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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Going backwards – the Hornby 52xx

I recently acquired one of Hornby’s 52xx tank engines to add to my fleet of ex GWR heavy good engines.   Hornby 52xx Going Backwards   It is a good looking engine with some very fine detail. It runs forwards and backwards very smoothly albeit at a prototypical slow speed. I had to take my glasses off to study the handrails round the bunker – and yes they are individual wires! I like the full set of brackets on the rear of the bunker visible when using the engine in reverse. However the foo

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Was Clamped, now Framed!

After several attempts to rationalise the size and shape of the Bridgnorth Baseboard footprint, the bullet has been bitten and a chunk of 4mm plywood attacked. I don't have access to an A1 Printer,so a printout of the model area was made taking several A4 sheets, which I laid out and overlapped as necessary, and the cutting shape marked with the sheet of ply on the Dining Table, being the largest flat surface around. The ply was then, (to the relief of household management) taken to the garage



Blowing the dust off!

Gosh what can I say, last entry in my blog February 2012. What have I been doing, indeed what HAVE I been doing??   Smallest first I think, Wherewithial Quay my Cornish 009 layout, last seen slowly dragging itself from the primordial swamp that I call my railway room. Actually it was shown at the Wiltshire group of the 009 Society members day last weekend at Pewsey, it's one and only point motor this year survived the ordeal and overall it was well received. It seems that my holidays in Cornwa

Turin 60

Turin 60

'Flying Scotsman' to 'Centenary'

A few months ago I bought a Hornby Railroad 'Flying Scotsman' on Ebay. I already have a 'Flying Scotsman' and as it was my first engine (at the grand old age of 4!) and bought by my grandparents, I have something of a sentimental attachment to it.   But I don't really want a pair of Flying Scotsman's, and of course the Hornby offering shows an A1 in about 1934/35 condition.   The answer came when I found a photograph of #2555 'Centenary' in as-built condition in 1926.   The first step

James Harrison

James Harrison

Small P4 Layout Update 2

I'm sorry to hear that, what's the ailment?> or if best not to say then that's understandable too. Real life has to take precedence over hobby type things :| I've recently had 3 days off work with Gout again, so it seems many of us are in a similar boat (or...wagon?)! Baby update, well, not really an update as such. I've been 'playing' with the layout practicing shunting with the 4 wagons I've given Dingham couplings and that 57xx engine. So far I've found two areas of track needed twe



Northall Dock – Road modelling

For the roads along the dock basin I use a granite road texture I found some time ago here http://www.btcomm.com/trains/resource/brick_n_stone/hocking_valley_pavers_med.jpgI had to resize it a little bit using the sett texture from Scalescenes as a reference.   I had to build the road op with two layers of 2 mm card to get it even with the dock edge.   On the picture you can see the starting point of the road.   road modeling in progress   With the embossing pen I scratched in every st

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Building the King's Arms - 1

Building the King’s Arms   Background About two years ago I decided to take up railway modelling again after a break of about 35 years – the usual reasons: children and career followed by early retirement! The standards of all aspects of the hobby have improved so much during my time away that I was very apprehensive about my ability still to produce models of exhibition quality. Before trying to build my own layout, I decided to build a diorama to test my model making skills, before commit



Assembling the Jigsaw!

The day has finally come, and the laser cut baseboard has arrived. After starting work on the layout it soon became clear that to get the finish I wanted, that laser cutting would be an ideal solution. Not only does it create a precise fit and finish, but the layout of the railway (as well as marking the numerous Agatha Christie locations) could be etched into the surface of the wood.   The cut wood arrives from the suppliers with masking tape holding all the parts together. For the most part



'Boxing Clever

Thanks to houseman for showing the Smart Models signal box and interior kits here I now have 16 levers for the Fourgig East 'box     Still some touching up to do (can't get the grey felt pen into the nook between the lever and latch and the white levers need some paint) but should do the trick once fitted to the Scalescenes 'box I made a couple of years ago now.   Also Thanks to beast66606 for his continued signalling advice sorting out lever order based on the signalling plan he has also



Aire Valley Railway

Hi.. Just had a long weekend in Halifax. Among other things I paid a visit to the Kirklees Light Railway at Clayton West. It must be about 15 years since I was last there. Not a lot seems to have altered except I'm not sure if number 7 was around then. In some ways it's a one off style of line for a 15 inch gauge line. No "Express " locomotives as on the RHDR or the R and E. Am attaching some images. Badger, the little green loco hauled our train. Yours truly is seen in front of Owl. I



