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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Workbench promotion

After an accidental time wasting visit to Staples I discovered them flogging off desks for £27, a small nook in the spare room means I'm off the precious dining room table and into my own space!     Its a tad cramped. Here we see 'Build your own GTi', I had an old Heljan 33 chassis knocking about from an ancient project gone pete tong. I found a perfect Pre TOPs BFYE GTi on Ebay and some spares from Howes, saw me bag a 27 for around £27. AWESOME.   Here she is going together.   What els



Caledonian or Highland? - an update!

Hi all, Firstly many thanks to all who commented on my last entry, I'm still not very conversant with these bloggy things so updates will be seriously slow! Well, I did a fair bit of reading on the Scottish railways and I like them all! I found a photograph in the book "Scottish Branch lines" by C.J. Gammell (OPC), of an overall view of Macduff - and fell in love! Here was the picture perfect, modellers BLT. It has a short platform, overall roof, freight and loco facilities and is set on a hi




Just a little closer to the painting stage. We have done a little more to the front end, just a few minor bits now. The main work has been at the rear. I now have the stones generator and injectors fitted. The later are from Meteor. All I need to do now is find some room for the trailing pony to swing. There is not a lot of that now. I am actually tempted to make it fixed. How that will effect the performance I do not know. I have got to do a bit of thinking about this one. I have hadded th


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Well well, i'm getting terrible at this whole blogging thing...

I'll be honest, i have been a little lax when its come to writing this little blog of workshop antics! But since Gilling, theres actually only been one run, and workshop has mostly consisted of pannier bits and pieces!   My other excuses are two fold, Just started my A levels, so thats rather eaten into my spare time for writing, and other time has been spent admin-ing and using the GL5 facebook group! So, anyone interested in getting involved, an easier way to reach us is via that group, its

London cambrian

London cambrian

Concrete, not quite so Easitrac

One of the Signature elements of the Killin line I want to replicate is the track laid between the Junction and Killin. This had been re-laid in concrete sleepers in the period modelled. Whilst the line beyond Killin was left with wooden sleepers this section of the line was only used to access the loco shed at Loch Tay (although there is plenty of evidence to suggest an unregulated passenger service existing between Loch Tay and Killin). Had the line been extended to Fearnan it’s reasonable to



Hornby Publication- Parkers Guide-30 Model Railway Projects-Caveat Emptor

Hi All   I bought my copy from Smiths on Friday for £7.99 and settled down to enjoy, as I enjoy Phils way of explaining what he is doing/has done to create different looking layout worthy items.   I was particually taken with the Hunslett 0-4-0 conversion (page 50) using a Silver Fox resin kit and rang to order one from them on Monday morning. None are currently in stock and it may be some weeks before they become available but Silver Fox were so pleasent, professional and helpful that i hav



Small Station Building.

Kimberley - Small Timber Station Building.   Built for Ilkeston Woodside MRC's 00 / 4mm layout of Kimberley ( G.N.R. / L.N.E.R. / Midland Railway ).   Here are a few illustrations following the construction of this part timber station building. The original building was constructed by the Great Northern Railway in 1876 and early photographs  show wood panels down to ground level, later pics show bricks had replaced the timber from below  the windows. Construction of the model


snitzl in Kimberley

High Level 57XX with added CSB

Although the main focus of my Camerton layout will be in the Edwardian era, I do hope to run a variety of stock from later Victorian years through to nationalisation. For this, like all good GWR branchline layouts, I'll need some pannier tanks. At some point I would like to include an early pannier conversion from an early saddle tank, for example, a representative of the 1813, 1854 or 2721 classes. I'm going to start, however, where everyone else does, with a 57XX or 8750. As I already have a c



From Bulleids to B1 - a Busy year...

It's been a long time since I've written a blog entry, health issues amongst the reasons I haven't posted much - thankfully it looks like I'm on the mend.   A lot of locos have passed across my workbench this year, for those keeping tally:   12 West Country's/Battle of Britain's;   Here's the 12th (number 99) awaiting masking and it's visit to the paint-shop 34021 Dartmoor     5 Q1's   2 M7's   2 T9's   2 School's   2 Granges   An A4   1 28xx (though this ones, not finish



A "Tail" of two "Dogs" Part 6 (It RUNS!)

