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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Photographic proof of progress!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything to this blog. I haven't lost interest, I've carried on collecting and weathering wagons, but there isn't really much to show when they are identical dogfish wagons. I have, however, obtained a dutch Class 37 and more importantly...a baseboard! So here is a dodgy photograph taken from my phone of said 37 doing a bit of shunting of the PW sidings. The layout is basically a long inglenook for shuffling wagons around on - perfect for me, as electron



Elvis is alive!

Hello   It seems like an age since I have last posted and I am scared to check to see when the last post was!   I havent given up on things though. I was hoping to post some swanky piccies of all the many things I have finished but sadly not, so you will have to make do with these shockingly bad (taken on my phone) photos instead..       Elvis is alive!   Well, to be correct, Elvis now has wheels! It also has a working chassis (well it worked until I removed the temporary wires so



Edwardian daydreams

Nörreport station, Copenhagen. Every day after work, I wait here for my local train home. Today it’s late, rush hour is over. Everyone is tired, noone is talking, noone is present. We’re not really here, we’re already somewhere else.                                                   While I wait, commuter trains roll into the platforms and leave again. Many are



Par Station in N Gauge - "Meshing" around with the footbridge

Good evening all!   I have finally been able to get somewhere close to finishing this structure for Par station and I am rather pleased with the results. The mesh has fitted in well, albeit seriously tedious to fit, and I have finally painted the model, and added the lamps using wire handrail for the supports and wheel axle bearings for the lamps. I have also made some lamps out of rounded off cocktail sticks and painted them white. ( I have yet to fit these ).   I have also decided to take

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Starting the build

Building a 2mm Clayton.   I am building a layout based on the section of Waverley route that runs passed the Lady Victoria Pit in Newtongrange. Coal from here was hauled by Clayton's for a time and unfortunately its not RTR yet. After trying to work out how to draw one in Sketchup and have it 3D printed I discovered that Judith Edge kits did a 2mm version of their 4mm kit. Perfect (I couldn't figure Sketchup out any way), so the kit was ordered.   But I've never built a metal kit before a



A First Look at the Buildings to be Modelled... the Work-shop.

With little progress to report, I thought that I would attempt to get the mojo working by posting a couple of pictures of the large-ish barn/workshop conversion in the yard behind the road-side shop, and indicate a few of the challenges that I face. Learning curves are a feature of this project!   A start has been made on the large square shop building in card, whether this will meet the standards I am hoping for remains to be seen, The prototype has a smooth plaster-type surface on all sides



Replacement coal rails

I've been working a little, here and there, on my Dean Sidings L1 (progress has slowed somewhat because the kitchen table I usually work on is buried under shelves at the moment).   Last time I wrote that I was considering replacing the cast resin coal rails, which I considered the weakest point of the kit. I was planning to use brass wire for this and solder throughout, but when I was looking at prototype photos it became apparent that although the rails are circular in section, the bars th

James Harrison

James Harrison

A wasted weekend

I was looking forward to the London Festival of Railway Modelling this weekend, particularly as I wanted to see the Banbury layout as that was my old home town and I spent many, many hours spotting there. Unfortunately I had an arthroscopy procedure on my knee yesterday so instead I'm sat on the sofa with my leg raised watching mindless television. On the plus side I can plan my own modelling project and hopefully will be able to make a start once I'm bit more mobile.   To all those going to t



Best Laid Plans………..

Never mind how much you plan on paper there is no substitute for trying things out full size. I’ve finally had a chance to do this for the 300 square inch challenge and a few things are changing. To simulate … <a href="http://www.railwayblog.kevinappleby.co.uk/best-laid-plans-620/">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">?</span></a>   Source



Television Centre

Just watched the farewell programme and feeling incredibly sad and angry at the stupidity of the decision to sell it. On Wednesday I walked around the mostly empty studios and dismantled facilities I used to work in and remembered what an incredibly creative place it was. Rented offices and studios hired from a developer, as in Salford now and Wood Lane in a couple of years, simply won't have the same critical mass. It is like selling off the Royal Opera House and the National Theatre.



What a Wonderfull Wagon! First build of an O Gauge Kit

Whilst in Devon recently I popped into Express Way Models at the South Devon Railway. Being a member of the SDR you get a discount in the shop. Pauline the shop manager is very helpful too. Having a browse around the shop I saw one of the PECO O Gauge 16T Mineral wagon kits for sale and treated myself.   On getting home and opening the kit up I was impressed. Everything you need bar glue and paint is included. In this instance some PC Transfers so I've a feeling this is an old kit-though I may



It's all happening at once!

In my last blog entry a month ago I mentioned that I had begun the hunt for layouts to make up the 2013 Weston on Trent model railway show. With plenty of time until the November date I was expecting things to move slowly! I was wrong! The period around the school's half term break produced a rather manic spell when everything seemed to happen at once!   It all started with a visit to the Sileby show where I had discussed the show with three layout owners. One of these was booked and another i



I'd forgotten how difficult this is....

