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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Laser Cutting and Making a Model of The Model!

In the last post I talked about changing the way the baseboards would be constructed. Now they would be completely laser cut. The major advantage of creating something laser cut is the precision. Using AutoCad, the various sections can be designed in “flatpack” form. Because all the pieces are precisely cut you don’t have to rely on your own carpentry skills to make sure that everything is square and aligned. You can build that all into the design. This all should result in a strong, crisp, pro



Netherley Statrion building - the subway balustrade

The last entry showed the 'test cut' done by Jonathan. Everything looked good so an order was placed for an 'A4' sheet of 0.5mm MDF - this would give more than enough for the club's needs.   A couple of weeks later a package arrived...     this shows the requirements for the subway balustrade.   The gap between the bottom of the railing was set by using a jig from 30 thou platiskard -     and using this the fencing sections were soon emplaced. -     On to the corner pillars. A

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Camping Coach - Complete

A coat of varnish or two found it's way onto the coach over the weekend sealing the transfers kindly donated by Larry (Coachmann). So in my world some of the Vintage Trains stock has been sold on to the heritage railway and one FK converted to a camping coach   The remaining Lima coach might end up as W3125 of Riviera Trains and become part of the operating fleet for Fourgig East, although I would rather build a Slater's C10 Clerestory and flog the Lima one on. We shall see.   Anyway here's




Hi there folks,   I am Tommy and I am from Wellington, New Zealand. I am currently constructing a 00 gauge layout called Crewesly Road, with a N gauge exibithion layout in the pipeline. As I write this the layout is stored under my bed, but I hope to have it up by Christmas (hopefully!). I will post pics of the layout when its back up and going, some purchases I occasionally make, and right now I will put up a pic of the layout when it was going!   I also have a youtube channel, which you ca

Crewesly Road

Crewesly Road

Lambourn awakes

Hello everyone-   I have been foolish and accepted (perhaps I offered?) to dust off Alan Martin's finescale model of Lambourn for an upcoming show. I acquired this layout a number of years ago, and it has rarely been shown since. I have to say I'm quite excited by the opportunity to get things running again. At it's last showing the shuttle failed, and I never got round to fixing it.   The first task this weekend has been to (find) and renovate the layout legs. These are made solidly from 2"



Freshwater gets Cup-Holders, er, I mean CAB-Holders

If you have ever used hand held controllers to operate a layout, you will know that you need somewhere to put them when you need to deal with a derailment, or drink some tea. Often this means hanging it over the backscene, or letting it dangle down to the floor.   On previous layouts, I have used Velcro to allow the controller to be stuck at various places at the back of the layout. This is very handy, but removing the controller from the Velcro can cause some fairly major earthquakes

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan in Electronics

HELP with Bachmann electrics

Hi all,   Just bought the splendid Bachmann Ivatt Class 2MT but don't like the trailing DCC wires to the tender. I'm an analogue runner so have no need for the chip interface in the tender. Does anyone know how to get rid of these wires - found that if the plug is removed from the tender it wont run? I have no understanding of DCC electrics so if there's an easy way to remove them I'd be really grateful for info. It also judders when running slow - is this normal and will it go away after



Falcon Brassworks GWR CC3 Tool Van

The old Jindenco/Falcon Brassworks kits will be well-known to old hands, but there has been some interest shown on the forums in their recent re-introduction under new owners so it is perhaps worthwhile to present a review of one of the 'new' kits. I recently ordered a couple of these kits, an AA6 PW brake van and a CC3 Signal Dept. tool van and both arrived within six weeks. I assume that if you are the first to order a particular kit then you'll have to wait a similar period, but they may be p



Tweaking the Heljan Western

As good as the Dapol Western is, I'm not about to get rid of my four Heljan examples. Quite apart from the fact that I can get quite attached to old models - especially when they were given as gifts - I'd rather regard a new model as an incentive to bring an older one up to scratch, rather than rendering it obsolete. Of course if there is a huge change in detail quality or performance, there might not be any argument - but even then I'd be minded to see what can be done to keep the older model i

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Bexhill M.R.C exhibition photo's

Hello,   Spent a pleasant day at the Bexhill model railway exhibition with Smithdown Rd Junction, A lovely show, some very good layouts and a very friendly atmosphere.   heres a few pictures from the day.   Really impressed with the signals on BLS Sud Rampe.       Detford.       Ashington.       I think this is Nant-y-glo Mine.     Hayes lane.     Mineral point.     And lastly mine.     Cheers   Graham.



Taynuilt Model Railway Mk II progress !

