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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Dean Goods part 5 Ready for paint!

I've spent the last week or so adding all the detail components, this always takes longer than I expect, but I do find very satisfying. I used a photograph contained in Locomotives Illustrated of No 2467 as running circa 1905 as a reference. Socket type lamp irons from Laurie Griffin's range were fited and handrails were bent up from stainless steel wire. The dome, safety valve cover and chimney top were polished using abraisive wheels and cotton mops. (they are just balanced in position for the



All Change – some observations on the new Bachman Sleeping Cars

Back in the early 1970s I was a not infrequent user of the overnight sleeper service from Edinburgh to Kings Cross. I would say not my favourite mode of transport. However I would also say that no 1960s model railway can be complete without some sleeping cars.   This week I took delivery of two of the latest Bachmann Sleeping Car Firsts. I was not disappointed. The date on the solebar shows 1960, which should be ideal for my sixties layout.   Bachmann Mk1 Sleeping Cars   Up until very r

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Musing over La Meuse... Part 2

Well I don't seem to have posted on here for a very long time indeed and several large scale projects have come and gone in the last 10 months. On top of those (all detailed on my G-scale blog: http://ejklr.blogspot.co.uk) I have also been working on a variety of 009 kits (most featured on my 4mm scale blog: http://paxton-road.blogspot.co.uk)... However for those of you regular readers of my infrequent blog who have not seen what I've been up to, and inspired a touch by Jon's magnus opus entry

James Hilton

James Hilton

MIDLAND 3130 (5)

Can you see what it is yet   I am back to the 3130. I would like to get the majority of it done before we go on holiday later in the month. I know what you are all thinking, most people want to get to Brazil for a holiday, not to get away from it. But we are, as the wife needs to get away as she is the one who works.   Well I got the boiler cleaned up and resoldered the seem at the bottom. I will get on with the smoke box etc soon so that I can check the fit. I then got side


N15class in LMS 3130 class

1366 tank - after overhaul

Couple of shots of the 1366 tank after the alterations mentioned in the earlier blog post. After squaring up the boiler and pannier assembly, then fixing everything back in place, I also added glazing, rear cab window grill bars and a load of coal.   The grills are from the Mainly Trains etch and a bit of a cheat in that I simply fixed them as an overlay over the existing window apertures. But I think they look better than having no bars at all.   The wonky "G" in Great Western will have to

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

The second coach of the class 450 has now been converted

Work is proceeding slowly on converting the Bachmann class 350/1 into a SouthWest Trains class 450,, with the second coach now pre-painted then having had the Electra overlays added.   My back has been healing slowly so I can spend longer per session at the workbench but I am still only dealing with one coach at a time. I have been painting the whole coach with a thin coat of dark blue as a primer coat (the driving coach used a Revell colour but al subsequent ones are using/will use Humbrol #1



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. After the tragic event in Canada of the runaway oil tanker train I was reminded of the oil tanker train derailment in Summit Tunnel in 1984 on the L&Y route between Leeds/Bradford and Manchester. The cause of the the derailment was a sheared axle. Fortunately there was no train running in the opposite direction and the driver of the tanker train escaped along with the locomotive and first four wagons. It must have been really horrendous for him. However, oil escaping from a rupture



3D Printed Westinghouse Brake Distributer & Roevac Vents

I've had the latest prints back from Shapeways of my Westinghouse Brake distributer and Roevac vents and I'm slightly underwhelmed by them. I'm sure that I have had prints in the past where I have seen details that are 0.2mm in diameter which don't appear to have come out on these. Perhaps when they are cleaned and primed they will look better? This is the problem with Shapeways - massively variable results!   4mm Westinghouse Brake Distributers:     You can just about see the detail on t



Class 47 detailing project - Conversion of Bachmann 47. "A P4 Brush 4". Part 9 - Paint and some further diversions

It’s been a while since my last status entry, so I thought that whilst sat trapped in a hotel, seemingly miles from attraction or civilisation, I’d draft an update on the 47 project... and this is the result, uploaded a day or so later. There was a little distraction since the last update because I decided to postpone the inevitable (painting) and do some more work on another “in work” project, that of a Craven DMU. I blogged this (part 1) and really ought to do the part 2 weathering bit too...



