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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


This is a blog on a blog site. Why you are reading this i do not know but you are so lets get on with it. The objective of this blog is to build and model a railway of my dreams but i do need your input to. My dream railway would be a 00 gauge branch line leading from a shed to a village. so that is what i will aim for.   Next time i will list what i have got so far.



Crosti 9F #2 - Preheater

Unlike the last Golden Arrow Crosti 9F that I built and detailed in Hornby Magazine this one's mine (and so is my time) so the standard plain flat sided preheater sections would not do.   Out came the 11mm Evergreen tube, saw and files. Together with some microstrip and a few other bits and bobs I now have this:       I've added a representation of the access door using a circle of plasticard punched out with a hole punch, decorated with microstrip and the "blower" that of course is no



I'm the Tortoise NOT the Hare

Well, After great visions that the blog may help me move thyself.....I have failed. At least I am putting up an entry. It is unfortunate that I keep forgetting to take pics although there are a couple here now. Work is progressing on the layout. I have even managed to put down nearly a packet of DAS Clay....looks like I have done nothing though.     Now I have to pull it up....why you ask. Dumbo here, had been moving things about and did NOT double check the alignment. Maiden Newton Go



Three Buildings for Kimberley.

Three Buildings for Kimberley.   Built for Ilkeston Woodside MRC's 00 / 4mm layout of Kimberley ( G.N.R./ Midland Railway ). Here are a few illustrations following the construction of two small weighbridge buildings  and a small goods shed. Laminations of 0.5mm plain styrene sheet and Slaters embossed plastic  were used for the body shells, while electrical wire was used for the downpipes and brackets.  Special focus is given to the lintels and step by step illustrations as to how reas


snitzl in Kimberley

Delph - Dinger battery holder sorted

A couple of posts back, I explained how the bell code dinger mechanism had been fitted to the control panel and pondered on possible sources for a suitable battery holder for the PP9 battery. Well, nothing appeared to be available commercially, so a custom made holder has been constructed from thick (1.2 mm I think) plastic sheet and attached to the side of the control panel with a couple of 8 BA screws and copious quantities of plastic solvent. The attached photos show the arrangement with the

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

How many shades of grey?

Some weeks have elapsed since I first wrote about using sieved sand from the garden for ‘scatter’. I can now report on what happens when you add coal dust.     In the view above the area of ‘ground’ at the end of the platform is a mixture of my original sieved sand and paste mix with the addition of 25% coal dust (three teaspoons of sand and one teaspoon of coal dust). This Station is a busy junction and the dark colouring seemed perfect. However to differentiate between more rural and l

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Box in a Box - making tracks

This week has been spent working on the track panels that will lead into the quarry & the main tunnel -     Now the feed wires have been attached (cannot call them droppers - they'll be buried in the foam trackbase!), the sleepers will be 'grimed' and the rails 'rusted'. All will then be fixed in place with my usual mix of 'Cascamite' & bird sand on the aforesaid 'Depron Foam'.     The quarry tunnel really was a tight fit as the (rewheeled) ventilated van shows. Of course thi



Oakworth Baseboard pt2

Having spent the day doing stuff, I managed to do 'bits' on Oakworth now caught on image, really need to light my pictures properly.. Sort of finished the basic board but need to brace the underneath and also work out thin ply for facing of the external bits. I have extended it over the original plan as I felt it was just too cramped and needed a bit more space to make it look more believable. The idea is to be looking down into the station with retaining walls all round and grimy terraces. Well



Onwards with the J39

Just to keep you up dated at this moment in time in regards to my J39 from Bachmann.   I have added doors to the tender as they were there in the drawings I've seen. As you can see I have made one set of doors open, hopefully you'll see as you why later.     I have carved the moulded handle off the smoke box door and replaced it with brass wire. This was a little tricky but is it do-able. I have also given the locomotive a steam heating pipe and added the sand pipes too. In all there appe

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Heworth Sidings - Update - 31/10/2012

Hi,   As readers of the this blog may remember, our Group held its Open Weekend on 27/28 October 2012 and we were in attendance with Heworth Sidings. Although very little has been done scenically, we were hoping that we would still be able to put on a good show. It was also a great chance for us to 'feel our feet' with the layout and get some experience working with it and understanding how to operate it. Please note the structures seen on the layout are only temporary and intended to give a f



Oakworth Baseboard pt1.1

Ok so not huge leaps forward given that I had an unexpected guest and a going to see Skyfall tonight I have got pretty much nothing done, did however get one of the ends on which will provide the support. Anyway its late but just wanted to show there is progress of sorts. although not that exciting. Hopefully more tomorrow.  




