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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Finniston Villiage

I Have Managed to make progress on two stations these past few days: Finniston and Finniston Halt.   Finniston is a small village along the branch line, that is only made up of a row of houses and shops on one road. Most of the land is under the ownership of the Finniston family who own the local farm, the skyline is dominated by Finniston castle and (due to monetary trouble) a wind farm.     Finniston halt was built as a place for tourists to enjoy the boating lake and is still open to



GWR HALL 7900 (15)

Right thought I would do my last post on the hall. It is now finished and ready for packing. But I will give it some days before that happens just to give the paint some more time to really go off.   It has been interesting and I am pleased with the way everything worked out. I just hope I can find myself some more bargains like this one. An Adams radial or a T6 would be nice. Either I feel will sit nicely on my layout when built.   I am nearly in need of getting some wheels,

More about Ffarquhar

Dear Friends, It has been a while since we have heard from Thomas on the Ffarquhar branch. There have been many happenings such as Thomas went to an exhibition, Daisy arrived, and... but I shan't tell you anymore, you will have to read it for yourselves.   Flyingscotsmanfan.   A lot of progress, and I mean A LOT, has been made to Ffarquhar before it went to the Colne Valley Railway's Model Railway exhibition in June. A lot of scenic work was done including, ballasting, the Tunnel mouth, the



Starting To Make Tracks...

The track for the layout will be built with 2mm Finescale components, but to N Gauge Standards. This will hopefully give the best of both worlds.   2mm Scale track has a much more attractive appearance, but the larger radius of the 2mm Standards mean that it wouldn’t be possible to create a full loop layout in the space available. Building to N Gauge Standards is a compromise which allows the tighter curves that are require to build the layout. Using the full scale template now glued to the b



and now for something different - some ex LMS shunters

For a change - some ex LMS shunters   First up a Craftsman Midland 1F - a very easy kit to build and this does work on Herculaneum Dock as a "spare" shunter for the yard.   and a rtr weatherd - a Bachmann 3F (Jinty) tank - a bit skittish but also seen as a spare on a variety of layouts     and finally, a Birkenhead Dock Tank - complete with rear end damage..   A Ks kit with Romford wheels and a Ks HP2M motor - yep we still have some of these which still work..     Hope these ar

Barry O

Barry O

Hunslet Week - a success?

So did I achieve what I wanted from Hunslet week? Yes and no I guess. In my wildest dreams I was going to be showing pictures of a finished model! Well the impact of the real world and rather a lot of set backs scuppered that one. My stated aim was to get a working chassis and I am almost there. Here is the new gear box being run in this morning. A couple of hours in each direction in the end with no problems. Oh! the soldering of bearings while running thing? Worked a treat! Had just tack solde



Travels in time and space, multidimensional modelling with the same bridge..

The new printed sides for Victoria Bridge are now in place, painted, glued and merged around the edges with the existing wooden structure. I have painted the whole thing a creamy colour which is right for the thin uprights either side of the bridge, I just need to add a teracotta-ish shade for the main arch and structure beneath the deck. It is starting to look the part:     OK, I'll come clean and admit some of this sky was photoshopped in, but it is mostly genuine!     Most of my sto

Will J

Will J

16mm PO wagons

Hello       I'm not dead, just slepth... or so they say.   Well, I haven't been too busy model at the moment but I did some some more wagons. This time some pretty private owner wagons.     I named this after an artist friend of mine, thinking he was understand.... he seemed more bemused.     A lovely stone wagon, the stone was from a balloon ballast from my mums wedding.       My now completed hooded wagon with tarpaulin made from some layers of kitchen foil.     Je

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

The finished B5

Well, finished for a given value of finished! There are of course a few little jobs to do as and when I 'get around to it' but the model is at the point where I could think 'enough' and it wouldn't look incomplete.       I think this is my best model to date.

