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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Boxed In

A trip to Smith's on the high street found a box file on special offer (£2.99, bargain layout storage!) and the plan has been roughed out in pencil (below).     This has been generated using A4 point templates from C&L Finescale:-http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=67#2mmtemplates   I am a little concerned these switches are too sharp for larger locomotives (a standard 4MT tank was in use during the timescale modelled)and will look a little too muc



Callow Lane - prelude to cobbling

The last few days have seen little modelling done, but what has been achieved, finally, is the completion (more or less) of the laying of Tetrion filler in the area around the goods shed and the Down Sidings.   Only the area between the in-laid track and the goods shed, plus a small portion beyond will actually be scribed with granite setts, the remainder of the white surface area will represent a tarmac type surface.   Here are a selection of photos taken today, with all the railway buildin

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

"Thompson A2/1 from a Bachmann V2 & Graeme King Parts - Part 2"

A bit of black paint, some nameplates and the smokebox numberplate, and the change from V2 to A2/1 is all but complete. There's lot of areas where I need to apply filler to smooth the bodyshell out in the various cuts made, so this isn't quite the final entry to cover on my cut and shut project.   Further things which need to be done include adding a smokebox upper lamp bracket, the front coupling, front steps, cabside numbers, apple green paint to be applied to the dome and some sections of t

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Deep Thoughts!

I've considered building this layout for a long time (about 15 years!) - and one of the hardest decisions was whether to stick with EM gauge or go bigger to O gauge. I had built the trackwork for a compressed version of Kingswear station in EM gauge in my previous garage but I became disillusioned when I realised that although I had successfully managed to build a single slip and various other awkward turnouts, it wasn't reliable enough or accurate enough to satisfy me. I had planned it but too



Talking Stock #17 Drummond’s 4-4-0s more than just T9s!

This post highlights some of the examples of Dougal Drummond of the LSWR 4-4-0s that I have models of (some of his other classes will no doubt be the subject of future posts) and can sometimes be seen running on Fisherton Sarum. Many of these these examples have been kit built.   Although not his first 4-4-0 design for the LSWR, that was the C8 class, his second is probably his most well known and much loved being the T9 class known as ‘greyhounds’. First introduced in 1899 the 66 strong clas



Progress so far - finally!

I've being wondering for a while what size the transit shed should be. I had originally settled on a length of 600mm (2ft), but was unsure what the height should be. Lucy had sent me some pictures of Wolverhampton Steel Terminal, but I had not sat down to work out the final dimensions. I posted a query on the Horseley Fields layout site on this site to ask how they built their shed - which is also based on the Wolverhampton Steel Terminal. Ben Ando very kindly provided details of the dimensions



Location, Location, Location

Now for a few words now about the location of the layout. This I find one of the most interesting bits as I enjoy the background research.   Whilst at school I discovered in the library some dusty, unloved, old railway books, among them was an early edition of John Thomas’ Callander and Oban Railway. This quickly became a favourite line; the Killin Railway in particular always drew my attention. So for this model I will be turning my back on my turn of the century LNWR fetish for something dif



Fantastic Voyage

I often find that as a project is nearing completion it pays to step away from it for a while and do something else. You then return to it with a fresh pair of ears, add the finishing touches and iron out any last remaining niggles. As such, I have briefly stepped away from the 40 to the Voyager.   I upgraded one end of my Bachmann Voyager from a v3.5 to a v4 some time ago but never got around to the other. Having now fitted the second chip and ran it, I found that the engine sound editing and



Tanked up around Stourbridge! Make it a Double!

Just got back from a spot of gricing at Stourbridge Junction.   Not that I went to cop some smelly DMU's. No, today was in search of STEAM! The Vintage Trains tour "The Panier Rambler" was running today, Starting from Tyseley going out to Stratford on Avon, returning then to Birmingham to complete stage one of the tour. The second leg of the trip was from Birmingham to Worcester via Stourbridge and Kidderminster.   Stourbridge Junction is my local station so a quick trip down the road to w



Ropley - Fine Dining

The Watercress Belle departs Ropley for Alton.   Hello all.   Since the last entry I have made a start on repainting a Farish FO to represent one of the coaches painted in a faux Pullman scheme and used on the MHR's dining services. Two of these are required, along with an RU, MK.1 Pullman and BG to make up the set used on the Watercress Belle and Countryman services.   Those that read the Painting and Weathering section of the forum will know that getting to this stage s



Challenge Anneka!

