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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


Here is my way of adding the little details of saftey chains on doors, brake gaurds etc. Not sure when or when I found out about doing them this way. It is not my idea but for me it works.   I start by making the loop that would hold the pin in place. These can be made any size, I just pick a drill that makes a loop slightly bigger than the pin it goes over. You will also see my source of copper.     Next job is to wind the tails together, the tighter the twist the


N15class in Handy hints

Manning Wardle 'H' Class. Part 2 of a Pug bash.

Managed to do a few more bits on the 'H' Class over the past few days including fitting the cut section of tubing under the saddle tank to represent the boiler. Thank's to Ruston's measurements of his Ixion 7mm version I was able to work out a rough figure for the depth between the bottom of the saddle tank and the running plate. The photos below show the model held together once more with Blu-tac.       Thankfully, I managed to make up the smokebox door straps fairly successfully with M




Here are a few wagons which I have been working on for a little while, in between other items.   First off we look at the LSWR machinery wagon. This is almost finished as far as the painting goes. I will be adding transfers soon if I have any small enough. Then it is a dose of varnish and some light wethering posibly.   Next is a Haywards MR refrigerator van. This is now waiting for some MR transfers which I will order after my holiday. I have modified the brakes


N15class in Wagons


Back from hols so some new photos. First up a Ks Princess   Lady Patricia - with Romford wheels and a D13 motor - need to straighten the cab...   and a Ks Duchess - City of London -apologies for the wonky tender as it has a compensated chassis which defeated my father...     Both built by my father and painted by me. not yet weathered but in the queue for fettling and weathering   and finally a Jamieson Kit of a Streamlined Duchess - City of Bradford. Bought semi complete using a H

Barry O

Barry O

Building the King's Arms - 2

First steps in construction   I’ve cut out the base, end wall and one internal strengthener with no real problems, but I ran into trouble with the front left elevation which was the first to include window apertures. I had bought a set of compass cutters a few weeks ago because I knew that with so many arched windows to cut out something was needed. I had anticipated that they wouldn’t be very much use for the small apertures – 3 or 4 mm radius semicircles – but should be OK for the rest. It



'Netherley' Station Building - the saga of the canopy continues...

To see the origins and the detailed construction of the various parts of the buildings and their canopy, please refer to this link -   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/56603-platform-canopy-services-for-netherley/   This blog entry will cover recent (?) progress which took place around the construction of the subway balustrade.   The buildings were in the main complete - just waiting final detailing.     The canopy was a different matter. The main transverse trusses w

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Putting your foot in the brown stuff

Hi All,   With the brthday bash of the 009 society coming up I decided to register. So far so good, except that I then offered to bring along LüD and my multi gauge test track. Again so far so good, except for one tiny item: I've not really made any progres since ((a long time)!   So i have the board, with ramp and all the electrics are sorted. So logically next should be ballasting (probably), but I've never done that before and the shear number of points makes me queasy!   So should I pe



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. I guess it's about time to look at further layouts I have constructed. After the Windermere boats and the two layouts that came to nothing I came up with the Idea for Semerdale. I'm not sure how the idea for the layout came about ..As mentioned in the Railway Modeller article of May 1998 I was looking for a few "tweaks" in the scale/gauge. Also, for what ever reason I built it as an exhibition layout and as mentioned in the above article I am more of a constructor than an operator. Most



Home alone - day three

Wednesday evening consisted of putting the cinders down on the board I ballasted on Monday then a frantic tidy up         The signal box has been fixed down but the platform will wait until I get chance to join both boards and I can make sure the two halves line up!   Here's both boards first thing this morning side by side     So, there we have it, basic groundwork done, now for lots of toning down, weeds, grasses, flowers (a shrubbery!) oh and signals and point rodding and .



Problem fitting a decoder

Hi, I've recently bought a Bachmann Class 42XX Prairie which is dcc ready, and a Gaugemaster DCC25 decorder. Having removed the body and fitted the decoder, I'm having major problems getting the body back onto the chassis and get the feeling that the decoder is too big for the space available inside the body..   Can anyone offer some advice as to what I'm doing wrong. Many thanks.



