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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Point two.. it

Not had much time this weekend for modelling due to family visits and being struck down with a particularly harsh cold. However I did manage to nearly knock up the second point for Oakworth, this is a #8 and on a very slight negative curve. All in all I am happy with this effort although I still need to gap and check continuity. Anyway its late and more to follow tomorrow.  



I am still alive, but progress slow and not too much to report

August ....... last time I posted was AUGUST ? Yes I suppose it was. I'm still fighting my 'big' layout, but did some more ballasting tonight, stuck a loco and station building on.     Digi cameras pick out all the small detail that's not quite right !! My friend who was persuaded to paint the rails missed in a few places You can just see the odd figure inside the station, perhaps I should have found a few figures for the platform, but they're all outside in the garage.   Geoff T.



Pannier Improvements - 7723

Having reached the limit of work on 5813 (at least until I am able to get a small diameter drill so that I can get the handrails drilled and fitted) I have decided to crack on with another project, 7723 from a Mainline Pannier tank.   This was decided by a single undated photo of a pannier in one of the Cheddar books which did not have a BR smokebox number plate, I will also be following a similar route on a second pannier (all be it working from the more recent Bachmann body). I'm undecided o

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Progress?....or lack of?

There has been limited time this week for modelling due to a trip abroad with work (didn't get back until 6pm on Saturday). Next week doesn't look good either as I am away all week.   The point construction for board 2 has stalled pending receipt of supplies from shop 1.   I was hoping to post a picture of the first finished board, however, after assembling the laminated sides and leaving to dry (not long enough, I was rushing to get the board finished for this post) I knocked it of the work



Par Station in N Gauge - Playing with stock and photo shoot!

Good afternoon,   No modelling today but thought I would put boards 1 and 2 together and test a bit of stock on this section and take a few posed photos to show the progress to date (not as much progress as I would have hoped for!). This exercise was beneficial as I have discovered that the sides of the footbridge are slightly too low over the main running lines (hence the card spacers to adjust the height), so tonight I will be removing these and filing them down.   The station building h

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez


There it is!     I completed J39! Fully tendered, weathered, watered and crewed!     The fire irons are from Springside and coal lovelingly given from City of Truro (omg not a western engine!) and the foremans coat was made in the same way as the weather sheet (some greaseproof tissue paper, crumpled three times and soaked in water/pva for a day.     Weathered was achieved via the same methods as perviously mentioned.   The weather sheet above the cab was initally painted Tamiya

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Old and new projects, new purchases and a brief layout update

The last UFO report I did was in January so I guess it is worth updating what has happened and what projects are on the work bench at the moment (incidentally I need a new work bench as well...).   A few completions have been made to the Autorail fleet. Starting with the X3900: This Autorail now has a DCC chip installed on the Tomix Chassis, I used a 6 pin decoder socket so that if a sound unit becomes available then it can be installed later.   I have also completed the X5800 and the X56

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Hve I ruined it?

Oh dear! I it appears I may have, all of those bright colours... ah well never mind.   TBBH I'm awful at implying risk. But honestly After adding the vibrant rust colours I was a tad worried it may look awful once finished.   Anyway, as you'll find out later it turned out all okay.     Firsly was to applied a 50/50 mix of matt black and batt leather to the uncleaned bits of the loco (cab interior, roof, smokes, running plate, chassis, tender tops and coal space etc)   than once dry ad

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

A "Tail" of two "Dogs" Part 5

After the recent set back with the "Dukedog" chassis I decided to leave that one alone for a while until I can get some more replacement parts. So, as I am a glutton for punishment I made an attempt at my clients "Bulldog" Chassis. My client had very thoughtfully provided a set of Romford drivers and extended axles, some Romford fly cranks and a few other better than the kit bits. Despite using all brand new stuff, getting the chassis to run smoothly, quietly and reliably has taken me the bes



Last bits of baseboard built

I have now built the last three wooden chunks of my new railway.   As you can see the front face of the boards bulges out by 12" so the total depth at the left end is 3'6". Because is this is more than a comfortable arms length the six feet of boards at the left end is split into two boards longitudinally, so the front part can be removed to allow work to be done on the back part.   The curvy bit at the front involved quite a lot of extra woodwork, but rather than explain, I would refer y



LSWR refrigerator van and SECR brake van

I've finally finished building the David Geen LSWR refrigerator van that I bought at Scalefourum in 2008. I'm afraid that in my excitement the photo came out a little blury. This was a nice kit, but suffered from poor etched brake gear - most of this was replaced by MJT brake shoes and various bits off a mainly trains etch. I also added a thicker roof - the curved bit of plasticard supplied was too think for the very thick roofs on these vehicles.   One nice feature of the etch was the fold



