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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Christmas layout surprise

Tell you what this years has absolutely flown, mainly because the missus & our 4 soon to be 5 year old little lad have moved up to Harrogate. Modelling time at the moment is vertually non existant except to run trains around the layout up at my dads and trying to ignore the growing pile of 'broken things' (arnt little people brilliant at helping things fall apart!)   Anyway, as its his birthday on the 23rd and xmas only 2days behind that, i hatched a plan to build him his own railway that




My project that i am doing now has a deadline as you may have seen and as my forum page as had no replies i am asking again if anybody would have any interesting ideas concerning it i am on about moving people again but at the moment i am trying to simplify it at the moment to run a small 1 foot piece it takes 25 electromagnets to run effectively but that is to many and i have been working on a better solution cut out electro and use magnets but the only way to do this is remove moving legs out



Dub-Dee Bumble Bee finito!

My girlfriend has such strange & creative titles titles for my engines.   Anyway, I shall keep this short and sweet as you pretty much know how I weather my engines. Unfortuantly, my pcitures are terrible     I have finally finished my WD which was once a limited edition K&WVR 90733 and is now an even more limited edition "51E" 90155.   I have some some slightly different weather technique to this engine to see how they would work (hoping they would anyway!)     The first

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

I'm Back! Hope You're Pleased.

Sorry to those who may like regular and frequent reports but I’ve been using the facilities offered by our excellent NHS and, the accordingly much reduced modelling time has given precedence to getting in the library to research; the drawing office to sketch and design loco parts; and the workshop to get my hands dirty, rather than to come spouting-off on here.   I made a start on my scratch-built Q4 on the demo stand at Manchester MRS show but, not feeling much like starting such demanding wo

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Check rails

Got the chance to do some more trackwork on Fourgig, this time it's the checkrails for the inset trackwork around and in the goods shed.     Not much rail left now, just got to add the flares for the checkrails on the adjoining board and that's the track done - scenery can start in earnest   (once the inset track is sprayed black)   UPDATE:   flares added to the ends of the checkrails leading to the engine shed. Note Isebrook sat over the illuminated pit - Black Cat Tech universal li



People power

The last two or three weeks have been a bit of a blur, with a week's working trip to Norway followed immediately by Warley and then another week away from home on a course. Work is such an inconvenience when you're trying to develop new sound chips :-) As is customary with Warley, everyone left their orders until the last minute so getting them ready whilst in Norway was a bit of a challenge. Fortunately this possibility was forseen and a family member received full training in the use of the Lo



Wagons galore! They keep on coming.

The sidings are filling up fast with new arrivals at Ruby Road.   It started with a Bachman VBA bought at the 2012 Trains4U open day and then after working in Ford and a visit to The Engine Shed resulted in a Bachman VDA I found myself still wanting more!   So yet more new arrivals to Ruby Road on the 2nd December 2012: Railfreight VDA Railfreight Distribution 20 ton brake van Yeoman POA all Bachman and weathered b



Just Having Fun ...........

I'm struggling along, and at times feel rather defeated by the sheer amount of work still to be done on Castell Mawr. In fact there are frequent times when I regret starting something this large, offering a 45 foot main line run. Yet how else can you get the feel of even a local 3 or 5 coach train running 'somewhere', let alone a 30 wagon goods train ?   To keep spirits up I'll occasionally just have a little play, get some people, a train, or two and set up some simple cameo scenes. At tim



Pictures of my stock

This is the stock mentioned recently on my blog and now do have a quick look at my other forum page http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/65225-moving-pepole-again/ This image was moving and i was a little cold with the jiggles so they are blurred but ha-ho




Well we have had a good few days whilst a problem is being sorted out at the house. But I expect I will soon be back there everyday.   My blog is a bit like the old preverbial bus nothing for ages then two at once.   I have completed the back head, which was more work than usual because everything was white metal, it has all been drill out and copper wire added. It looks the part and I am pleased with the result. Not perfect but a good enough representation.   The l


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Bristol Barrow Road - Roundhouse Roof Trusses - Progress

It has been some while - June in fact - since I posted anything about the roundhouse. Since then I have had a closer look at the structure of the roof and realised that I had seriously under estimated the number of roof trusses required for the roof. Looking at an aerial photograph of the shed roof I plotted the 13 trusses and realised their positioning made no sense. This made me have another look at my collection of photographs and I have now calculated that the majority of the trusses are at



