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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Northall Dock – 3D design

From main scene to diorama design. “Just build what you can see” After the design of the main scene and his most important details it was time to plan the whole diorama. I made the other buildings from scrap card. This gave me the opportunity to see of the basic plan was alright.           The other buildings I planned two other warehouses and a stable. After my first trial I discovered some problems with the balance of the warehouses and the height of the stable. To solve this problem

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Fiddling around

An update on Skaleby West   This week has been the school's half term holidays and I had hoped to get cracking with the Skaleby West extension. Sadly one or two family issues have prevented the development of the additional board. But I have managed to make progress elsewhere!   Today I had a free afternoon whilst my wife was visiting her mother, so I turned my attention to the fiddle yard for the layout. This was built in a bit of a rush prior to last year's show and appeared with the faci



Work on the B5- it's putting up a struggle...

I've been trying to work on my B5 for the last few days. Nothing is ever easy....   Having finally succeeded with the coupled wheels.... getting me this far     I turned attention to the valvegear and bogie. Ah. Oh buggar.   The bogie needs to be drawn in toward the coupled wheels by a good 8mm or so. Unfortunately I couldn't pull the link bar in to this degree (I managed it on the C5 only by cutting it and drilling a new hole, which managed to wreck one of my dremel drills), so I

James Harrison

James Harrison

Green fingers

Afternoon all Sorry for the lack of postings recently, but progress is being made. Don't know if it's the influence of Springwatch or the Chelsea flower show, but things are definitely blooming in Clevedon. Fencing has been completed and the last of the various sheds have been built (finally). Signalling is all built. With all the boards up, I've been planting static grass and am starting on the various trees and bushes. Fibres are a blend of Heki with some Green Scenes straw



Pannier Capers-Part 3

Bit an update on the progress of my model of Newton Abbot's 9717.   Following on from a discussion in the last entry regarding the position of the sandbox filler lids on the Bachmann Pannier here's the real thing on the South Devon Railway's L92.     As we can see on the prototype the lids are actually in line with the front of the smokebox as opposed to the Bachmann model that has them situated closer to the buffer beam.   Here's my model of 9717 progressing nicely showing the sandbox



Iron Ore! updated with Dirty wagon shots!

Over the years i have acquired and built a number of iron ore wagons. These range from modified Airfix 16T minerals, through Parkside fitted kits to Bachmann unfitted examples.   I am now starting to weather the fleet as it appears we can run them on Chapel en le Frith - a layout under construction by Leeds MRS.   The Bachmann vehicles are a bit "chunky" so a dollop of weathering does help. This time I used a mix of sepia ink and water followed by adding chunks of ore dirt/rust adding powder

Barry O

Barry O


I have done some more to this, or I should really say I have done the same bit again.   I remade the cylinders scaling from photos, and my poor drawings. The seem much better and look better with the body. I still have problems with the axle box lining up with the front axle. I do believe the crosshead is too high, and the slide bars are slightly heavy. I have decided to leave these as I feel it will make a mess of them reducing their size.   First and second photos shows the


Tonight has seen the first real tangible progress on the layout - although there isn't a lot to show for it. What I have done is to print out the XtrkCad plan in 1.1 scale, and tape it on the board. Now that I've worked out that the gap in the middle was down to the printer rather than any fault of mine, I'm pretty pleased with it - the layout flows nicely, with something that I had previously only seen on screen now taking physical shape. This though is the easy part - what comes next is some



Curved Double Slip with moving thingies

Well,   I am out of the arm chair and now armed.... with a soldering iron . As the double slip is the busiest and hardest peace of track to build I thought I would make a practice one, so when I stuffed it up I would learn what I needed to fix before building the new one.   I printed out the double slip section from Templot and then glued it down to a melamine board ( as they are water and glue proof-ish. So I can use it over and over again... yay ) I then cut up the sleepers for the skip



Curved Double Slip with moving thingies

Well,   I am out of the arm chair and now armed.... with a soldering iron . As the double slip is the busiest and hardest peace of track to build I thought I would make a practice one, so when I stuffed it up I would learn what I needed to fix before building the new one.   I printed out the double slip section from Templot and then glued it down to a melamine board ( as they are water and glue proof-ish. So I can use it over and over again... yay ) I then cut up the sleepers for the skip



