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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Sleepless night means getting the plotting bug...

So... as the title suggests I am having a bit of a sleepless night, various things on my mind means that I need something to try and relax me... so I set up Ffarquhar and placed a rough print out of the trackplan down. There is something magical about placing the trackplan down on a fresh baseboard for the first time and this time was no different but it didn't stop there, soon I was placing Locos and Rolling stock to get a feel for the layout:             I have also tested jus



A bit more

In spite of what I said in my last contribution, I have spent more time and money, albeit only about ?5, on the layout. I bought some cork 3 mm thick and balsa wood 1 mm thick to equal the core thickness of the foam underlay (because I could not find cork 4 mm thick and didn't want to go traipsing round the whole area) and re-laid three turnouts. Since I than had problems to settle a long straight in the grooves of the foam underlay, I finally removed about one yard of foam and replaced it with



First attempts at establishing Baseboard size and shape

It’s been a while without an up-date in my attempts to model the Cliff Railway at Bridgnorth; home-life, and other activities generally getting in the way of progress on this project, although some head-scratching has occurred. I have decided to adopt 4mm scale for the model, and have obtained sufficient parts for the track, using 14.2mm components and sufficient matching wheel sets for the funicular cars. During a site visit arranged with the local manager (and the blessing of the owners) I



Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Inner frame repairs.

Regular visitors to this blog might remember how I made a mess of bending up one set of inner frames (if not, or you need to be reminded of my stupidity its all here).   Tonight, after a great deal of thought, I decided that I really ought to do something about it. So I first of all ran a fillet of solder down the good edge for strength, then bent a piece of scrap etch to a 90 degree angle and soldered it across the broken front part of the frame (closest to camera). A piece of 1mm square bras




Isn't reality irritating at times!!!!!   In "Bells and Whistles" I said how I'd sorted the wiring for the storage loops (which feed into a return loop). Reality is that it doesn't quite work how I intended.   After lots of testing, I finally realised that because locos stop in different places as they cross the double break at the end of the loops, they are the cause of some odd ghost movements that were starting to seriously irritate me and prevented me moving onto the next part of the proj

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

Kimberley Signal Box.

Kimberley - Signal Box.   Built for Ilkeston Woodside MRC's 00 / 4mm layout of Kimberley ( G.N.R. / L.N.E.R. / Midland Railway ).   Just a few illustrations following the construction of this Great Northern Signal Box. Construction of the model was initially similar to the small timber station building posted previously, however, the interior of this building has been partially modelled so that furnishings can be added when required. The roof has been made detachable for this


snitzl in Kimberley

'All the small things' Part 1 (T Gauge Cl.37)

Well, it has been a long while since I last posted anything. Progress on my various projects has been slow of late for no real reason..so the usual vague apologies for my sporadic posts!   Over Christmas and New Year, I am going to open some advent calendar style doors on some of the smaller amusements that make up my scattergun modelling activities, starting with something really christmas cracker proportioned:   Return To The Tiny Tractor: see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/to

Will J

Will J


Had a good day with the airbrush today, I managed to get the green and red painted on. The black was done a week or more ago. The masking and cleaning seem to take up most of the morning. There are a few bits to be touched in, and the rear buffer plank needs to be done. All in all I am pleased with the out come. Just need to let it dry for a week and then I can start the lining.   Not much to say on this post so will leave you in peace and let you see the photo's


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Wheels.

Judith Edge provide wheels with the kit - you need to specify gauge when ordering- as I'm building these to EM the wheels supplied are Gibson 2'3", which are slightly underscale (the prototype had 2'6" dia. wheels).   The Gibson wheels are plain discs whereas the prototype wheels had 4 holes cast into them. So to drill the 4 holes I made up a simple jig from a short length of 2mm axle material, polished so that the wheels are a sliding fit, and an offcut of brass etch;     As you can see



Great Hotton - goods yard turnouts

It's been a while since an update and things have moved on. This project is all about small targets and deadlines - sometimes moving if it helps with motivation! My last target was to have all of the trackwork complete by Christmas. This would mean building the five turnouts for the goods yard starting in October. Considering my limited modelling time, generally glacial workrate and the fact I've only previously built a couple of C&L turnouts, this would be no mean feat. Whilst, I'm happy to



Stock Pot... and a brief trip into the world of Miniture Railways

Bit of a cheat blog as the build-up to the Christmas festivities have limited modelling time, the first track is laid though, hopefully I can provide photos later in the week.   We are fortunate to be able to get a weekly dose of live steam as a few hundred meters from out house is Rudyard Lake which has a 1.5 mile 10½ inch gauge railway running along it http://www.rlsr.org/ They are currently running there Santa Trains which sounded like a great excuse for a family day out.   The Railw



Starting to plan the replacement to Empire Basin

The little grey cells (and Turbocad) have been working since my last posting. The limitations of the space result in a basic track layout which is quite similar to Empire Basin. Using Templot has resulted in a much smoother flow of track work and it is interesting to see that the single slip ends up about 2 inches longer than my original version.     The biggest change is the design of the baseboards. You'll see I now have 4 conventional baseboards for the scenic area, with all of the diffi

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

4000 and still going

I have recently been going on my moving people project and have recently been moving away from railway modeling so now i am going to move foreword with that project and to test it i am going to experiment on a 1/24 model as you may have seen i have recently posted articles on this. I an at the moment working towards my first prototype of this system which should be finished by late January if it is not its me as im a bit slow . i have been busy thought thinking of ways of incorporating this int



I don't fancy your chances in the tour de France...........

