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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

O Gauge Pug finished

All ready for use on Fourgig East at this weekend's Mansfield Show the pug now sits in it's BR black livery. Transfers are HMRS pressfix and my usual several coats of Precision satin varnish.     Windows have been glazed using Deluxe Materials Glue 'n' Glaze, used it for the first time since buying it at the BRM show Doncaster and am very happy with the result, works way better than Humbrol ClearFix which is now in the bin   It will have a light "preserved" weathering at some point and I



Heath Robinson Uncoupling System for 00.

In between coats of varnish drying today I gave thought to blogging about this Heath Robinson style uncoupling system I have developed.   For added interest on Dunster which has limited operating movements I set about making everything work, the signals including two ground dolls, the crossing gates and the possibility of auto uncoupling in the sidings and on the main line. Having employed Hornby uncoupling ramps in the past I knew of their ability to uncouple things when not required. That ap



Country Lane

The road surface, intended to represent a macadam country lane, is first covered with a liberate mixture of Polyfilla, abrasive blast sand (grain size 0.1 – 0.7 mm), PVA glue and Woodland Scenics earth undercoat colour using a stiff old brush.     I then sprayed the road surface with numerous different shades of grey enamel paints.     Finally I scattered a little turf and static grass along the road shoulder and the footings of the dry stone walls in order to give a blended look.  



Another sunny day south of Worseter

Well Donegal really. Just taking advantage of another sunny day (that's nine in a row) to take some pics of some recently refurbished stock. The coaches (Comet) have had their bogies replaced by Bill Bedford's and now glide beautifully through the slips in the fiddle yard. The cosmetic sides were removed from the old Comet bogies and, after having the rear faces opened out to allow the springing to work, were epoxied to the new bogies. The coaches have also had a bit more weathering applied and



Wiring – a knotty problem

There has been some discussion recently about techniques and materials for connecting ‘droppers’.   Single Core 0.6mm tinned wire for making droppers   Those of you who read this Blog will know that it is an account of my own experiences and as such it contains descriptions of activities and techniques that work for me. Since 1980 I have constructed three large layouts. They have all used Code 100 Peco Streamline track. For each layout I have reused and added to the components from the pre

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

I'm back!

,Hello there you wonderful people. Before I begin. I've been going it alone with a new and spankingly brilliant* blog.   http://sylviantennantmodelling.wordpress.com/   *I'ts probably not that brilliant.   Please do read it. It's rather irreverent but I'd like to think I've been a life changers   Anyway.   I've been a little busy as well as a little down about things. I've not had a job for nigh on two months now and I'm slightly wound up unable to find a new job and slowly loosing mo

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant


Here we are after weeks of not doing anything, well not modelling wise. I have managed to spend a while at my new bench and managed a few bits and bobs, which included finishing the lining on Watersmeet, there are a few bits of tidying up to do and then the transfers can go on. Then hopefully there will be a nice day with less humidity so I can varnish it.   I have also got the wheels and chassis back together on the tender, just a few little bits and then that is done, it also needs a


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Wickham Trolley and esoteric device

Friday night saw the ends of the Wickham trolley assembled and then Saturday saw the roof bent to shape and the parts soldered together. At the moment everything is just resting together but you get the general idea. The wires sticking out the front are to the motor.     The plan is to stick a DCC chip under the roof and run the four wires up the each of the corner posts, the power from the track up the rear posts and the drive back to the motor down the front ones. The seats were mighty fi

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Gerlos Track Plan B - Photos

I have finally figured out how to get the photos in a size that will fit within the 2MB limit. So here are two photos of the new track plan, precariously supported by some Kato Unitrack pillars.     This shows the right hand side of the layout. At back on the bottom is the fiddle yard, perched above it is the upper station.     Next is the left hand side of the layout, you can see both tracks leading up the top station. The only concern is the far up slope. This needs to rise 5 cm (alm



Dry Stone Wall

I have been using Hornby’s Skaledale ready-made dry stone wall products recently.   The wall units are glued down by using a hot melt glue gun. The small gaps between the units as well as the gaps underneath the wall are filled with ready-made drywall filler. I like to work with the dry wall filler because it is an easy medium to carve afterwards if needed in order to hide the joints between the individual stone wall units.     If the scenery contours are relatively smooth, the straight w



Off we go!

The model is to be based upon Bickershaw Colliery in the 1970s. This appears to be an attempt by me, to recapture my youth, riding the austerity tanks between the colliery and the exchange sidings.   The layout is to contain: a canal, roads, screens, locomotive shed, conveyors. This is to fit in a six foot by two foot area.   I want to gravity shunt wagons into, and out of the screens.   . I have a little helper.   The track laid. Starting from the bottom, the first line will be h



Victoria Bridge: Real world inspiration and a Shapeways shopping list..

