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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Lima / Mainline & Triang Carbon Brushes & Springs 'Plus other Parts Made by Peters Spares'

Dear all, We are disappointed with not having some selected carbon brush and spring parts you all require and need so to assist us in this quest we are asking how many people would like us to reproduce OO Scale: 1, Lima Carbon Brushes and Springs 2, Mainline Carron Brushes & Springs 3, Triang X67 Brass arm Carbon Brushes.   If you are interested in these items please let us know on sales@petersspares.com.   I can keep you updated with how this develops of course if the approval from



Chassis Jigs (and that 43xx)

Having debated buying a jig for some time now, I have finally taken the plunge and bought an Ultralite version of Avonside's Chassis2 jig Which I think with a couple of modifications (such as adding my own Tufnol plate), should serve my needs well at a fraction of the full jig's cost.   As a quick test, I have taken my Mitchell 43xx chassis (purchased off ebay without wheels). Thankfully after setting the jig by the con rods, it sits perfectly (so I am hopeful that once I add the wheels this

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Ropley - On Off

Many a singed finger later.............   In the last entry you caught a glimpse of a lattice signal post, the first of two required for the layout. Since that entry I have been working on a second signal with the intention of make it work. Whilst that might not seem such a challenge on the face of it, remember that I much prefer working with plastic than brass, and the soldering iron is something that lurks at the back of the modelling cupboard out of sight and out of mind! Unfortunately



Project DUFF

Modelling is slowing down ready for the Christmas break as the spare room gets taken up by sleeping family members.   Plus I'm in the vain hope that if I don't crack on with my Bachy/Hornby 24/1 model Hornby will announce it on Monday.   The 40s are tucked up and waiting for their Bachmann Chassis, or selling on eBay if the new Bachmann retool really is the holy grail.   So for "FWL" three class 47s appeared. These girls are from 3 different ilk, and really transcend my active modelling ye



Callow Lane - cobbling a la Harrap - Part 3 - keep them cobbles rolling!

Over the last few weeks, I've been doing a little cobbling now and then. It's been quite relaxing in fact, especially after a busy day at work dealing with the aftermath of the recent flooding on the railway.   Now I've got to the stage where the main areas for cobbling are now complete, namely the section between the goods shed and the nearest running rail of the in-laid siding, plus the 'four foot' area of the siding itself:     The remaining work is to scribe three rows of cobbles para

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

100 not out....

Finally my 100th West Country/Battle of Britain arrives on the workbench     A not quite finished 34021 Dartmoor (well the front half) sits next to donor for her yet unnamed and numbered sister loco - 34009 Lyme Regis!   At this point in time I haven't started applying transfers or numbers as other loco's needed to be finished. Dartmoor was finished today and my first B1 61313 is now close to completion.       Till next time   TBG



Season of reflection

Well, I haven’t been up to much since my last post, (http://draconusde.wordpress.com/) and as the Christmas Season is well and truly in us, not alot’s going to get done in the near future either. In fact due to the needs of space for the holidays, The baseboard has been taken down to give us more space to organise furniture and such like for presents and such. Fortunately this time, due to some foresight on how I rebuilt the layout, this means a five minute job and no major dismantling, and to p




Here we are it has been a dirty few days but most of it is free of solder if not clean. I think I will be cleaning as I go, stops the boredom. My wet and dry has taken a hammering, but is well worth the effort.   I start with a picture of my dustpan, this little lot was just taking the tender apart not scrapping the solder off. I think the whole thing as losy 0.5kg.   I took some pictures of the loco before taking it apart to show what I had to start with. Surprisingly


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

Figure sorted

Today my sister came home with a 1/24 figure and i asked my mom were it had came from she had accumulated it somehow so it has been reposes-ed on permission the scale cars i collect the figure i need for my moving people and big to provide a display so were the question still hangs.. but onto it this should provide me with not only a figure for my ford mustang 69 (bulitt) but my mini and hopefully other cars to follow.he will need a respray from a blue to a more suttible set of clothes.I am als



Trick cyclists, or my adventures with Magnorail.........

