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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

10 to go...

As 2012 draws to a close and with a few hours to spare, Bulleid Light Pacific number 100 is finally finished. Due to appalling weather I haven't been able to photograph her under normal light yet, but here's a sneak peak at 34009 Lyme Regis...     Happy New Year to all of you   TBG



Callow Lane - rolling stock interlude - impure thoughts and removal of hair shirt...

I got a bit tired of cobbling (or 'setting') a few days ago, and the unexpected receipt of a very kind gift of a Mainline bogie well wagon from a friend got me thinking about rolling stock again, so I dug out a number of other recent purchases, albeit this time more recent Bachmann productions.   Notwithstanding the relatively unpredictable excitement of running things on TT2, I've found that completely unsprung and uncompensated short-wheelbase items do stay on the track when running on Callo

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

More wagon modelling

A trip to the local model shop to pick up some more plasticweld has resulted in the purchase of even more wagon kits, coming home with a Cambrian LMS 1 plank, a Ratio iron mink and a Parkside LNER van.   The Iron Mink was the first to be put together, using up my final set of w-irons. To save time I flipped the floor upside down (so I don't have to carve off all the raised bits), I then filed off the inside of the w-irons, leaving the axleboxes and springs. (thankfully the Ratio w-irons are

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

2012 - 2013

Hello.   Modelling wise 2012 has been a strange year for me. Throughout the year I have moved away from my layout Highclere and spent quite a bit of time 'playing' around with new technologies to me like etching and 3D printing. This has meant that over 2012 I havent really had that much to show for myself, my occasional blog entries have been a bit random and sometimes without meaning. Highclere has taken the hit and I havent really doe much work on it this year with the only notible progress



Delph - The platform now arriving......

Hope you all had a good Christmas and are ready to celebrate New Year in whatever way suits you!   I recently collected the platform sections and other Delph (well, Holt, actually) related buildings from Gravytrain, following some minor repairs, additions and modifications. Peter was very keen that I fix the platform sections down to the boards to avoid any further warping of these long, thin plastic card structures - so I have. I'm a little concerned at their vulnerability, especially the lam

Dave Holt

Dave Holt


Here we have my version of the Hawksworth 4000 gallon tender.   I now have the body ready for cleaning and priming, the chassis is just waiting for some info on the water scoop mechanism at the front end. I had to solder a piece of angle onto each of the compensation beams as the nickle I used was a little thin.       I am pleased with the way the tender went together, I only had to make or add a few bits to what was already there. I think the wate


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

The Master and the Slave: Creating a BR Class 13 (Pt2)

Motors   Change of plan…   I have just tested the Class 13’s ability to manoeuvre around short radius curves and over point work (which it manages wonderfully). I think this is mostly due to the large buffers I have used (preventing buffer lock). However, the master unit (with the motor) sounds like it is straining to pull the rather weighty slave unit. It would be a shame if the engine cannot pull a long train in the future because of my decision to remove one of the motors, so I have just



More vans for Worseter (and Clinkerford BR(W))

As a break from working on Killybegs Station, I have been working on the large number of vans and wagons that I need for Worseter. I have been experimenting with different painting and weathering tecniques to get a reasonable representation of the variation in colour found in any train of vans. This batch (all Parkside Dundas kits) were sprayed with Halfords red primer then weathered with Railmatch acrylics. I used a variable mix of 'frame dirt' and 'roof dirt', well diluted with water, brush ap



Further work on the ex-LSWR G16 4-8-0T

I primed the G16 body shortly after taking those previous photos. This showed up a few imperfections so I have cleaned those up. Next stage is to spray another coat of primer.       I also got brave and tackled the preliminary work on the Hornby chassis mods. I removed the works and cut the wring (it will be a complete rewire job anyway!). Swapped the crankpins between the third (geared) and second axles as per the GAP instructions then chopped off the rear 6mm from the chassis. The resin



A wail of a time

Well that's the trauma of Christmas over for another year. Another chunk of modelling time irretrievably lost, bah humbug!   Progress on the Deltic has been slow as a result but it's going in the right direction. The loco had the opportunity to stretch its legs on my pal's layout this evening and I'm pleased to say that it's shaping up very nicely. The slow wind-up to the highest notch is pure Napier heaven! The session also gave me a good idea how I can enhance the two-engine experience, some



Low-tech coach restoration (1)

Some years ago I picked up a number of secondhand GWR four and six-wheel coaches, originally scratchbuilt by Colin Edge. They were lovely models but had been worn by time.                                             I have since been gradually restoring the coaches - not to finescale standards but to general working order. This and  the following blog entries is a lighthearted



More wagons - mainly SR vans.

