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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Converting the Heljan Class 128 single parcels unit to P4

When I saw someone else bring their model of the Heljan Class 128 into DRAG one evening (still in OO), knew that I was going to have to concoct a plausible excuse to run one in the Bristol area, so that 'Callow Lane' might see one of these beauties in due course.   I did manage to pull together some reasonably convincing lies historical accounts as to why one might have been running to and through Callow Lane, but I'm blowed if I can remember what they are at the moment....   Anyway, I duly

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Every woman every man Join the caravan of love Isley-Jasper-Isley (1985)

For Yorkshire folk everywhere and lesser mortals who fancy saving stuff to put to good use. Well I'll start this topic off purely from a painting perspective. Obviously Jam and pickle jars are really good storage containers on there own.It goes without saying really. Nutella, horrible stuff but the smallest jar is Glass .£1.28 is worth it just for the jar and lid.Bin the evil nutty/chocolate concoction. Excellent place to wash you brushes Yoghurt pots .Excellent for mixing paint prior to a w

Eric & Gripper

Eric & Gripper

Let there be light...

...and there was light. And it was not lo, but I saw that it was electric. I've been making the proscenium arch and lighting rig for Clevedon. I've gone with the aquarium lighting again, this time 2 x 4ft sun-glo tubes with a slightly warmer tone than I used for Wheal Elizabeth. The arch is in 3 sections and supports off the floor via a couple of hanging rails which slot into the sides as I didn't want the foam boards to take any weight. They're clamped to the layout for stability. Th



The Town Of Kirrin

Managed to finish the seaside town of Kirrin on the route, fairly happy with my work although i do have another 39 miles of work to do   The seaside town of Kirrin was originally a town where cargo ships would berth and exchange goods. These days all goods are sorted at the rail served depot just outside of Ford Road and the docks have been taken over by a pleasure boat company that hires boats out for holidays and provides ferry trips. The town itself is still growing albeit slowly, and its



As Promised - progress pics.

Last time I promised a few pics showing progress toward permanence: That’s the finger-muckying, embossed tunnel mouth and retaining wall. The left-hand sheet of green foamboard is the 10’ high retaining wall, above which will sit four houses. Actually they are only half-relief house backs and I found the models in my “Possible future use box”, already made from a period when I investigated the kits produced by Metcalf. On the right is further ex-supermarket foamboard forming the basis of a

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Hunslet Week - Day 6

OK, not sure if this is progress or not ... managed to spend three hours producing this; Now it might not look much but it is a real milestone! What it is for is aligning the axles in their pivots for the compensated bogie but what it really is, is the first time I have actually managed to do any accurate machining on the little milling machine I bought six months ago and have not got the hang of. On the whole my metal working ambitions far outweigh my abilities being armed only with 'O' leve




No it was not Bill Oddy and friends.   I have now got the Deeley chimney and smokebox door from Dragon models, so the 3130 is go again.   I also ordered from Dragon a 12 ton low machinery truck, just for me. It is the old Majestic one but for under £30 I feel it is great value. It might be on the bench in a day or two. I have not built anything from new lately.     From elswhere I got two Antex irons a 40watt and 80watt, both rated at 115 volts. So this will hopefully mean less transf



An introduction

I've finally embarked on a project to model the fictitious NWR as featured in The Railway Series by the Awdry family. I'll be putting my own spin on this, giving my version of how things could have looked. After all, a lot of technical details by the rev. Awdry were often 'retcons' to explain away the choices the artist had made (famously disagreeing with C. Reginald Dalby over unrealistic locomotives). Inspired by Gavin aka Knuckles' own uncompromising replicas of the locos as featured in the b



Landforming .....

The polystyrene sheeting I ordered on Monday turned up today, so with a spare hour, a sharp knife, PVA and carpet tape I now have this     The vertical edges will be faced with Scalescenes walling (already downloaded some ashlar brick in O gauge) and the sloping bits will be smoothed out etc   Onwards!



