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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Too much play...

Well so far, I now have three wagons for my 16mm scale project. All in mostly finished condition.   The models were primed with some not to be use wilkos cheap primer. The several coats of humbrol borwn and grey followed by a coat of ronseal satin varnish!         The lettering was done with a white gen pen with the larger lettering finished off with revell matt white.   The tarpaulin is baking foil which will be painted, possibly green or matty black.   Most of the descriptive

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Back in the Box...

So back to Box - working on the second scenic board, intending to start tracklaying... However -     I found I needed to paint the trackbed first! I thought I'd already done that, so drying time was required for the layer of 'Mud Hut' from 'Dulux'.   Whilst the paint was drying I indulged myself in giving consideration to the method of point-control. The only two points - a switch and a trap are on this board along with the signals needed to protect them. So I'm seriously considering



Journey to Didcot - a Traveller's Guide

Last week I was browsing a secondhand bookshop here in Copenhagen. Imagine my surprise when I suddenly came across a dog-eared copy of "A Traveller's Guide to the Great Western Railway" from 1926. What really got my attention, however, was that this was one of the rare illustrated versions, with photos by J. Peerybingle, a well-known photographer of the day.   Feigning complete indifference I managed to obtain the book for a very reasonable price. I particularly like the chapter entitl



The Quarry Springs a Leak

Well , not exactly... Springs in limestone formations are not uncommon - they tend to form where limestone (permeable) overlie clays (impermeable). As water percolates down through the limestone, it hits the clay then follows the clay to where it can continue its downward journey. Okay Geology 101 finishes..   I needed an excuse to bring water to 'the works' to a) fill the stationary engine (via a water-softener) and B) to provide coolant for the stone saws. So the appearance of a 'spring-line



Next stage complete....

Well things are on a ham sandwich (or roll if you prefer)!   I had managed to get six out of the ten point motors right on the first go, so this afternoon I spent some time to get the last four in place.   In most cases all that was needed was to drill out the hole (carefully!) from underneath, one motor with slightly bent pin needed to be put in place in reverse to my usual convention and on a different point than where it was previously.   As I went along I tested each point motor first



Tanks a lot...

Hello Again   I have indulged myself a little over this weekend. I did plan to get some more point rodding completed but instead my test etches turned up in the post...     Part of this etch was a long waited for Anchor mount tank wagon chassis, its something that has been on my to do list for a while now as they seemed to be the mainstay of oil traffic along the DNSR from fawley in the south. Sadly there isnt anything in 2mm that fitted the bill so armed with a scale drawing (which



Summer module - goods yard

Couple of shots looking back up the layout toward the station and goods yard. They're shot in ambient light so a bit fuzzy, since I haven't added the lighting rig over this module yet - it'll make access to the rear a bit tricky once I do, so I've held off for the time being.   The platforms are the removable ones that I built last year, and - touch wood - they seem to be holding up well. Both needed a little tweaking in the days after construction but they seem nice and stable now and althoug

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

A couple of little jobs left now

I guess I've reached two fairly major mileposts with 'Jutland'. Firstly I've attached the last of the whitemetal bits of the kit. The eight footsteps were glued in place this morning. Secondly the locomotive has now been given its formal identication and lined out. I used etched brass nameplates from the Modelmaster range (I've been a very happy customer of theirs for most of my named loco projects), applied using a very sparing dab of UHU touched on the back of the 'plate.   When it cam

James Harrison

James Harrison

GWR HALL 7900 (9)

I have had couple of days or half days back at my bench. The chassis has had all the castings etc fitted, just need to decide how I will do the pickups. I think I might try some back scratchers if I can find my copper strips.   It will then be of to the paint shopearly in the week. The wheels will need painting too, which I am having a little trouble with rust at the moment. Not sure if it is residue flux fumes or the hi humidity here, or a combination of both.

A new arrival for the ALAF's layout just came out of my workshop...

Hello there,   A new model entered my workshop today. A French Fret SNCF Class 67500, n° 4-67504 (the 4 in front of the engine number indicate its "Pool", the 4 indicating it's in the "Freight" pool).   The model, purchased by the ALAF, is a Piko one in HO Scale. Of course, I was asked to perform a bit of my "Magic" on it... And thus it went to Ricky's Weathering Shop...   After a bit of work with both LifeColor and Vallejo Model Color acrylics plus several washes with the new Vallejo Mod



So much done, so much more still to do!

