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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

One step forward ....

That is the way it feels at the moment.... Have made some very big steps in the last two days but these have thrown up new issues. What I have managed is all the track is now laid and it is all wired up albeit in a rather messy fashion. I have run my first trains. However..... These trains have only run on DC, when I connect DCC there seem to be several shorts whicj is really strange as the slow running on DC is actually really good.   Other big issue is that I have decided that I cannot live



A Prototypical Prototype

The latest of the coaches that made it to Railex but weren't quite finished is now done… barring the usual few bits waiting for some crud coloured paint.   To recap for those just joining the story, this is a Fleetline kit bought in the 1980s which has languished in my gloat box ever since. The kit has been assembled mostly 'as intended' except for discarding every whitemetal part (including the coach ends) and replacing with Plastikard. I suspect that some readers may have been expecting me



Northall Dock - Deep water

The poem is my free interpretation from the first part of the poem “down in the deep water”. The original poem is to be found here: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/down-in-the-deep-water/                     This is the first time I made several try outs before I start modelling a part of my diorama. On my first water surface I just used black paint and several layers of varnish. For Northall Dock I wanted to see if other ways would give a better result. So for the dock water I tried o

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Brighton 75A: Today's post 130606

I'm in the great position of having the space to lay out 8 x 4 sheets of plywood and also lay out completed baseboard components and the even greater position of being able to 'come up for air' from the day's labours and spend the odd few minutes on the layout. In the mid morning break, I lined up all the templates on the curve of platform 2 (and near the edge of the board to minimise wastage) and spot glued the centre of each one to the board. Just before lunch, I finished off the remaining tem




Another one of those random projects which have little use from a layout point of view, other than being an interesting exercise in modelling (which frankly is the most important thing)... As with the Saint, I am pretty undecided if I will build it in OO (using the included Romford wheels) or sell them on and buy a set of P4 Gibsons. In this case I am tending toward the latter as it means the chassis can be built to the correct width! I also will need to decide if I will make a ridged chassis, f

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Track, Cobolts and wiring

A very busy day but got a bit late and dark again so no pic of progress again I am afraid. Finished off the track this morning and right on cue a box of six Cobolts arrives. Great service from http://www.modelrailwaysdirect.co.uk/ only ordered yesterday, very good price and very reasonable postage. Have fitted most of the motors which was very easy and seem to work well from an old mobile charger.   Have actually managed to run some trains although the wiring is not complete yet and is unfortu



Track almost finished

Firstly a thank you to the very helpful comments about the point motor dilemma. Solution is an order of six Cobalt (I know, I spelt it incorrectly before !), is winging its way here right now. I think I will make up a temporary control panel and do the clever stuff in stages just to make sure I am walking before running as although I have a basic understanding of electronics putting it into practice is another matter.   Managed quite a lot today although no picture as was pretty late and dark



Brighton MPD: A 30 year dream becomes reality: Today's post 130605

Today's post... The first decision in constructing the baseboard using the laminate method described to me by Glevum Group's Chris, is to decide, as in the diagram, whether to put the top sheet on top of the side members ('B) or to let it sit on a recess formed by the two side members laminated together (A). Chris' method is A, and although this might be obvious, I don't think it's that clear cut (no pun!). The traditional (and awful) method of 2x1 framing is usually to screw the top to it and



Tinsley TMD

This is my recent loft layout of part of Tinsley TMD modelling the south east/east end of the main shed circa mid/late 1970s. I have almost completed it and started it in late 2011 as a corner/side filler for my loft. I would have finished it much earlier but for the two long winters (and sprinters) that we have had 2012 and this year. I know there are better layouts out there but I hope it captures the flavour of Tinsley TMD and the entrance roads at the east end.   If enough folk are int



2-6-2 Cylinders

Evening all, It's been a not very nice day today, overcast and cool-perfect for spending an afternoon in the workshop! Having cleared a bit of space on the workbench, attention has turned to assembling the cylinders. David's design produces a sturdy slidebar assembly, but you do need some small (tiny) files to size the apertures in the cylinder covers. Here I am showing one completed unit, and one with the cylinder cover off, to show the internal assembly. It was quite fun to make these up



Fulgurex or Colbolt

Have just made up a kit of parts for the last pair of legs but a screw shortage means a delay until this afternoon when I can get some more. Also took the opportunity to shorten the locating tangs on the top of the legs. Just need to clear space in conservatory now and can soon have them all put up - all eighteen and a half feet of it.   But a big question now..... I was going to use Fulgurex point motors and have four out of the six I will need but they seem to be in short supply at the momen




