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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Dean Goods 2500 gal tender Part 2

Its been a couple of weeks since my last blog entry, so here's the progress on the Dean Goods tender build. Part 1 ended with the body almost completed, but with the chassis needing more work to finish the project.   Chassis at end of last blog entry     Setting up the brakes was the next step. The components were removed from the fret, cleaned up with a file and the holes drilled with a 0.8mm drill.   The kit provides a choice of brake shoes, one mad

St Ouen JNWR - How Much Detail is Required in a Photo Background?

Baseboard Design - Back   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11412-st-ouen-jnwr-%E2%80%93-baseboard-design/#commentsStart   Best Laid Plans of Mice and Women - Forward   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11469-st-ouen-jnwr-%E2%80%93-the-best-laid-plans-of-mice-and-women/   Layout Backscenes   How much detail do you need to include in a layout backscene? Is there an advantage to using a photographic backscene?   For St Ouen I planning



After the Quarry

Over the last couple of weeks the quarry has slowly taken shape ,interspersed with a few other projects that have been 'on the go'! The time-sheet hasn't worked out too well - mainly owing to a bad attack of 'man flu'!   The basic building blocks are rough-cut chunks of building insulation in various thicknesses     which are then covered with layers of bandage soaked in 'EasiFill' - a decorators plaster available form the usual outlets. At £18 for 5 kilos it certainly works out cheaper t



The Works

Anyone familiar with my models will know I’m a bit of a ‘Shed’ nut and this is another one. In response to an article in Railway News last summer I’d set my heart on a depiction of a locomotive works once my Barrow Hill layout was finished. The fact that I also grew up in Birmingham has something to do with a fascination for factories. It seems the industrial areas of my home town have left an indelible mark that just can’t be ignored even though I now live in rural Ireland.     Horwich



Loft update - day 3

This is the state of play after Day 3 in the loft - this photo is looking towards the site of Newport Station. The trusses in the foreground will come out, the roof now has supports leaning on other brick walls which will leave the central space clear. The hatch will have a drop down cover for operating sessions so we don't lose anyone in the abyss!   Taking stock today indicates that the finished size will be slightly larger than I had planned for, allowing a little bit of breathing space all



Track plans

Hi all Im after some track plans for my 00 gauge layout and I've got the little book of track plan and there int oat in them I fancied .iv just done my loft out and it's fairly big and it shaped as an L shape the size is 15feet by 15feet by 8feet by 8feet by 8 by 32inch wide all the way round and want to use all the space iv got if any one as any ideas I would be great full for your help and ideas many thanks Andy

Andy Oliver

Andy Oliver

Slaters O gauge GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd T34

I've been dropping a few status updates about this build and have been talking to Wenlock of this parish about the kit and some of the shortfall in the instructions. Pictures were requested so I thought I'd better get a blog entry going   So the chassis is more or less done, footboards are waiting for a delivery from Eileens as the 8" Hold and Fold does not come with a centre screw and does not hold the full length of the etch well enough as it stands. Buffer housings will complete the job p




As an aside I thought I would do one of my own models. I have here a Beattie 0298 class better known as the Beattie well tank.   This is an older Shedmaster kit. I bought it with the chassis built but nothing done to the body. The chassis is not the one supplied with the kit. I think the kit is a blown up Jidenco kit, it has the the feel of them.   I built the basic body a few years ago, but never finished it or did any more with the chassis. I do not know if the chassis ran

Work starts

Work has started on converting my loft to take the planned model of the line from Cowes to Newport on the Isle of Wight in 4mm scale (OO gauge). This is scheduled to take about 3 weeks......



MIDLAND 3130 (2)

Have done a little work on this one. I have converted the loco to being compensated, this is on the rear two axles as there are too many spacers in the way at the front. It means the motor will be mobile but thats not a problem. I also found a set of cast whitemetal dummy inside valve gear, which I think I will look into adding to this one.       I have also got the tender chassis compensated and rolling. The compensation is on the front two axles on this one. It


N15class in LMS 3130 class

GWR HALL 7900 (8)

As I have now received the castings from ACME I can get on with this again. There are castings I will not need as I thought it easier to get a complete set rather than trying to sort which ones I needed. Also it saves the Oh Bu**er I forgot that one. They are mostly whitemetal which is not too much of a problem. There are one or two that seem to of escaped from elsewhere and come here for a jolly.   So here are some pictures of what came in the box. Q


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

Dapol Austerity - cab modifications.

I've been working on the cab these past few days. An RT Models body detailing etch has been aquired which includes spectacle plates and a new cab rear.   The first job was to hack out the cab rear and bunker top with a piercing saw;     Ready for etched replacements;     The back sheet has had its spectacle plates soldered in place and the cab interior back sheet has been folded to shape and had the coal door soldered on. Before I fitted them I epoxied the replacement spectacle plat



Exciting Developments

Two projects to bring up to speed tonight. Let's start with 'Jutland'. She's been put into primer, and the gaps filled. And then she was given a first coat of green... and some more gaps found....       The green is wrong of course but that's part of the way I go about getting an apple green finish. Two coats of Revell 'Leaf Green' followed by two coats of Humbrol 'Apple Green'.   The other project is very exciting...       A 3D print of a basic bodyshell landed on the doo

James Harrison

James Harrison

Delph - 9F visits

BR 9F 92037 paid a brief visit to Delph today following major repairs. Here she is seen close to the recently installed FPL and signal detector.     The loco last saw use at Scalefour North a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, it shed a con rod big end (due to the return crank unscrewing) which locked up the chassis at full tilt and doing a fair bit of mischief to the mechanism. The loco was stripped down and now everything appears OK, although not tried under power, in anticipation of an

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

The Old Tyre Depot

Near to where I live is an old and very dilapidated tyre depot. The recent heavy snow has collapsed even more of the roof. It was constructed of brick, steel joists and corrugated iron and is full of character. I wanted to have a go at modelling dilapidated and have made a start on a version which is much smaller so as to fit the available space on the layout. The interior walls have been weathered and the roof structure begun. I fear though that impatience means I am going to struggle to fi



Exhibition woes..........

After many long hours trying to get the extension to Grime St ready for it's first exhibition, it was reasonably close to being finished, not fully done but 'good enough' although at twenty to one on Friday morning I was close to retiring from the exhibition circuit.....   Then disaster, I managed to catch half the overhead wires on one board and snag them whilst loading the van Friday lunchtime and if the toys weren't out of the pram then, they certainly were when I managed to damage the poin

Red Devil

Red Devil

Clevedon Platform

Evening all Have had the luxury of a week off work and so have turned my attention to the second board. The platform has been built from ply sleeper strip and the water towers added at each end. These were made out of brass sheet and riveted with my GW models riveting tool.The supports are Evergreen strip. Also added are two of the sheds. The left hand one is going to house the ganger's trolley. Still a few bits of paintwork to touch up but I'm pleased with how it looks. The trackwork has



Work on section 4 and a new visitor.

More work has been done with the balustrades on board 4. They have been refitted, filled, smoothed and sprayed in undercoat to be 'photographically proved'   The 'proving' has been useful in showing up all the imperfect finishing.   Normally this would have probably been OK for 'normal viewing distances' but not for 'cruel' camera close-ups which are now such a part of out hobby nowadays!   The new visitor arrived last week which will be used for our 'blue/grey' operating period. It will a



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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