Peppercorn A2 first steps

Well I've started and it is not a pretty sight - as can be seen from the following the pickups have been removed from the brake gear fortunately the glue gave before the brakes did. Then there is the chassis it has box sections which make driving anything other than the centre axle a bit difficult. A general view of the side of the chassis.I have re-soldered the thin section slide bars, but feel that these may have to go as well - where do you stop? Next to make a decision on compensat

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

MIDLAND 3130 (8)

There you are just plodding along adding this bit and then that, and it happens, there is nothing left in the pot to add.     I added the coal rails, water filler, tool box and the sand box fillers to the tender. So that is the tender finished apart from the cleaning and painting.     Then back to the engine. I bought on Ebay a Midland ejector for this, but the silly so and so's sent it to the wrong address, so there will be a few months delay on getting


N15class in LMS 3130 class

Going to be away again ........

Never a dull moment ..... apart from looking out of the window. This Saturday I'm running the Silverfox DCC Clubs "Thomas at Silverfox Island" About a half & half job as I built it and bought about half the components that made it as well as supplying the two Select DCC units used by the children who drive on it.   Sunday it's a trip to the Ecclesbourne railway with the Milton Keynes MRC. We donated our working signal to them when we were pushed out of Bletchley Park at the end of last



Fiddle Me This

So it’s been a good while since an update as I’ve actually been getting on with some modelling for once. Firstly it was time to test stock on the finished trackwork. This highlighted a few problems, most of which were found to be wheelsets with incorrectly set back-to-back measurements. The worst was my Hornby J94 which wouldn’t run over any pointwork at all. My back-to-back gauge wouldn’t even squeeze between the wheels, being a good millimetre too wide. Time will need to be set aside later to



Tackling the Peppercorn A2

Having decided that all the locos on the layout have got to have some form of springing or compensation (or even just movable horn blocks) I started to look at my A2. This was probably built from a DJH or similar kit, and whilst some bits aren't too bad the pick-ups and flangeless drivers and rigid chassis make this a woeful performer on my admittedly slightly uneven outdoor track.   It has an ABC gearbox and so was made at some expense, but apart from looking good at a safe distance it j

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

Hornby BR Southern Region BY. A few tweaks.

A while back I was given one of those excellent Hornby Southern Railway BY's in olive green and decided to repaint it into BR (SR) green. Paul Bartlett's excellent site came up trumps with this photo:   http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/srby/h3317da13#h399adca5   The thing I liked about this photo of 'S764S' is didn't appear to have the full data panel on the right hand ends this making application of decals easier.   The model itself breaks down really easily into its component parts. Th



All Quiet on the Layout Front.

Rather a quiet couple of weeks but not entirely wasted. A huge great rush of work before going off on hols meant little progress and then twelve days away meant no physical advance but..... Our rather ambitious tour of Holland and Belgium did land us in Ypres for three days in the end and had plenty of time to to loads of WWI sites and research. Met a lot of very interesting, knowledgeable and very helpful people who filled in a lot of gaps in my knowledge. Met the man who excavated the Yorkshir



The wife has a lot to answer for!

As anybody who has read my other blogs will know, I already have two model railway projects ongoing at present. My permanent home based layout, Skaleby, is a 00 gauge shelf layout currently undergoing a protracted construction in our spare room. Its little brother, Skaleby West, is a micro layout, built for my Weston-on-Trent exhibition last year. This has an extension in the advanced planning stage.   So the last thing I really need is another model railway project!   The fact is, I had



Small P4 Layout Update

Half a year a later I post a mini progress report. Progress is really slow, partly due to me making and converting wagons to P4 with Dingham couplings. So far I have four fitted with them plus the 57xx loco. Apart from the latches not always dropping I'm really happy with how the magnets and couplings work. Any advice on reliability? I've installed 3 electro-magnets and 3 push to make switches and wired them up through a chock block. I only realised later I could daisy chain some of the wring,



Bristol Barrow Road - Templot & Trackwork 2

I have now completed most of the trackwork on the existing boards with only the South Exit turnout to finish the second phase of templot. The latest build consists of 8 turnouts, a Double Slip, 3 Way turnout and a catch point. Phase 3 will be the 2 new boards - to be constructed - one at each end of the layout which will form the scenic breaks. One will be Lawrence Hill Junction itself, with the road overbridge and the other Days Road Bridge at the rear of the shed.   Lawrence Hill Junction si



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