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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A new project - X2200 Railcar, Part 1 + DCC chipping micro locomotives.

X2200 Autorail I have started work on a new N Gauge project in the past few months. KintburyJon very kindly obtained a resin body for me which represents an X2200. It needs a fair bit of work to make it look good but I have made some good progress.   When I got the body it looked like this: (To the right of the image in the blue livery)   For some reason the previous owner had painted it without primer and used some sort of emulsion which was pretty bad. So I had to strip it all down

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Slaters Toplight carriages

I bought these carriage kits a few years ago and they have lain around needing that final push to see them finished. They probably need less than a weekends work to complete.   Remaining tasks are: Glazing; complete transfers; build corridor connections; couplings;   I have the 3rd diagram C28 and Brake 3rd diagram D47 Both are 57ft carriages and are the Bars 1 series.   Relatively straight forward to build, although the compartment walls needed to be modified to fit inside (they were too

Neal Ball

Neal Ball

Time for a update

Well, since its been a while since the last update, maybe its time to bring things to update.   Since the last post, the 009 layout mentioned has now become 'Blaecwm'. I would take a photo of it in its semi finished state but as its buryied under a lot of other stuff, that'll have to wait. Also, Doveston and the other OO station layout have both been scrapped as I just don't personally like the ideas the two layouts were based around. However, this has left me needing a new layout, which is no



It was twenty years ago today

It was twenty years ago today I was probably going stir crazy for Christmas. This was a usual thing for me being 8 years old and Christmas being the main part of the kid calendar but twenty years ago was special because on Christmas day I got my first proper train set.   I had a few bits and pieces of Hornby OO before but they were my dads and brothers. This was going to be mine and more importantly it was going to be N..   Unknown to me, my dad had been sawing away making baseboards out of

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

All the small things part 4... The steam powered sprout harvest

It's that time of year again, the dining room table of Jarman towers has been cleaned, dusted and purged of tins of Humbrol for the gathering of in-laws for a grand Turkey dinner.   A proper Christmas dinner would something of a festive non event without the star of the show, the humble yet mighty, meek yet magnificent sprout.   Bearing in mind we are in semi-rural Worcestershire the spout harvest is of course, a steam powered episode Brunellian in character:   The Chief Mechanical Enginee

Will J

Will J

Moving to P4 (Post 38 (Layout working!))

Note to readers: Please can you advice on the pictures? All my pictures seem to have the additions removed and so unless you copy and type them into your browser you can't see them. I haven't changed anything but RMweb clearely have. If I can't sort it easily then it seems people wil get bored with no pictures and I'll have a massive job trying to sort the pictures out - probably not bother. Please advice????     Stress & Success Minues the Dingham auto couplers with electronic magnets



Merry Christmas

Seasons Greetings from all at the Midland Area Group of the 2mm Scale Association.   Hope to see some of you at our next outing - Railex in May, if not sooner.



Batch Building Coaches Part 1 - Bogies

I've a good stash of passenger coach kits and to make a start it seems sensible to begin at the bottom and work up. Many of them are in firmly in the no longer available category, having been shot down from larger scales. (I am aware of plans to try and get one of these ranges reintroduced - fingers crossed.) These are bodies only and require the Dean type of bogie, which was not available anywhere, and so I had my own etches made to compliment the kits. The remainder of the coaches are Mastercl



Christmas Greeting - apologies

Apologies to all for the lack of pictures from Flickr. RMweb seems to have fallen out with Flickr (and Photobucket).   I guess the powers that be will get things sorted.   No amount of 'clearing the history' using Firefox or IE makes any difference at this end.   If you want to view my model railway 'in the making' there are lots of (boring?) pictures on Flickr.   http://www.flickr.com/photos/longsheds/collections/72157609823068107/   Regards Ray

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Class 303 in 00

Am starting a layout loosely based on the North Clyde line in the early 60's. Does anyone know if the Class 303 is available as a 00 guage model, particularly in 'blue' livery?



Delph - Platform release point rodding

In anticipation of fixing the platform in position, I've done some work on the rodding for the platform release cross-over which will be fairly inaccessible once the platform is in position. The cross-over was operated from a ground frame located between the buffer stops via a rodding run which started in the 6 foot, then crossed under the platform road and then ran close to the platform face before crossing back to the far end point blades. I've tried to replicate this arrangement using cast wh

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

B17 Hornby QA problems

Locos: R2920 Class B17/1 Sandringham 4-6-0 2800 'Sandringham' in LNER livery DCC Ready. R2922 Class B17/6 Sandringham 4-6-0 61650 'Grimsby Town' in BR late crest livery DCC Ready. & R2921 Thorpe Hall   I have looked forward to these locos and their appearance and running is excellent. I always liked the original locos but these for a number of reasons are a lot better. I received them all in the last week in excellent outer packing but with all three I recieved them faulty. R2920 cab



