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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Jutland edges onward

When I last mentioned my BEC D11 I spoke about how myself and whitemetal were not exactly getting on, and the various shortcomings of the material. Now not to go back entirely on what I said then, I have come around a little to the view that it does have its uses.   For one thing, weight. The model weighs a ton! For another thing, the flexibility of the material is useful, to a degree, in that if parts don't match they can be 'coerced' into doing so with a bit of gentle pressure.   Anyw

James Harrison

James Harrison

Shed Road Progress

Whilst SWMBO was decorating at one of the MIL's properties and the kids were being good (yeah, I know!) I managed to get the hanging basket liner down and the cinders laid around the engine shed.       The water column is not glued down so I can remove it to paint later.   Hopefully it will all be dry tomorrow and I can rip the plastic backing off the liner to pull up some nice long grass   UPDATE:   and now the backing is removed - here's a few staged photos with my Sentinel. Bac



Cursed point motors!

Like I mentioned last week, there wouldn't be quite such a hive of activity this week, for starters there was work to contend with, and then the house needs looking after as well!   I did do a little rail grinding, but not much... I also decided that it would be best to fit point motors before going far down the scenic route.... So on Saturday it was off to see Andy at KGR and the builders merchants. The result? One sheet of 50mm polystyrene cut into four chunks four ease of handling, a rock s



Catching up on jobs

Work has tailed off somewhat dramatically this last week as I started my new job Whilst the job is great it does unfortunately mean a lot of travelling in the mornings and evenings, and an early bedtime. So the time I've got for my models has shrunk from about 4 hours each evening to 2, if I am lucky.   This means I can't do larger jobs in the week (so work on Jutland has slowed right down), but I can do smaller, quicker pieces.   One of which has been to fit three of my locomotives wit

James Harrison

James Harrison

And So It Begins

What better to do on a sunny Saturday, then to put some good music on and break out the water mixable oils:     So far, I've made a start on the No. 1 end nose and the roof, working along to the other end. This is just the initial colouring, there's more to come once this is dry in a couple of days. The whole weathering job is going to take quite some time, I think, as not only is it much bigger than anything I've done before, I'm going to have to put more in the way of details in, if it's



Juniper Hill Stock. Stewarts & Lloyds wagons and a visiting Pug

A good friend of mine in his 70's who worked on the railways told me of a story where a L & Y Pug was brought down from Derby to take a large piece of equipment up one of the ironstone quarry lines around Wellinborough. The rationale being that it's short wheelbase would be suitable for the job and once completed the loco was returned to Derby shed.   In homage to this story I've taken a few shots of my Pug which isn't Derby allocated I know.   One of the reasons for these photos is to i



Chuffing eck!

Has anyone experience of the sound units advertised in RM by Mylocosound? They advertise as fitted to a GUV van but indicate they can also be fitted either in other wagons or separately. DC or DCC units are available. Like many people I have a lot of older, but perfectly serviceable, locos few of which are suitable for DCC. Never mind the cost and that I don`t really understand it anyway! Tony



St Ouen JNWR – Baseboard Design

Layout Mock up - Back   To see the animated layout mock up click on the link below.   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11391-st-owen-jnwr-layout-mockup/   Background Design - Forward   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11443-st-ouen-jnwr-how-much-detail-is-required-in-a-photo-background/   Baseboard Design   The baseboard for St Ouen are made from a sandwich of 4mm plywood and 8mm softwood. The photograph below shows the underside



The Chapel

The Chapel is finished. Or rather, I've finished with it for the time being. Ii's been an interesting project from which I have learned a lot. I look at it now and think what I'd do differently next time. I suppose that's what modelmaking is all about and it's part of the fun - learning from mistakes and doing better next time round. Anyhow, the Chapel has found a location on the layout adjacent to the implausible retaining wall and will need a wall, gate and signboard eventually. Those wi



GWR HALL 7900 (7)

A little has been done on the Hall, mainly with the tender. I have now got it into it's two basic colours. Just a little tidying up, buffer beam and lining to do. I also have been working on the wheels more of these later. I am still waiting for castings, but it does now seem that they are on their way to me. So hopefully later this month work can restart in ernest on this. I would like to get it out of the way, as it will be financing some wheels for me. I hope we can get some fore my 0395, I a

New wagons

I've been building a few wagons over the past few months, and I thought I would share some of my efforts.   First up is a Prestwin Twin Silo wagon from the Airfix/Dapol kit. It's assembled pretty much out of the packet. A bit of weight (to bring the total weight up to 50g) was put inside before the silos were finally assembled. Some of the components, such as the ladders, were thinnned down a bit, and the moulded grab rails on the platform round the silos were replaced with new grab handles



