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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

O Gauge - Fox Transfers For Slaters Diagram 208 BR Van

The transfers from Fox miraculously appeared in the post thus introducing me to my worst nightmare, 'Applying Transfers'... So I carefully read and re-read the instructions that came with them... ... and dutifully gloss varnished the areas where the transfers were to be applied Then as test of skills decided to first place the XP - having found out where it was supposed to go. The first attempt was an abject failure as the transfer simply rolled around the backing paper and stuck to it, ra



Another Collett Goods 3215

Given the heat of the summer, I have next to no interest in doing any soldering. This is a bit of a problem when it comes to the need to finish a few locos that require etched chassis...   As a result, I have decided to bring forward my second 2251 and use the Ultrascales that I was going to use in the etched chassis for 2220.   A quick conversion later and it is now running. However it is not that smooth a runner, and seems to have very poor slow speed control. I suspect the latter is no

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Boxes and Bridges at Buckden

So I've been making some (alliterative) progress on Buckden. Starting with the Ratio 536 Midland Signal Box kit to make the Buckden box. As the box was much smaller, platform mounted and had the earlier, smaller windows it took quite a bit of bashing to get something satisfying. The windows and roof were actually the most fiddly, but after some filling and filing I'm quite pleased with the results:     I've modelled it with the earlier step arrangement, although I realised a little late on



I've been a little bit naughty!

Well just a little bit, but I can justify it! Naughtiness is starting another loco before finishing anything else. Trouble is I really need to get on with the track but only place I can do this is in the conservatory at the moment and it is just TOO HOT! Yes, I am complaining - I hate it! Anyway, just needed something straight forward to get on with instead (I guess I could have got on with clearing the cellar -it's cool down there!), so decided to start one of the Worsley Works Dick Kerr petrol



Aire Valley Railway

Hi After the period of building the Windermere boats and the etching of all those stanchions a change of modelling was needed. Two things came together at this point. A spare bedroom and some passed down 009 locos and rolling stock. This culminated in the infamous episode of bashing a hole through the chimney breast which went up through bedroom to create a tunnel. I would hasten to add the fireplace in the room below was not in use. The bashing through was done when my wife was away for



Chipping a Terrier

I took the bull by the horns this morning in order to start experimenting with my ZTC DCC kit, and bought a secondhand Hornby Terrier from Alton Model Centre. I managed to shoehorn a decoder inelegantly into the cab. This involved removing the floor of the cab (in fact I removed more than was needed there is now a gap between the footplate and cabsides). There was some rewiring of the inside of the loco, but the job was comparatively easy. This chip only has four wires (which helps) but no doubt



Conversion of Dapol BR 20T brake van kit to earlier LNER version

One project that has sat on the work bench for a while are a couple of the old Airfix/Dapol BR 20T brake van kits I've been been detailing. One of them I decided to back date as an earlier LNER version which I've now completed.   This particular kit had banana shape sole bars so a bit of manipulation was required to try and staighten them. I cut off the concrete end weight mouldings and made new ones up from plastic sheet. The moulded handrails were removed and replaced with brass wire and



Progress and a start on the base boards.

A belated up-date ! Since my witterings in March, I have been attempting to draw the buildings to scale and finding that the information to hand is not easy to translate onto a drawing. A visit in May this year followed by another early in July gave opportunities to measure a few accessible items and take more Photos to aid in the counting of brick courses in attempts to fill in the dimensional gaps.   Immediately obvious in May was that the large square shop was changing hands again, the wi




I mentioned I bought a wagon from Dragon Models. Well decided to give it a go, and have a little break from the locos. This wagon was bought to go with some other wagons I have. And others I want to get. My idea is to build up a farm moving train. I have the machinery wagons, a horsebox to these I want to add a few more, which will include a box van and some cattle wagons. These would also be able to be used individually too.   This is what you get in the box (well poly bag). First imp


N15class in Wagons

Camping Coach #4

The kitchen fitters have been and gone and the lounge is more or less done apart from the delivery of two 2-seater sofas.         Think the kids have been playing with the TV channel, could have sworn I was watching Top Gear ....   The gas fire is in and connected to it's chimney. Just waiting for the decorators to arrive and paint the interior of the coach walls then some tasteful artwork can be hung



Severn Valley Railway July 2013.