Hi . Before going into further etching, an answer to to a question I get asked on odd occasions. " Do I regret parting with the Aire Valley"? I will dodge that question and just say it is in the past and you cannot change the past. A move of house with no room for the railway was the reason for the sale. I know it's been mentioned before that the locos, except two, and rolling stock went to friend in Australia. On a visit to Australia some years later to visit my wife's sister my friend gave me



Track on traverser

Managed to get a fair bit done today despite a couple of setbacks - ran out of wood and found big sheet of foam board I had in stock was 3mm not 5mm as is being used for track bed. Both easily sorted but trips to DIY and art store do eat into available time.   Main tracks are now laid and wired on traverser, not sure exactly where the in road will come in so am leaving that for now. Realised that need the other points sorted out before I can lay track on adjacent board so set about that tonigh



Low Relief Warehouses.

Here is yet another illustrated guide through the construction methods used on Snitzl's  low relief warehouses. Inspiration for all three warehouses comes from a similar brick  structure found on Peter Denny's Buckingham.   Area's of construction lacking detail are covered comprehensively in other blogs.     Thanks for Looking..  


snitzl in Buildings

GWR Exe Valley

Here is the build progress so far of my layout called Exe Valley,a fictional GWR branchline somewhere in devon along the exe . an N gauge...dc controlled u shaped layout 6 x 6 x 6 ft and 1 ft wide boards. Track is peco code 55 and all points are electrofrog using seep point motors .. here are a few pictures



Finishing Off - Set 1 and the Met Bo-Bo

Just to round off a couple of projects - and prove that I do occasionally finish things as well as starting them, here are some hasty shots of the Met Bo-Bo and the Set 1 coaches at the DOGA AGT . Two coaches proved a little too much for the card loco , though one was easy enough - at 100g+ each this is not too surprising             This one was taken in it's working environment before weathering and lettering - also before I fitted gan


Ravenser in Constructional

New Club Newport South Wales

Following a sucessful Model Railway Show June 1st and 2nd. I would like to form a Railway Club at Neon, (Old Odeon Cinema), Newport, South Wales, NP19 7AB Not just a Model Railway Club but also anyone interested in Railways generally and interested in researching locations for potential layouts.   I'm proposing Friday Evenings, as I spend a fair time working away from home and always home by Friday.   I am aware Newport MRS already meet on a Friday, so hope that won't cause a problem.   A



Some ex Great Central locos

I always have work to do - a lot of my own stock has never been completely weathered so I am showing some"before" shots here of partly weathered locos built by my late Father - all of these have appeared on Herculaneum Dock on occasion..First up an N5.     I intend to re-weather this as its not been finished.   Then Earl Roberts of Kandahar. also due for some attention to the running gear weathering     and finally     again some work required on running gear etc   They are al

Barry O

Barry O

So I am out of the plaster cast

After the sugery to my right arm I was itching to get back to some making after being in plaster for 3 weeks.   The 30' Midland box has been finished and passed over for painting, the windows and walkway has not been fitted yet to allow the painting to be done.     While I was recovering I also did some very slow single handed CAD and did a design for the Midland 2b type box this one is 15'x10' and a 8' operating floor. Same basics as the Type 4 box but this is fully panelled internally

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

A Quick Diversion

Partly from frustration and partly because I like to see things move I decided I wanted to do a little project that was going to be reasonably quick to get to a stage were I could run a loco. About 2 weeks ago, at Expo EM I purchased an unbuilt Wills Finecast kit of an 1804 GWR Saddle tank, last week at Railex I also obtained the etched nickel silver chassis from SE Finecast and some Gibson wheels for it. So on Friday evening I decided to make the chassis. These Finecast etched chassis go togeth



Some holes!

Been a bit of a quiet few days on the building front due to a few days away at the rather brilliant Hay on Wye Book Festival. I can count some progress though as scoured the many book shops for suitable images for the buildings and have come away with several new books. I am really looking forward to recreating the images in model form and tying loads of images together to make my own little world!   Have done a couple of practical things though. I made up some actuators for the points out of



Printed Victoria Bridge Arrives (at last)

At long last, the conclusion of the 'I'll get it printed soon..' saga, well, the parcel from Shapeways arrived. The original laser cut MDF bridge will survive as a 'core' but now, 'Victoria' is rendered in much finer resolution as a 3D print, rivets and all!   It was printed in 'Frosted Detail' rather than 'Frosted Ultra Detail' to save on cost, it has plenty of detail still legible, with all of the wording showing through rather well in relief. I had to make the side in three segments due to

Will J

Will J

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