Progress at last! After the disaster of a few weeks ago with the "Dukedog" chassis and motor failure another attempt was made on getting a working chassis. I had to wait until the Warley National model railway exhibition (where I was assisting a fellow CHMRC member with his layout operations) to purchase the necessary parts from Comet Models.     I chose to use their GB5 gearbox and Mashima 10 series motor, (Shown below)     Assembly is straight forward, The bearings are soldered i



Lower Queens Road

I've started so I'll finish.   First some bad news. My trusty modelling chair and I have parted company. Literally. Unfortunately it gave way during a modelling session. Thankfully the replacement has been sourced. It swivels and tilts and everything. The only problem is the incessant bleeping every two minutes. Da da da daaaaa, da da. Now that my buttocks have returned to a comfortable place, the other bad news. The pva river didn't work. It dried clear but with lots of tiny bubbles. I won



Moving to P4 (Post 37 (Home brew angle crank and...stuff))

Ok, had a small rethink not long after posting the above. Because it seems overhead operation will be harder with angle cranks, rods etc, and researching what to buy and how to install them realistically might awkward, plus other than a few conflicting photographs I know nothing about them, I decided to...err, scratch build some. Makes so much sence. :shock: So, I know they are likely to be prototypically inaccurate and installed illogically and more like 7 or 10mm/1ft scale but at the moment I



Ropley - Temporary Speed Restriction

A busy moment at Ropley.   Hi all.   I really hate making posts like this, but there hasn't been an awful lot of progress on the layout of late and so there isn't much to show in the way of changes. Its quite frustrating really, as there are a lot of jobs I want to get stuck into, but once started they need a few days to see through to completion. Hopefully over the festive season I should be able to make a significant move in the right direction though thanks to a week off wor



Treats at Reading trade show

At todays show the top end of the 0 gauge market seemed to be going strong with some really nice RTR locos now available. The Golden Age Merchant Navy (inc rebuilt) locos are really very good.     Also having had another look at their purple/blue A4 has helped me make up my mind to put this livery on my kitbash A4   Trouble is that I have Champagne tastes, but only the money for a bottle of stout!

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

A little to show for the last six months

So, having declared that the layout was 'back on track' in my last posting I then didn't put anything on the blog for another six months, what has been going on? To be honest, not much; modelling has been pretty much confined to my usual Friday nights out with practically nothing going on between one week and the next. Some of the reason for this has been practical but most has just been down to not being 'in the mood'. I'm sure most people get those times when they look at a modelling project,

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Moving To P4 ((Post 36) 2 more Turnouts Motored)

I had a pleasant supprise today to see I and a few others have been graciously published in the Scalefour News 180, even with a special URL made. I'm much honoured, Who do I thank?? :thumb A mini update. I haven't wanted to post until I had something substantial to add so here is something marginly...substantial. Sub, more than Stantial...if that even makes sence. (Translation: There could have been more but I haven't done much modelling lately) Finally submitting and taking the advic



3. Let's start with something easier...

And so begins another entry in the Peco/Branchlines Talyllyn saga.   At the end of my last blog post I was struggling with the chassis. Having got the basic box and (finally!) got the axles to fit through the bearings, I put the kit aside as work and uni took over my life. A week off work sick, however, meant that I suddenly had rather more "free" time, so out came the kits and I thought I'd have another look. Right, so I've got the axles smoothly in one set of bearings, I think. Time to test



On yer bike!

I'm sure loads have been impressed with the working cyclists on the Dutch layout De Hezelpoort 1927, I've just got back from the Wakefield Exhibition where it's about 4 deep most of the time, next door they have a little display layout of the system and I've just bought a starter kit! 5ft of track, a cyclist and motor unit, now where to install it? I quite fancy a scooter and a motorbike on it too............   More details on the system here http://www.magnorail.com/index_en.html   In othe

Red Devil

Red Devil

Delph - Traction electrics sorted

After the more than slight disappointment of the electrical issues described in my previous blog entry, I am pleased to say the the problems proved not too difficult to sort out. One or two of the comments suggested it didn't sound too bad, so you were right, thanks! The dead sections of track were due to me not having connected them to the jumper cable to the next board! I thought I'd been very careful and systematic with the wiring, checking as I went, but obviously not as thoroughly as it sh

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

A flexible layout

I have been thinking about an idea for a "flexible" layout. This is still very much developing, and what you see here is not an actual trackplan, but an illustration of the concept. The basic idea is a layout where selected drop-in modules can be removed and replaced with other modules. So a particular cameo, building or siding can be exchanged with another cameo, building or siding – thereby changing the look of the layout. This in turn allows for variation in rolling stock and operation.


Mikkel in Layout design

Eurosprinteristics – A general outline of contemporary Siemens electric locomotives

Evening all!   As I indicated a few months ago, I have been planning to restructure my blog postings about Siemens Eurosprinter type locomotives in a similar manner as those about Bombardier TRAXX type locos, with one general technical description to give an overview and reference about common and especially noteworthy design characteristics, and separate articles highlighting specific examples for Eurosprinter type locos. This entry will be the "baseline" technical portrait.   Strictly spea

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

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