Gwrrob asked to see my photo's from last weeks trip to the Severn Valley Railway. So I've decided to start a new blog and post photo's from my various visits to Heritage sites. I usually visit at least two a year.   Last weeks visit was my first to the SVR and I was very, very impressed. Absolutely everything was done to the highest standard. I cannot recommend a visit more.   We'll start with the motive power for the day.   GWR 0-6-2T 5643, seen here going to take on coal at Bridgenorth.



Heworth Sidings - Update - 15/07/2013

Hi,   We managed to fit in an evening working session last week and after finishing off the front fascia's it was time to profile them so that they followed the scenery on the front of the layout.   We set about marking the terrain profile on the inside of the fascia boards, then removed them and carefully cut the profile with a jigsaw using a very fine blade so that we wouldn't splinter the ply. Once we had re-attached the fascia's to the boards, we packed out any gaps between the scenery a



Wiring the hidden loops

I'm busy wiring the hidden loops and staging sidings. This board has the most wiring of any because I am using electric turnout motors in the hidden sections, as well as infra-red detectors for automation, and a separate control panel for the hidden section which will hang off the Newport viaduct board. 10 turnouts, 8 infra-red detectors, spread over 7 separate boards, though most of them will have less wiring than in this picture. I'm keeping an index of connections and colours as I go, which f



Dean Goods part 2 wheels, brakes and pickups!

I've standardised on Slaters wheels for all my stock, I'm sure there are better ones out there, but Slaters are easily available, come in most sizes and have a consistent profile. I have heard that some people have found them to be prone to rusting and oxidation, I must be lucky as I've had no problems so far! I like to blacken my wheels chemically and find that I get a better finish by polishing the wheels before I apply the blackening solution. Carrs Metal Black for steel was applied using a c



A Rant About 'Brick Paper'!

From my last blog, Dave raised the lack of batter on the foam-board retaining walls and I explained that, because the baseboard is so narrow (300mm), any width dimension is at a premium. About 50mm is taken up by the space needed for the point servos and surface wiring; if the walls sloped then this would increase the space taken between servos and the closest track. The best material to give strength + lightness to the walls is foam-board and that’s another 6mm taken up! So vertical walls with

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

The Works - 'D' Shop takes on repairs

The Roof is more or less complete and so is the front. Here are a couple of shots of the layout.       The shot above shows how the roof detaches and how the end gable wall slots out. In retrospect I wish I had made the back wall detachable, but it does have viewing arches so a camera lens can be pushed through.           It would be pretty rare to have diesels in the same shop as steam locos, but it did happen. Anyway I couldn't resist uploading this picture as it sho



RB19 dragshovel for Diddington

I've wanted to make an RB19 for years. A long time ago I purchased a cast kit for one, which sat in its box on a shelf while I periodically took it out and studied the parts and instructions. Eventually Ledo announced a die cast one, which took my interest, and I ended up buying one. Having received my new purchase, I studied it with a view to detailing it a little. The basic size and shape were fine, but I felt that the detail of the model could be enhanced by additional painting, and a more



Sand Bags

This project is throwing up a few things that even a much experienced (which I am not!), railway modeller might find new and unusual. OK a military modeller might not but be put out by such things as sand bags, shells and barbed wire but even then I need them in far greater quantities than a 12 inch square diorama would need. I have found a few articles on making sandbags on the net but they tend to recommend using Miliput. Now Miliput is something I have a bit of a hate - hate relationship with




I managed to get a couple of sessions in this weekend and with the warm weather, the PVA dried off quickly and we have the basic landform done. Couldn't resist a few wide angle shots in the back garden today with my new phone             Can't put of that ballasting for much longer!



The Met electric- thoughts on an interior

With the exterior now largely painted, save for the roof, thoughts are beginning to turn toward how exactly to represent the interior of my Metropolitan electric locomotive.   One of them, of course, was exhibited in 1924 with the side panelling removed at the British Empire Exhibition (photo from the London Transport Museum):     Now what I think this shows is one large block for the motor with lots of wire and ancillary equipment along the sides. Unfortunately we can't replicate this

James Harrison

James Harrison

In the red: GWR 1900s wagon liveries

No, this is a not a post about my financial situation - though it could have been! This is about building and painting wagons for my goods depot layout , which is set in the period ca 1900-1908. For wagons this was a real transition period, with a diversity of styles, technical developments and liveries. So I’ve started a wagon building programme which tries to capture some of that variety. Here are some photos of developments so far.     First off was this 3 planker, which



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