I've not had much time to spend on modelling over the last few months, so I've concentrated on wagons. These are a lot easier to work on in small doses, and this has allowed me to finished quite a lot of models that have been lurking half finished or in the pile of unbuilt kits.   These two SECR vans are from the Cambrian kit. I didn't like the axlebox mouldings or buffers, so these were replaced with MJT and ABS parts respectively. I had to keep the plastic brake gear as I couldn't find a sui



DC Kits 2-EPB - finally finished

I bought this at the Doncaster show in either 1999 or 2000 - I'm not sure which, but it was soon after it came out. It's very much been at the back of the 'to do' pile ever since, and Bachmann have even bought out an RTR version in the meantime.   Brief details of the build; DC Kits plastic kit - I used the plastic mouldings but ditched the detailing components as they weren't up to the standard I was after. Black beetle motor bogie. Underframe detail is a mix of Southern Pride, NNK an



The Master and the Slave: Creating a BR Class 13 (Pt1)

I have always been a big fan of diesel shunters. I loved watching little shunters moving around Bescot Yard and the various industrial complexes in the Midlands.   BR Class 13 Diesel Shunter   One shunter I never had the privilege of seeing was the BR Class 13. The Class 13 was a special locomotive, designed to operate over the ‘hump’ in the large marshalling yard at Tinsley. Each one looked like two locos stuck together (which is exactly what they were). Two BR Class 08s were used to create



Jon's workbench update: A Hymek, 47 Bogie progress, Craven DMU and a 3-rail Bulleid

Well , it’s been far too long since my last blog update; I’d love to show how much I’ve achieved in the last, er... nearly 3 months, and I have found some time to get some modelling done, just not as much as I’d have liked to. I suppose that work and life interspersed with some energy sapping episodes have slowed things down a bit; life tends to be like that. So, this update will lack and definitive progress, but there’s a bit of variety that I found useful to keep the interest going.   A gree



LSWR G16 4-8-0T - yet another project started!

Yet another project started (while several others continue, unfinished!). I decided to make a start on my Golden Arrow Productions ex-LSWR G16 4-8-0T heavy shunter. I have cleaned up the resin body a bit and filled a couple of holes, drilled out the chimney, smokebox door and handrail holes, and glued in the smokebox 'dart' and the main handrails.     The kit is designed to fit a modified Hornby Stanier 8F 2-8-0 chassis. This entails sawing off a bit from the back and mounting a resin block,



First out the (painting) stable

My antidote to the Xmas excess of food and drink has been to spend some time working towards completing the two A3s. Shown, in the raw, in the previous blog entry the last 2 to 3 weeks has seen both locos primed and painted. This has been a bit of a game with the weather but thankfully enough fair and dry hours have been found to get them done. Using cellulose paint (primers and top coats) gives a major advantage at this time of year as it is feasible to get a loco painted from start to finish i




Irritating got even more irritating!!! I made all the cuts in the track, installed 4 out of the five micro switches and even before I could wire them in (so the dead sections on the far rail were totally dead) the locos were still doing odd things. Another session in a darkened room and the reason for it AND the answer came to me. So I put in place Plan..... (Now what is it?) .....oh yes Plan D!! I soldered up all the damage I had just done to the track (!!!!!) and added just one more break, 2 w

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

An Alternative View - Back in Business

In the absence of any pictures on my Blog over the Holiday season I have set up an alternative view or http://longsheds.blogspot.co.uk/   So far I am about half way through adding the old posts.   My initial attempt Updating to RM 2013 appeared to have no effect however I can now report (14:09 27/12/2012) that all is back in place. There were problems initially with one of the more recent Posts that I had edited over Christmas - this was solved by pasting in a complete new copy.   Regards

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Wagon kit builds

Amongst the gifts received on the 25th were a bunch of Cambrian and Parkside wagon kits. The selection intended to diversify my freight fleet to get a more representative mix of other companies wagons to complement the Coopercraft Comprising of a pair of LMS 5 planks, an LMS ventilated van, LMS steel ended van, MR van, a southern 8 plank mineral and a GW steel sided open all from Cambrian, along with a pair of LNER 1 plank and a LNER 5 plank from Parkside.   While my fiancée and the in laws s

The Fatadder

The Fatadder


Progress to date, has been quite good. I have now got all the sub assemblies together most need more parts adding and all need to be fitted together. The boiler needs lots of fitting to get the cone to fit right. I will look into it properly in a few days. I have manged to speak to John at ACME and he is going to supply a complete set of castings for the loco. I know you can get better ones but I thought it far more cost effective doing it this way. Maybe if I was going to keep it I wo


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

Gordon and the Spider

Fearnan is progressing nicely despite the festivities and a seasonal cold brought home from school by my son.   The track laying has begun in earnest and I’ve been connecting up the electrics as I go, which lead to an unfortunate diversion as I forgot to check the gapping on the PCB sleepers prior to connecting everything up! The inevitable short took around three frustrating hours to find (longer than connecting the electrics!) and explains why the gaps in the PCB sleepers are not as neat as



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    • Another fascinating blog post Mike.  We are very fortunate that E.T. Lane was such a keen sketch artist and that his sketchbooks have survived.
    • Looking good Neal, you done well with the steps. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result, so that I can see what mine might look like when completed 😄
    • What a lovely model.  One of my pleasures of making early carriages is that they do not have break gear, and this one looks a little complicated.   Are you thinking what I am thinking?  That the drawing was done not when it was new but later and they had swopped round tenders, or perhaps they just sent it off with a tender they 'had made earlier'.
    • Hi Mike I have always assumed that the brake rodding would be flat strip rather than round section as you have drawn. David
    • Yes indeed Phil - but to be honest all the "gubbins" around the front could also be done better in 3D print - at least that way, I would have put it the right way round!     I found the details from Aston and Tyteford very useful when making it. Hence my thoughts about detailing it in this manner, to add to the collective RMWeb knowledge.   Re: IPA - I was surprised, but that doesn't explain why a fresh bottle still did not remove the paint.   Interestingly,
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