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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Revisiting a Nu-Cast J15

As some of you may know my main interest in railway modelling is the Kettering-Cambridge line. This interesting line ran for 32 miles and was known as the Varsity Line. In later years the main motive power from the Midland/Eastern Regions was the Ivatt 2MT Mogul and its BR Standard version from Kettering and Cambridge sheds respectively. Nevertheless old timers did make an appearance with Kettering providing Midland 2F's and Cambridge the GER J15.   If you want to model a J15 in 4mm scale ther



Buckden Station 1978

Here are some pictures of Buckden Station near Brampton, Cambridgeshire in 1978. At the time the station was in use as a private house. The signal box, still in its Eastern Region colours, appeared to have been used as a greenhouse.   1. The signal box First a general view from the back.   A view of the access steps. The box was platform mounted   The water tank at the back was a nice feature   2. The weighbridge A couple of pictures of the weighbridge office



Pale fencing for the yard

It seems ages ago since the last post, so to keep things ticking over, I thought that I might share with you a few photos of the pale fencing for the yard hut for Penmawenmawr, as can be seen in this photo taken by Dave Sallery:     Made from wood (most probably chestnut), this type of fencing is more commonly known as "Cleft fencing". It simply involves driving the wooden stakes into the ground which are usually held together by twisted galvanised wire. More common around beaches, it can e

Howard Smith

Howard Smith

I know that sometimes I appear awkward - BUT I am Autistic

Hi   Because I have Autism, I am unable to read between the lines of what someone is saying. Thus far more misunderstanding occur, for me that most people, who are 'neuro typicals'.   I also have serious problems with equipment and software which are designed to be intuitive.   Recently I have been having problems, with uploading files to RMWEB. Because of my Autism the help information provided is worse than useless to me. The only way I have of solving such problems is to experiment.  



GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd - Done (nearly)

So this build has come to an end (almost) I must say I've enjoyed this trip into GWR land, something I don't normally do. First time with a Bob Moore lining pen too. Anyway, jobs left to do are blacken the buffers and fit them properly and fit some 3-links.               So, that's it until the next one - an All Third to match, need to order seating from Slaters before I start that one though. Camping Coach next methinks ......



Hunslet Week - Day 3

This is the state of play at the end of day three - the more observant among you will notice the lack of gearbox. I am afraid that the Branchlines box was just locking up going forward (fine in reverse though), probably down to me bending the etches while pushing the reluctant lay shaft in. Out it has come and a new Markits one should be on it's way to my right now. Have used these before and are sturdy and reliable and will actually fit without having to mess with the firebox. Why didn't I use



Locomotives I own - some ex GC engines

I am busy photographing all of my stock for insurance purposes. This blog will make use of these photos - together with some notes on construction and I hope people can get involved with it.   First up ex Great Central Locomotives - the scratch/kit built ones are my late fathers' work. I have posted the odd picture of some of these in the recent past with some interest. So lets begin with a Tank Locomotive - a Q1 O-8-0T.     This was scratchbuilt in Brass , suing Millhome castings, Ks whe

Barry O

Barry O

Preshading using Tamiya Acrylics

Recently on my blog entries and also on my layout thread for Juniper Hill a number of folk have asked about a technique I use call preshading which has its origins in military/aircraft modelling. I used to model aircraft so was familiar the process. The idea is that preshading gives a faded effect to the centre of panels whilst the panel lines appear to have collected dirt etc.   Below is a photograph of the Tamiya acrylic paints I've used thinned with car windscreen washer fluid     I've



National Power JMA Part 2 - Bashing the Bachmann HHA

I'm not the first person to attempt to make an JMA from the Bachmann HHA, but given that I had already done a version of the bogie for this wagon, it seemed silly not to see how quickly a couple of them could be bashed into shape. The first step was to acquire and dis-assemble a Bachmann HHA. Take all the screws out from the bottom of the wagon and twist. The wagon snaps apart into the pieces seen below:     Next step is to chop the detail off the wagon sides: The grid at the end (interna



GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd - Details, details

Here I go again, dragging a build out with details that hardly anyone will notice, especially when the roof is on!   First glazing bars on the luggage compartment doors. I started with some 0.5mm microstrip, taped it to the bench at 2mm intervals then slid some paper underneath and marked out the horizontals. These were laid and then the area flooded with Plastic Magic.     Once hard, a scalpel blade was slipped underneath to seperate from the paper. After a quick coat of matt black and t



Hunslet Week - Day 2

Compared to yesterday not a lot done (certainly nothing worthy of a photo!), I am afraid but some progress nonetheless. I took the chassis apart again and turned 1.2mm off each axle to stop them protruding and fouling the coupling rods. Sorted out the crank pin problem on front axle in one of those eureka moments when I realised I had another set of wheels for a Baldwin so just borrowed a pair of those and popped a 14ba on. Will just have to remember when I come to fitting the other set. Talking



Neat, neat, neat: adding a fascia to the summer module.