This week I've managed the grand total of 3 hours' modelling time. Two hours of which was this afternoon....   Nevermind, at least it means my 2013 build programme won't be exhausted by the middle of August   So this is what Jutland looks like as of about 4.30 this afternoon....       I think, last time, I discussed how I added the white lining on the cab using an easi-liner tool. At the time it might have appeared to some somewhat coarse (I know that's how it looked to me after I

James Harrison

James Harrison

Heworth Sidings - Update - 20/04/2013

Hi,   It's been a very long time (six months) since the last blog entry was posted, so what on earth has been going on!   Following the last entry we had just operated the layout at our Clubs annual Open Weekend and we were just trying to finalise our ideas for the Scenic portion of the layout. We had rough ideas of what we wanted to do, but it was time to sit down as a group and discuss in detail what we wanted to achieve.   Track   Our original decision to use Wooden Sleeper Track for




Picked up this monster print from Acorn Signs in Mansfield yesterday - a 16' x 10" digital print of Andy Y's Staffordshire Moorland panorama (see panorama photo stitching thread in the photography section) printed onto sticky back vinyl with a protective clear overlayer.       The plan is to paint the backscene boards with gloss white paint then I can "float" the print into place on a soapy film and squeegee all the bubbles out before it dries.   Can't praise Acorn Signs enough, superb



Talking Stock #23 Pull Push set 734 ex LSWR Emigrant Stock

The Southern Railway following on from its constituents made use of Pull Push sets across the network and this practice carried on well into British Railways Southern Region days. Other railways companies also made of such although they were often also known as autocoach, motor coach or push pull sets on these other railways. Originally many of the units were converted from either ex steam railmotors, following early pre grouping experiments that found them to be inflexible and often under power



3 month round up, Image heavy,

Image heavy, but i hope you enjoy...   Well, a rather delayed happy new year to you all, I realised I haven’t posted since the last event of 2012! But not to say much hasn’t happened, I’ve had a quick look back at what was going on with things back then, and projects on going that have moved on considerably! Unfortunately time has rather overtaken me since my last post, no runs as such have happened, and I’ve had one round of exams, and am preparing for the next, the pannier is now weeks from

London cambrian

London cambrian

Newport Engine Shed

Here is a link to a photo of Newport shed. Can anyone confirm the construction. It looks like timber walls and corrugated iron roof to me. But I am uncertain how to replicate the look of the timber - specifically which Slater's, Evergreen or Southeastern Finecast sheet in 4mm scale will give the best reproduction?   http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/n/newport(iwc)/index27.shtml     Any help gratefully received!   Chris    



A few pictures of my weathering work...

Here are a few photographs of my weathering work to introduce you to my blog. I'll present later other models from my workbench in the blog, as well as I'll show you the progress on my dioramas and my future layout construction along the next few years...   Let's first start with some of the Märklin I Scale (1/32) models I weathered for a friend.   This covered goods wagon was weathered for a friend of mine with Vallejo Model Color acrylics. This other one was weathered with Vallejo Mo



Old Tyre Depot

Well, that was the most fun I've had making a model and I'm a little disappointed to have finished it. I still have to bed it into the layout so that'll be a bit more fun but it'll be a while until I can get round to that.         And this is where it's going....   I can do no more until that white space at the back has been filled for which I have had several very helpful suggestions. (This blogging lark is great - free advice!!) But what will go there



GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd - underframe done and body started

Made some more progress with this coach this week. Underframe has been painted and the final details added. I still need to hand paint the brake pull rods black but it's about done.     I've also made a start on the body, going pretty well, all is square and fitting together quite easily     Should have painted those seats before gluing them in though ...... Oh well, I'll know better with the all 3rd S9, more seats in that one too   So once those seats are painted and maybe some sig



Starting out

Allow me to introduce myself, as this will be the first in what I hope will be a series of posts as I learn from you all and experience the trials and tribulations of building my first layout.   I’m Captain Biggles, I’m 32, and I’m considering building the first layout of my adult life. I’m an engineer by day but by night and occasionally at the w/e I’m a closet geek, as my wife calls me. I last started a layout aged 14 (that never got finished as I discovered first women, then beer, then beer



model railway exhibition

Colwyn model railway club would like to promote their forthcoming exhibition, the details are as follows.     JULY 27th & JULY28th 2013 10.30am - 4.30pm       MODEL RAILWAY EXHIBITION. Craig y don community centre. queens road. craig y don. llandudno. LL30 1TE.   FREE PARKING. LIGHT REFRESHMENTS.   O GAUGE. OO GAUGE. N GAUGE, AMERICAN LAYOUT. TRAMWAY SOCIETY. TRADERS.   admission adults £3.50 children £2.00   for any further info contact Dave 07585 481408 cmrc2011@hotma

Ben walsh

Ben walsh

Legs Akimbo!

Looking back it seemed a long, cold winter. Well, it was a long, cold winter. Despite the shed being insulated and lined it still gets pretty cold in there and during the recent snows of late March (ridiculous - someone should do something) I said farewell to the other half and made the long and lonely trek up the garden only to find I couldn't even open the shed door. This was doubly annoying as the snow clearing shovel was inside... So what was done on Great Hotton during that time? Well no wh



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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