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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A question of spots

A new blog for a few things Great Western.   My current project Juniper Hill-based around the Northamptonshire ironstone quarries is getting to the point where the number of jobs to do is becoming less but it is by no means finished. It is booked for a few exhibitions so will continue to be part of my layout thread.   Somewhere I wrote about having a few core interests one of them being the delightful Teign Valley Line in GWR times that ran between Heathfield and Exeter and closed to passen



Talking Stock #24 3rd Series Merchant Navy initial livery variations

The third and final series of Bulleid’s Merchant Navy Pacifics were not introduced until after the formation of British Railways in the Autumn of 1948. As a result they were numbered immediately into the new BR numbering series 35021 to 35030 but still initially appeared in malachite green whilst British Railways developed their own new livery schemes.   he locomotives were built at Eastleigh and five of the first seven were finished before the completion at Brighton of their 6000 gallon te



Layout - First Thoughts

Now that I've written the history and dreamt up the rationale, it's now time to think about the layout.     Attached is the first draft of Litlington, my chosen station. I am hoping to draw up a nice 'pen and ink' plan, but wanted to make sure everything 'fits' properly.   It is pretty much as per the 'Route Guide' published recently, except I've decided that the brewery entrance would be better 'offstage' - it just seems to suit the open feel of the place a little more. There is room for



UPDATED clean and dirty passenger Locomotives for an EM LM layout

I have never done "before and after shots of locos I have weathered - but I am impressed by Davey4270's shots of the O gauge Wagons I have weathered for him. So having received a number of locos from Mike Edge to weather here are some before shots - I will add the weathered versions over the coming days. First up a Jubilee by Mike - all I can say is what a beauty!     and now a weathered one..     next a Duchess - Princess Alice complete with Scottish Region nameplate..     and C

Barry O

Barry O

A little bit more progress

Well the main structure is now finished, ready for the external details, windows etc I am going to trial Rowmark ADA for the windows to see how it works if its good I think I will add it to my everyday materials the other option will be 1.5mm MDF as I am finding 1.6mm ply lacks consistancy for the very thin sections.

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

Aire Valley Railway

Hi everyone Thanks for your comments. Sorry to have taken a bit longer than intended getting round to this. I had been down to the Porthmadog Model Railway Show with my latest exhibit. It's called Port Maud and is not really a model railway but a model harbour with real water in which the tide ebbs and flows. The basis of the model is a garden potting tray. There is a small element of a railway in it. It's a simple cable hauled car connecting the harbour to the village. It's a total fun thing a

Too warm to weather

Not very often this happens but the ink has been drying too quickly today to allow me to work it into the nooks and crannies it needs to be - so I have been readying some mineral wagons for weathering. I bought these over a number of years ready built and they are a mix of Airfix and Parkside kits. Once complete they can be used on Herculaneum Dock or Cwmafon.   Using Model master decals numbering 16T and 24.5T BR mineral wagons is so easy compared to days of yore. They will be weathered insid

Barry O

Barry O

Updated Layout Plan

The track plan has been updated to include some more hidden sidings, as well as being tweaked slightly in some other places to allow more flexible running. The main layout is a double-track loop, with a loop line serving St Mary Mead. However, it is intended to be operated more as an end-to-end layout, with trains running between Paddington and terminating in the hidden sidings before returning to Paddington. The option of having a continuous loop is great for the days when you might want to ha



Laying the yard track

The bottom level track is in place and I’ve nearly got an operational railway in 300 square inches! Making the most of the restricted space is the biggest challenge, and a key part of the design is having the front track as close to the baseboard edge as possible. Using an off cut of baseboard [...]   Source



Laying the yard track

The bottom level track is in place and I’ve nearly got an operational railway in 300 square inches! Making the most of the restricted space is the biggest challenge, and a key part of the design is having the front track as close to the baseboard edge as possible. Using an off cut of baseboard [...]   Source



St Ouen JNWR - Prototype for Anything Department

The 1st Buildings - Back   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1283/entry-11543-st-ouen-jnwr-the-1st-buildings/   Prototype for Everything Department   The question that has been the buzz on the 2mm virtual Area Group has recently been how sharp can my curves be. Below is a photograph of a prototype with very sharp curves.     If this was modelled in 2mm scale, the radius would be about 60mm, that’s 120mm in 4mm scale. Oh yes where is this photograph taken. The answer is



Wiring made simple...

I promised a photo of the wiring after installation of the point decoders, so here it is:     As you can see the two decoders are simply screwed to the bottom of the board and all the wires from the points around it simply head towards it, in the end only two wires lead into the central hub where it connects to the central distribution point.   Simples....   Yesterday when I went to try the layout right way up, one point motor failed to switch it's point properly. It fired, and you coul



The lads have been in on overtime!