I have had a couple of good sessions with the loco body. The main construction is now complete, and the detailing will not take too long, I hope, there are no handrails as such so that should ease things a little. I have noticed in pictures of Watersmeet, it seems to have something like a handrail on the smoke deflectors. Which I have not added as yet. Any ideas to what it is? The cab soldered to the main body ok I think it looks like it should although I feel there is room for improve


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Viewers of a nervous disposition, look away now...   Long-time followers of the blog may remember my 28xx, which was a detailed and repainted Hornby model:       The model has always been a favorite of mine, not only because of the work invested in it, but also because it was a birthday present from my wife and therefore had a bit more significance than just any old model bought by me. It has also always run well, in fact it is probably the best of the traditional Hornby tender drive l

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Improving some Kirk teaks Part 1

A few years ago (around ten I suspect ) I built a few Kirk kits, rather badly! I have decided that I'm going to have a go at renovating them and hopefully end up with something a little better looking and also useful!     They are an Open First (crimson & Cream), Brake Third (maroon) and Open Third (maroon) and were all built without interiors (except the internal partitions) with rather tight bogies and other problems (gangways on backwards is one of the major problems ) so they are g




I've had the luxury of a week off work and plenty of modelling time. It's been spent mainly painting the sheds.   Oh, and laying DAS air clay, Nevard style, in between sleepers to represent the ash and clinker ballast. I've given the area a coat of grey acrylic but it's dried much too dark and shiny for my liking. I think I'll need to get the airbrush out and give the whole thing a spray over. Still, you get the idea. I've also made the base for the coaling stage, which will eventually b



J39 tender, almost done!

Okay so far I have come to a point where I would consider the tender almost finished. Here are a few shots, I've started work on the actual locomtive now but as ever, the work will be a little lengthy due to other commitments, however here are some pictures. It was sprayed with Halfords matt black with several coats of humbrol 60 for the, brake handles buffers and buffer beam painted on by hand. Transfers by HMRS and varnished using humbrol 49.         Hopefully the weathering will

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Club Open Day 2012

Well, another open day has been and gone, and it was a pretty successful day. As with our previous two ventures, the 'not an exhibition' format worked well, with a more informal atmosphere to the day, as well as giving the opportunity for some work to be carried out on some of the layouts.   Sadly the planned GWR 00 shunting layout could not attend, but was ably deputised by a small 009 model.   Here are a few pictures showing what was happening.   An overall view showing the basic board



Oakworth - Baseboard pt1

So this morning before rushing off to work checked the gluedness of the baseboard for the first section. I have found if I do it in steps it seems to be easier. I also have run out of glue sticks! Should have the basic structure sorted tonight. I have yet to think how I am going to incorporate the fiddle yard, but I think it might involve magnets and copper..   An finally the layout will now be formally know as Oakworth  



Approaching the home straight!

Has another week passed by already? Time really is flying at the moment and that is more than a little scary. As I drove out of school on Friday night, and headed off towards a half term break, I reflected that the next time I would be making the same Friday journey it would be on the eve of the model railway event. By then the hall will need to have been cleared, tables set up and there may well be some layouts already on site. The event really is that close now. Without doubt I am approaching



The treachery of images

Modellers try to recreate the real thing. But sometimes we don't know how the real thing looked. Then what? These photos show my experiments with what I think was a standard livery for larger GWR goods depots around 1907, following lots of browsing of photos in books, and a brief discussion in this thread (many thanks gentlemen!).         The trouble is of course that photos from the period don't have, er, colour - and are full of light and shadow. So it's hard to



Platforms and Huts

Further work on the station area to make me (and hopefully you!) happier with it's appearance.   The "disused" platform which was hastily cobbled together for Shipley has been replaced by a more refined one, constructed of plasticard off-site and detailed before placement on layout. This features a grounded van body as mentioned in the Patrick Howat book. It's doubtful that this would be a ply-bodied Southern van as appears here, however this was one of the first kits assembled by my son James

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

A brief glimpse

After what seems to be a very long time, the heavyweight 37 is finally finished. Unfortunately, I can't say too much about the methods used at the moment, as it is scheduled to appear in a future issue of BRM. So, all I can post at the moment is a couple of teaser pics to prove that I am actually achieving something from time to time:     I'll put some more pictures up once the magazine is out.   It hasn't turned out quite as well as I'd hoped as some of the materials and techniques u



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    • Yes indeed Phil - but to be honest all the "gubbins" around the front could also be done better in 3D print - at least that way, I would have put it the right way round!     I found the details from Aston and Tyteford very useful when making it. Hence my thoughts about detailing it in this manner, to add to the collective RMWeb knowledge.   Re: IPA - I was surprised, but that doesn't explain why a fresh bottle still did not remove the paint.   Interestingly,
    • A great start to a worthwhile project Neal and your photos, particularly of the Didcot original make excellent references for, like kingmemder, my own two Dart projects.   I never realised that IPA effectively had a use by date, interesting.   Keep up the good work,   Bill
    • Old tech vs. New tech. Things have moved on!   Phil  
    • Good luck with that.   If I was to do the kit again, I would see if someone could 3D print the steps for me. I am sure they dont need to be as fiddly as they are!   Regards, Neal.
    • Great effort Neal. I have 2 Dart Castings kits sitting in the stash. When I finish the Centenary set (ready for the paint shop), and the O11 Siphon I may make a start. Just a few signals to make in the meantime.
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