Tank Wagons

I am part way through weathering some of my own tank wagons - an Airfix Class B and a Mainline 14t Class B   Here they are together before weathering:   unlike Mike Delamar I haven't changed the walkways or ladders on the Airfix kit and I forgot to paint over the restraining bars on the Mainline vehicle - I will come back to that in a later blog.   So a general wash of ink and water followed by powder - then running wet ink down from the filler and adding dry powder to this results in:

Barry O

Barry O

Aire Valley Railway

Hi everyone. I finished my last posting with a mention of another item connected to dry print.This was etching. It was the final "aid" to giving that final finish to the locos. There was an article in I think the Model Railway News explaining how to etch your own nameplates. The author was the late Dennis Allenden, an Englishman living and working in the U.S.A. modelling superb French locomotives and rolling stock in 7mm scale. The production of name plates was in fact pretty simple but need so



FMLA Revisited: An Oft-Overlooked Line

Afternoon all!   As we were having fairly nice weather this afternoon, I decided to shoot a few photos on a specific stretch of railway in the western boroughs of Frankfurt which due to current events is once again proving to be very useful to have available!   In recent weeks, three derelict WWII bombs have been found on a construction site near the borough of Rödelheim, which I understand had been part of what has once been an airfield – and, in fact, the earliest forerunner to today's Fra

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Introducing Section 4 - Burgh Island

Burgh Island Hotel is closely linked to the crime novelist Agatha Christie, as it inspired the settings for both And Then There Were None and the Hercule Poirot mystery Evil Under the Sun. The ITV adaptation of Evil Under The Sun used the island as a filming location. This area of the layout will definitely be a challenge. An island section surrounded by the sea is going to be difficult to fit into a layout which is essentially a loop that needs to flow seamlessly from London to the countryside



St Ruth at RailEx

Just back from RailEx with St Ruth all packed away safely. It was a very enjoyable show and an excellent mix of layouts to look at.   St Ruth behaved itself and performed well, including the new operators (Ian and Stephen). All four signals kept working for both days which is good news given our lack of mileage with them (and particularly the servo drives). The route indicator decided not to play on Saturday but was persuaded back into action today and was fine after that. I think that the new



Problem Solved - maybe!

Not a great deal of progress today as have been doing a bit of proper work for a change! Think I have come up with the solution for the hole though.   The CD box is 120mm and it just so happens that there is an adjustable hole drill that goes up to 120mm. It is worth a try but I am well aware that it will be at the maximum reach and may well make a hole that is not exactly round. Some scrap ply to start off with will be a good idea I think.   Anyway, one ordered for just over a fiver from Eb



Gears completed

Here I have completed the 25t Mod0.3 gear, in brass, next step to make the split axle muffs to carry them, and the wheelsets



A Hunslet!

A day off from my umpiring duties means that I have time to do some weathering.   This is a Commission and is a Judith Edge 50T Hunslet built and painted by Mike Edge.   Here it is clean:     and then weathered...     Notice the diesel stains around the diesel level indicator....   more wagons to come.....     Enjoy!

Barry O

Barry O

Foreign engines

Following a good day at Railex in Aylesbury meeting old friends, and making new ones too, I have returned home with renewed enthusiasm This afternoon I have been mostly making gears for my Dapol GWR 2-6-2 conversion.   These are to be M0.3 and the first is 14 tooth, machined directly onto a muff as the first gear in the final reduction train.   The pictures show the milling set-up for this tiny gear, with the resulting muff ready for drilling to 1.5 dia for the stub axles.    



Another one down and done

Well, another of my 2013 models is now finished.   Last night it was a fairly simple job to paint out the '2' in '12 tons' and then replace it with a '5' off of the HMRS transfer sheet. It would have been easier to have noticed before that the thinner backing paper for the transfers comes away quite easily from the thicker card-like stock of the main sheet once scored through.   Overall I'm quite happy with it- the van certainly looked the part idly partnered up with my L1 and a couple o

James Harrison

James Harrison

Some new motive power including some neighbours

Well after nearly two months our insurance claim has at last fully recuperated our losses from the flood. We were on a new for old policy, normally this means they 'recommend" several retail outlets that will reimburse you with a like for like or similar replacement of damaged goods,,this is fine for our Bosch white goods as we have a currys electrical two miles down the bypass, however things get difficult when it comes to specialist HO models but now all is settled   Ive purchased five new



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