OO interlude - a 72XX arrives

I'm having one of my 'OO interludes', so work on the layout is temporarily on hold. The main job at the moment is to get the new chassis for 82044 (in OO) finished. I started this a couple of years ago, and have modified a Comet 76XXX chassis kit to fit the 2-6-2 tank. The reason for this is due to the original Bachmann chassis refusing all attempts to get it to run smoothly.   The process of building the new chassis has not been without it's frustrations, requiring a complete strip down once

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Some Tricky Soldering

The TOUs are finally finished. A little jig was made up to quickly and easily bend consistently sized dropper wires in left and right hand forms. These are long enough to fully engage the brass tubes fixed to the moving sleeper (no longer visible) but not so long that they have any chance of causing a short by touching the brass housing of the TOU. They are then fitted and carefully soldered to the underside of the switch rails.     Once painted, ballasted etc. they it should be near enoug



A West Country Hero

I thought it was about time we had another Hydraulic on this blog, so here goes...   St Ruth is set in 1965 so by rights it should be overwhelmingly populated with Warships. No problem there, we have Cockade, Hermes, Druid and Zest of various ages, plus Cossack too of course. The snag is that in 1965 they should really be green. Maroon is a bit of a stretch - the first maroon repaints appearing in September 65 so we really need some green ones.   The first Farish Warship I acquired was a blu



Two steps forward, one backwards

Hello again. After an exchange of comments and receiving good advice from fellow members concerning DCC track wiring and a few trials, I came to the conclusion that my wiring, albeit not perfect, was not bad and that certain anomalies observed with certain vehicles were due to the vehicles and not to the track wiring. Then, when one problem seemed solved, a new one arose. My whole point activation system (analogue) went dead. In view of the way the system is wired, it was obvious that the fault



Talking Stock #22 The Missing Mogul – the K class

With respect to the Southern Railway Mogul 2-6-0 locomotive fleet most people probably immediately think of the Maunsell Moguls, the N/N1 and U/U1 classes. Their origins lead back to the SECR for the 5’6? driving wheeled N class followed by the later Southern built, also under the design auspices of Maunsell who was now CME of the Southern, the U class with their larger 6? driving wheels.   The missing mogul in more ways than one is the ex London Brighton and South Coast railway (LBSC) K class




And now for something completely different.   Next up on the bench is an ex Midland 1698 class (3130) This is labled up as a London Road model, the eches are marked as a Connoiseurs Choice drawn by George Norton. So should go together well. These are now sold by Dragon Models. It seems very similar to a 3F I built from the Maygib range, so not sure whether there is any common history. As you will see it has been started but I will take it apart and then start from scratch. I want to co


N15class in LMS 3130 class

8Fs – Heavy goods engines - with a GWR theme

Growing up in the north east of England I did not get to see many heavy ex GWR good engines. In fact with one possible exception, number 3826, I did not record seeing any 28xx, 38xx or 47xx in the flesh so to speak. In the period 1959/1961 number 3826 was a Pontypool Road (86G) engine. Would it have travelled as far north as Chester, where I visited, or did I see it whilst on holiday in Pembrokeshire? The latest Hornby 28xx   Whatever the answer when I started building the current layout in

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Let's talk about the weather (ing).

The Easter holidays are here, and a break from the constant round of planning, marking, teaching and assessing student teachers. A chance to spend some time with the family and catch up with some modelling. Here is the latest update....   The layout Despite the granting of planning permission for the extension to Skaleby West, and the placing of an order for the wood, there has been no physical progress as regards the second scenic board. That does not mean things have been at a standstill h



One down, two to go....

Finished the first of my planned pair of GC brake thirds. It looks... fairly convincing when paired up with my all-first. Certainly enough that the missing windows aren't too noticeable.   The other two vehicles for the rake are going to be a second brake third and a composite.    

James Harrison

James Harrison

Hythe Parkway - Withdrawal of services & Demolition of Station

Hello guys,   Unfortunatly Hythe Parkway is no more, over the past few days I have been stripping the boards ready for scrap, it was quite upsetting, but it had to be done, for a couple of reasons: We had to clear out the garage ready for a refurbishment into a modelling room, so we thought it would be the time to scrap Hythe. We didn't have any other shows and Dad & I both thought HP was getting tired and showing it's age Currently I don't know for certain what I will be doing a

St. Simon

St. Simon

Plastic + Foamcore + Cardboard = ...

G'day.   Well if you were wondering, the answer to the equation in the title is hopefully this:     You may remember in my last status update, I mentioned a goods shed and this is it. This is a 20 x 30' QR goods shed drawn to HO scale in SketchUp from plans for a full sized one I found on the net. Using the CAD model, I've been scratchbuilding it, out of foamcore, cardboard and plastic sheet and strip, for the last few weeks.   Bearing in mind that this is only the third building I've



York Model Railway Show 2013

York has become a regular Easter outing, and while Wife and daughter explore the shops I watch the trains. The exhibition seemed to have a huge Welsh theme this year but typically I stayed true to my roots and modelling interests and managed to fill most of my time watching fine exampes of North East England. [...]   Source



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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