Well it looks like the lads from S&T have been in on overtime today, I have finished the roof structure ready to slate it later, the roof is lift off loacted on pegs so the interior can be painted and worked on and includes the correct ties and internal structure, I havent planked the inside that will be a job to do with the lining pen once painted.   I hope that the exterior panelling will be on later ready for the stairs windows etc later in the week.

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

A little bit of weathering...

I have been contemplating a blog of sorts to keep up with weathering I do for both myself and a number of clients across Europe. The latest item to be weathered is a Heljan ) gauge Hymek - as it comes its a nice shiny BR Blue and it is very, very heavy (3.5kg) which makes handling a trifle difficult!         Using Indian ink and water as a "undercoat" I washed all over the loco including underframes. (Black ink for the roof and sides, brown for the underframes and bogies) When dry I added

Barry O

Barry O

Introducing Section 1 - Paddington Station

When deciding on the London terminus for the layout there was really only once choice. The only station that actually appears in the title of one of Agatha Christie’s books. Paddington.     Obviously this ties in well with the Christie books The 4:50 from Paddington and The Plymouth Express as these trains would both depart from the station. We have to use a little more artistic licence for The Orient Express and Le Train Bleu (the trains that appear in Murder on the Orient Express and The My



Bristol Barrow Road at SN

I have just received a disc the some photos of the layout taken during S4N a couple of weeks ago when it was populated by locos and stock belonging to myself, Morgan Gilbert, Dave Holt, John Darch and Paul Hutfield - thanks chaps, I've never seen so many locos on shed. John's freight on the main line looked particularly impressive as did the Gloucester passenger with Morgan's coaches. The following photos are credited to the Scalefour Society courtesy of David Brandreth.          



Here comes the summer

Not my favourite track by The Undertones (that would be John Peel's favourite, Teenage Kicks) but good all the same.   Yes, the Siberian winter has finally drawn to a close and not before time - I was getting fed up with it. The camera has been out a few times and I was especially pleased with this one of 90041 near Dordon. 'It's all about the sky' as they say.   On the workbench I've finally completed engine #1 of the Deltic sound project. In 7mm it sounds really good. In 4mm it's good but



MR type 4 signal box...work in progress

Well I have an operation coming up so I am working through outstanding jobs.   I have agreed to supply the Midlands group of the G1MRA with some buildings for their Stanley Midland layout, normally the back face is not on public view and just used for stock storage but for the G1MRA Expo the whole layout will be viewed in the round.   This is a bespoke Midland Railway type 4 signal box I am producing, its double sided because of its proposed position to give the signalman a view of the sidin

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

Where am I?

I have had a couple of messages from some friends and contacts asking why I 'have been sat on my arse instead of updating my layout...'   So a few lines to update these souls desperate for my failures and misadventure....   My layout is, as of right now, none existent. Or more precisely, stores up against the wall of the living room.   This is simply because we are in the process of house hunting, as (thank god) I have found a new job, (or more specifically, applied for and got the job I d



The 'Jersey Lily'....

I've finished, for a given value of finished.... there is always more to do or bits to improve as and when time permits and my skills get better.   So, this is how 'King Edward VII' looked when I first finished her (him?) back in January....     Some may remember it from a post I made in one of the sub-forums describing how I bashed it from a B12.   Now at the time, I was really pleased with that. But then little things started to irk me- like the wonky handrail and the lining on the

James Harrison

James Harrison

Rule of Thirds

“My aim in creating a diorama is to capture the essence of an urban, railway “connected”, scene in the late 1950’s”   After building building Bridge Street I covered it with plastic against dust. This meant that it wasn’t visible any more. I also have to keep my hobby/work room as much as possible dust free because I’m very allergic. After a visit by Ikea I saw the APA box. After reading the user guide I decided to buy one to see if it was possible to build a convincing diorama in it. On an

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Industrial Steam

I'm doing this as part of my Diddington blog, though it might be the precursor of a new blog in the future, or even a layout thread.   I've aleays like the idea of insdusrial railways. They've got a lot going for them as they are ideal for small space modelling however, I've always been distracted by some of the larger stuff.   There's an industrial/light railway spur at Diddington, and I've had a number of ideas for developiing it over the years. Sor far it's got as far as a few items of ro



Laser cut buildings - Water tower - painted and tank fitted

My model of Thaxted water tower is coming on nicely. As I commented in my last blog I cut a base for the tank from 3mm acrylic (an alarming orange colour) and a pair of formers from transparent acrylic. A piece of brass the right height was then folded around the formers and stuck on with epoxy.   I think the painting was much more successful than previous attempts. I had sealed the MDF with an MDF sealing paint and then sprayed on two coats of red oxide primer, leaving a good bit of drying ti

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

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