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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Northall Gazette 28 April 1960

I had some days off. So I decided to write the introduction to the Northall Gazette. In the Northall Gazette articles I will try to give some background information to the diorama's. I see my diorama's as three dimensional pictures. So every person, car & building on the diorama is "real" and has his purpose for that moment.   I will publish the Gazette pages as a picture. If you also prefer an PDF that posible too.       And also a picture of the Eastern Pub in full color out the

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Resurection of Lima BR brake van completed.

Here's a couple of shots of the completed Lima BR brake van from my previous blog entry seen at the buffer stops on Juniper Hill.   The brake was finished and weathered with Tamiya acrylics. Again the pre-shading technique was used. Decals are Fox or HMRS and the bodywork was given a coat of Kleer. As you can see I've replaced the huge Lima tension lock coupling with a Parkside NEM coupling pocket and Bachmann coupling.   The veranda glazing is made from microscope slide glass. The door and



Lines and Locos

At last some more progress - on two fronts. Both baseboards for the junction station, Newton Purcell, have been built and initially installed. The construction is the same as the rest - 2x1 inch framing and cross members with 6mm MDF on top, glued and screwed, topped with insulation board made for going under laminate floors.   The station is roughly a "handed" version of Grandborough Junction on Peter Denny's Buckingham Branch - why reinvent the wheel fully? you may think, but the design actu

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer


Welcome to TURNER'S FOLLY Model Railway Group and Layout.   This Blog is designed to keep you updated with what is happening and where you can see TURNER'S FOLLY.   A list of our planned shows will be displayed very soon, we are just awaiting a few more to be confirmed.   Please feel free to add comments, feedback and ask any questions you may have to our Blog page.   Thank you for reading our Blog and we welcome you back soon.   Regards   TURNER'S FOLLY http://WWW.TURNERSFOLLY.CO.U

Turners Folly

Turners Folly

GWR HALL 7900 (10)

Have been doing a little to the hall body.   We started with the smokebox front which was a little small. So I rolled up a bit of 010" brass to fit inside to reduce the diameter. I also did the bands on firebox, which was easy once I had the right information from the good folks on here.     It was then onto the sand box linkage and the reversing leaver. Then on with the other white metal castings on the running plate. I had to make a couple of handrail and e


N15class in GWR St Peters Hall.

Heworth Sidings - Update - 29/04/2013

Hi,   Since the last Blog entry, we have been moving steadily forward with the basic scenery for the layout. Heworth features a dis-used branch line which runs along the left hand side of the layout and which we are using as the scenic break. This line then crosses the main running lines and effectively disappears into the viewing public. The bridge across the main running lines has been removed possibly due to the electrification of the line, but the embankment still remains.   The basic st



Thoughts on the Taunton Event

Hi   Thanks to all involved in arranging the Taunton Event. The selection of Layouts was good, Atmosphere excellent.   I always enjoy seeing Bridport Town. The town modelling is well observed, and the owner is an excellent communication skills and out his explanations are pithy and very instructive.   The use of low tech sound effects, such as the wooden locomotive whistle gave the operation just that little something extra.   The contrast between the high tech, with locomotives not prop



Sandy Bay the third

Sandy Bay started life a few years ago now. It was going to be a fill in layout until I moved to York only Sandy Bay one ended up too big to be portable to take to York, so it was dismantled. Sandy Bay two, was built on two baseboards, nine inches wide by four feet long. I used cassette fiddle yards at both ends of the layout. This one went to St Neots MRC open day. I found that the fiddle yards were not suitable for what I needed, (I did try to sell it) so I had a rethink. The answer was to



Not so heavy goods engines - the Bachmann 2251 Class

Previously I have described some of the 2-8-0 freight engine models that are currently available ready to run. Recently there have been questions on RMweb regarding the smaller Bachmann 0-6-0 2251 models and it seemed logical to post a summary here.   The early Mainline Model (37-059)   The current Bachmann models are direct descendents from the earlier models marketed under the Mainline branding. In fact the body shell mouldings are nearly identical. In a previous life I had a Mainline BR

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

St Ouen JNWR - The 1st Buildings

Prototype for Everything Department - Forward   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11591-st-ouen-jnwr-prototype-for-anything-department/   My whole World is a Stage - Back   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11512-st-ouen-jnwr-my-whole-world-is-a-stage/   This weekend I started building the buildings for St Ouen. I was demonstrating at the local show building buildings from scratch, using photographs a source material.   The buildings



A Matter of Scale

Deciding on a scale for this layout was particularly tricky. Originally I wanted to model it in 2mm Finescale, as championed by the 2mm Scale Association. The much finer quality of the scale, particularly of the track, definitely appeals to me.   I wanted the layout to be quite compact, the overall footprint being approximately 950 by 3000mm, for transport as well as storage purposes. I also wanted to include a full loop rather than just model an end-to-end layout. Unfortunately the 2mm scale



Leeds Works car 6 in it's 1950s decrepit state....

Just a few shots of works car 6 in a heavily weathered state, many don't like weathered trams, but most of mine have it in some form, the works cars in Leeds in the 1950s were certainly not pristine and the model reflects it.   Built from an ABS kit with a Halling drive with a plasticard cradle for the drive, bow collector bis .45mm nickel silver wire pivoting in a .5mm brass tube. Weathering done with powders. washes and dry brushing.      

