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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

my last hurrah on the faller road system pictures

This is probably going to be the last article on the faller road system and to treat all that have read previous articles will know that this is my version on a budget faller inspired system for more info go to my blog and look at previous articles the images below show how it fits together and how it will look to the viewing public the scene is not great but its okay i used puddles a brm article. I am sorry for picture seeming dark and blurry.



A Question of Scale

Whilst at the Seaford show an old couple asked me if I could help sell some of their brothers old locos. These included some S scale locos, which is a scale that I haven't seen before. I thought that I would post this photo to show the comparison of 0 gauge 00 gauge and the intermediate S gauge, which is 5mm /Ft ? The model is of course the well known Terrier with the S gauge loco being the A1X next to 'Brighton' It would be interesting to know if anyone on RMWeb does S scale and might be in

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

Where are we at?

I probably should of started this sooner, I'll give a round up of what i've been doing over the past week or so and then continue to update as work is completed (hopefully)   As Stoating Bank's exhibition invites have dried up its given me time to concentrate on some other diversions, namely my clubs new layout and my new layout. Working on a layout for me involves ChrisM planning it on templot and me getting the T&RS ready (nothing like skipping forward!)   The clubs new layout, has a W



In the beginning there was a space – how is it being used?

One or two of you have asked if I can describe the layout itself in more detail.         1999 and the old layout was dismantled and all the rolling stock boxed up ready to move house. After the move there were flower borders to be made, stone walls to be built and ponds to be dug. It took until 2005 before a start could be made constructing the new layout. After much discussion an area was identified which would enable the formation of an oval approximately 12ft by 9ft together with an

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Cut and Shut Station

I appreciate I am jumping around a bit in this blog, but then that reflects my modelling. I find the initial stages of any layout build a bit dull; yes, the excitement of the first stages of creation is there but previous layouts have got bogged down in the board building process. If I wanted to shape and join bit of wood as a hobby, I’d have taken up carpentry! To get around this problem I try and mix in bits of modelling, that is after all what the hobby is! The danger is that this creates ma



Bachmann 47706 part 2

Hi everyone - I've been off work with the man flu , but managed to do something useful with my time - namely , finishing off 47706 (nearly finishing , anyway) The state of the paintwork on such a battered loco seems to change in every photo I look at , and finding shots of each side from the same date is difficult - but then again , you never see both sides at once. I've finished off all the paint damage using enamels and old brushes - I've also now added the large patch on the bodysides where



1700 views and no KO blow to my faller system on a buget

I am exited my 2000 view next week and i think that would be a prime time to launch my on a budget faller system. As i am unable to find out for myself dose anybody no if the existing faller road system stops when it is told our do you have to pay extra for the privilege and how many cars at a time can you run just the one our more but for fallers info mine can run as many as the road can handle so you can model moving moterways i hope in a couple of weeks i can impress some of the Senior mode



Le Focq - JER No Corners in the Sky

Hi   From now on the entry title will be Le Focq, not La Rocque, because I am now modelling Le Focq station. The blog name will still be La Rocque.     As you can see from the photograph below, there is indeed no corners in my sky. The back scene support is now in place. On to which a photographic back scene will be attached.       The tabs at the top of the back scene support, are to ensure that when the glue sets a gap will exist of 0.5 mm to allow the insertion of the sky exte



Winter module - cottage details

Just a couple more shots of the cottage, now that is has lighting and a few details to place it in the surroundings.       Like many of the buildings on my layouts, this one is absolutely ancient but has been tarted up a bit to keep it in use.

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

faller road system update.

To my recent project i think it is going well i found out a car at warley the good old lotus Europa and 2 micro magnets one glued to the underside of the car the other will be fitted to the loco refer to previous blog entry, furthermore i have found a railroad loco (made by Hornby) that will do the job and a track and board to hold the road workings for the system refer back to previous blog entry the power i also own so soon it will be to get it working.   I have recently at warley marveled a



The Beginning...

