I shall have to buy in a motor/gears for it.   The second "Dog" is mine and it's a DUKEDOG! :RO   This is how it arrived from the s



Caledonian or Highland?

Hi all, Firstly, I'm new to this blogging 'thingy' so there may well be some basic mishtakes (sorry!) but let's just see how this goes. I don't really have any idea how this is going to turn out, what I am really doing is simply using the blogging system to get some of my ideas down in writing and through the medium of RMweb, maybe 'converse' with others who can either say "what a load of rubbish" or, give me pointers on how to go about putting my ideas into practice. Also, I am not in any way



'Weavers Yard' a Surrey Transplant - concept conceptualised!

Having resolved (in my own mind) the issues surrounding area 'X', I decided to build it as a 'sub-model' just to make sure. Not only did it have an interesingt roof, the floor-plan was unusual also -     As I was 'backdating' the model it meant I could lose the 'glasshouse' visible in the prototype image from earlier. However, this meant there had to be a certain amount of conjecture over placement of the upper-floor windows. The wall-lines were fortunately visible at the roof, so I foll



Moving to P4 (Post 33 (Lots of Progress))

It's been a long time since I have done an update so for those of you who may be interested here is the story so far. Due to the back log there are about 11 photo's. The middle siding is my attempt at replicating that tasty combination of ash, oil, coal and crap you often see around steam engine sheds areas. Fine filler plaster mixed with PVA glue and some grey paint is the medium of choice, splodged and smudged into position and shape by the finger. For some reason I painted it brown, why?



Delph - Signal power supplies fitted

The 12 v DC power supply units for the two signal servo control boards were collected today and then fitted under the boards. There's one power supply unit for each of the control units and these are now all wired up. Another step towards completion of the wiring arrangements.     This one supplies the starter and ground signals;     and this one the bracket signal.   Next task is to add the bell code dinger unit to the control panel.

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Heworth Sidings - Update - 15/10/2012

Hi,   We've really been running round in circles since the last post, but in a good way, as the End Loops have now been completed and the layout is operational.   Saturday was our groups DCC meeting and it was an excellent opportunity to setup all the modules and see how things operated. Here's a short video showing some of the action.   http://youtu.be/94OYVOjTDYE   We had very few problems with the layout itself, most of the issues surrounded the control of the layout and difficulties



Hornby Ivatt 2MT 2-6-0. Finished!

Here's a few shots of the Hornby Ivatt finished except the crew insitu.   Alex (Wiggoforgold) came up trumps with a Comet chimney. I was going to do Cambridge shed's 46466 in unlined black with late crest but had a change of heart.   Instead I finished this loco as 46483 another Cambridge engine in lined black with early crest.   The model was primed with Halfords grey primer then Halfords satin black. Tamiya NATO black was then sprayed on the smokebox and roof. Lining and decals are fro



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    • Yes indeed Phil - but to be honest all the "gubbins" around the front could also be done better in 3D print - at least that way, I would have put it the right way round!     I found the details from Aston and Tyteford very useful when making it. Hence my thoughts about detailing it in this manner, to add to the collective RMWeb knowledge.   Re: IPA - I was surprised, but that doesn't explain why a fresh bottle still did not remove the paint.   Interestingly,
    • A great start to a worthwhile project Neal and your photos, particularly of the Didcot original make excellent references for, like kingmemder, my own two Dart projects.   I never realised that IPA effectively had a use by date, interesting.   Keep up the good work,   Bill
    • Old tech vs. New tech. Things have moved on!   Phil  
    • Good luck with that.   If I was to do the kit again, I would see if someone could 3D print the steps for me. I am sure they dont need to be as fiddly as they are!   Regards, Neal.
    • Great effort Neal. I have 2 Dart Castings kits sitting in the stash. When I finish the Centenary set (ready for the paint shop), and the O11 Siphon I may make a start. Just a few signals to make in the meantime.
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