Midd Everford Plan

Sandycock junction ( my previous layout and the layout that formed the basis of many of the photos used in other blog entries ) has been sold off .   This is Midd Everford. A combination of the concepts of Evercreech junction and Midford and Midsomer Norton, which form the inspiration for the layout. Before getting into the reasoning behind each of the decisions here are the technical specs for the planned layout in terms of radii:   Main line radius scenic 4Ft Minimum Minimum radius scenic




Right here is the next project. I know some of you wanted a 43XX, but you will have to make do with a Hall.   Right my bargain finally arrived from the UK. Now I have actually got it in my hands what do we know about it?   Well. I have seen worse not sure when or where, but I must of. I came in a ACME hall box, but I am not sure it is from them. The Hawksworth tender has JM models written on it. The loco etchings look good, if not complete, Lots have been put on back to front


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

This wasnt me, honest guv! We've gone all midland

That old analogy about buses has come to mind again… But anyway, whilst I’ve been pottering along with the pannier, the other resident of the workshop has done with building silly coaches and has no moved back to the original past time of wagon building. He blames me for this one but its his own fault really!   His original plan when we went along to the midland railway centre was to go there to get photographs of the Derby lightweight DMU, which we duly got. But I had happened to look on the

London cambrian

London cambrian

Hawksworth BCK

After being on the back burner for a while to make way for the completion of D604 and work on the next signal for St Ruth, I finally got round to doing some more on the Ultima Hawksworth BCK that I started in October.   The coach is now ready for the paint shop (I just corrected a typo there - 'pain shop' - quite appropriate really). Although the coach is ready, I don't think it will be going near any paint for a little while - it's too flippin' cold and dark out there.   For the most part,



More 'S' gauge from recent find

The Old chap who built these models about 50 years ago was very good at construction - although painting has improved a long way in recent years. These items are available for sale and appear to be the 3/16th scale imperial form of the gauge and are 3 rail stud contact. An intriguing scale that I hadn't encountered before. It would be good for these nice locos to go to a new home with an 'S' gauge modeller who would appreciate them.  

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

A roof for "The depot"

I’ve been working on the alternative side of the goods depot recently. The sides and roof are now more or less done and I'm preparing to lay the ground and track in front of it. The roof has caused much muttering and swearing. Some time ago I dropped the whole thing on the floor, and had to rebuild much of it. Because of the accident, the roof is now slightly out of true in some places. That's not really visible, but it meant I had to give up on flush-glazing it. Certainly a compromise, but I wa



moving pepole

This system is self explanatory from the picture but it shows a board that has +/- one after another in sequence of electromagnets that attach to the nails in the figures feet that then move the figure along which in my mind is genius a concept that would inhanse great layouts like bath green park and lime street as if by magic



Fully Charged...

After the school boy error of forgetting to plug in the battery charger I thought that I wouldn't be able to cut the baseboard tops until the morning.. I didn't realise how quick the charger wouls charge the battery! I have managed to cut the ply to shape!     As mentioned in the first entry to this blog I decided to have a curved fascia on the left hand board, with which I'm quite pleased with the way it has turned out. The right hand board is behind and has no interesting shape just a s



The Humble Plonker...

Why the picture of the battery charger you ask? Well this morning I put the battery on charge for the circular saw and went to work..... or so I thought I had! I came back this afternoon to find I had neglected to plug the charger in....   The main reason for charging up the battery was so I cut the baseboard tops from 4ft in length to 3ft for this new layout... I had already marked it up as well:     Ah well that is a vaulable lesson learnt.... no matter how well prepared you are there



Grape trees?

I was untill recent looking at wire tisue paper trees and then my dad as if by magic possed me with an interesting solution grape stalks and foilage what a great idea never go off and already painted wethered and cut to shape and as it is renewable for free thanks to it being waste off a very nice product im in luck the project will only cost the price of whatever greenerey you chose to put on it and this could be adopted in n gauge and above and make small trees to great oaks that dominate a fo



Station Building Progress 4 (Getting by with a liitle help from my friends!)

I've mentioned in previous posts in my blog, that although I was happy with the basic construction of the station building body shell, I wasn't sure how to best tackle the awning brackets or valance. William Clarke's station buildings have a distinctive valance style, which I wanted to capture in my model. The canopy brackets are also quite ornate, some of his designs had a monogram of the railway incorporated in them. The first thing I needed was a decent photo of the bracket style, ideally a



Bells and Whistles

With the continuous run (Circuits) panel made and the route selectors for the hidden loops fitted and working, attention has turned to wiring in the changeover sections in the loops and the cab control switches on the Circuits Panel.   I started out with a simple break in both rails towards the end of each storage loop so the locos would be driven in on the down controller and stop as they passed over the break. Then I put in a single break at the far end of the points ladder beyond the loco s

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

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