Manning Wardle 'H' Class. Or a Pug Bash. Part 1

Last year in the August edition of Hornby Magazine Phil Parker converted an Hornby Lancashire and Yorkshire 'Pug' into a resemblance of a Manning Wardle 'H' Class. I thought this would be a nice little conversion to undertake that I could use on my layout Juniper Hill based on a Northamptonshire ironstone line. It could also be used on my proposed Teign Valley project as well.   Here's the link to Phil's website with plans and pictures of his completed model:   http://pagenumberone.co.uk/dow



The Balustrade complete

Well the balustrade is finally complete & located on the layout.     'Valejo' 'Model Air' Hull Maroon appeared to be the closest match - but to make sure I primed the model with their dark brown primer. I'm very impressed with the ease with which the top coat went on - the paint comes ready-thinned for airbrushing (as the name implies) and it went through my 'Aztec' with no issues at all.   I find the other products in the range ('model Color' and the primers in fact need thinning abo

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Second attempt

Well, not much has been achieved since my last upload to this blog. Got involved in a bit of a controversy about clean rolling stock and, what with that and grandchildren needing to be accommodated, modelling time has been at a premium. This week I have only managed to complete the Lancashire & Yorkshire 10 ton van and the scratchbuilt S.E.R. Sledge Brake van, also managed to spray the two LBSCR Open & Passenger/Luggage carriages with their ‘teak’ topcoat, and also sprayed the ‘Cavell’



Trefeglwvs Road - Cambrian Railway

Hi   I live in a small bedsit, with the use of shared bathroom, toilet and kitchen and also a common room, with a television. My room is about 2m by 4.5m. In that space there are two large fitted cupboards for general storage, a wardrobe, bed, hand basin, desk and chest of draws.     If I am going to have a layout, it has to be able to be put up in my room. They layout has to be very small. It also has to be able to be stored under the bed, when not in use. My desk can easily double as a



Just like buses!

No this isn't an order but a comment on how my work is! Nothing for months and then everything all at once. Guess you know where I am going with this one - yes - no progress on layout! Am afraid that my resolution to do a bit every day has gone out of the window. Well, not completely, I think about it every day and if I had more time I would be worrying about it! In case you have not been following this thread from the start this layout is being built specifically to be exhibited at the First Wo



Snitzl Towns -Market Stalls.

Here is yet another illustrated guide through the construction methods used on Snitzl's  market stalls.   In all, ten similar stalls were built and modelled in styrene with bread, pies, flowers,  biscuits, meat, books, dishes and vegetables made from various materials. A simple brass injection mould tool made years ago was used for wheel production and the small empty crates  are modelled in 10 thou brass.   Construction of the simple brass mould tool will be covered in a fut


snitzl in Misc

Butterley 2013

This year was the third year of Butterley's Midland Rail-ex event. I have been fortunate enough to visit the last two shows and was very much looking forward to this year's event. I had read a one or two concerned comments from people on RMWeb, with these worried about parking and signage at the event. I wondered whether these would be an issue this year. Arriving at Butterley shortly after 9am on Sunday parking was certainly not a problem. There was plenty of space in the car park, and there



Home alone - day two

Day two and another board to ballast, this time just two simple points. After sticking the double slip up yesterday I took more care and oiled all the moving parts including the underside of the point blades, so far so good ..         I just had enough ballast, although I had to cheat and use a bit more cinders than planned around the rear of the good shed, no matter, only the operators will see that   I've also added the walling to the other board ready for it's cinders tomorrow.



A new way of building track!

Choosing a type of track for this layout has been a bit of a challenge, but it looks like there might be a new solution!   I've always planned to use 2mm scale track components from the 2mm Scale Association. The track has a much finer and realistic look than standard off-the-shelf track, even the finescale variants. However, because of the track radiuses required to fit the layout in to the space available, the track cannot be built to the full 2mm Scale Association Standards. The compromise




Evening all am on my hols at the moment and finding time to make a bit of progress with the T9. The chassis is finished, having had all manner of detailing bits, overlays and bits of pipe attached. This took some time to sort out because I wanted to have the wheels removable. I made up a couple of bits to support the rear and front springs which are curiously a mixture of coil and leaf springs. The brake control rods have been fixed with 16BA screws so the whole thing can be disassembled f



Welshpool & Llanfair - Pictures

Hi All,   So here you get to be subjected to my very limited photography skills. As you will see it doesn't matter how fancy the camera, if you're no good at it, it doesn't make a bit of difference. Similarly, if you're good, you can have bad camera and still take good photos.   So this was our loco, Earl:     Looking quite resplendent, and certainly sounding healthy. The effort it had to put in getting up Golfa bank was certainly showing the amount of work that has been put into it.  



Home alone - day one

SWMBO has taken the kids and the MIL to the seaside for a few days, so while the house is my own, it's kinda turned into a workshop   The long put off task of getting the track ballasted has took a huge leap forward with the end board having all the track ballast done. I've also fixed down the tracks for the camping coach to sit on.       The steps for the camping coach have been offered up and found to be good - note I'm using the OTHER coach so as not to damage the finish on the act



Proof of the pudding

Just to prove that my recent blog entry was not just waffle & hot air concerning the light railway project, behold a station building and a coach.   The building is slightly modified Hornby with a new corrugated iron, glazing and a metal chimney for the office stove. Plus a suitably tired looking looking paint job.   The coach if one may so dignify the relic that you see before you is a 5 and 9 kit obtained from a friend of mine and reworked a little with a new roof and compensation. The

Turin 60

Turin 60

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