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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

In and working

Well that's what you get when the wife goes on a girlie weekend to a spa - time to do what matters!   I have completed the second diode matrix (to control the exit from the loops), built the control panel for the circuits and storage loops, fixed it all in place and wired it in. What's more, it all worked first time. I can now control entry into and out of the loops by a single push button per loop and not have to think about how the train is being directed.       The long line of gree

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer


My leaving note on the last entry, I was going to get it powered up. Well that was miss leading, as I have done no such thing. So I still need to get on with this. It should not be a problem everything seems to roll quite freely.   Instead I have been fiddling with the bogie and the front end. I think I have sorted out the drain cocks and pipes. I also made the rear bogie wheels spasher. It seems not to touch anything when I push the loco through a peco point. I must get a test track s


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Fiddling around again!

More progress on the fiddle yard. It's all wired up and tonight I cleaned off the black paint from the rails and then soldered the buffer stop to the end of the engine shed road - spilling half a bottle of flux all over the board during the process! Hope it doesn't attack the ply!   couple of snaps, first the fiddle yard     and the public side, before the buffer stop and flux were applied!     Next I need to add the concrete apron/floor to the engine shed. The card for this is lamin



Hythe Parkway - Last Show cancelled

Hello ladies and gentleman,   I regret to have to tell you that Hythe Parkway's apperance at the Shoeburyness Model Railway club's exhibition in Southend has had to be cancelled, the decision was made a couple of weeks ago for various reasons, but I and my operating did not take this decision lightly, and I apologise to everyone who was waiting to see Hythe at the show.   I'm greatfull to the exhibition manager for expecting our decision and I'm upset that I have had to cancel what was going

St. Simon

St. Simon

La Rocque - JER Location, Location and Location

Hi   Location, choosing a location to model, which can fit into the space available. The Jersey Eastern Railway is an interesting prototype was not a sleepy branch line, but was a suburban railway. Trains ran at 1/2 hour intervals at peak times.   The model is now based on Le Focq, which is a station, just before the main passing station of Pontac.     Normal view of the layout Sorry the locomotive and rolling stock are not correct.   Location, locating the fiddle yard access boards



Pannier Improvements - 7723 part 3

A little more work this afternoon, Exams are now finished, so back to work tomorrow (and the long wait for the results in January!)   Today's work has focused around the cab, the new floor was added from black 40 thou and then added a bulkhead on the back of the cab. It now just needs an appropriate back head adding (something else to add to the Gibson order.)   I have also added the 10 thou firebox sides     While I had the camera out, I also got this photo of what is currently go

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? NO it's TABARD MAN!

It's slowly getting to the point where my railway modelling hobby is starting to get expensive!   No, not for the cost of the materials and tools but my clothing is wearing out fast, not a week goes by without some sort of clothing damage. Solder, Paint, Thinners, MEK, Fluxes and glues of one sort or another have all left their mark in one way or another over the years. It was getting to the point where I was struggling to get shirts laundered and ready to wear again before the next one got



Pannier Improvements - 7723 part 2

Moving on from my last post, I have now made a good start on 7723   All the moulded on details have now been removed, along with all logos and numbers. The original handrails were also removed with the intention of replacing with scale handrail knobs and finer wire   Starting with the cab, the roof has had the hatch removed carefully and been replaced with a small piece of 10 thou plasticard cut to size. I have removed the glazing from cab windows, (one popped out nicely the other had lots

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Blue Pullman Independant cab lights with Prodigy

To switch on the Blue Pullman's cab lights from the box use F2. If like me you are using the Gaugemaster Prodigy, F2 is non latching so you have to keep your finger on the button to keep the lights on, which means you can't do anything else !. So i've worked out how to reassign the cab lights to F4. Then I decided wouldn't it be nice if I could control each end's cab lights independently.   So here's how to do it:   On both both power cars re program CV 36 from 4 to 0 (this disables F2 activ



The hat trick

Ok, so all the points are done now (the last one nearest, another Y) and I need to start looking at laying it down on the board road bed. I need supplies so may not progress until after Warley at weekend.   However can be getting on with building design and since I no longer have access to Adobe Illustrator I managed to find a very acceptable alternative in iDraw for my Mac which is a 10th of the cost of AI and very much as good, obviously not as feature rich but excellent for my needs. So off



Delph - Goes up in the world

Those who have followed previous blog entries will know that I have not yet started the support structure for my Delph based layout. As a result, although I have placed individual boards on the (suitably protected) dining table to work on, any attempts to connect several boards together have involved having them on the floor. During a recent visit by Tim V, we managed to connect all four scenic boards, but this entailed moving the table and a coffee table out of the way to make enough space. All

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

You know when you have a problem when...

