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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

By way of an introduction

I thought it is about time I documented some of my projects, partly to see if anyone else had similar odd interests and partly as an incentive to getting some of them finished, or perhaps just even started! I am a terrible procrastinator & time-waster.   Why the name “Notlob” you may be thinking? Well from 1864 to 1898, Isaac Watt Boulton ran a locomotive conversion and remanufacturing business, taking cast-off early locos and rebuilding them as industrial locomotives, which were t


2mmMark in Blog Intro

Standard, Standard, get your Standard Arthur Here...

It's been a fair while since I last did a Standard Arthur, makes a change from the usual Bulleids etc.   I'd had the donor for sometime, plus I'd also acquired Irwells: The Book of Standard Class 5... While reading the book and comparing it to Bachmann's model of the Standard 5, I noticed there was a few things missing to make it a true Standard Arthur - namely lamp brackets and few minor improvements to make.   After discovering that the smoke box door popped out easily (only lightly glued



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. Having looked at the image of the home made drilling machine I posted in my last blog again I'm not sure if does show things very well. While I realise no one is going to construct such a machine in this day and age when small pillar drills and hand held mini drills are available i am attaching a simplified drawing which I hope will help to explain it..I say this in jest but then we had to scratch build machines to scratch build models. It beat using a pin chuck in the hand to drill brass



GS Wagon finished

Finished - now that is a word that is not often associated with my models! Well finished for now that is as will need a bit more detailing when in place. This finishing lark does actually give me an interesting idea but more on this when I have thought it through a bit.   Got quite carried away with the detailing in the end with the bouncy seat, side stays and working brake lever. Seemed a pity to paint it and cover up all that brass.   It got treated to an undercoat, a couple of coats of ol



Wales highland railway

Went on holiday to Porthmadog went on the highland railway and loved it the only problem is that you never want to go home and the vies were fantastic here is a few pics for u all to see and I took them on my iPhone hope u enjoy andy

Andy Oliver

Andy Oliver

Summer module - progress

A few days off work saw some enjoyable progress on the summer module. Currently it's in "GWR" guise although as mentioned earlier in this blog, all the region-specific fittings are designed to be easily swappable so that I can switch to S&D operations with relatively little bother, as well as having some scenic areas that can be changed purely for variety.   Here's the current state of play in the station/goods yard area, before I ran out of Wills sheets to do the setts between the sidings

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Brighton 75A: Today's post: Desk developments

I have always wanted to play jazz piano like Oscar Petersen or Dudley Moore and somehow never managed to, for two good reasons: I am too lazy and too impatient to practise! And the same goes for modelling - too impatient and expecting instant results. But with the will to get Brighton right I realise that I have to put the time in and this weekend and past few days I have had to face the inevitable - learn how to use Templot properly so that the trackwork bears some resemblance to the actual lay



Railbus Trials

Back in 1963, Diddington featured heavily in that report, and not in a good way. Despite this, Eastern Region carried on looking at ways they might improve the services at Diddington. Viewers of my gallery may have noticed the attempt to use a redundant Wisbech and Upwell diesel tram on the agricultural tramway back in 1967, but before that they tried using an AC cars railbus on the passenger services. I've found some pictures of this event, which are attached.   The truth is, I found an old




Hi all,   It's been more than a month now since my last post on the HOe front but life has not been all idleness. Two points were damaged during the point wiring so they've been replaced after attempts at repair proved fruitless. In the process a short curved piece of track was damaged. This was glued down (never again) so needed to be removed carefully!   Needless to say the new point was installed, a new piece of track laid and the end result is actually better than before! The points was



A dirty G2 and a dirty Jubilee - "cleaned"

Been busy today weathering some locos before umpiring a 90 over county junior game... The first is an EM Brassmaster LNWR G2 - a gentle wash of ink and odd bits of powder to get a slightly used look   First a clean loco...   and now slightly "used"     and then a funny one - take a dirty loco     then make it look like its been "cleaned"     this is very much a try it and see so does anyone have any comments on the finish??   attempt 2 to publish all the pictures went stra

Barry O

Barry O

A wagon but not as we know it!

