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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Back to school and Hunslet success!

At last - school hols are over! We have had a lovely time but has not left much room for playing with trains. So have eased myself back in and with surprising success. I started my original Hunslet 4-6-0 about two years ago and fairly quickly had myself a nice looking loco which ran very well - backwards! It would lock up solid going forwards. After much head scratching I did the obvious thing and popped it in the display cabinet for another day which (two years later), was today.   I suspecte



I got fed up of waiting for the Dapol green bubble car

One reject old NSprays/Heritage N body shell (99p) Some filing and filling Some old white metal ventilators from the scrap box Four buffers Some bent wire An old Poole Farish GWR railcar chassis Two DMU bogie outers Couple of old BHE DMU underframe castings I had handy     Dapol it ain't but everything came from the junk box so quite a saving. No need for a sound chip either, it sounds like a DMU already !

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

'Lord Faringdon'- first thoughts

My model 'Lord Faringdon' arrived last Saturday and although I don't anticipate doing any major work to it for at least a year, I have made a start of sorts in that I've replaced the bogie, driving wheels and removed the huge coarse motion brackets....     It already looks much improved, but clearly there is a lot of work to do! I'm currently pondering how I can lower the body on the chassis without doing too much of a hack-job on either body or chassis.

James Harrison

James Harrison

Name change to Soltendieck

After a false start with a second-hand/recycled baseboard and waiting for Lenz to bring out long announced items, I am now under some pressure from colleagues at the Liphook club to get on with it.! It really will be a new start and the target date is the club's 2014 open day in October.   Soltendieck is a real place in Northern Germany within commuting distance of Hanover and Hamburg. It is near to Lunberg Heath where the German Forces in this region surrendered to General Montgomery at the



Tsugawa TU-TMC100..but not how the manufacturer intended

Picked up one of these from Plaza Japan to play with and to maybe replace the scratchbuilt chassis in the WCPR 'Flying Matchbox' at the moment. The 3D print/scratchbuilt one isn't very reliable to say the least.     The Tsugawa wheelbase is a bit long and it'll need a resistor or two as it is meant for 4.5v max.   The design is interesting as the chassis block is produced using a long gear chain that consists of identical gears held in places with pins from each side, and at the end by wh

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

One ancient Highfield longboiler, one Dapol terrier and some violence

The Dapol chassis block was about the right size but the motor is held in place by the body, and also in the wrong place. With a lot of careful packing and the motor turned the other way it all fits into the longboiler and can be held in place by a pair of screws drilled and tapped each end of the chassis block.   That way around even the NEM pocket for the front end is in the right spot.   I guess I should have used a black terrier... paintbrush time to follow.     Now what to do with

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

LBSC and LSWR wagon kits from Cambrian under construction - part 3

Two more evenings work are represented here. Painting the wagons has proceeded, with the LSWR open getting a colour more representative of the correct one. I have used a thin coat of LSWR coach umber over the red oxide base colour - it is supposed to e a purple brown shade but once weathered I think it will look pretty close.   The transfers have been applied using te HMRS (ex-PC) Pressfix SR wagon sheet, which included lettering and numbers for the SEC, LBSC and LSW Railways. There are a coup



A handfull of Kit Built ex LNER locos

With Nu-Cast originating in my home village it would seem sensible ( at the time) to build some of their offerings.   First up a Q6.   my second kit built loco - MW005 motor, Ks wheels and still going strong... just ready for a rebuild and repaint/weather.   The next is a V2 built by my father and painted/lined by me.   This has been used on Herculaneum Dock but really needs a replacement chassis in place of the big lump of white metal it has now   Why Durham School? Well, I play

Barry O

Barry O

Bare Bones - A blast from the past (2007)

Just found these images of a 'bare bones', a 4 foot mini layout from 2007   Take a some code 75 peco track and some second hand medium points. There is a small traverser that allows shunting between the sidings. This with the points allows limited run rounds. It got as far as some ballast and greenery before if went on ebay.   Easy to operate, but not economically viable to sell. The postage is the killer.   The stock is Kadee boxcars and an Atlas S-2 with an MRC sound decoder. It was easy

The Bigbee Line

The Bigbee Line

Standard Eight - an unholy marriage

I received the Bachmann class 5 bodyshell from Invicta on Monday so last night I set about persuading it to sit on the Hornby 8F chassis. First obstacle was the lower section of the smokebox which fouled the cylinder block. So out came the hacksaw and slitting wheel!       I cut a slot in the rear of the chassis block to accept the mounting pillar under the cab and fitted the two together, or so I thought .... The terminal block on the motor fouled the extreme back edge of the boiler - s



