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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Dunster Level Crossing in OO.

About the age of 12 a piece of hard board became available to me on which a Hornby single platform station halt and crossing where mounted. Some simple scenery built up etc and for added interest the gates where operated with cotton thread, ever since I have wanted working crossing gates.   One of the ideas bouncing around in the old grey cells for years was this simple system of mounting the gates on L shaped wires to be swung by the back and forth movement of a plate below the base board wit



Missenden Spring 2013 - A family affair

The weekend of the 8th, 9th and 10th of March saw the running of the Missenden Spring Weekend, the 31st year of the Missenden weekends. Daniel and I were lucky enough to have once again received the weekend as a Christmas present from my wife - I suspect this is partially so that she can get rid of us for the weekend and partially because she knows we both enjoy the weekend and it is a present that does bring "more junk" into the house!   Normally we are unique amongst the modellers that atten



Blazing Saddles and more

I have been a bit slack when it comes to updating this blog of late, so I have a few updates to draw your attention to:   1. South Devon Railway - Rails and Ales, August 2012   Visiting 64xx from Langollen     2. Dartmouth Steam Railway - August 2012   A trip in the observation car on a very sunny day, with the 42xx 'Hercules' in steam     3. Tornado passing through Petts Wood woods - December 2012   Just a single photo with the loco fresh in BR blue   All of the above can be



Bristol Barrow Road - Templot & Trackwork

A few weeks ago I received the second phase of Templot from my good friend Morgan consisting of the south exit including a single slip, Lawrence Hill Junction and some modified trackwork that goes behind the junction signal box to the shed. In the prototype the double track lines, from the Junction, that run behind the junction signal box operated as two single lines, one to St.Philips Station and the other to the Carriage Sidings, St Philips Goods Yard and the Cattle Dock, however for the mode




This great news form Bachmann that they will be releasing the ex LBSCR E4 in LBSCR Umber, Southern Green, Early BR and Late BR means I am spoilt for choice. Despite Hastings Harbour being a layout set in the late 1950's/early 1960's of which the BR colours would be suitable, the LBSCR and SR colours really appeal to me. Thinking if I do get either the LBSCR or SR or both, then i could run it as a special or a station pilot. Brighton had a Terrier in LBSCR improved engine green for shutning duite



Aren't weeks brilliant!

Well last week was for me. Alot of good stuff happened and left me really happy.   A basic highlight of them were, practical completion of my pugbash.       Painting it up and adding the final details before weathering. I gave the cab some details too such as copper wire for piping.         However, one would like to know as to weather one should give the little blighter some lining. I was thinking LNWR colours as they are the only ones I have available.       In the

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Coming out of the woodwork

Right, well in the absence of track and decent weather, I've finished off the bulk of the baseboard side of things!   Aside some small tasks to improve the backscene, I am finished on the woodwork side of things. The backboards stand at 18" dividing the scenic and off-scene areas. The end plates and surrounds are lot less.         Things never lay out as they ought. I have managed to benefit from this though, and I really like the gentle curve that this photo portrays.       S

Lee m22

Lee m22

A New beginning- Dundee Tay Bridge

This is the start of my 2mm journey. All my old stock has been sold and the first new items in 2mm scale have arrived. Some second hand track has been acquired and a new baseboard ordered. The new layout is to be 8 feet long by 2 feet 6 inches wide. Currently the spare room is being decorated quickly before the baseboard arrives in 10 days time. What is it to be? I had a long hard think about this and decided that what I really wanted was a piece of my happy train days circa 1979-1982. No chang

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

Glasburgh no more!

Hi   Just an update to announce that Glasburgh has been closed! All the stock sold. Layout dismantled. A steady increase to the grandchild stock dictates a rethink of the spare room. So, amidst the painting of walls, moving of furniture a new venture is planned. one of the things I miss about small laoyouts is the ability to see trains running. To this end...a shift to 2mm scale for 4mm is required. New blog started.   Goodbye Glasburgh   chris

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

Wires everywhere...

The remainder of the motors and the last point came in during the week, so this weekend was devoted to getting the station and fiddle yard finished off.   Of course it would have to be that the last remaining point is faulty! The arm that is supposed to connect to the point motor is too short. Back again and another week to wait for that part can be said to be completed.   Today I have spent wiring up the point motors. I noticed a nice safety feature on the Lenz points decoders: they need to



RT Models Hudson Tipper - part 6.