As a bit of light relief I started PLM Castaways GS wagon kit last night. I had looked at it a few weeks ago but have now got the little Shires book 'Horse Drawn Transport of the British Army' - now there is a title I never though would be gracing my book shelves! Although the parts are nicely cast there are no instructions and bits do not just seem to fall into place as I hoped they would. To make matters worse It just does not seem to fit any one of the pictures, drawings or diagrams I have fo



A Station Building for Litlington

The Baseboards have been on the back burner since the last update, because the weather has not tended to be at the best when I have had the time (and it isn't late enough to annoy the neighbours) . It's not a problem - I'm in no mood to rush things for the sake of it, and anyway, I have been reconsidering my reasons for going with the jigsaw method.   Originally, I wanted to do this because I felt it would be an easy way of making the layout portable - which still applies. However, three 4' lo



Report from the tracklaying gang

There is no gang; it's all me....   I've built my first two points from C&L bits and pieces on Templot templates to 31.5mm gauge - they seem to work very well, as do the Tortoise motors i've fitted below the boards.       I've built some mock up buildings to help get a feel for the layout of the finished station:     I've put together a catch point to protect the main line from activity in the yard:   My next job is to build the engine release crossover which (in my fict



Assembling The Baseboard

There are six baseboards which make up the whole layout. I’m going to choose the easiest to begin with! The baseboard which mainly contains the St Mary Mead section doesn’t have any points, making the track work and wiring a lot simpler. This is a great bonus considering I’ve never made my own track before! I will be building track using The 2mm Scale Society components, but to the 9mm gauge and the standards of the N Gauge Society.     The absence of point work on this section of the board a



Another one to add to the list of projects!

New purchase!- found this on ebay this evening....     It's described as a scratchbuilt LNER tank locomotive- it looks to be either an F1 or F2. Both classes built by the GCR in the 19th century to operate suburban trains around Manchester. My plans for it? The driving wheels look too small- I may look into replacing them with some 5' 7'' drivers. The chimney is a 1930s LNER standard flowerpot design, and will be replaced with a Robinson example. The loco will be given a clean up and a

James Harrison

James Harrison

A short update

Good evening fellow members and guests:   As the sixth anniversary of the start of my layout is fast approaching and the seventh may even come before it is finally finished, I have decided to show some photographs, namely:         In them you can see my two DMU's. After exchanging information and advice elsewhere on this web. I came to the conclusion that, from the DCC angle, my layout was at least acceptable and so I had a go at playing trains with these DMU's running simultaneous



Busy Weekend

Yes, a very busy weekend but unfortunately not with modeling so have missed my little bit every day for two days - will have to catch up! Did take 7 year old daughter up Snowden (no not on the train!), though so not completely wasted.   Have got loads of proper work on now but am getting a bit bored of it so a decent break is looming so shall put kettle and soldering iron on and do a bit more of tidying up the wiring.



Salt weathering? I've got to say I am well impressed!

I recently read an article in the Hornby magazine, June 3013 edition, on salt weathering and thought it would be a good idea to have go. I asked the missus about non-perfumed hairsprays and she said she had one that she didn't like, saying I could use it. Well, what could I say?   I followed the advice in the article on a wagon that will never see the light of day. I only did one side to see how it would turn out. This is the result:       The hardest part was getting the salt to sit w



GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd - Transfers

So, the little coach has made another step towards completion. All the HMRS transfers have been applied and the end strapping has been painted black.       Some pipework to attend to, all the brasswork (handles etc) to add then it should be ready for varnish



What's this blog about?

This blog was originally intended to be about my building a new, very light-weight, quickly setup, exhibitable layout which when folded would easily fit into my car boot. It was to be in EM gauge rather than in S4 or P4, the track/wheel standards I have been working in since ……, well a very long time ago!   I much prefer scratch building locos but there is little doubt that age is attacking any skills I may have developed over the years and it may be that I will need to fall back on less preci

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

4-wheeled stock

Hello, RMwebbers!   This blog shall chronicle the construction of the Welsh Midland Railway, a fictional standard-gauge line running through mid-Wales, sharing connections with the neighboring Great Western, Cambrian, and Midland railways.   At the present time, the layout is in a very confused state of development. The rolling stock is coming along quite slowly, and the track plan (at times) seems to change by the day! The current issue seems to be the construction of a 4-wheeled



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. I have been delving into my photo bits and pieces. With luck attached below is a photo of the panel and diagram of Mill Lane Jcn signal box which I retired from just over 19 years ago. It controls Bradford Interchange Station which replaced Bradford Exchange some years ago. The old Exchange box went along with the old station The ten dead end platforms of the old station were reduced to four in the new one. The ten old platforms were divided equally, Five G.N., five L.and Y. The old bo



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