Or messing with the Magnorail cyclist.   Having assembled the Magnorail cyclist, which is fiddly but not hard (legs clip together and go on to pegs retained by the upper body, feet onto the clear wheel which clips into the bike) and tried out a card road surface with a thin wash of plaster (to paint consistency) here's a quick video of a test, the jerky motion is because I'm pulling the chain rather than using the motor   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve2I_6YRVTg   Well it works!   Will

Red Devil

Red Devil

I'm covered in baby powder

Things trundle on here in Ullypug towers. The water tanks have a representation of the water softening equipment and an access ladder. Still a couple of pipes to add and some patches of missed paintwork to fill in, but I think it's getting there. Bit of a session with the DAS last night saw the station approach area duly treated. The baby powder/Carrs and now with added MIG concoction has been sprinkled onto a coat of wet acrylic, but hasn't been brushed off yet, so the texture will flatten



The Spaghetti Incident

Progress continues slowly with the 7mm 37, and I'm currently in the middle of adding all the wiring for lights etc. This is how things looked the other day:   It's all a bit tidier now, but I am running out of places to put all of the wires - and the ones for the cab lights, speaker and cooling fan aren't even visible in this picture!   I've given up casting the brake shoes from the kit - I'm now in the process of drawing up my own and will get those from Shapeways, or possibly give iMate



The layout has a name! and other stories...

I had been toying with what to call this layout for a little while and I have finally decided to name it Ffarquhar after the station at the end of Thomas' Branch Line. The trackplan isn't as Rev. Awdry built his or how it is depicted in the books or on TV. It is a simple trackplan that will enable me to run my Thomas stock in the space I have and I'm happy with it and that is all that matters   Also:       The baseboards are nearly finished... Just got to attach the legs and make up



BRM Weathering with Oils Pictures

As the pictures in the printed magazine haven't shown up some of the subtle effects that can be achieved with the oil paints as much as I'd like, I've taken the liberty of putting the pictures used in the article, plus a couple of bonus ones, here. I'm not including the words though - this is in addition to the article, not instead of it   Click each photo for a larger view.   Intro:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13



Bristol Barrow Road - Breakdown Train - Identification of Stock

I have been looking through my collection of photos taken in and around Bristol Barrow Road shed during the 1950s and 1960s and have noticed two photos of what I believe is the shed breakdown train in the sidings alongside the shed. Is anyone able to assist in the identification of any of the three vehicles, one of which appears to be a modified clerestory of Midland Railway origin whilst I have no idea on the other two.   Ivo Peters 1957 - the three vehicles are in the road behind the Mog



Blog post #25! Photography special...

Or just perhaps a poor excuse!   Well, I've done 25 posts, and the readers have survived them all, I thought I'd get something a little more special in. Usually my blogs consist of progress and pics of variable quality, so for this issue, my good friend Michael Topham has contributed the the vast majority of these photos, his photography is a whole lot better than mine, so thank you very much mike!   the poor excuse could really come from the fact that i forgot my camera when we went down t

London cambrian

London cambrian

Sentinel resting at Juniper Hill and Corby's finest.

Afternoon.   A few photos taken this afternoon of bits I've been working on.   Here's the Model Rail Sentinel weathered and completed on my photo plank. Nameplates by the excellent 'Narrow Planet'     The wagon behind is a Cambrian kit and builds up very nicely as an internal user.     I've all most finished the Hunslet/J94. Needs final weathering and the Hunslet works plate from NP. I'll post some photos when I've finished it.   Here's something totally different. I couldn't re




It has not been a bad couple of days. Not as long at the bench as I would of liked.   Things are progressing quite nicely. I have the loco frames back together. I will remake the rods and then I will get it running, hopefully it will run well as the chassis is nice and square. I have had to make new cylinder covers. The look 100% better than the original ones.       The running plate is now folded up the right way out. The front stepdown has been remade


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

New Member

Hi everyone, Just found my way on to the site. Presently building a model of Camden MPD with modified track plan owing to the usual space restrictions in 00 gauge. Started from scratch in the garage 4 yrs ago as a solo modeller so progress is fairly slow. To date, the track is laid and wired for DCC operation.Some ballasting has been done. All points and diamond crossings are hand built using copperclad sleepers and code 75 rail. I started to build a reduced size engine last year but that was a



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