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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

It's almost 1am! and I need sleep!

But not before I boast my latest update at you unfortunate few!   I've been building up my wagons (three to be precise) a coal wagon, an open general merchandise wagon and a box van, all from IP engineering.   But not content with the basic appearance of the finished article I decided to give them a bit of do over.       The sole bars had some plastikard pieces added to represents some iron parts for the supports as well as a builders plates. Some of the 00 gauge track pins became us

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant


Good evening,   The target this weekend was to undertake the ballasting - as usual, a tedious exercise, despite given the relatively small size of the layout.   As usual, I use the Woodland Scenics fine grey chips and these were applied onto pre spread PVA using a mixture of paint brushes and cocktail sticks.   I had pre painted the sleepers and chairs with a view to pre painting the rail and threading it but due to lack of progress I ended up cracking on with finishing the track so I will



Buffalo rescue 3: back to 1911

At the end of the last entry, I had just managed to avoid assembling a 1911 engine with a 1925 bunker. I hadn't really expected to make much progress over the next couple of days but things have gone rather well, so I thought a brief update was in order. A search through kit leftovers and other bits and pieces failed to locate any suitable replacement bunkers. In fact, I'm managing to collect a fair number of later cabs and bunkers so maybe sometime Ill have to try building something in 1920s or



A Quick Update

I dunno where time goes these days - one minute it's Christmas and the next it's Easter! Still, I can offer a quick update on the 37 project - it is structurally complete and painted, with a few little bits to add before the weathering commences in anger. This is how it is at the moment:     The biggest problem at the moment seems to be a ride height problem at the No.1 end, this is currently riding some 2mm too high, which although it doesn't sound a lot, is enough to make it look a little



Repeat After Me

I haven't had much to say on here for a few weeks, not because I haven't been modelling but rather because it has been one of those periods where I'm doing stuff that is not particularly new, so there isn't a huge amount to say. In particular, I've been trying to trim my gloat box a little in anticipation of some re-stocking when some new kits arrive from Mr Higgs. The results are now ready for the paint shop when the outside temperature warms up enough for it to reopen.   The first one is an



St Owen JNWR - Layout Mockup

After building the sequence, the next stage was to build a mock up of the layout to check that it look OK.   Firstly I took the design of the layout, within Templot and added the flap that carries the track for the end of the platform and the coal wharf roads. Then I added a cassette and the cassette support flap to the design.     The design for the complete layout   Next I built the mock up of the layout, including the proposed backscene. This was examined in a great deal of detail, a




Long time no updates, I have been doing a little work. Still waiting for odd bits to turn up.   But at long last I have finished this one. After the traumers with the chassis to get it running. The rest was plain sailing just slow as I have had other things taking up my time. The name plates came I am impressed with the quality, just a little bit of a pai having to cut them out. I have added all the transfers etc since last post and it has all been varnished.   I think it loo

Track laying completely complete!

After some measuring, chopping, glueing and general noise, dust and everything, the last piece of track has now been completed!   This is a big milestone in the development of "Linksuberdorf". The track at the top of the incline has a 51mm gap under it, just enough for a big Gmeinder diesel to pass underneath (or a ZB U 1, they have very tall chimneys).   I found some bus stops and station name signs on Saturday, so I've put them on now. At the top of the incline by one of the shelters is li




A repost of my aternate blog, about a scam aimed at fishermen   http://draconusde.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/a-warning-to-all-anglers/ A warning to all anglers…   Hi everyone, this is by way almost of a public service announcement, to warn you about an appalling, but legal, rip off that is in place. As you should know, annual fishing licences run out on the 31st March, and new ones purchased for the 1st April. This year, the price is being held at £27 pound, and I’m not getting involved in



Something to move on my layout

I'm about to start building pointwork - I thought it would be a good idea to have some rolling stock to test it with - so I'm building a Peco Toad and 4 plank open. They are very good kits as others have said. Here are my efforts so far..... Toad roof is still to be fixed properly on, and I need to spend some more time swearing as I do the remaining handrails...  



Out in the cold.../OMWB

Naturally, after coming up with a great little layout plan, construction has been terminated as the landlady called to give us notice that she's selling up. As the new place will be only a temporary fix for a few months and space will be at a premium, I've decided to concentrate on building stock and flushing out the gloat box of kits and detailing items - whilst also kicking myself that I'd not followed Pete M's example a long time ago and built myself a 2FS micro layout!   I'm still taking



St Ouen JNWR – When is a Level Crossing Not a Level Crossing?

Answer when it at St Aubin in Jersey, see the diagram below.   St Aubin Level Crossing     Signalling on Jersey railways   The only signals on Jersey railways was the two protecting the Level Crossing at St Aubin on the Jersey Railway and two signals protecting Green Street Level crossing in St Helier on the Jersey Eastern Railway.   The signals at St Aubin were lower quadrant, the one at the end of the platform has mounted on a short wooden post, the one protecting the crossing for t



Incline testing...

