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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Out to Grass

Ongoing work to make the new platform "disused"!   From the last post, you will have seen the groundwork around the platform painted but ungrassed. This was the first job. I used a slightly longer grass this time using 2.5mm and 4.5mm fibres of "fall", "winter" and "hay" mixed together. Some trimming will be required and then I shall dust with the airbrush using a light straw shade. Similarly, the bushes which are bits of Woodland Scenics in (supposedly) "Dark Green", will require shading to f

Tony Simms

Tony Simms


Here is the latest installment of this long running saga. Well it has been quite successfull. I have got the tender primed and will leave it a while to harden before masking up and painting the colours. I found some primer here with I have found leaves a lovely finish and seems to of adhered to the blackened brass very well. The chassis has had a coat of Halfords finest satin black.               I have managed to get the


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

A Plan so Cunning you could fit it in a box file

After a few frustrated days playing around with Templot I have managed to produce the various outputs below.   fearnan_early.pdf   This was the original plan based on A5.5 as a standard, the entry to the goods yard being slightly sharper at A5. The loop will be trapped in the normal position. However, advice in the last blog entry, from those who know better than me is to go with B6 as a minimum, I just couldn’t get these to fit; even A6 was too much of a squeeze, so another solution is requ



A bit more

Below there is a number of photos showing different stages of construction.         A modification to the layout not mentioned above was to lengthen two of the sidings. The two straight sidings at the top station (looking at the plan as reproduced above) were too short to accommodate a locomotive and three coaches, either the locomotive or the end coach remained over the points, so I made them curved and made a curved platform for them from balsa wood.   As said above, I had i



Callow Lane - cobbling a la Harrap - Part 2

I've finally knuckled down and made a start on scribing the granite setts in the area around the back of the goods shed on Callow Lane. As mentioned in previous blog entries, the section of 'grout' immediately next to the outer faces of both running rails is extra-white fine Milliput, the larger part of the area is Tetrion filler, applied over several layers and sanded smooth.   I've been doing around 45 mins - 60 mins per evening for the last four days, and progress is painfully slow, but thi

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

help with old oo gage track revival

hi guys just joined. i need help with my Hornby track lay out that has not been used for over twenty six years.it is two tracks with four sidings , i got it set up in the past week some of the track has gone rusty so i cleaned it with a bit of wire wool. I have just bought a Hornby control box hm2000 but when i put the trains on the track they go very slowly gradually increasing in speed but don't get up to full speed. I don't want to replace all the track due to the great expense that would be



It is almost here!

I can't quite believe it. The Weston-on-Trent model railway show is almost here! The last nine months have flown by. It only seems like yesterday that I was suggesting the show during a fundraising staff meeting back in February. So much has happened in the mean time. The show, and the layout, have dominated my thoughts. Now the nerves are really jangling. Will the show be a success? Will we make some money for the school? Have I done enough advertising? Will enough people come through the door?



Improving some Kirk teaks Pt2

A bit of progress has been made over the last week or so, although one of the coach bodies (the Brake Third) suffered fair bit of damage while I was trying to dismantle it, so this has now become a source of spares and will eventually become a tarpaulin-covered siding filler!   I'm now left with the Open First and Open Third which have had the paint stripped form the bodies (mostly) and are almost ready for their first undercoat. The roofs still require a bit of attention, as some of the tor



DJH Duke of Gloucester - Feeling Green

So, the rebuild of the DJH Duke of Gloucester is moving forward slowly. It has emerged from the paint shop with it's BR Green (late) paint airbrushed over the base satin black.     Green is Phoenix Precision P101 thinned to approx 50% with cellulose thinners. Three light coats over two days and now it's resting until next week in a drawer.   Some areas of black to touch up where masking failed or was impractical to do. Once the detail painting is done then I'll move on to the lining




As I have been away from the bench a lot lately I thought I would post an update about the new workshop. As we had to get out of the contract with the first builder. We had a redisign on a lot of the house and added a few rooms and made our bedroom better and managed to get a balcony on our room too. We have got to the final stages now so we are going to and spending a lot of time sorting the small details out. In the main all the windows and doors are in the decorators have made a start. The el



A "Tail" of two "Dogs" Part 3

Latest up date on the "Two Dogs" project.   Whilst I am waiting for motors and gearboxes to arrive from Scalelink I decided to do a bit of work on my own "dog"   The Dukedog arrived from the seller on Ebay nearly all built but painted in GWR green. As I wanted mine in BR black some real cleaning up was needed.   I tried paint stripper but found out that the loco had been stuck together with 2 part epoxy and NOT soldered! So, Major strip down and reassembly using 70deg lo melt solder. I to



Mega-Trabbi: Gützold's rendition of Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn's class 156 electric

And hello again!   The following article had been in preparation for a while, but it has only been this past October that I managed to track down the actual model I was intending to present. With Gützold currently being in liquidation but still looking for new ownership (last time I checked, anyway), their excellent H0 scale models are currently becoming rarities, so I was all the more glad when I was able to find the Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn variant of their class 156 electric in a sale. This

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Teething troubles and a mad panic!