A Cheap and Cheerful Turntable

A model railway friend has recently upgraded and motorised his kit built turntable. He has used parts formed with a 3D Printer - real cutting edge technology. As a result I have been shamed into refurbishing my hand operated turntable made in the 1980s. Turntable prior to refurbishment In the 1980s there was the Airfix turntable, now marketed by Dapol. This was a plastic kit for an above ground turntable. At the time I thought it a disappointment as it was particularly flimsy and I could not

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Progress(?) report

What is progress? Is it having more on your board than you had before or is it that some things that didn’t work well now work a bit better? I had to replace a surface mounted point motor. Previously all units had passed well, albeit by a hair’s breadth. After replacement I discovered that the non-powered driver car of my push-pull double deck commuter rake (the first double deck units introduced by RENFE prior to the genuine EMUs) was hitting the motor. The point in question is situated right



Progress(?) report

What is progress? Is it having more on your board than you had before or is it that some things that didn’t work well now work a bit better? I had to replace a surface mounted point motor. Previously all units had passed well, albeit by a hair’s breadth. After replacement I discovered that the non-powered driver car of my push-pull double deck commuter rake (the first double deck units introduced by RENFE prior to the genuine EMUs) was hitting the motor. The point in question is situated right




The results of a couple of weeks off (in between doing proper holidays of course) has seen a bit of progress on the T9. I said the splashers were complicated. They're even harder if you try and attach them upside down which I did. So the coupling rod splashers had to be taken off and re-done. The actual wheel splashers went on reasonably ok and the cab just slotted together. I had a bit of a problem when it came to trimming back the footplate. It snapped at the join with the valence jig, meani



my model railway vilage as seen on tv

hi has anyone started this collection . my question is about the mk1 that starts the collection off.I have purchased the first issue ( i got 2 lots) with the mk1.The mk1s are flush glazed and have small removeable hooks that couple close together. Are these Bachmann model or what brand are they likely to be ,there is no branding on underneath any help would be nice thanks gary there are two pics of the said mk1s



LBSC and LSWR wagon kits from Cambrian under construction - part 2

The Cambrian kits have progressed to the paint shop. These photos show the first rough coat of paint. The photos are always one step behind progress and I have now painted the black undergear and buffers. Also in the photos is the newly arrived Heljan class 16 D8404 with Stratford style yellow panels.       Neither wagon's colour is entirely correct but they are close! More to come soon.



Blogitty, blog blog blog.. A new layout is described

I have way too many blogs. Four on RMWeb and about six on blogger. All to do with various different layouts and schemes. Not to mention facebook...I've come up with snappy names and titles to suit concepts which have then run out of steam, (pun most definitely intended) I need to cut down. So I've retitled this blog "4mm scale agonies" because that was one of my favourite titles. So this is where I will blog about the upcoming 4mm scale APA Box layout. This is a rendering (it's not good eno

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

For One Night Only...

Blacklade had its first tentative public appearance a few weeks back, when I took it along to the CMRA Workshop event as a display item. It's been taken along to a society area group meeting twice, but this was the first time it had gone into the wider world.   Chiltern Model Railway Association is the federation of model railway clubs and societies in the South East of England and beyond (Indeed over the last few years they've picked up members well into the North of England, and seem to be g



Delph - Progress with point rodding (at last!)

It's been quite a while since I last posted anything about Delph (or should I say "Holt"). This is mainly because there's been precious little progress in recent weeks, partly due to the warm weather making work on the layout an unattractive proposition but mainly because I've been shying away from what seemed like a difficult and fiddly task. Needless to say, when I actually knuckled down to it, it proved much less of a problem than I had anticipated. Anyway, a concerted effort over the past w

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Photos of another scrapyard 61XX

Here is another loco which I completed pretty quickly, I had removed the stack to use on another side project, so I used this as an experiment to try out the "salt n hairspray" paint layering effect. I scratchbuilt some piston cylinders and other bits to use with this and some of the other four remaining Class 61XXs that I bought at a discount from my local model shop. As I was trying to build this quilckly I did not do too much extra to it with regard to adding rivet overlays or thinning mouldi



LBSC and LSWR wagon kits from Cambrian under construction

Last weekend I went to the Australian Model Railway Association's (AMRA) annual exhibition at Caulfield race course, as a member of the British Railway Modellers of Australia's (BRMA) stand.   I took along a couple of simple Cambrian wagon kits to construct when I needed a break from operating the demonstration layout. However, that didn't happen and I spent most of the time operating, demonstrating or just talking, but not building anything!!   Today I decided to sit down and build both kit



Scrapyard loco 90% completed pictures.

This is the 61xx almost finished all I need do now is give it some weathering and detail painting for areas like the backplate. Note I have also created a pile of scrap that represents many actual recognisable parts from this and other cut up locos.       All the extra components for this with exception to the handrail knobs and hand wheels have been scratch built, I dont believe in spending money on things that I can build. In fact thats what gives me the



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