58xx 5813 - Body detailing

In an attempt to distract myself, having reached saturation point revising for next weeks Strategic Cima exams, I have spent a bit of time working on 5813 today.   As discussed in my previous blog, I had completed work on the boiler adding the mainly trains detailing bits along with scratch building the missing lower boiler (probably the most noticeable modification)   After finding some suitable etched doors in my scrap box, I have decided to model on door open and the other closed. It see

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

La Rocque JER - I've been framed!

Hi   I been working on La Rocque, the scenic section of the layout is contained in a box, which acts as a view block.     The front of the scenic section of the layout   It will have a folding section of the front panel, with the layout name, which has been changed to Le Focq. If you are puzzled by spelling of the station names, they are written in Jersey French.     The completed underside of the baseboard   The locators will also act as the DCC bus transfer from the main, scen



Roding Reach - the demise

Sadly mold has taken a grip on extensive parts of Roding Reach. The areas affected is primarily the baseboard top layer which was made of hardboard.   The layout had been stored in the garage under my other layout and somehow a combination of damp and still air seem to have been the perfect environment to allow the mold to get hold.   Tomorrow I'll be stripping the top baseboard layer, track and scenery off and treating the baseboard carcass with some kind of anti-fungal paint.   There is



Shine a Light!

I'd been pondering station lamps for a while. A stock of Ratio ones are stashed in a drawer and I thought that these might serve. Having built on and placed it on the platform, I had to rethink. The whole thing seemed just too clunky and the uprights are square not round as per the originals.   Out with the brass tube and sheet and lets see what we can make.   The posts are fabricated from two telescopic pieces of tube. The smaller diameter on was cut to approximate length and the ends clean

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

One week on - the future!

Back in February I started this blog entitled “What have I let myself in for?” With the Weston show now over I have had a chance to reflect on that, and also to look to the future!   The layout - Skaleby West I had always wanted to build an exhibition layout, and organising the Weston show gave me the excuse and motivation to get on and do it. I thoroughly enjoyed the nine month build, and have learnt many new skills during the period including hand ballasting, using static grass and even a p



Blue Pullman by moonlight

Gosh, this is a rather nice piece of kit, isn't it? What an absolute stunner of a model - thank you, Bachmann.   I've been playing around with a "moonlight" mode for the spring module, using an inexpensive anglepoise LED lamp, to which I've added a home made blue filter. Most of my trains don't as yet have coach lighting, though, and the Bachmann 108 DMU, while a lovely model, has quite faint interior lighting which doesn't show up particularly well even in night shots. The BP Is a different b

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Contact Details for Dean Sidings please

Hi All   Does anybody know of a way to contact Dean Sidings- the phone number quoted on the web does not allow incoming calls and messages to the quoted e-mail address Daveslater7@msn.co.uk are returned saying the account no longer exists. Snail mail has not brought forth a reply either.   Regards to all and thanks J73



"Thompson A1/1 from a Gresley A1"

I was all set to start a new project, completely unrelated to Thompson's Pacifics, when a timely email from an old friend reminded me I had yet to finish the most controversial one of all...   This is a project I first had a go at in 2007, on the old RMweb. The project's premise was clear: to build a model of the Thompson A1/1, Great Northern, from a Gresley A1. Much as Thompson did, in a way, by adapting the standard components of the A1 and converting them into the larger Thompson 6ft 8in Pa

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Last of the First - Part 6 (The End)

D604 is now ready for traffic. I'd like to say 'finished' but I suspect that some further attention to the chassis paintwork may still be needed.   There was one body detail issue that needed to be sorted - I was not too happy with the empty rectangular vent openings in the roof. After trying to find prototype photos to figure out how to make them more realistic I noticed that they were only visible as openings in early photos of D600 and D601. Later roof photos of these and roof photos of D60



Bachmann Blue Pullman –"Did you get a discount?" and other questions

Apparently I recorded my intention to purchase the Bachmann Blue Pullman in August 2010. Well it finally arrived this week and has provided hours and hours of nail biting entertainment over the last few days.   Get 50% off (Insurance)   My layout is DC and I thought that perhaps I would have to go inside and remove the installed DC Chips. I did not expect that I would have to do it so soon and to have to dismantle and correct so many other bits before enjoying its running. I cannot imagin

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

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