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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

What's going on?

Sorry I have been gone for so long, but I have benn extreamly busy with me starting college and benn unable to model what so ever. Now that I have settled into college I am hoping to be modeling again soon and I will be uploading more to this blog and also pictures. Just got to wait for my room to be redecorated before I start to make the baseboards or should I say my dad will make the base boards. So it's bye for now and I will be in touch soon.

St Johns End

St Johns End

Six Dummies for Swaynton...at last, or what I did in September.

So here they are the six dummies for Swaynton. Did I really get the etches for these way back in April? It is not that these are hard to make up that caused the delay. I think that it is life got in the way. Plus of course the modelling mo-jo isn’t firing every day, which perhaps is a good thing I think as you don’t want to get stale with the same old, same old. The only problem I had towards the end was getting the signal mechanism to be free-flowing enough for the weight to work. Careful s



Taking project forward (Rob M, Aber Uni)

Many thanks for the considerable amount of comment this first blog and post got, if you are reading from the blog and from ‘modelling musings and miscellaneous’ I will be talking here to commentators on both my blog and modelling. Another post later will deal with some critical thoughts on some of the conceptual issues that posters have highlighted, i.e what is modelling, but this post discusses in particular what I am going to be doing from here although I want to start this post with some issu

Robert MacKinnon

Robert MacKinnon

"Thompson A2/2, Gresley A4, and Copley Hill's Demise..."

We will start with the latter. I am planning a new layout, on which I can start to actually run my collection of locomotives and rolling stock, so Copley Hill's demise was assured really. I needed the space for a workbench on which to build my models, paint and weather them, and whilst the Copley Hill set was a poor trainset, it works very well as storage and a workbench (see above).   I've retained the shed for the purposes of photographing my collection and modelling, but all of the points,

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Mallard Duke - some stolen time and a little progress

Despite having a long list of other things that I really should have been doing I stole a little time this afternoon and evening to work on the Duke - at least this time I know I will have done something on it between Missenden weekends!     Not much has been done to the locomotive itself, I have added two overlays below the footplate that run the length of the valances and provides a row of rivets. Also some back-head detail has been done. The next major job is to do the springs, but I did



Just back from a busy day

Well its been a busy day after all at the Midlands model engineering exhibition at the foss, I ended up shunting front of house with my radio contolled LNWR Super D.   I though I would add a pic of the Gauge 3 Midland Railway Diagram 357 8 Ton covered wagon, I forgot to take a photo before I sent it to the show I was in such a rush, I guess it will be another manic week getting ready for the AGM.

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

Peckett Progress

Hello.   I have decided to take a bit of a break from the layout. It was getting a bit frustrating and I wasnt doing as good a job with it as I could, that plus the fact I had to remind myself that its a hobby after all and it should be enjoyable!   Refreshed with this in my head I have turned once again to my favorite side of the hobby which is designing and building engines. The latest one on my workbench right now is a little 0-4-0 Peckett saddle tank engine...     After a very usefu



Things are moving on

Well I have now had my test etches back and after finishing the Gauge 3 (13.5mm/1ft scale) Midland Railway D357 in time to go on display at the Midlands Model engeneering exhibition this week. It's now time to get back to my 10mm scale gauge 1 models. I want to have a couple buit and finished ready for the Gauge 1 AGM next week, I still have to finish the brakegear off and I am not 100% happy with the rapid prototyped axle boxes as yet either.   Once the brass detailing is checked and finished

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

Is your Bachmann A1?– a follow up to adding weight to Bachmann A4s

Following my last post with ideas for improving the haulage capacity of the Bachmann A4s (old and new) I am suggesting ways here which I think improve the performance of the Bachmann A1s.     Coming from the North East I have to say that I think Thompson’s A1 Pacifics were one of the most handsome and certainly most powerful engines to grace the East Coast Mainline. The photograph above dating from around 1961 shows Silurian, 60121, at the south end of Darlington Station (light engine), wai

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

1984 - Un-Person

Battle of Britain Class pulls in to the station. Winston knew it was an InterCity (INCIT in Newspeak) and was reserved for upper party officials only. Passes to travel to other cities for outer party members were rare indeed. Only the upper party and proles could freely use these trains.       I've included another shot of the Prole area showing an armoured car this time. This is an Airfix model and I made the very same kit 35 years ago would you believe. They say that there's no co



Happy New Work station!

Needing a place indoors where it is reasonably warm and out of the way of Mad Milo (The Dog!) and rather than working in a cold shed outside during the winter meant some negotiating with SWMBO!   After much discussion it was agreed that we could dump the old kitchen table that I had used for my model work over the last 18 months since moving here, and get a new work station from those marvellous Swedish people at IKEA.   This is what we bought.     A Micke desk and an Alex drawer



fiddler on the roof

I've just been trying to finish off the carriage by adding torpedo vents to the roof. Unfortunately the flash was very bad around these mouldings and I've ended up with some half vents...     I havebeen browsing the books I have for evidence of these locos hauling freight in their later years. I have only uncovered this, an 800 class though, in charge of a freight near Leicester in the 20s:     Also this one:     These will have to serve as a precedent! Here is my class 179 posed



Website Hosting for my own model project.

I have been thinking about constucting a website, for many years, on the Chadderton Goods Branch. Somewhere to story photos and gther some history and eventually show the model railway I am building, which covers some aspects of the branch workings. I have been spurred on by some of the posts on this site to create the website.   I have set up one site, currently under a free trail, but I'm not that happy with them so far. Does anyone have any suggestions on the cheapest, easiest to use, websi



3 weeks to go!

