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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd - brown out

Well, in between the showers I got the brown paint on - thanks to Brian at Shawplan for letting me pop round on Friday and pick up some stocks. Why is is I always spend at least an hour chatting???   anyway here's a pic     Next is to see if I can paint the black raised areas then flood the cream in the recesses, but that's not until the brown is well and truly dry.   Sorry Moz, I used grey primer ......



RJR is back, this time with trains !

After a long break and a sudden urge to spring clean the shed... I have dug out from the back my 45mm indoor module.   Its an 8' by 21" layout in a BIG scale !   It has been the subject of previous entries on this blog, and hopefully over the next few weeks will be the subject again... As long as there is an interest of course   Above is a view from center to left, Below a view from center to right.     Beyond the footbridge is a hidden sector plate, in front of the sector plate is a



Weathering Part 2

Welcome to the latest installment of my workbench blog. This is to show how (hopefully) my weathering of wagons has improved. Reading how others have achieved their results and trying to replicate them has I hope helped these wagons to look less toy like and more work weary. Seen left is the VBA in as new condition. As I think its too clean looking, I've had a go this morning at my VBA with mucky white spirit and matt enamels. First wash with grime. It still needs another going over and



An Intermission

A friend of mine recently asked if I could do a group shot of all of my projects together. This is what I came up with.     From front to back and left to right we have   -LNER class D10 'Director' "Sir Clement Royds"- a resin kit. -LNER class D11 'Improved Director' "Jutland"- a whitemetal kit. -LNER class L1- a resin kit. -LNER class N5- a very heavily hackbased Hornby J83. Though all that can be seen of the J83 is the smokebox! -LNER class J11 'Pom Pom'- a whitemetal kit. -

James Harrison

James Harrison


Welcome to the blog for Murder on the Tracks! A model railway layout inspired by the works of Agatha Christie. You can read more about the layout here. Hopefully the blog will be updated regularly with the progress of the layout…



The winter of discontent :(

Well, my modelling of any scale Rhb HOm or HO NSB had to come to a complete halt after we returned from a Ski trip to Andorra to find the house had be flooded severly during our stay away.   My recent purchases of Bemo for my HOm and my modern UK outline were destroyed as they were in the rear utility room that was 4ft deep of stagnant water, my Norwegian HO survived thanks to being in the loft, but alas they have had to go into store until we move back to the house in 3 weeks time, Ive lost c



A new project..... completely by accident.....

Way back a few years ago when I first tentatively began dipping my toe into the joys of hackbashing, kitbuilding and scratchbuilding, my first project was an attempt at the 1888 Flying Scotsman, as recreated by the LNER in 1938 with Stirling Single #1 and a rake of 6-wheeled carriages.   I began with a Bachmann 'Emily' model and had to compromise right at the start by modelling one of the later Singles with plated-in splashers over the 8' drivers. I bought a few Ratio GWR carriages and attem

James Harrison

James Harrison

MIDLAND 3130 (3)

I started playing with the chassis the other day instead of getting on with the hall. You know what it is like just have a look at what goes where. Then low and behold I have got all bits fitted onto the frames, there is not very much to do on these old types. Its not so bad getting on with it but i have not even cleaned up the coupling rods yet.   I have fitted a part set of inside valve gear on this it is not complete or I expect not even correct, but it fills the g


N15class in LMS 3130 class

Another one finished.... what next?

Jutland is now finished and ready for the (as yet non-existant) layout.       I'm not sure what more I can say about her really that I haven't already mentioned, other than the weathering (as per my usual method, done with chalk pastel). I'm very happy with the completed model; she looks far better than I thought she would when I first opened the kit nearly six months ago!   Now then, what next? I don't really feel like launching into another loco right now.... I do have a couple of

James Harrison

James Harrison

Dapol Austerity - smokebox door and handrails.

The smokebox door, like the rest of the loco, needs a bit of work. The first job was to carve away the numberplate, not really needed on an industrial loco..., and the moulded dart. The moulded hinge is huge and ugly so that came off as well, leaving a couple of small pads to mount a length of .025" Evergreen rod on, and for some reason there are rivets on the hinge straps which the prototype lacked so they came off as well. The front handrail is set too high so I filled the moulded holes and



Managed to get the bridge painted at last

After an embarrasingly long time I have managed to get the bridge painted, so there is some chance of running the complete circuit this summer. It looks a bit bright, so I might even weather it! The deck will be treated in the same way as the rest of the outdoor track with a base of resin and ballast followed by track pinned and finally packed with more ballast and resin. So far the rest of the track has lasted 2 winters with only very minor loss of resin adhesion to the plastic fascia boards

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

A train runs on my line at last!