Welcome to Taynuilt Model Railway !!     This is the view looking down Taynuilt Model Railway MK 1's platform , with 47-710 'Sir Walter Scot ' with the express to Fort William !     And this was the signal box that will be used again in Mk 2 .     The road bridge and 170-434 heading into the station area !!     This is whats left of Mk I and the string indicates where Mk II will be situated .       Thanks for reading this blog , more soon !! http://www.youtube.com/user



Mr Fawkes receives a delivery. (Parkside Z2 Gunpowder Van build and a few other bits)

Recently I've been building a few wagon kits up including these two Parkside GWR 10T gunpowder vans which represent the diagram Z2 wagons built between 1913-1926. From 1934 they were fitted with Morton brake gear and became diagram Z3 wagons which I would imagine would be a simple conversion. I've already built one of these kits and finished it as a BR version which runs on Juniper Hill. They are lovely kits to put together.   These two have been finished with Tamiya acrylics (German Grey) a



GWR Broad Gauge Goods Shed - Part 2

As a bit of a diversion from soldering bits of wire together to make a tree, I've spent a few more hours on my version of Mortonhampstead Goods Shed.   I've been trying to get the roof on. To this end, I'd already made the main part of the roof from 0.030" plastic sheet, but because of the rather open nature of a Goods Shed I wanted to put in the roof trussing, etc too. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the interior of Mortonhampstead Goods Shed actually looked like so I've based the roof s

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

The (refinished!) B5

This last week I've been looking at my B5 and attempting to improve it.... I think I've managed to succeed.   I first stripped it back to the state it was in when it arrived from Strangeways. Then I refilled and sanded the boiler and cabsides, to improve the surface finish on the completed model. Once I had got this to a state I'd be happy with I resprayed it back in matt black, then I refitted the boiler fittings. At this point I replaced the original safety valves with a scratchbuilt set

James Harrison

James Harrison

Rain Started Play ....... Obviously Not Cricket

I do most of my modelling outdoors - any mess is easily swept away However it was raining when I got up this morning. I decided to look at my 'New' Metclafe GWR signal box. Now there is a growing group of railway modellers who look down their noses at Metcalfe card buildings. Yes over used and the answer is that they are affordable,reasonably easy to make with first class instructions and most retailers stock them ....... just proves they must be doing something right.   The new box is e



MIDLAND 3130 (7)

I have gone back to the loco, trying to get most of the brass done before my holiday.   I started by sorting out the smokebox and saddle, I also added apiece of scrap as a front to the firebox. I was unhappy about the great hole there.The boiler unit was then added to the footplate.     I then added the front platform lamp brackets. I then decided to solder on the chimney etc as they are great lumps of brass. The dome needed a bit of work to get it to sit dow


N15class in LMS 3130 class

Change of Plan

My original intention, as discussed in previous blog entries, was to use the main house loft for Stourhampton at 30'2 x 9'6" but the enabling works, (heating, cooling, plumbing diversion, flooring) plus noise restrictions after children's bedtime, make this impracticable at a reasonable budget.   This thread -   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/71727-design-for-stourhampton/   - attacked the project from the other end, by developing a realistic track and signalling scheme



Diorama design – social media

For the building of my diorama’s I do a lot of research on internet. For railway modellers there is a lot of information available.   My main interest in railway modelling is freight traffic and the social history of the period that I’m building, the late 1950’s. To give a right impression the use of daily live pictures is most important. Luckily I have found a lot of beautiful websites with a lot of pictures.   But what about social media you could ask now. The most frequently social medium

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

GWR W2 Cattle Van (in loving memory of the Wright-Marillier partition locking bar)

Everyone knows how the “standard” GWR cattle vans looked, but I’ve always fancied the earlier W2 vans with outside frames. So I dug out an ABS (ex-D&S) 4mm kit and brought it with me on the family holiday. These were "medium" sized cattle vans, with the option of adding a partition and thereby making them "small" if the customer so required. I've always wondered why this was worth the trouble, as the difference in space seems minimal !     I decided to build the kit as s


Mikkel in Wagons

LMS post war wagons

I've started working on a few wagons for my proposed Teign Valley project. These two LMS wagons were ones I had to hand and have tried to represent them in a post war condition.   First up is an unpainted D1927 medium goods wagon that I've just found out having applied the numbers last night was in fact a D2101 built in 1945 and rated at 13T. This is a standard Ratio kit finished with Tamiya/Valejo acrylics and HMRS decals.     Next up is a D1892 unfitted wagon finished in bauxite with a




I have dug out some more locos... this time some Industrials. I apologise for the state they are in they have been in a box for a while and have been moved from place to place in the loft. Now I have my own railway room they should see an update and be joined by some new build locos...   First up No1 Puddleglum a Centre Models Avonside with a Ks HP2m motor and Sharman wheels..     And don't comment on the name - as chosen by her indoors....   then No 2 - Percy again a Centre Models Kit

Barry O

Barry O

Spring module - some detail shots of scenery

Some close-ups were kindly requested, so here are a few recent shots of the Spring module.     Tree with enclosure around base of trunk, inspired by one I saw from a train on the Severn Valley Railway:     Close-up of the tree with Preiser horses:   An attempt at tall, unruly grass in the meadow around the abandoned barn. I used Woodland Scenics long grass, glued down in clumps, then trimmed with scissors once it was dry. Finally, I hit it with some household bleach to try and tone d

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

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