O Gauge - Activity Resumes

Activity has resumed after a lengthy hiatus. Buildings have appeared and are appearing, mostly RTP. Fences are being planned and located. The garage/coal merchants has now a home. The Peco level crossing is mostly built - all it needs is some final assembly and a paint job. At last some RTP 50's lorries in actual 1/43 - this truly a wonder - I found them advertised in the O gauge guild magazine... So things are looking up and if the momentum continues - summer is a busy time for my business and



Hunslet Week - Day 5

Another rather slow day on the Hunslet front I am afraid. Have just done some more filing and sanding of a couple of bits such as the motion bracket and cylinder block to coax them into their proper places. Fitted the brass handrails and worked on the speaker installation. My plan is to fit one speaker into each side tank although I shall only wire one with the other being a spare as they will be pretty hard to get at once the boiler is in. Hopefully I will be able o get the decoder into the boi




Last year I was one of the participants in the '2012' RMWeb Challenge, as I was tasked to create the station buildings for the Club's new 7mm layout. The initial phases of the build can be seen here :-   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/56603-platform-canopy-services-for-netherley/   and in the ensuing vote I was privileged to be placed 6th and I would like to express my thanks to all those who voted for me..   For those that did not follow the competition, a short resum

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Im Back Baby! Virtual railways With Railsimulator 2013

I've been rather quiet on here recently, mostly because I'm sorting out my wedding and work is rather busy, but also because I've been investing a lot of time in Train simulator 2013.   As you may gather from my other blogs I've been making scenarios for the game that get hosted online via a platform called Steam. I've made a fair few more which are available for download too and I've put them all in a collection available here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=116139080



Track plan

So one of the nice things about building buckden is the relatively simple track plan of the station. This allows prototypical workings and track layout inexpensively and easily. One of the main reasons I chose to start back in the hobby with something fairly simple is that I wanted to be able to finish something to a degree of accuracy that I could be pleased with.   There is a nice 1927 map in "Branch Lines around Huntingdon" by Vic Mitchell et al. which shows the short goods loop, long sidin



Other ex GC engines

You may have seen some of these before but it closes out the GC locos I own.   First up Millhome kit B5 built by my dad, D13 motor, whitemetal body     then the Earl - scatchbuilt in Brass with Millhome fittings, DS10 motor, Romford wheels     and finally a scratchbuilt in Brass Millhome fittings, DS10 motor, Romford wheels     and finally a dirty Robinson 04 - loco courtesy Bachmann, weathering by me     I haven't sorted out my D11 as yet - once its dirty and all the bits

Barry O

Barry O

Diorama design - Urban diorama design.

Planning an urban diorama   When I decided to build diorama’s I tried to find as much information as possible. With this information I made my one reference card. My reference card (without the pictures) contains the following elements:   Think of the acronym PICS: • Plausible scenes • Independent / isolated vignette(s) • Contours in the scenery • Staging   Planning ahead To avoid frustration on your project, plan ahead. Look if you can create your scene with available scenery produc

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

St Ouen JNWR - St Helier Weighbridge Station

Hi   St Helier Weighbridge was the terminus of Jersey Western and Jersey North Western trains in the town. St Helier Snow hill was the terminus of the Jersey Eastern trains and the site is the other side of central area.   This below is a photograph of how the front of the station is today. There have been no substantial structural changes, just the addition of branding, the building is now the entrance to the Liberation Walk outlet shopping centre.     This stone build building was com



42xx tweaks

I tried posting this on the main forum in the 42x thread but it seems to have vanished, so better luck here. I spent an evening adding a few tweaks to the Hornby 42xx:     Nothing very clever: new smokebox dart (Eileen's Emporium), the old handrails levered out with a knife-blade and then re-positioned to stand out from the body, the cab roof removed to add figures and a little paint to the interior walls, and then a dose of weathering. I painted the smokebox, running plate and tank tops ma

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Wheegram Sidings; some thoughts

Having proven that my scenic ideas for Wheegram Sidings would allow the two boards to fold with no conflict, I have started on more permanent work.   There are still some ideas needing proof; about how the servos, indeed all above-board bits & pieces, could be hidden and yet remain easily accessible for repair and maintenance.   Of course, Mr Sod’s law will ensure that no repair or maintenance will be required as long as the required work area is easy to access. Should I totally hide the

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

More pictures

Here are some more pictures of Buckden Station in 1978 First, a view of the Signal Box, looking towards Huntingdon from the station building. The gentleman in the picture was, I think, the last station master/signalman, and lived in the old station building: The signal box was platform mounted, so the locking room was set in the platform. The door was accessed down a flight of steps at the Huntingdon end   More to follow



Hunslet Week - Day 4

Have not had a great deal of time to spend on the Hunslet today but have just made a late rally with the soldering iron (turned right down!), and now have at least half a body,     The quality of the castings really shone out here as it all slotted together pretty perfectly. Actually it is not all soldered up yet as need to detail the cab back sheet so this is just nicely slotted in for now. If you look very hard you might just notice (I have lightened it in PhotoShop, the perfectly sized s



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