With 20mins to go to work you just have to fire up the soldering iron. So last night I started the 3rd and final point although I knew I was tired I just wanted to keep the momentum going. With only the stock rail added I realised that the end furthest from the heal (not sure of terminology) was out of line by about 2mm. Thinking that I would rectify this the following evening I left it to go to bed. However on getting up the urge to fix got too much and fired up the iron   All is well with t



Timber Goods Shed.

Timber Goods Shed for Kimberley.   Built for Ilkeston Woodside MRC's 00 / 4mm layout of Kimberley ( G.N.R./ Midland Railway ).   Here are a few illustrations following the construction of this timber goods shed and  adjoining goods office. A small amount of Will's flexible brick sheet was used for a  small area of brickwork in the office section of this building, the remainder was constructed from plain 0.5 and 1.0mm styrene sheet. Two photo's of the original building were av


snitzl in Kimberley


As mentioned on other occasions I have problems with my Hornby 2-6-4 Stanier tank 4MT Class 4p. It just refuses to perform correctly. I have yet to be able to use it for hauling the three coaches I bought for it last year. I have managed to get it to circulate at low speed but once I up the speed a little it derails here, if not here, then there and if not there, elsewhere. I have other rolling stock that offers no problems. I have spent all this afternoon checking cambers, I ripper up part of t



A Sunny Sunday on Skaleby West

Last Sunday I was sitting in the spare bedroom catching up on school work. I had lifted the window blinds and was enjoying the warmth of the Autumn sunshine which was streaming through the window whilst I beavered away on the laptop. I suddenly noticed that the sunlight was hitting Skaleby West which was lying dormant on top of the rabbit hutch. The natural light created some great effects and I could not resist taking advantage and taking some photos. I hope you like them. The sun peeks thro



Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Bonnet.

I started the bonnet by rolling the top part around a broom handle;     Then I filed a radius on a piece of wood strip to fold the smaller edge radius;     Held in a vice;     I coudn't use the vice to form the other edge so I used my Bug;     Ready to be soldered up;     Bonnet tacked in place;     I bolted the body to the footplate to keep everything square whilst I tacked the assembly together. I then removed the body from the chassis for final soldering.   Wit



It's grim up north (pt3)

Work continues on the extension board, I'd not been happy with a couple of bits but I think I've finally got the 'plan' right now. The mill complex has been growing, a couple of Bachmann Northlight factory extensions have been hacked about to fit and have had doors added.   I was never happy with either of the extreme ends of the railway embankment section that forms part of the backdrop, it just didn't look right dissapearing into the sky backscene. The left hand end has now been hidden from

Red Devil

Red Devil

Iris my case

Like an old PC adventure game, today's blog will be text only as I'm away from my computer this week. The eye-rolling title (think about it) refers to Saturday's visit by the 'Dream Team' to record Test Coach Iris, the ex-RTC Derby Lightweight DMU at the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway. This was adorned with more mics than you can shake a stick at (3 near the engines, one near the exhaust, one picking up just the wheel clacks and bogie sounds plus a hand-held to capture the horns, cab sounds etc). T



GWR Engine Drawings

Hi All   I have been having a look at the GWR Modelling site and want to turn a Hornby14xx into a 517 but the site suggests reference to a drawing to take my measurements from.   Can anyone suggest a source of engine drawings please- my book shelf does not contain such an item- carriages, road vehicles and wagons yes but engines no!   Thanks in advance for your advice.   Regards J73




OK, it may be crude and rather Heath Robinson, but at least I've made it myself and it works. Subtlety and tidiness will come with practice. This is the diode matrix to control the pointwork leading into the hidden storage loops. The con strip for the outgoing pointwork is in place at the bottom.     The route selection buttons are 4 meters away from the CDU and point motors, so to reduce loss to a minimum I have used a heavy duty CDU and mains cable. I now just hope the small push buttons

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

Improving some Kirk teaks Pt3 - Tackling a teak finish

I have had a bit of a play with creating the teak effect on the First Open using one of the methods suggested on this forum (a quick search proved rather fruitful and interesting!) That of a painted base coat (in this case Tamiya XF-4 Yellow Green) followed by a number of coats of wood stain (Ronseal Antique Pine as recommended by Wordsell forever), depending on the condition of the coach dictates the number of coats. The pictures below demonstrate the appearance of the coach over three coats.



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