I'm in the middle of painting my Tower Brass 14xx and wanted to see what it would look like crossing the (future) road bridge having emerged from the tunnel mouth....   Here it is:       There is a long list of jobs to do still on the engine including GWR insignia, cabside number plates, buffer beam numbers, lamps, crew, fire irons on the back, brake rodding, firebox and ashpan sides missing from the Tower brass design, various levels of gloss, satin or matt in varnishes, a little wea



The Plan... (Part 2)

A short post this time...   With regards to some comments to part 1 of this post, here attached is the plan I've been working to / off. Sort of. Obviously I've added the bridge at the left hand end to mask the exit to the fiddle yard, but other than that it's pretty much the same.   Well, to my eye it is, feel free to differ in opinion! I will, as ever, give all comments and feedback due consideration.   The map & my plan then: (note one is upside down relative to the other!)   Pic



St Ouen JNWR - My Whole World is a Stage

The Best Will of Mice and Women - Back   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11469-st-ouen-jnwr-%E2%80%93-the-best-laid-plans-of-mice-and-women/   The 1st Buildings - Forward   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11543-st-ouen-jnwr-the-1st-buildings/   I have been converting my design of the main baseboard into reality. The main materials I have been using are 4mm plywood, small section of softwood, found in the moulding section of the loca



the clock it ticketh...

Good evening,   Work has been progressing as and when I can mid week and weekends but with not long to go I start to wonder what compromises may need to be made to get things done...   With the laser cutter at work still out of action until some time next week (projected) I have trying to progress other bits and pieces. Last weekend I started to lay the pcb sleepers to make the connecting lines for the fiddleyard boards - slow progress and I will need to crack on with this the coming weekend



and on to the last board

Evening all. After a very enjoyable outing to Scalefour North last weekend, this week I have been mostly back on the WC&P.   The middle board platform's had a coat of paint and the lineside fences added from Evergreen strip and EZ line elastic. All three boards have been temporarily reunited so I can work out the line side fencing for the last board. As can be seen it's going to be mainly scenic, with an occupation crossing at the Weston end of the loop. The final scenic blitz is



The Plan...

Since my last post I've mainly been doing more dreaming, and despite the inconvenience of an interruption due to my first wedding anniversary, I have managed to come up with this:     AnyTrack is the easiest bit of software I've used for ages, but I suspect you all knew that already. Anyway, I've drawn up my version of Padstow, (just as I had it on the wall paper lining paper in my previous post) and apart from moving the signal box and finishing the Fish Shed sidings in line with the platf



Researching Bradford Photo Archive

A recent article in the local newspaper led me to contact Bradford council as they’ve set up a new photo archive largely based around the commercial work of C H Wood who operated throughout much of the 20th Century. Sadly photographs of Great Horton station are thin on the ground and my morning at the archives at Bradford’s Industrial Museum proved no exception. However, I did manage to find and purchase a high resolution version of... more



The art of weathering - and some lessons learnt.

A few weeks ago I thought I would do some weathering on my rolling stock. I wanted to create the filthy conditions that you get with the ferry vans. I thought I would use the side of an old Tiger POA, as this closely ressembles the sides of the Cargowaggons and VGAs, i.e. panels with ribbing.   I used Railmatch Sleeper Grime thinned with enamel thinners using a no 3 brush in downward strokes. The end result is the paint does not dry in the recesses for some reason. Next time I will dry-brush t



Bricking It

Aside from running out of ideas and being in desperate need of linking a lever frame with my TOUs so that I commence scenic work I have been slowly putting brick after brick individually in various walls.   I have a plan to produce my own brick paper 'kits' for the three station buildings (station building, signal box and weighbridge hut/goods office) on the computer using photographs of actual bricks arranged to proper bricklaying practices in as much as I understand them before printing them



Post Show and Storage Developments

It has been some time since our last update...but it is time, since there have been updates!   Firstly, a couple of weeks ago saw Yamanouchi Oshika go to the Crawley MRS show in Horsham. This has always been a good show, and we were very pleased yo have been invited. Very well organised and a big thank you to the Crawley club. I am glad to say that the layout worked very well and seemed to be popular...   A small group from the club behind the layout...looking like a third-rate Kraftwerk!



Feeling a bit like a fool

I have done a bit more work on my layout. I finally obtained the new tips for my soldering iron, together with some decent solder. I managed successfully to solder some droppers direct to the track without making a mess of it and fixed the loose track back again to the base. I also replaced some previously installed droppers (which were relatively thick cable and connected to an elevated portion of the track) with some thinner wires which adapt themselves much better to the contour and in fact h



GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd - Nearly ready for paint

A few productive evenings has the coach up to the point of paint (nearly!)   just got the gas control gear to add to the non-step end and that's about it until it's painted. I hope to get to the Derby Show to pick up some paint, so progress will halt at this point for a few weeks. I'd better get on with the layout       I've added the luggage racks but as yet have not raided my wife's wardrobe for some "mesh" as alluded to in the instructions! Some cheap seated figures are on their wa



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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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