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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A Mill for 'Emsford'

'Emsford' is the REC's 'EM' layout currently under construction. Based on a rural single-track secondary route, the largest building in the village is the mill. - and I was silly enough to volunteer to build it! The early work was subject of this forum entry -   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/11149-a-mill-for-emsford/   and this blog will continue the process. As you can see, this and the station buildings for 'Netherley' - subject of another blog) do take up a fair pro

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Progress (of a sort)

Definite progress on the balustrade for the subway -     This is the test cut from the drawing on the earlier blog. A very nice piece of work from Jonathan. I've made a correction to extend the legs slightly to make it easier to fix them into the surround, and of course the balustrading is made of several of these panels.   Much midnight oil was burned fitting out the station buildings with the remaining windows (the 'louvres' on the 'Gents Toilet' are actually 'Evergreen' '80 thou clap

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

O Gauge - Slaters BR Van Diagram 208

The Slater's BR Van kit, which arrived here over a year ago has now been built. The last plastic model I ever built was an Airfix Sunderland Flying Boat way back in 1960... So I have had to resurrect and improve my modelling skills to tackle this job... Here is an image of the finished van - all that is missing are the transfers which, hopefully, are on their way from Fox.   The build seems to be quite straight forward, but if one has never done anything like this before, very slow.. very



Metropolitan Bo-Bo continues....

The state of play of my Radleys Met Bo-Bo this morning. Frames were sprayed with Revell 'Ferrari Red', body was brush painted in Revell 'Chocolate Brown' as a precursor to spraying in the same colour (which, all being well, I'll do this afternoon). Internally it has a rough coat of matt black and a rough coat of mid-green. Im not too concerned about the finish in here as it won't be visible when the model is finished....    

James Harrison

James Harrison


Hello, I am an ex-pat living overseas. Recently I purchased via eBay a Nu-Cast kit for the LMS Ivatt class 2F mogul. The kit appears to be complete and in good condition, BUT there are no instructions or parts list, no paperwork whatsoever! This appears to be a complex kit and I would like to have at least a set of instructions. Can anyone help? Would be very much appreciated.



Further detailing work on the ex-LSWR G16 4-8-0T

After a period of inactivity on the G16 project, I have now done a little more detailing work. This was to add a wire run (or is it an oil pipe run?) from the front of the tank to the bulge over the cylinders on each side plus the start of what will be the clack valves on each side. For the latter I have used a thickish brass wire with some fibre washers intended for valve gear applications. Next, I will add a little Milliput to the tops followed by another of those fibre washers. The photos sho



Track Day!

Feeling rather proud of my self! Have actually made some significant progress pretty quickly. Only on one out of three scenic boards it has to be said but is looking good for the others. Due to our current heat wave, I was able to set up the air brush and compressor outside and gave all the track a good coat of dirty brown. Actually I went over the exposed foam board with a wash of brown acrylic first very quickly and roughly. I then airbrushed the rails in a slightly rusty colour (I hate the or



O Gauge -

And here is the result notified in the last post...     Introducing - Jock the shunter, signalman Dave and naturally Andy the guard - more to come... Including engine drivers, a fireman and a passenger.. It was quite enjoyable painting them - not exactly professional... The was a minor disaster with the water crane, leaving a it little out of plumb... Somehow the epoxy resin took longer to dry than it should Jock's shunting pole lost its prong and was repaired using a bit of copper wir



Where to start?

For starters, my layout is a single track loop, early BR and I'm not entirely sure where it should be based. A lot of stuff has been recycled from my previous layout, and has been made to suit this layout, for example I have taken the double road Metcalfe kit engine shed, and made it one road and shorter, and as you can see below, I have installed lighting in it.     As I am fairly new to modelling, the detailing will not be brilliant, but I am trying my best with this layout, it may not l

Biddington station

Biddington station

Dapol Stanier Coach Detailing Part 2

Following on my my previous entry about detailing these Dapol/Airfix Stanier coaches here they are near enough completed. Both are running on Romford 14mm wheels I had to hand.   First up is the D1905 Brake 3rd which has come out the better of the two.     I've added flush glazing to the rear windows and new rear hand rails. The corridor connection board is a spare from a Hornby Stanier coach. The non-brake end has received separate water tank filler pipes although I've kept the moulded p



Camping Coach #3

So the fitting out of the coach begins,   thanks to Keefer for supplying loads of info on MkI interiors etc - so we now have somewhere to bathe and the "1st class" sleeping compartment has a bed.         The plan is to have bunk beds in the remaining two sleeping compartments with room for storage etc. Kitchen fitters have yet to turn up and fit the bespoke oak topped units



Some Green Diesels

Been busy umpiring plus loft clearing out for new railway room :-)   so some Type 2 diesels from my collection   First up a Hornby Type 2 - regauged, weathered and extra pick ups added     and a Bachmann .Type 2 .again gently weathered with DG Couplings added     and finally for now a weathered Bachmann Type 1   some more to come when work allows.....