I confess, a slightly embarressing situation is coming up. I should say that I studied Architecture at University, and then spent something over a year working in an Architect's practice.   So you can perhaps see why it's a little embarressing for me to find it a struggle to design using AutoCAD in 3D. I've got hold of a 30-day trial of AutoCAD 2013, and it looks like I'll need all thirty of those days just to get the easier bits done!   Nothing ventured nothing gained however and a slig

James Harrison

James Harrison

A snowy day

An unexpected day off due to rather a lot of snow and a good opportunity to tinker with the layout and complete a few projects I'd temporarily lost interest in. The garage, modelled on the Foundry Garage in Denbigh, has been patiently waiting for the "Foundry Garage" and "Flame" petrol signs. At last, it's finished and ready to go somewhere on the layout - not sure where though just yet. Talk about lack of planning. The trouble is I see something i'd like to have a go at modelling and then wo



Juniper Hill Road Vehicles

Before I start thanks to Andy Y for his words of wisdom re: altering image sizes. I wish I'd have asked earlier!   This is my first entry for a while now. I've been working on bits for Juniper Hill, my layout based around the ironstone lines of East Northamptonshire. Hopefully, with the spring coming-believe it or not I hope to get into the garage for some track laying and soldering.   Fred the bus driver has known Doris his conductress for a number of years now. Doris had started working fo



Ruined Abbey. (Don'td be afraid).

No doubt most of you will be at Alley Palley for the show (count yourselves amongst the lucky ones). This week’s blog is something a little different. A scenic item that was made as a compromise to a Hogwarts Castle that would fit in with the Goathland Layout. Whitby Abbey! My attempt is more a representation of it than a true model. The pictures on the internet (Not been lucky enough to see it in the flesh/stone) fall into my category of "Just crying out to be modeled".   Construction utiliz



Making an Exit

After the emotional strain of the switch surgery I needed a break and considered what else needed doing soon. I wanted to plan out the right hand end of the board and make sure there was space for the planned signals to fit around the major engineering structure that is Sandford Rd overbridge.   I measured up and comparing to photographs in my reference books marked and cut out a portal from mount board. This was duplicated by using this as a template. In my memory the road wasn't particularly



WD Austerity - details and sound

have had this loco in the operating fleet on Summat Colliery for years, bought from a fellow member back in early 2009. I got Roomey to weather it but forgot to add the detail pack etc. So as part of this project to add sound I also added the details.   The black plastic parts were fitted and toned down with PP Weathered Wood which is a pretty good match for Roomey's base weathering. The 247 Developments fire iron rack was fitted and blended in too. I removed the fake coal load and made the bu



Agitator Matter on Rmweb: A few judgements

I am sure you remember the horrible Hilbert Herringgull. Actually he is a mocked version of me. My name on any wikia is Hilbert Herringgull, now this Hilbert Herringgull is another person. Do not be fooled by him because he is a simple cheater and a faker. HE COPIED ME! So basically I am Aldonne (my real name). I am the real one okay!   I have decided to give you this information. "We hold these truths to be self evident as we are all created equal" Exactly was Thomas Jefferson said, but we B

Aldonne Whistlebottom

Aldonne Whistlebottom

Not too much damage....

Another heavy bout of track laying and another lesson learned: Don't restrict the amount of tools you're using!   I had tried to use only hand tools (and soldering iron), but today I decided to get out the Rotacraft Grinding disc, it's quicker and more effective than doing it by hand. So the track ends of the piece leading up to the Y point but on exactly!   So the result is that I now only need to put in two pieces of track, with two evenings to go! Here is the progress upto now:     I



Model Rail Sentinel - Ready for duty

Santa brought me a MR Sentinel, bless her and after clearing the deask recently I thought I'd get it ready for duty on Summat Colliery. I initially chipped it with a Hornby R8215 just to test it out and was pleased with how nicely it ran. However, in an exhibition environment I don't want a slow moving shunter to be prodded by the hand of god too often, so a StayAlive capacitor was in order.   Space being an issue I investigated the TCS DP2X-UK - no wires to worry about for a start. Looking a



Considering future projects (how to go about them)

Whilst the L1 build comes along nicely (I've built up some coal rails, of which more later), I've begun to consider exactly how I'm going to do my future planned projects.   In the first post of this blog I mentioned I plan to build both a B4 'Immingham' and a B5 'Fish' this year. So far what I have a pair of B12s and 7mm scale drawings for both locos, plus a few whitemetal and brass castings for boiler fittings.   Well you see yesterday I took delivery of a book published by the SLS titl

James Harrison

James Harrison

Doing rather well here

Hi All,   Well tonight was a bit of a Brucie bonus, the target was to complete the main circuit, but then being a roll I got as far as this:     All the track has been tested and guinea pig number one (a.k.a. Roco loco Nicki and Frank) has trundled around the loop very nicely! No hiccups at all, which is quite surprising given this is my first major flex-track project! The two sidings work nicely as well...   So for tomorrow is the other passing loop, in the top right, there's another p



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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