GWR Broad Gauge Goods Shed

It's been a long time since I posted anything in my blog. However some of the items I've been working on have been documented elsewhere on RMweb :   GWR 1854 Saddle Tank conversion from Graham Farish 57xx http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/65499-whats-on-your-2mm-work-bench/?p=904684 http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/65499-whats-on-your-2mm-work-bench/?p=922762 http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/65499-whats-on-your-2mm-work-bench/?p=925638 ht

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

My Metro-Vick 4

With the base and body complete all that remained was to paint it, I had used a maroon coloured card for the body but I now think that is the wrong colour it should be more of a red oxide colour I think. here's how it looked when I'd finished it       This was the original photo and below is my Diorama to replicate it       That's about it really, apart I suppose from this little fellah     if you look at the original you'll see him down on the rails between the engine and t



My Metro-Vick 2

I stuck the two halves together then made some floor sections of the right shape fixing them inside to brace the sides. I cut glazing strips from a perspex shirt collar stiffening strip which comes with most new shirts, I stuck these in with superglue.     The cab rear panels are not correct as it is possible to see right through the prototype but they added rigidity and don't forget that this was just for a photoshoot so detail wasn't too important. Next I traced around the body and made



My Metro-Vick

Well it's been a while again now since I posted anything, due in part to awaiting a coach kit to arrive from Comet Models and a very smart kit it is indeed, I hope I can do it justice when I come to assemble it as it will be my first brass kit build. Two other reasons for my absence, one I've started work on the house renovation again after some considerable time so I now have less time and even less energy for the models. The other reason is because of a spate of electrical breakdowns, in a f



First attempt

My interests are wide and varied, from the railways around Midhurst to all aspects of pre-group Southern companies and I enjoy building stock more than having a layout with scenery, probably because I have the artistic and creative ability of a brick!   Having said that, many years ago, with two friends, we did build three layouts for exhibition, Hythe, Warlingham, and Hurst Green Junction, and Hythe actually won ‘Best in Show’ at EXPO EM South. Since then, there has been a period of many yea



The Track Gang move in

Friday night, and the track gang move in to start work on the modular fiddle yard for the H0/00 layout. The last few weeks have been taken up with careful measuring and positioning, to ensure the track is as straight as possible.   To make life easier, the two outer boards of the four board yard were put together, along with the end boards linking the fiddle yard with the scenic section(s). As the outer boards will contain the point work, the middle two just consisting of straight track sectio



Telegraph line

One of the last obvious detailing jobs to do on the Spring module has been the addition of telegraph poles, but I must admit it's one I've been putting off for quite some time. I wasn't sure how to get the telegraph line "off scene" at either end of the module, especially at the tunnel end where I couldn't decide whether to run the poles over the hill or assume the line would have been sent through the tunnel.   Eventually I found a good picture of the end of a row of telegraph poles just befo

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Progress with wiring

Steady progress at the moment on wiring the hidden sections. The track is laid for the hidden return loops and the boards now dismantled with wiring starting in the farthest corner of the layout and gradually moving outwards, with a comprehensive wiring index being built as I go. In theory as the boards are completed they can be rejoined and when the final connection is made, the transformers plugged in and the trains working. We shall see - getting my head around the wiring of the IRDOTs was qu



'D' Shop - Welders at Work

The Express Models welding unit has finally gone in and, apart from eagerly awaiting some goodies from Ehattons, the layout is more or less complete.               The building could be slotted into a larger layout if need be but that's for another time. At the moment I'm having a bit of fun modifying a SuperQuick Ash Plant for a small shed scene.



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. Not much to report re the Glyn Valley Tramway. I went to Chirk and to the little industrial estate and made some enquires only to draw a blank. Back at the station I asked a chap who was a local if he knew where there might be any activity re the refurbishment of the G.V.T. He thought there was but couldn't say where. I wandered around a bit but without success. It was real hot so I ambled back to Chirk station car park only to find my car blocked in with a couple of lorries which were



Class 450 'swoops' mark 2

Last post on this topic for today!   I have added a little of the 'Barbie' blue along the bottom edges of the sides, retouched the 'swoop' stripes around the front and touched up the black on the 'buffers' and gangways. The stripes are sill very rough and the vinyls require trimming around the tail lights but it is taking shape.     That isn't a stain or patch on the sofa behind; I doctored the photo to remove a distracting red and blue bag on the sofa!   For anyone wondering, here's wh



Class 450 'swoops' and inner end - two more pics (edited - plus one!)

To illustrate what I said in the previous post, here is a photo of the front part of the red and orange 'swoops' modified to show nearer where they should be going. I have subsequently trimmed the lower orange bit and reseated it at a slightly better angle. The point of the red should end under the headlight and intersect the tail light while the orange should pass under the taillight with only a very slight overlap of the rim.     Fixing this will entail a little hand painting although tha



The first vinyls applied to the class 450

I have now added the first vinyls to the Bachmann SouthWest Trains class 450 (ex-Silverlink class 350/1). I was a bit stuck for the right shade of blue to match the SWT blue on the vinyls so as a preliminary undercoat for any exposed edges, the inner end and the roof I used a Revell dark matt blue, then followed it with some Precision Paints First Group 'Barbie' blue, which has turned out to be an almost perfect match for the vinyls.   I also pre-painted the leading end of the roof with red a



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