As per the last entry, I purchased a Magnorail starter kit (new cliche warning, every layout needs a working cyclist or two!). Not having had that much spare time recently I've eventually made a start.   On opening the box it quickly became apparent that a retro fit might not be the easiest, the Magnorail track being approx 6.8mm deep. So I decided to make a sub board to get the track all up an running before hacking into the boards were it will end up being fitted.   In the box there is  

Red Devil

Red Devil

Delph - Signal servo problem solved

In my last entry, I reported that I couldn't get the signals to work and suspected some switching problem, which I assumed was due to my attempts at some limited interlocking within the control panel. This requires certain switches to be either normal or reversed in order to allow the circuit to the signal servo control board to be broken, thus clearing the signal. So, for instance, it is not possible to clear the home signal unless the entry point is set to the platform road and the FPL engaged

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Need a Brake? Have a Kwik Kit!

Still not done anything much on the two dogs project. Been rather busy trying to finish a load of loose ends between now and Christmas. One such project is this Dapol BR standard brake van kit that was started several months ago after being bought some 12 months before that! As you can tell I tend to take time to get a "Round Tuit" I remember these kits when they first came out made by Airfix cica 1962 I Think. Now, considering the moulds and tooling used for these models are getting on for 5



S scale models find a new home

I'm happy to report that the S scale models have found a new home, through the wonderful medium of the RMWeb! A last pic just to show the LBSC K Class Mogul, which I think must be around 50 years old and shows what a good level of model making was developed in this lovely scale all those years ago. It is good to know that these have gone to a good new home where they will be looked after and brought up to date (although I was intrigued by the skate mechanisms for stud contact and how the stud

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

Taking Shape

Today I had a day off, today was also the day that the timber order for the new layout and of course not having much else to do I just had to fore up the circular saw and start cutting the timber to size...   Soon I had the parts laid out on the baseboard tops:     The frames are built from 4x1 as will be the two outside sets of legs, the inside set of legs will be built from 2x1.   I was going to leave it at that for the day but idle hands and all that:     I couldn't resist gluei



Small Layout plan: Draycott Plus

Given the amount of work that needs to be done decorating the house before I get to start work on modifying the garage to get it prepared for the layout, thoughts have turned to an interim project to give me somewhere to run stock in the mean time.   The size of Cheddar prevents it from being built inside, however I do have space for approximation a 12ft by 1ft6 layout along one wall in the forth bedroom.   Conversation with Dave (DeeV) about his automated traversers, has got me thinking a

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Time out on the Prairie

By way of a little interlude from the "Two Dogs" project I dug my old Bachmann 45xx Prairie tank out of the top drawer and thought it was about time I did something with it!   When shopping for bits and pieces at the Warley exhibition I picked up a few sets of GWR cab side etched plates from Garry Wells at 247Developments. Cambrian based 2-6-2T No 4560 being one of them.   The loco as it came to me second hand and a good runner was finished in BR lined green with late crest, whereas witho



Keeping in Control – DC Panels and Controllers

An outline of the current layout would not be complete without reference to the controllers and switch panels.   Diagrammatic Controllers and Panels 2005   At the start of construction in 2005 there was a lot of trackwork and rolling stock from previous incarnations dating back to the 1980s. In 2005 DCC was not considered and the layout was to be operated by quality Gaugemaster controllers using ‘cab control’. The diagram above shows the initial layout of control panels and controllers.

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Weekend Away

A few months ago, it was suggested by one of the club members that a few of us might like to have a weekend away at one of the big continental shows. There are a number to choose form, however it was decided that the Cologne show at the end of November might be a good choice...interesting city, busy station, decent show, and a good few model shops as well!   To start with, we spent an hour or so around Cologne station and the bridge. This is a fascinating place, with a large variety of trains.



any ideas?

My recent posts on moving pepole are griping many veiwers and i have achived 3000 views so i ask the veiwers in there chairs sitting down reading if they have any better ideas to perform a syncronised movement to move the figures as i explained in my last entry if any ideas are thought of then please post a comment our send a messege to my inbox on rmweb.Thank's _jon



A thoroughbred pair

As I was taking some photos to send to along with an invoice I thought a few pictures of the latest locos out of the works would be good to keep the blog chugging along. Lack of time due to work committments have not allowed much other modelling work to take place recently and when this situation arises it has to be the paid modelling that takes priority.   The subject title ought to give a clue as to what is revealed below. Actually the game was given away in a blog posting a few months back



Boarded up and Boxed in

This is one of those days where a lot of effort doesn't seem to show much.   The boards are at last finished and ready for track, barring a few adjustments (e.g. the hole through the backscene to the fiddle yard is slightly too small and needs opening up).   Photos of the layout set up:-         I decided to use some small rubber feet as sold by Station Baseboards (http://www.stationro...k/cart_feet.htm) to raise the main boards slightly and align the fiddle yard board on the corr



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