I'm a firm believer in treating our home layouts with the same presentational care that we would use for exhibition models, if not more so, so for me that means a neat fascia and a decent lighting arrangement. The lighting bar is still to come here, but I've at least begun work on the fascia. Recently I've begun using bendy MDF for this, as while being thicker than I'd like, it is very easy to work with and (there's a subtle hint in the name) it bends really well.   In an ideal world you'd put

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Aire Valley Railway

Hi. This post will be mostly images of the stages in the construction of the Wndermere vessel M.V.Swan.. I mentioned in my posting of 11th June the hull is built on the plank and frame method. I'm guessing most of you will know this method. I will now do one of my digressions.. I see over the next fifteen years all the remaining signal boxes are to be closed and twelve Railway Operating Centres will cover the whole of the system. On the one hand it seems drastic and maybe will on some signa



A dirty Pacific - cleaned!

Some of you may have seen this     well its back with me to turn it into a loco which has been hand cleaned and then I need to fit sound to it. Well first attempt at a "cleaned" loco from one which I have weathered..     and a bit more detail - smokebox and boiler     and now the cab and tender     this takes a bit of doing but due to the water based nature of the weathering doesn't require any abrasives or T cut type applications - just water and some cotton buds   Hope it

Barry O

Barry O

Not fade away (Charles Hardin 1957)

Amongst the many facets required to successfully weather your stock,paint fading has to be a high priority.These are my observations and my method of depicting it,before the paint specialists and chemical experts eat me alive.   All railway liveries seemed to fade over time.Sunshine in particular is extremely harsh on the colourful embellishments of our beloved railway stock.     The Sun has particular dislike of the colour red and its variants.Maroon,Crimson and Bauxite

Eric & Gripper

Eric & Gripper

Not Modelling (Again) - Expo2mm

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending 'Expo2mm' at Wallingford. Held in the local sports ground apart from the modelling there was the advantage of 'Doom Bar' at the bar and the 'Lions' first Test against the Aussies!   Several of the layouts on show will be familiar to many RMWeb readers - but it was nice to see them in 'real life' so in alphabetical order -     'Calne' (or 'Smokey Bacon' in the 'layouts thread). Nice to see that Steve has reached a point where scenic-ing has



Hunslet Week - Day 1

I wasn't actually expecting to get started on this today but the Great British weather cut short our weekend camping trip (and the music at the festival was awful - beer good though!), so came back last night and had a pretty full day of it.   Job one was making up the horn blocks. Instructions said to fix the cage with epoxy so it wouldn't come undone on soldering to frame and to save solder getting in the works. I knew better of course and thought if I used 188 degree to solder the cage and



The Works - Lights

The much awaited package from Express Models arrived on Friday so I got beavering away on Saturday evening and have just finished. I used their pendant lights on my Barrow Hill model so was familiar with the electronics involved. This time, however, they made up a bespoke dimmer switch so I can play around with the light levels. A few pics so far.               This last shot is a close up of the elevated works office at the rear. The steps are from Scalelink and were eas



All the Fives and Three Little Ducks - Part 2 – Body and Chassis Progress plus an interlude in Scotland

The 439 tank has progressed nicely, if slowly, but then a holiday in Fort William did intrude.   Although not in the Killin area the holiday provided plenty of opportunity to sample the C&O, whilst the family lazed on the beach at Benderloch (in glorious sunshine! ) I cycled up the coast toward Ballacullish; some of the route follows the old Ballacullish line. I was pleased to discover the old station building (and water tower) at Creagan was in the process of being refurbished by the Hol



Buckden Box: Site visit

As I mentioned in my previous post, nothing of the station at Buckden now remains in place, however some of the station complex does, in fact remain intact. The small signal box originally from Buckden stood at the site long after trains stopped running, and can be seen on the site in photos here:   http://www.signalbox.org/gallery/lm/buckden.php   and   http://www.eastanglianrailwayarchive.co.uk/Railways/Abandoned-Lines-and-Stations/19396851_7VzqsZ/1573576237_mZjbZqr#!i=1573576237&k=m



5512 - almost working...

After spending yesterday at the Scalefour society's AGM down in Teignmouth, and taking the opportunity to pin down as many people as possible for advice on my two non working locos (5512 and the mogul), I have had a bit of success putting it into action   It looks like the lead crankpin is approximately .5mm too short, as a result one of the crank pin nuts falls off very easily. this was compounded by the thread in the lead crankpin nut being partially stripped allowing it to slip straight off

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Airbrush experimenting....

Thoroughly tired of laboriously hand-painting my models, and then finding a streaky finish and brush hairs on the completed model, I decided to have a go at airbrushing.   I found a very cheap airbrush on ebay- now I know some argue to only buy the best but I've been burnt before spending lots of money of something that turns out to be a disappointment. So I bought a cheaper brush-if all goes well then no doubt eventually I'l work my way up to more expensive equipment. I've been given a com

James Harrison

James Harrison

More Backscenes!

Got the whole backscene print fitted to the layout. Went on really well, can't fault the approach at all. OK it cost £44 for the whole 16ft print, but it does look good   Next step is matt varnish over the main board scenes (the fiddle yard board has already been varnished) when we have a warm windless day   Anyway, here's a few snaps              



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