Last weekend (with those bright, Mediterranean skies back again just when I had dulled down my miniature version!) I took a stroll along the banks of the Severn, to take a closer look at Victoria Bridge paying particular attention to the trees that frame the bridge. I will hopefully soon have the printed replacement bridge face installed (more of which later) so it is important to get the foliage right... a few snaps from the expedition:         One thing that will be interesting to r

Will J

Will J

Trowell 2013

My half term break ended as it began with a visit to a model railway exhibition. Like Sileby last week, the Trowell show packs a lot into a relatively small venue. It is always a good show and this year's was no different. I had been looking forward to the event all week, and it looks like I was not the only one. Throughout the morning the show was packed with a very good crowd. The show featured three very large layouts. The Ilkeston group's own layout "Kimberley" was on display on the stage.



Track testing

In preparation for starting work on building the new layout's track, I have got on with finishing off another old project   Way back when I lived in Devon and was a regular at DRAG, I was very impressed by a little gadget used to check track condition produced by Masokits.     The idea is that it is a short wheelbase brass unit on two axles, the front one has a simple rocker compensation unit which moves a 'thing' (Masokits words) up or down as it hits discrepancies. This then moves a wir

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Finally on the move again!

It's been a long time since there has been any real movement now, but I think I've had some good excuses!   Back in March work went absolutely mental, and most of my waking hours were spent working, or keeping the essentials going. I had also adopted a homeless cat and was trying to get her living inside. She loved it inside, but did not get with the other female cat in the house, so eventually I gave her up for adoption via a local rescue centre (and just this week I had news that she has fou



Visit to the Doncaster Model Railway Show (2013)

Two weeks ago me and my Dad visited the Festival of British Railway Modelling in Doncaster. It was our first visit and we both really enjoyed the day. The best thing about the show was the number of big layouts (in a UK context), which allowed some good length trains to be run.   Wisbech and Upwell Trams   My interests in the Wisbech and Upwell Railway were well catered for with some interesting discussions about how to model the tramway version of the Drewry tram (see separate post). The h



moving pepole again again will it ever end

Yes folks im back with this same think however i am actually going to try a prototype that promises to have no faults and that will walk properly the board i am doing at the moment is only small but is detailed and should support the person well and should make my scale cars look good as well as the train in the background it is a diorama but should have life as it is not a photo so i hope my cars should intrest if pepole go rotten .



What a difference a day (or several) makes...

Lack of updates should not be confused with lack of progress, although the two are usually related - I can't write about doing naff all, well, I could, but people would soon stop reading it!   However, in the time I've not been here posting, I have summoned up the courage to actually make a start on painting the 37 and it hasn't been the disaster that I feared it would. It came close to it on a number of occasions though! Mostly problems with paint adhesion, I don't think I cleaned the body qu



Oh no not more wagons...

Tonight I have been trying to finish off the last few of my Christmas wagons to get them ready for paint. The aim being to get them all primed on Monday if its dry.   The last job is one I always hate to do, fitting break gear and adding suspension springs and axle boxes.   The former is only really an annoyance on wagons with seperate brakes (as per the lner 1 plank, 5 plank and van shown above) the problem being that the suspension unit sits across where the plastic was intended to go. I

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

GWR H38 Restaurant car (TPM)

Once again I have used a set of TPM etched overlays on a Dapol B-set donor body. This one was slightly more involved than the previous full-brake I attempted due to the extra parts present on the prototype. The sides and gangways come with the kit from TPM. The roof vents are Ultima. The cooker hood was fabricated from a bit of left-over NS from the etch. The propane cylinders are 3mm styrene rod.   The coach is nearly finished although I might attempt some work on the interior. I won't be try



Foundry Lane - it's still there!

Looking back through the previous Foundry Lane entries in this blog I realise it comes to quite an abrupt halt. This is partly because I've been spending my time on other projects (BCB and WLL) but also due to me considering the blog Vs layout thread and RMweb blog or external blog questions. Anyway, here are a few photos by way of an update on what has been going on with the layout since I last wrote in this blog.   The building which was under construction in the previous blog entry was fin

Mark Forrest

Mark Forrest

A Western Celebration

This last week saw the arrival of Western King – with no yellow panels. Heljan had already introduced their Western Class models prior to my return to the hobby and I have been on the lookout for some time for a Maroon model with no yellow panels – now I have found one!   Heljan D1039 Western King   I have fond memories of the introduction of the Western Class diesel hydraulics. As a school boy I used to be taken once or twice per year to visit 'family' on the Wirral. My parents would take

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

BR Class 04 Diesel Tram at Speed: Day 2

Finally managed to upload my video and pictures from last Sunday. I was hoping to put them up on Monday morning, but just didn't have the time. So to catch up with my Wisbech & Upwell Class 04 conversion:     The video below includes modifications to the 04s body to take the new Bachmann Class 03 chassis.   On reflection the axle doors on the side skirts are a bit big, but I was modelling at speed at the time and didn’t think to double check.     Check out grasslandsModels.



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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