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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

This is one way of doing it.

As there isn't an Ultrascale conversion set for the Dapol Western yet, I decided to see what I could do with wheelsets I had in stock. I managed to con persuade Andy York to donate his production Western to undergo the following butchery, thanks Andy.     The raw materials, the Ultrascale wheel for the Heljan Western on the left obviously. The Dapol axles need the stub axles and wheels removing and discarding, keeping the central drive muff and the brass axle bearings. The Ultrascale axl




Here we are after a few weeks of not do any models. I have been waiting for parts to turn up from the UK I had expected them to be here by now. Because of the time differance I have not been at home at the right time to make internet phone calls.Tuesday wa carnival here in Brasil so everywhere is closed. This gave me the chance to call my mother etc, and to call the people supplying my bits.   Well it seems that the parts for the hall have not been sent but will be coming to me within the next



Postwar decrepitude

As a brief respite from bigger projects I've spent a pleasant evening trying out some weathering techniques on a ubiquitous RCH mineral wagon. It is no secret to those that know me that the long term aspiration for my ultimate train set will be set in the 1948-50 period on the ex GN and GC lines around Nottingham. As a result I'm going to need a lot of wooden bodied mineral wagons painted and weathered to show how they looked at the end of their life.   The wagon shown below started life as a



Removing Fittings

I have started by removing fittings from the seating unit that aren't present in images of unit interiors.     These fittings are shown here and include dividers and screw fittings that are used to mount the DCC socket, something that I will also remove as it isn't very easy to hide with such large proportion of the model being clear plastic.



And so, it all starts!

Hello All!   I think now that I've made some final decisions, it's worth a small update on my North Wales Layout plans.   I'm going to start by moaning. Why is it that everywhere seems so low on the basic N gauge stock!? Got it out of my system, thats enough moaning for one month I think!   SO the track plan! I've finally settled on the plan that will represent my busy mainline through-station on the North Wales Coast Line.     I've managed to shape up the off-scene lines leading into

Lee m22

Lee m22

Looking back at Class 47 Locomotives

Released at last during the Doncaster Model Railway Show last weekend was Looking back at Class 47 Locomotives which had been delayed due to my health issues last year and then trying to get it bound which caused further delays. Limited to 1000 copies we have almost 500 pre-ordered which have now all gone off in the post and should be arriving very shortly with those who have already secured their copies.   Looking back at Class 47 Locomotives follows others in this series and is an all new 96



Updates: 15/02/2013

Just a few updates here from the last time:   -Almost all locomotives have been added to the fleet here and catalogued; the two Italian steam engines are all that are left and will be finished by the end of the weekend. -Class J70 No.7 'Toby' has been reinstated to the fleet as a limited-operations engine, after the mechanism was torn to pieces and cleaned thoroughly. -Norris-Type locomotive has been reinstated to the fleet as a limited-operations engine, after an examination revealed its pi



It wasnt me grandad

oh how we dread those words i got home to SWMBO'd place where dunchurch castle was in the garage seems two of the grandsons had gained access last week and i noticed three of the points had serious damage i.e. trashed not being a happhy bunny is putting it lightly as the layout had been constructed with mostly available materials. its now sat down here in london pending the desicion to relay the track with 2 mm finescale in fact i have most of the materials for that too



RT Models Hudson Tipper - part 3.

Onto the chassis. Since starting this kit I've bought a second one, picked up from Robert himself at the recent Stafford exhibition. Having a second kit proved to be very usefull, as we shall see. The kit comes with two chassis, one spaced for OO and the other for EM/P4. The instructions suggest practising on the unwanted chassis, in my case the OO one as I model in EM, very good advice as some of the folds can be a little tricky.   The first job with the chassis is to form the angled tiebars



4101 Dubs 0-4-0Tcrane project part 2 update

Not too much has happened since part 2, the crane is now complete and painted ready for mounting on the locomotive when it's built. I'm just in the process of making out the orders from Mainly Traiins for the various detail parts such as Alan Gibson wheels and universal coupling rods, Mashima 1220D motor and a suitable gearbox yet to be determined. I have no experience of chassis building or fitting motors and gearboxes, this is a complete learning curve for me so it's fingers and toes crossed