Another update on progress with the Weston show and some more layout pictures!           At the end of last week I sat in my classroom enjoying a rare moment of peace whilst the children worked quietly on a writing task. The tranquillity did not last long. All of a sudden the silence was shattered by loud music drifting through the wall from the adjourning infant classroom. My class’ concentration was shattered by the strains of the Hokey Cokey! I sat there, cursing my inconsiderate coll



Tracks in Concrete

There's been plenty of debate on RMWeb over the best way to achieve the look of track inset into concrete at industrial facilities, so I thought I'd add my method used on the Trevanion Dries test-track. I've gone for the simplest solution possible and used a general household shrink and crack-resistant filler that was lying around after the last room redecoration. A few quick photos by way of description (trackwork at this stage is still N gauge):         When applying the mix, the



Moving to P4 (Post 35 (Success))

After several peoples Kind advice I have tweaked things more.   so, progress. The original droppers have been unsoldered and dumped and two of these have been made...     They have to 'low lift mech' ' in place, which to be honest don't look that out of place to me. Certainly after rust paint they will blend in.     Next was another reaf of the Tortoise instructions. It says to not use a powerful iron and to use a small tip. My soldering station is a Weller 40Watt jobby. Don't kno



And the winner is...

..the 40.   I've found in the past that 7mm models ruthlessly expose any deficiencies in your sound clip editing, ones that you often get away with in 4mm because you're not hearing the full range of sounds (quite why I never noticed through the hi-fi at the editing stage is something of a mystery but there you go). For this reason I took the decision not to try and prototype the Deltic sound project in 4mm. As I haven't yet been able to lay my hands on a 7mm Deltic yet (just a matter of time)



Group record

Greetings   The rolling stock built so far, in the past 3 weeks:     The lining of the coach was tricky, but I wanted to do it by hand, rather than pay out substantially for any more Fox transfers.   Note the crew on the loco ( well, you can see the fireman at least). These came incuded in the Ratio 2-4-0 kit.   I have still to put together a 48' clerestory, a 48' suburban brake and 2 more wagons.   I need to supplement the goods stock with one or two items, but these are not urgen



Sunshine and a coat of paint - what a difference!

The trainshed roof and outer wall are now one unit. The jig to hold everything firmly in place while the two parts were soldered together was quite simple in the end. 3 lengths of brass tube that were a tight fit in the square tubes of the columns were let into the board to hold the wall vertical. 2 larger diameter tubes were notched vertically to be a tight fit on the wire cross bracing of the end trusses then let into the board in a position where the foot of the rafter butted against the ins




Right here we are finally. With the last post I thought I was there apart from a few castings.   But first the chassis pictures that were left off the last post.   So we start by cleaning up the axle boxes and soldering them on. I then fitted the rear lamps, these needed a little bit carving out of them to pinch the wires, that act as the conduits. A quick photo session reveals that muggings had not fitted the water filler. So that was a root around to find it. It


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Weathering using Humbrol Acrylic Spray

As I do not currently possess an airbrush, I decided to purchase some Humbrol Acrylic Spray and make an attempt at attacking some wagons.   I firstly mounted the 'Mainline' Cambrian wagon on a doner Bachmann chassis, then renumbered it. It has been weathered soley with Humbrol Dark Brown No 29 with matt varnish added.   The Dapol 6 wheel milk tanker has been done in the same way, with a bit of Carr's weathering powder added. As a first attempt I don't think they look too bad.



three day experience

well its all coming to a head, Today I had my picture appear in the local paper, stood in front of my layout, informing all of the Cardiff show, occuring this weekend, further details on this site..........   other than a poor quality image on the show site, this is the first public presentation of Sanatorium road, and im still not convinced how the layout will be taken,   a modern image 00 layout based around an end of yard head shunt, with a small terminus station adjacent, and a Network r



Delph - The whole banana

By moving some of the furniture, I was able to assemble all four scenic boards for the first time, today. Still on the floor, naturally, as the support structure is not yet built. The occasion for this event was a visit by Tim Venton (Tim V), of Clutton fame, following his visit to the Midland Model Engineering Show nearby. Tim kindly helped with the removals work and assembly of the layout. Attached photos show the results - looks impressively long for a single line branch terminus.   Two o

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

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    • Yes indeed Phil - but to be honest all the "gubbins" around the front could also be done better in 3D print - at least that way, I would have put it the right way round!     I found the details from Aston and Tyteford very useful when making it. Hence my thoughts about detailing it in this manner, to add to the collective RMWeb knowledge.   Re: IPA - I was surprised, but that doesn't explain why a fresh bottle still did not remove the paint.   Interestingly,
    • A great start to a worthwhile project Neal and your photos, particularly of the Didcot original make excellent references for, like kingmemder, my own two Dart projects.   I never realised that IPA effectively had a use by date, interesting.   Keep up the good work,   Bill
    • Old tech vs. New tech. Things have moved on!   Phil  
    • Good luck with that.   If I was to do the kit again, I would see if someone could 3D print the steps for me. I am sure they dont need to be as fiddly as they are!   Regards, Neal.
    • Great effort Neal. I have 2 Dart Castings kits sitting in the stash. When I finish the Centenary set (ready for the paint shop), and the O11 Siphon I may make a start. Just a few signals to make in the meantime.
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