A rare chance to do some testing after dinner. Three trains on the circuit: HF 110 number 4 (with tender) and three two axles coaches: Made it to the top no problem HF 110 number 23 (no tender) and two bogie goods wagons: A bit of a struggle... ZB U. 1 plus three two axles coaches: A failure, all wagons made it onto the incline, but that's all she wrote! Even reducing the slope slightly didn't get U 1 up the hill, funny because when I did some tests earlier U 1 carried more than th



The last element of the test track takes shape

After a particularly productive day, the test track now looks like this:     At the top is little HF110 loco No. 23, towing a bogie bicycle van. The top of the incline is at a height of just over 5cm, so it is doing well. The ramp is built from 3 mm MDF, which has a nice combination of flexibility and strength. There are only three supports along the way, at the moment, and there is no noticeable movement in the track.   As usual the loco unhooks from the van at the start of the hill, I'



Summer module - ballasting

I did some ballasting on the American layout last week and while the mood grabbed me I decided to do a bit more on the 4mm one as well. As mentioned elsewhere, I'm using dilute Copydex rather than PVA to preserve the quiet running as much as possible, but other than that the process is similar, although the Copydex does seem to begin to set quite rapidly compared to PVA so the time for adjustments is not as long. With ballasting I find it necessary to come back and do a second pass to take care

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Buffalo rescue 2: the new look slimline Buffalo

At the end of the last entry I was left with a kit of parts needing cleaning and, in some cases, reshaping or replacement. As I was starting on this task an interesting discussion with Miss Prism developed in which he suggested that the widths specified on the Swindon drawings reproduced in Russell were wrong. After much discussion, a couple of new books and some measurements from photos, I had to agree with him. So, firstly I had to accept that my previously built saddle tank is about 9" too wi



Par Station in N Gauge (soon to be 2FS!) - A Cornish Class 37 - 37181

Good evening all,   Before I embark on the complete change of track on Par, I thought I would write a quick blog on a little ongoing project that has been progressing slowly on my workbench for the last couple of months.   There are a trio of Cornish "Lizzie the Lizard" branded 37's that I want to model for Par. I have already done 37207 "William Cookworthy" and I would like to add 37181 and 37185 too.   So up first is 37181. I wanted to model this loco as she was in the mid 80's and thank

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Point switches

I am new to railway modelling and I am having some issues with pont switches. I have 30+ switches on my layout and I am getting shorts as the bird nest of wires keep moving. Are there any good ideas to cover the solder points to stop this happening?



St Ouen JNWR - Building a Sequence

Operation of Jersey railways   For more information on the operation of Jersey railways click the link below.   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/941/entry-11384-st-ouen-jnwr-%E2%80%93-when-is-a-level-crossing-not-a-level-crossing/   Layout Planning II - Back   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11355-st-ouen-jnwr-layout-planning-ii/   Layout Mockup - Forward   To view the layout mockup, click on the link below.   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/commu



Drowning in rolling stock

Progress has slowed somewhat on the D11... I managed to get as far as building the tender and adding Romford bearings, and bulking out the frames around the tender axles to stop the wheelsets falling out. I have a tender now that actually wants to move....   ... But then I remembered that even before starting my L1 I had a Mainline LMS 57' brake third on the workbench. I've posted somewhere on the boards about my conversions of ex-Mainline (now Bachmann) LMS stock into something that looks G

James Harrison

James Harrison

Progress during March - Toplight, pill boxes, and horse boxes.

I'm slowly building the David Geen E83 Toplight brake composite, the last vehicle I need for the set of 1930s GWR through coaches to serve by one day to be built ex-SER branchline. The sides were a bit fiddly to put together, but include all of the good feature you want in a kit, including the door hinges etched as a single component per door, corridor handrail spacers and separate droplights.   I've deviated slightly from the instructions and have assembled the basic body before adding the en



Trevanion Dries: Replanned

After a prolonged absence forced by work and the French , modest progress on the Trevanion Dries project has been achieved. Depending, of course, on how you define 'progress'... Further research has revealed the original plan just isn't prototypical, but fortunately, as I'd not yet built it in 2mm, there was nothing to rip up... . So I set to work again with paper and pencil and a few plans later, with help from google satellite view, I'd re-created Goonbarrow Jn and exchange sidings! Of course



In one piece again !

Hi guys,     Not posted for a while as I spent the New year in hospital, the dreaded heart attack followed by multiple by pass surgery, a hard way to bring in the New Year!! On the mend now thankfully and getting back into the hobby both at club level and at home!   Heading off to my first show for a while on Sunday as the club is exhibiting our revised scenic 00 gauge layout for the first time this year. I think I have convinced my fellow members as to the value off scenic drop in sections



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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