RMWeb uses of a certain age will probably remember a television programme by the name of "Challenge Anneka." Anneka Rice, fresh from leaving Treasure Hunt, squeezed her then shapely rear end back into a jumpsuit to race around the country. Instead of looking for clues she attempted to help different good causes by attempting to complete projects in a seemingly impossible time. This week I felt like I was facing a similar impossible task. The model railway show is now just a few days away and S



2 entries in one week? When you're hot... you're hot!

First things first the Garage had been rechristened:     Secondly I took this picture last night on my phone to show someone at work... I'm rather pleased with it, shame its slightly blurred:     Oh and I've also done a spot more work on the layout, I have made some hedges from this:     Rubberised horse hair cut roughly into hedges shapes, sprayed with hairspray and dunked into a mix of two shades of green flock:     it looks the business and I'm more than happy with it  



La Rocque JER - Change of Plan

Hi   I have built the main baseboard and I am currently building the fiddleyard approach boards.   When laying out track, I realised that although the track, it would fit, but I was unable to fit the necessary point motor in, without either not including the culvert or cutting the length of the platform.     As a result I have decided to model Le Focq instead. Because of the box size being fixed, and the need to be able to take the layout on the bus, ferry and trains.   My design eboo



Points arising

Pathetic progress this week as work is getting in the way but a tame start has been made on the first two PCB turnouts, with sleepers in place in preparation for the first rails to be laid. As only the rails will be visible alongside the dries I've only laid every third sleeper to speed the process. This may yet prove to be a bad idea if the rails are not sufficiently supported, in which case I'll sneak in another one in each gap.   When I got to this point and tried to straighten the coile



Next chunk of baseboard built

I've now built the next bit of baseboard for my layout. As you can see, the level of the bottom edge of the baseboard drops from left to right to allow for the road bridge on the next baseboard. I didn't want to make all the baseboards equally deep as I am trying to keep control of the weight of the boards and the cost of the plywood.



Life in 2mm so far...

Having dabbled in 2mm scale on and off for a couple of years I have decide to take the plunge and publish a blog of a layout creation in the hope of providing momentum to a small 2mm project.   My experience in 2mm is limited to re-wheeling a couple of Bachman wagons (purely to test the track built), producing some easitrac plain track and building an A6 point using copper clad sleepers (tried an easitrac point and gave up, couldn’t get it too work, sorry!). At that time my soldering skills w



Wagon fettlin'

I have a couple of days off work to make sure I use up my holiday before year-end, this has resulted in 2 mid-week days, daylight and some relative peace (wife at work, son and daughter fully occupied) and a couple of hours working on wagons. I've been very impressed with Michael Clark's etches for brake gear and I'm particularly keen to address the brakes on an ex-LNER/BR fish van a Parksidekit in the guise of an Express Parcels van, the kit linkages, levers and vees look under-nourished. Tryin



"Thompson A2/1 from a Bachmann V2 & Graeme King Parts"

If you'd like a recap on this particular project, click here for part 508 of the madness!   Why 508? The locomotive number 508 was A2/1 Duke of Rothsey, which is my intended locomotive when completed.   Having received the cheap donor Bachmann V2 (Green Arrow in apple green), I proceeded to dismantle the other donor Bachmann A2 as well. The bodyshell and tender of the A2 have been put to one side, as I have a new chassis incoming from a friend who bought an A2 to convert to P4 and didn't wan

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

I've Seen The Sign

Hello   Like many clubs that meet in church halls, and similar premises in back streets, it can be difficult to find the club's meeting place the first time. We have a sign that is placed in the lobby, where it can be seen from outside.     We have had people who were passing, come in to find out abut the club too! I think that if clubs are going to attract new members, into the hobby we are going to have to innovate, in how me market our hobby.   More information can be found at http:/



Crosti 9F #2 - Sandboxes

After a few productive minutes with some plasticard and copper wire over lunchtime we have a representation of the sandboxes for the Crosti       Next step is to paint it all black and then I can get the Zimo sound chip wired up to the loco and test the fit in the body and of course the sound!   I should have this at least functional for the Weston-on-Trent show on the 10th November



Oakworth - Bygone days

Having a quiet moment at work lunch break, I set about mocking up the scene for Oakworth. I need to work on the scenery and buildings to make sure it fits in with the track plan. I have removed the station and moved the track towards the front of the layout to make more space for the terrace at the back but also to allow for the potential expansion to the east where the station building(s) would sit. I am raining in the urge to plan for that too   In the meantime I have started to look at Sca



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