'All the small things' Part 3 (T Gauge Bubble Car and Sea Creatures)

Just a quick peek into the advent calendar of miniscule modelling today, and nothing tangibly real I'm afraid, but some ongoing design work.   Back in the 1:450 scale work, I am planning a layout based on the Welsh Marches Line in the early/mid nineties. This will of course include my Class 37 design on a mixture of Rugby specials and Class 158 replacement duties. When the properly shortened 37 is printed, I am looking to wrap it in a large logo all over transfer as 37408, and have it tow a sh

Will J

Will J

DJH Duke of Gloucester ready for Xmas

Final few shots of the DJH Duke before it goes back to it's owner ready for Xmas day           Pretty pleased with the finish and the Narrow Planet plates look as good as ever. That's the workbench cleared (nearly) ready for the two Golden Arrow Crosti 9Fs to be finished in the new year



Christmas presents past – a bit of history.

I thought this a suitable occasion to reminisce. What railway models did I treat myself to in the past?   46115 ‘Scots Guardsman’ – Mainline Pallitoy model on Bachmann chassis   One of my all time favourites was ‘Scots Guardsman’. This was purchased new from Kings Cross Models at the end of November 1983 for the princely sum of £27.64. The scanned image below shows the model shortly after purchase with black painted wheels.   46115 ‘Scots Guardsman’ – Mainline Pallitoy model on early M

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

High Level RSH 'Husky' - Wheels.

A long time ago I started a High Level Kits RSH 'Husky' (click on the tags above for the relevent entries). The project stalled through a lack of wheels, the kit is designed to use 10mm Sharman wheels which are no longer available. I've decided that its time that this one was finished, so today I've taken a brief break from building Rustons to sort out an alternative wheelset.   I'm using Gibson Lowmac discs, slightly oversize but I can live with that, which of course need holes drilling for c



Wagon(s) roll...

Update   A very good evening,   Almost six weeks into my new job now, my weekends of commuting and re-adjusting to colder climes, I finally found time to do some modelling this evening. I must confess, although I had snuck a small basic kit of tools in my luggage when I first arrived, it took another few weeks to work out what to tackle here. Its going to be pretty limited too, as soldering irons and nasty smelling glues or paints will probably upset my landlady...so, with her gone for Chris



Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Pick up brackets.

I've been putting much thought into the pick up arrangement on these locos. My usual method is to glue a copper-clad strip across the frames underneath the loco to solder phospher bronze wire to. But there's the gear stretcher bar in the way so I looked at other methods. The method that I've chosen is to solder brackets on either side of the frame, epoxy short lenghts of copper clad sleeper strip underneath the brackets and solder phospher bronze strips in place to act on the edge of the wheel f



'All the small things' Part 2 (N gauge 4-wheeled carriages)

Well, after the last post to 1:450th scale, these small things are positively massive. You may recall that my 'Victoria Bridge' is fashioned as a 'modern image steam' layout, depicting the scene as you might see it today as part of the Severn Valley Railway.   That said, there is little in the scene that really dates it, so there are times when a Victorian interloper, or a modern image express train, help keep things varied and unpredictable (invoking the 'my train set' rule!).   I am keen o

Will J

Will J

O Gauge Pug - a rebuild

Following on from a help topic here the O gauge pug has progressed to the point where the chassis is ready for paint after a bit of a clean up     Now all the paint is off the loco body I think this is an etch, although the chimney is hand made. The chassis is scratchbuilt, you could see the marking out for the axles on one chassis plate and not on the other. The chassis has been detailed with some PH Designs etched brakes left over from the Sentinel project and I've added the brake pull ro



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    • Another fascinating blog post Mike.  We are very fortunate that E.T. Lane was such a keen sketch artist and that his sketchbooks have survived.
    • Looking good Neal, you done well with the steps. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result, so that I can see what mine might look like when completed 😄
    • What a lovely model.  One of my pleasures of making early carriages is that they do not have break gear, and this one looks a little complicated.   Are you thinking what I am thinking?  That the drawing was done not when it was new but later and they had swopped round tenders, or perhaps they just sent it off with a tender they 'had made earlier'.
    • Hi Mike I have always assumed that the brake rodding would be flat strip rather than round section as you have drawn. David
    • Yes indeed Phil - but to be honest all the "gubbins" around the front could also be done better in 3D print - at least that way, I would have put it the right way round!     I found the details from Aston and Tyteford very useful when making it. Hence my thoughts about detailing it in this manner, to add to the collective RMWeb knowledge.   Re: IPA - I was surprised, but that doesn't explain why a fresh bottle still did not remove the paint.   Interestingly,
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