Barry O

Barry O

Dean Goods part 1 chassis construction

In between my plasticard dabblings I've made a start on my 7mm Dean Goods. I quite like having a couple of different projects on the go, when I've had enough of one, I can often muster up the enthusiasm to have a go at something else! As I enjoyed building the Martin Finney 2500 gallon tender kit, I decided to use a loco kit from the same manufacturer. The kit comprises of a number of Brass and Nickel Silver etched brass sheets, along with some very nice Brass and White Metal castings.  

Back on track

Oh I wish I was! Should be 'back working on track' in actual fact. I have actually done the first bit of scenic work which is appropriately enough digging a ditch. A feature that is quite prominent on a lot of pictures is a small ditch dug at the sides of the track, presumably to assist drainage. Mounting the track on foam board was good here as was easy to cut and then I cut the 'spoil' strip in half-ish turned it over and stuck it at the sides of the ditch. So technically the exact same amoun



When Fowler met Collett. Steamy goings on in the Teign Valley

Recently Oxford Diecast introduced a range of traction engines in their OO gauge range of vehicles. The Fowler steam roller called 'Lord Jellicoe' caught my eye. I thought it would make a nice change on my proposed Teign Valley quarry based layout set in the late 1940's.   Here we see John Luscombe of 'Luscombe Contractors Kingsteignton' making his way up the Teign Valley towards Ashton for a spot of road repairs. He's pulled over and talking to the fireman on GWR Pannier 9717 shunting wagons



Starting on the other half....

Herein we start to see why this blog is titled "The GC and Met in OO"...   ... Because I've started my next loco build, and it's a red (well, chocolate brown) one....   It's a Radley resin kit for a Metrovick Bo-Bo which I am planning to build pretty much straight out of the box. Sorry, no, got mixed up there- I never do that   I want to see what can be done with this fairly basic kit to improve it.... I know the panelling is overstated by miles but my efforts at removing panel lines on c

James Harrison

James Harrison

Work begins............

I am starting work on the hidden loops which will lie behind Cowes and the line along the Medina. To do this I had to get a sighting shot on how Cowes would fit, which is what the photo shows. The track templates are generated by the Trax3 software. Behind are some Peco turnouts (the hidden section will be laid using Peco Streamline. Important things here were to see where the turnouts would be in relation to the baseboard frames (I'm using underslung Peco turnout motors on the hidden section) a



A New Challenge and an Old Faithful

A couple of weeks ago we did our community thing, and Yamanouchi Oshika made the arduous journey of about 10 feet to the main hall for the local village fayre. Not the most glamorous of gigs, but something which keeps us in the local spotlight. Some brave souls were even willing to give some of the local sprogs a chance to play trains!   Setting this layout up has become a relatively easy task...taking about 20 minutes from start to having something running. I could not make the actual day, bu



Ruby Road sidings part 4. Try again.

after a little more playing about with track and photo copies of points i have reached a stage where i think i have a workable plan for the extension of the sidings to allow a loco to shunt wagons. mock up on the kitchen floor to prove the theory, but the use of two 3 way points may be a bit over the top? i may allow for 2 more sidings and have another try before fixing to any wood. i also need to check the length of my longest wagons and locos to make sure i can fit them onto the yard. I



Peco Train Shed Unit

I have purchased a Peco many ways Train Shed Unit kit and i shall assemble this shortly I intend to detail this to include lights and a working roller door. I also now have added a Lima Class 60 to my Loadhaul collection which now consists of a 60, 56 and Class 14 shunter though i hope to add to it soon with a custom repaint of 50135 Ark Royal in Loadhaul colours!!



MIDLAND 3130 (4)

The state so far. Well, since the last update I have painted the frames and refitted the wheel. All went well aprt from finding out that the coupling rods should be plain rather than fluted. I tried them on the wrong sides but it was going to go nowhere. Which left the only option of filing the flutes off. Sometime later they where finished and ran well, with just a little fettling of the bush holes. Honestly the inside of the frames is actually red, not bright orange. The sunlight here plays ha


N15class in LMS 3130 class

St Ouen JNWR - Getting in a Flap! - Updated

To look at all the posting in this blog, place the cursor over the name and right click the mouse.   Hi   I also getting on with the baseboard construction. I now added the flap, to carry the off scene track, to allow the passenger trains to fully enter the platform. The buffer stops are off scene.   This has to be detachable or hinged to allow the layout to fit in it's carrying case. The photographs below show the flap folded up from the layout front. The flap in the up position also f



More Hunslet

Well not much more actually! I bet that if I had not tried to be clever and had just built it with a solid chassis as intended I would have a fully functioning loco by now. Instead I am still trying to get the compensation to work properly. I may be nearly there now but it has been a struggle. Latest one is that having just got the compensation beam almost working i find that it will get in the way of the motion bracket. More sawing. Other problem is that Mr Sharman in his Flexichas book says th



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