My Plan

The Hornby 142 is a rather crude representation of the Class 142 'Pacer' and the model dates back to the days of Lima.   Not only is the model crude, but the 142 itself has changed a fair amount since the model has been released, the doors for a start have changed and new features such as NRN antennas have been added. I would like to bring my models up to date and also to correct shortfalls that were, not surprisingly, made in the days of Lima.     When I have completed this project I hope



O Gauge Pug - Back in black

Even though it was originally green when I bought it, the Pug is now resplendent in it's BR black livery     Bit of touching up needed around the red buffer beams and the cab interior. Whistle needs to be "brass" and then it's ready for varnish. Must get on with the DCC decoder/StayAlive ready for the Mansfield Show next month



Father Dougals track plan

Anyone with a passion for accurate track plans or a fondness for technical drawing had better look away now. Found an art app- I have drawn a very crude track plan. This really fits in an 8x2 foot space and includes a fiddle yard. The entrance will be hidden by a road bridge. I have two kits which should be ok once I have kit asked them a bit. I plan to try Das to scribe the stones as I don't like the moulded finish on the kit or I may use Slaters brick card again.   Here's the plan. Sorry I

Father Dougal

Father Dougal

Cup of tea father?

First up is my Tevan. I really like the way the white has discoloured since I applied the varnish. I am building 2 more variants for an initial rake of 3 to serve Mrs Doyle's tea emporium. I think I need to tweak a few images at some point to create a logo. Beer for father Jacks Brewery! Must get a few more of these. This is my fuel point- I really like the rust effect on the roof.   What do you think? Be gentle with me as it's my first attempt. This is scarier than getting undressed

Father Dougal

Father Dougal

Fifty Shades of Colourful Language

So here it is. TOU Mk2 and yet another moving sleeper with a difference. The shaping has made a lot of use of the milling machine. In fact the only part that I used a saw for was cutting the milled channels to length.   First I milled some channels to receive the sleeper tie bars in whatever this material is?     These are sized to fit into square section brass and were cut into 20mm lengths. The thickness is 2.5mm leaving a 0.5mm for the tubes that are soldered to the sleeper and a shim



Genetically modified

The 2013 recording season has gotten off to a flying start. The text, received with 48 hours notice said words to the effect; 'do you want to come along and do some recording, with three or four different locos to choose from, one of which you haven't recorded before?' Let me think about that for a minute.....   After an hour's drive and a generous helping of lard to set me up for the day, a start was made on the previously unrecorded loco, the 'genetically modified' 57. I must say that when I



First steps

Well, here goes Ted. A start on my 2nd ever O gauge layout. Crilly street has begun. My layout will be 8 foot by 2 foot and depict early BR blue to sectorisation- it will be a simple run around loop with a few sidings and a half station- nothing original here, but it will give me space to run freight and build a few bubble cars for passenger services. I have a Hymek and a class 03. I also have about 40 vans - mostly Parkside, that I have been building over the last few years. Baseboards are

Father Dougal

Father Dougal


Following on from my last Post I have been running playing with my .  When I want to watch trains ‘go by’ I can operate the Main Line as a continuous loop with up to three different trains following each around all at the same time. The power comes from four different Gaugemaster DS controllers which is kept constant for all trains. This does have the disadvantage that if one train runs faster than the others it will catch one of the other trains up. Not to worry it is relatively easy to find

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

7. Basic inputs

So far we have looked at outputs to control LEDs. Now let's look at inputs. There are two ways to detect an input.     In Method 1: GPIO is HIGH when button is down. GPIO is LOW when button is up. In Method 2: GPIO is LOW when button is down. GPIO is HIGH when button is up. Either method can be used depending on the application.   Here's how it looks on the breadboard. Method 1 is on the left, attached to GPIO24 (pin18). Method 2 is on the right, attached to GPIO25 (pin



Box in a box - there's movement...

As stated (very) late last night, the soldering experiment went very well.     This is the card surface after the second rail was added to a section of track ladder - hardly marked, and     removal of the card layer shows the foam core was totally untouched. Excellent - so on with the show..   A 500mm track ladder was pinned down over the centre-line of the quarry siding and the second rail added. It seemed a shame to waste this effort so I also decided to try my hand at converting



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    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
    • My impression from the sketch was of a round section and I think the way they are arranged to slide through those supports works best of they were.  Round rods were often used on early engines when flat strip came later - possible driven by the availability of steel.
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