Red Devil

Red Devil

RT Models Hudson Tipper - part 8 painted.

I've finally finished painting and lettering these two. I couldn't decide on livery, red oxide and black seem to be the most common (or indeed the only) liveries carried so I painted one black and left the other in primer!       The red oxide is simply Hycote car aerosol primer, used on both models, and the black Humbrol acrylic 21 'Dirty Black'. I prefer Phoenix Precision 'Dirty Black' but couldn't get any at the time. Before painting I blackened them with Birchwood Casey Super Blue the



Simply screwed, help!

Hi All,   I didn't expect this weekend to amount to much in terms of progress, but when your expectations are low they can only go up!   I was visiting some friends to help with their test track, it's a basic three loop track all N-gauge using set track (Fleischmann). As an aside we visited a train shop, where I found some new DCC point decoders of a type I've been looking for my test track, so bought those.   We tested them this morning and found they work with a Fleischmann ProfiBoss (ma




Me again!   This weekend I havent had musch time (or inclination!) to carry on with the point rodding so instead the short time I had spare I had a go at something else...   These have been on my mind for a while now and as usual, the only solution was to experiment!     I have been growing my own asparagus fern for a while now and today was my first harvest. It needed doing as some of it has started to die off. Armed with this crop and a packet of Tescos finest bamboo skewers I at



Waverley Route – David Spaven

A trip into my favourite local bookshop yesterday revealed a Waverley Route title I’d so far been unaware of, and have now been reading avidly for the last 24 hours. Quite simply a brilliant book. Waverley route – Death and Rebirth of a Borders Railway Unlike other histories of the line this one starts where [...]   Source



Going off-piste....

My latest project... well.... you won't find it on my 'to-build' list.   A few weeks ago I was going through one of my boxes and I found a set of Ratio 48' Midland suburban carriages I'd built two or three years ago. And I thought, 'they look appalling. I can do so much better'. So naturally I took one, pulled it apart and then got stuck, so left it alone and got on with 'Jutland'.   Deciding that if I did nothing I'd no doubt lose half of the carriage, I decided to make it my next proj

James Harrison

James Harrison

Plastic surgery or how to renovate a Lima BR Brake Van

It's been a weird week on the modelling front. From the excitement and adrenaline rush of getting Juniper Hill ready for the Rushden show and then exhibiting come Monday I felt like some modelling . There are bits to do on Juniper Hill and repairs required on the layout and some of the rolling stock but I wanted something quick and easy to do which in my case always turns into a major project.   Here's the link to Juniper Hill:   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/70516-junipe



Introducing Northall

This blog records the development of diorama’s of Northall a fictional neighbourhood in a large industrial city in England. The time setting is in the late 1950’s. The switching point to the modern society with live in now. The diorama’s will all have a relation to British Railway practice in Northall .   All diorama's will be build in APA boxes as a black box.   The idea of building Northall came when I build Bridge Street. Unfortunately not build in a APA box and the victim of the cleara

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Trains in the garden

Having got the layout dusted off (see last post) thought I would give a loco a run in the garden... I don't think our Cockapoo puppy is knows what to make of it !     If only I could remember how to embed a YouTube clip !!



WestonRail 2013

I wonder how many small villages can boast two different model railway exhibitions a year, in two different locations, organised by two different groups of people. I doubt there are many. In fact Weston-on-Trent in South Derbyshire may just be unique in that sense. Last year I organised our first ever exhibition, located in the village school. This was successful enough for a repeat to be planned for this year (Saturday 16th November). This weekend sees another event in the village. WestonRail



A day with the other half out and an empty workshop (we share one)

Well, I had a rare Saturday to myself and had a bit of a go. Thanks to the kindness of another member who sent me a PDF of drawing for a standard LNER cocrete PWay hut, another small building has rolled off the laser cutter. Produced in MDF, and Ply designed on Autocad LT It still needs painting to be completed, it had a couple of coats of primer and a first coat of colour. As ever now days humbrol paint isn't what it says on the tin.... I know my painting is terrible but I am sure that humb

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

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    • Hi Pete, excellent entry.  Can’t wait to see more updates.  Nice to hear from you again and note that you are enjoying getting out and about up in Scotland. It’s a beautiful part of the world up there - I spent a summer back in the 90’s walking and camping from Glasgow to John O Groats.  Never got to Kyle as I went up the straight chain of Lochs from Glencoe to Inverness and then North form there etc.  it’s surprising how similar to Scotland this part of world I am now in is - winter here with t
    • Maybe with the new bottle, I should have sent it back…
    • Thank you Annie - I really enjoy re-creating these early engines.  It would have been impossible if the young Edward Lane had not taken a liking to them in the yard at Swindon.  By then, most of them had been superseded by later designs, such as Firefly, but he must have had a sense of 'history'.
    • If the IPA is not removing paint, a good trick is to warm it up which makes it more effective.   Though like you say after a number of uses it does loose its potency, I recently had to change mine after it got to the point where it was barely touching the paint 
    • Thank you Chris - I think it's lovely too!  The Lane drawing was probably made in around 1848, ten years after this engine was delivered and after its time on the South Devon. As my final sentence suggested, I am now looking hard at 'Ajax' which had similar-looking solid wheels.
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