My long term, stay at home layout, Halstead Sidings is operated on DCC which I enjoy operating and working on very much but I have no where to run my Thomas and Friends Stock on. Thomas and his Friends are all DC and I have no intention of DCCing them in the long term future. So I decided to build a small compactish layout on which to run Thomas, Percy, Toby and some of the more smaller engines on.   I have set myself 4 rules: The Layout mustn't be expensive to build, The layout must be



Delph - First running session - mixed results!

Today I had a visit by friend Dave Clarke, who has weathered some coaches for me and we took the opportunity to assemble the whole scenic section of the layout, using the plastic trestles I bought recently. This allowed all the boards and control panel to be connected up and an attempt at running for the first time. A number of unexpected issues were found so the outcome was rather mixed. Part of the run-round loop and three sidings were completely dead on two boards, despite previous careful ch

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Seventies Spotting Days around London & the Home Counties

A big thanks for the kind comments after my heart attack earlier this year and for everyone's patience whilst I undertook assorted works visits before being passed fit for traffic once again on the mainline.   As a result have now just released both Seventies Spotting Days around the North West and Seventies Spotting Days around London & the Home Counties at Warley last weekend, most back orders should be away by the end of today on both titles. The printers expect to deliver Looking back



long time no see. and price cuting faller road system

I regret to say i have not been on of recent but i believe that my short detour of late should not be noticed however i do bring a very high recommendation for next years warley in a word breathtaking and hope they can achieve it again next year my other aim of this entry is that i would like to sy i have a cheap way of achieving the faller road system and being finished my plan:buy and construct a cheap light weight board then put a simple track plan suiting the road plan n our 00 track would



Fourgig East - Engine shed road

So, a day off work produces instant progress!   I've added the Scalescenes concrete floor to the engine shed and produced a nice boarded infill between the "concrete" and the rails with, yes you guessed it, McDonalds coffee stirrers.       looks a bit bare in there, will need some "junk" to make it look occupied   Bufferstop has also received it's "sleepers" from the same economic modelling resource. Will add some rivet heads using spare Archers transfers left over from the Sentinel



Warley Model Railway Show

So, today I went along to the Warley National Model Railway show. I had a good time there catching up with a few people and grabbed a few bargains and some tools. Didn’t really get chance this year to see any layouts as I wanted to also check out the memorabilia convention on in hall [...]   Source



Boarding Out

After last week’s disasters it’s great to be making progress again.   The main board sub-frames are now complete. The pic below shows the jigsaw puzzle against the “one I finished earlier” (Blue peter style).   Also Board One is now topped out, The pic below shows the finished article and how the fiddle board fits in. Finally an overall shot of the length of the boards.     And of course to prove the concept, packed away in the box file. A packet of goodies ha



Making hay while the sun shines (a chance to get outside with the camera)!

It is pretty amazing that, while you poor guys in the UK are suffering the most horendous weather, we have clear blue skies here in the north west of Ireland.   In between working on the train shed for Killybegs, I have been getting on with building wagons and vans for Worseter. Some of these are due to see service on Clinkerford at York next year when Kempenfelt of this parish (the new owner) is hoping to run the layout in BR guise on at least one day, so that's given me an incentive to get o




Well I'm back again   This time I have this wonderful Bachmann WD limited Edition based on the one at the KWVR.     I have to make sure I do treat this one with the respect it deserve, no unecessary...     OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!   Yeah, I didn't want a KWVR loco! I'm doing North Eastern Locos! This loco will eventually be Stockton Based 90155.     I have so far carried out the following. Replacment smoke box darts.   Lubricators piping and water feed piping from 5 amp

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

The train shed - getting there slowly

The outer wall now has cladding and windows and both sides of the upper roof now have their louvres complete. Next job is to clad the ends, these have quite a lot of decorative work on them. Once they are finished, I will get the airbrush out, after which I can think about doing some slating and finishing off the glazing. Then I will need to do some weathering, build a bit of platform, make a few seats, some fencing ..............



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