So, as I write this blog, there is now less than three days to go until the first ever Weston-on-Trent model railway show. Now is the time that things should be coming together. As far as the layouts are concerned that is very much the case. Most layout owners have replied to my recent email and confirmed their attendance and how many operators are due to be coming. That will help us to sort out the free lunches for them and hopefully ease the growing panic amongst the ladies who are running the



La Rocque JER - What is an Armchair Modeller?

Hi   What is an armchair modeller? To many the answer is a sign of disapproval, someone who thinks about building a layout, but does little real modelling.   Many of my previous modelling projects have failed because I didn't do enough thinking, before starting projects.   This time round I did, and this think before you start model, makes the actual project execution easier.   I have now made the main baseboard, yes it is a micro layout. But it is designed to be a complete layout, with



"Thompson A2/1 from a Bachmann V2 & Graeme King Parts - Part 3"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1aMWoAW8KU   It's not often I post videos on my RMweb blog, but I had a request from a reader to make a video of the A2/1 running, so here it is running on my rolling road. If I can get up to the High Wycombe club soon at some point I will film it on the test track.   The bufferbeam's been painted red, the dome painted green, I am working on cabside transfers and the model will get a coat of Johnson's Klear tomorrow too in preparation for weathering at some s

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Cab 1.

After an extended absence(!) from my workbench I'm now back working on these two.   My own loco is having an open cab, the owner of the second loco has requested the closed version. The body baseplate is first bolted to the main frames, a thin layer of grease between the two stops any embarassing solder accidents. Then I tacked the cab front in place, followed by one side;       I left the etched detail parts inside the baseplate in place while I made up the cab, to give the baseplate



Progress is beautiful

Right so here I am again, tlaking about the J39.   I decided that in keeping with all of my other modified locos the front coupling hook needed to be replaced with some brass wire, to necessitate this I sawed off the mount and reattached the steam heating pipe to the buffer beam sealing in with cyno-glue.       I also added some steam injector/ejector pipes to the underside of the footplate as per some refercne photographs I have seen. I find that although I'm not making an absolute scal

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Crosti 9F #2 - more sandboxes

Attention now has moved from the chassis to the body. I've filled in the section of "missing" false chassis ahead of the cylinders with plasticard and fashioned the front sandboxes in the same way as the chassis mounted ones.     I had hoped to pick up some 0.5mm piano wire from Squires at Wycrail, but they hadn't taken any. I'll have to wait until the next order to either them or Eileen's to make the front sand pipes.   Waft of grey primer soon to see how good the moulding is and how muc



MERG block cutout - first "production" version

After what seems an age I have a working MERG DCO6 block cutout pcb up and running. The previous versions I have put together and are successfully working on Summat Colliery used my own etched PCBs but this one is using Trevor Stockhill's "stealth black" pcb - double sided, plated through holes, gold flashed and black solder resist.     There are however a couple of problems with version A of this PCB - there is a resistor missing from the remote shutdown input circuitry and the legend for



Melbourne Cup day

Its been over a year since I last made an entry, where has the time gone? With a couple of days off work due to the big horse race, I decided to try and finish some outstanding UFO's. This work included adding to decals to some Spirit Design VR "Aircon" passanger kits of the AE/BE/BG. I painted these last christmas, so it was high time they were finished prior to the big move at the end of the year. I have six in total, so only 2 to go. Next was to make a start on new Ultima LMS 6 wheel



Passengers - to have or not to have? Layout name: Marsh Lane Sidings

Looking at the photo from above in the last blog made me realize I might have a lot of scenery to do at the front of the layout. This got me thinking (does any one remember Alan Dare's layout in the April and June 1981 editions of the Railway Modeller?). His layout was a freight only branch with a disused passenger station.   On the layout I could add another track at the front (number 1 on the attached diagram), along with a platform. An extra fiddle yard could be added at point A, thus creat



Oakworth - Tracks and Trains

After a jolly day out at Wycrail yesterday, highly recommended, I set about making some Easitrac for Oakworth. Now either I am doing it wrong or I am extremely slow both of which are probably true, it took me best part of the day to do 7 pieces. I had pondered laying cork underlay but failed to get some from the show so kind of kicking myself today I also need to find some pins for when I start putting down the rails. But things are now starting to move forward. I have a shopping list ready for



Latest layout progress

Progress on the Rede Valley has been slow. The 2012 project to complete the viaduct diorama is well behind schedule and work commitments have continued to keep me in Nottinghamshire during the week and well away from a railway room … Continue reading →   Source



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