James Harrison

James Harrison

Brighton 75A: Today's post 130701: The juice is now on the plan

No, not some coded message designed to get GCHQ buzzing, nor a plantiff cry that I spilt my orange.... the 'juice' referred to is the third rail and I have now completed adding it to the Templot plans for the two Hove branch tracks and the three West Sidings. The problem now is to work on which side of the track the rail was located in the various parts of the formation. I have quite a few photos but there are still gaps where it is not evident whether the third rail was on the left or the ri



Two problem cases

Here are a couple of kitbuilt locos which, in their different ways, need some decisions taken.   The C2X was my first kit and proved to be quite a saga. I've gone over it before but the gist is that, after building the loco in 2000, I could never get it to run satisfactorily. Finally, I took it along to one of the Missenden Abbey weekends where Tony Wright was able to take a look at it and confirm that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with my chassis build, just problems with pickups and

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

End of Empire (Basin)

Well the time came and I finally took the plunge.   Sometimes you just get to the point where you need a fresh start so last week I carefully removed and dismantled all of the 'jigsaw' boards, stripped off all the under baseboard electrics and got back to a clean slate. I would like to state for the record that this was not purely because the editor of Scalefour news had asked for some words! In fact, as I took things apart I realised just how amazing it was that anything ran on the layout at

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Ebor Streak

Videos from when I went to see Bittern. Photos are on my gallery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87bCYqle9KA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35IG7fQkNNg



Heworth Sidings - Update - 01/07/2013

Hi,   It's been around a month since the last update and again we have been suffering with time away from the build, but in a good way, as we had a group trip to the Wigan show (which was outstanding, a big thanks to all those involved in that) and our group had a layout at Middleton Railway in Leeds this weekend.   Retaining Wall   Our original design has now been tweaked and converted from a Sketchup file into a native format that a laser cutter can use. After a few cutting sessions we n



Camping Coach for Fourgig East

Made a start today on the camping coach for 4gig. I'd already donated a section of the interior of a Lima mkI, so I set about the remainder with a razor saw.     The remaining compartments will be a bathroom and 3 bedrooms, so the seating had to go.     I then filed the remains of the seating from the compartment sides taking e molded taper away at the same time. You can see one compartment to go in the pic - showing the amount of material removed.   Next steps will to be to fabri



An old project- how I did it

Someone recently asked me how I built my N5 and it occurred to me that I hadn't actually discussed that particular project here.   I built it somewhere around about a year ago, and I regard it as the first of my successful hackbash/ scratchbuilds.   I started with a Hornby J83 body and a Triang 3F chassis, the reasoning being that the boiler is about the right diameter and length (not including the firebox) and that the overall proportions are more or less right for some stretching.   T

James Harrison

James Harrison

O Gauge - Peco Level Crossing

The Peco Level crossing has been assembled and painted and located (not finally, but good enough for now,). The paints used were Tamiya and excellent they are too, they give a good finish and are water clean up. They appear to be consistent in quality, which is more that can sometimes be said for other brands.   Because of the way The gates were hung and in trying to conform to Peco's picture on the box. Essential if one does not know what one is doing, it wound up with having to put the cl



Hunslet Week - Day 7&8

Am afraid day seven didn't really happen at all and day eight not much better (British Grand Prix. 40's day at SVR and new Top Gear!), never stood a chance really! The new gearbox arrived yesterday and have just done a bit of work on that. Now, I have made quite a number of the Markits gearboxes now but it is either a case of a new bit in the instructions, or more likely, my inability/reluctance to read them but was rather taken by the suggestion to just tack the bearings in place and then final



Point operaTION

Has anybody ever used curtain track to form the operating system for switching point motors. I remember reading about it somewhere but can't remembger the details. Can anybody help



Gettin' Jiggy Wit It

I must be a proper modeller, I've made a jig:     Actually there's not much to it but after some frustration with the performance of my Spratt & Winkle equipped stock on Paynestown, I decided to make a simple coupler height bar setting jig, and this is the not very technical result. The main problem I was having was rolling stock uncoupling when it wasn't supposed to. The idea with the jig is that there's a slot cut in the end piece into which the coupling bar should slip, if it's at th

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Newport Scissors Crossing

Despite my silence, work is progressing. The last couple of weeks have been building trackwork. The layout has been designed using "Trax" which I bought some time ago when I found the intricacies of Templot beyond me and more than I needed for the level of realism to which I was aspiring. That's not knocking Templot at all, because it is clearly the Rolls Royce of track designing software. Trax I found quicker to use and it generates turnout templates. My aim has been to get far ahead with track



St Ouen JNWR - Buildings - 2

Hi     Thank you for you helpful responses to my last posting about my Autism. The photograph below is my work station, which can either be placed on the kitchen table or on my knee.   The second photograph shows where the model will go on the layout. It is designed to hide the back of the left hand, proscenium arch support, when you look at the layout from the front.   The model of the Smithy represents an evenings work, from an initial set of sketches, draw from some not too go



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