Both wagons now have their brakes fitted.   The first job was to fold up the two cross beams, different length beams are provided for either OO or EM/P4. The instructions tell you to assemble these together with the shoes then solder the completed assembly to the chassis, I chose to solder them directly to the underside of the sole bars, lines are half-etched on the bottom of the solebars to aid placement. It took a few attempts to get them central and square, I tacked one side and kept adjust



Bachman class 205

In reply to metrOland unlike the 2EPB where the central buffer actually touches the the adjacent coach,on the class 205 although the buffing plates are modelled they do not touch and so the gap between coaches is greater than in reality.shame because in all other respects it is a superb model



Big Brother

Somewhere, yes somewhere, is a "to do" list following the outing to St Albans. No doubt it will show up or I'll write another one following the Ormesby Hall show.   Anyway, I did know that the point control box needed an upgrade. The original was squeezed into a tiny box I happened to have to hand and the wiring was from two lengths of six-core flex whose strands were just a little too thin. There was never a proper mount on the layout so it often dangled and swung! The result was regular elec

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

Distractions and small steps towards progress

So, distractions and small steps is what is has been for me over the last few weekends.   Firstly, training for the new job role has been intense so not really giving me much time in the evenings, then flight training at the weekend (yes we have had some decent weather!) has kept me away from the railway more than I would like so far.   Little in the way of tracklaying can be considered before I get my hands on some flexitrack and I think this will likely be at the start of next month. In th

Lee m22

Lee m22

Jubilees – of the Bachmann and Mainline varieties

These last few weeks I have been playing with some of my Stanier Jubilees. My original Mainline Jubilees ‘Orion’ and’ Leander’ with their suspect quartering have long departed. However ‘Mars’ and ‘Amethyst’ from the second Mainline batch live on with replacement Bachmann chassis.   Ex Mainline Amethyst on Bachmann Chassis   I was inspired by a ‘thread’ on the RMweb site looking for help with lack of tractive effort of the Bachmann model ‘Drake’. The contributions from ‘Alan’ and ’34’ are v

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines


A while since the last post, I am now reassembling the model. I have three and a half weeks to get it ready, This is just to save me postage as my daughter will be going home then.   I had one of those nice surprises, the chassis worked a dream as an 0-6-0. Trouble started when I put the motion bracket and cylinders on. Nothing moved not eve a twitch. Then I realised some idiot had not insulated them. A lovely dead short on a split chassis. A little work and it was all sorted, and now

Additive Manufacturing

There has been much talk in the model railway press about using 3D printing, and indeed the recent Lynton and Barnstable coaches and wagons by peco used 3D prining in their production.   The masters were 3D printed, and then positive molds were made, and then the sides, ends, roof and chassis were then cast in resin.   Several members of the 2mm Association have experimented with 3D printing, including Missy, using a printging contractor to do the printing. DIY 3D printing setup currently h



300 square inch layout challenge

My club Bassetlaw has just launched a competition for members. The challenge is simple; build a diorama in no more than 300 square inches using RTR equipment. The entry would have no further constraints; any scale gauge shape and can … <a href="http://www.railwayblog.kevinappleby.co.uk/300-square-inch-layout-challenge-590/">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">?</span></a>   Source



How dirty did BR vans really get in the 1970's?

Hello there, I'm trying to weather my vans to a level that is realistic for the 1970's period. I have read several articles which just tell me they got REALLY dirty. Photos have been unhelpful as they are either in black and white or of preserved stock which tends to be pristine. Here are a few of my wagons, what do you think too dirty or not dirty enough?? (Apologies for the quality of the images)   This is an ex- LMS 12 ton van. Original colour is BR grey. Looks mostly brown now.    

Father Dougal

Father Dougal

St Ouen JNWR - Layout Planning

Layout Planning II - Forward   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11355-st-ouen-jnwr-layout-planning-ii/   History   St Ouen was the intended terminus of the JNWR, Jersey North Western Railway. The act was passed by the States, the Jersey Parliament, and the company was incorporated. They purchased a second hand locomotive and seven wagons and a brake van from the Metropolitan Railway.   The whole route was surveyed and work stated on building the railway. They o



Building a Ratio Type 7 GW Signal box

Today I finally picked up one of Ratio's new type 7 GW signal box intended for "Drayott" (I really should come up with a better name, and rename this blog to differentiate from Uglypug's rather excellent sounding Cheddar project.)   So far I have built the core of the structure, the base could have done with a little more support in the centre to hold the floor in place, but other than that the parts pretty much fell together. The floor has been put in position on the second photo to ensure

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Class 47 detailing project - Conversion of Bachmann 47. "A P4 Brush 4". Part 7 - Buffers, bufferbeam, bogie height and body fittings.

Having completed work on the underframe, it was time to work on that middle bit... the chassis, which is framed nicely at each end by that concentration of minutiae of detail, the bufferbeams. The first thing to look at is those buffers. No matter what I did I could not accept that they were quite right. Size wise they looked ok, but..... I spent some time googling replacements but didn’t find any on-line and the next exhibition was a few weeks off... so what to do!? Actually, I think it was ea



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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