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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Extending, stalling and moving.

I can't believe that my last blog entry was in June! Where has the time gone?? All of a sudden there has been the first chill of the upcoming Autumn and the nights are starting to draw in and that means the second Weston-on-Trent model railway show is starting to creep ever closer. As I write this there is less than two months to go. So much has happened since the last blog, and so little has happened too.   I had hoped that my six week summer break would see me get stuck into the planned ext




finally got enough time away from the builders to get some shots of Presflo weathering shots   First up ingredients:       some white poster paint ( my ink ran out!) a bit of water with a little tiny bit of washing up liquid in it, brushes, make up sponge etc and some weathering powder.   a brand new Bachmann Presflo..     I used a flat brush to put some mixed water/ink/soap on the top of the wagon then used my normal sponge technique to drag it down the sides ( and washed all ove

Barry O

Barry O

Passenger Engines...

A few Pacifics... there are still some to be built...   First Up a Wills A2 built by my father..     I think it has an X04 motor....... time that was changed, and now a curiosity   A Jamieson Streamlined Duchess. Bought semi complete I added some detail, painted and lined it and recently added some new magnets to what is a rewheeled Hornby Dublo chassis  

Barry O

Barry O

An overview of my layout

This is my layout. It's called South Downs Road, and is built to represent the elevated track section leaving London Waterloo. The station is fictional and is set between Wimbledon station in south London.   The layout is set in 1951, and features EMU sidings, a 4track station. The overall length is 12ft by 3ft.



FGW Barrier Vehicles - Work In Progress 3

Progress has been quite considerable over the past few evenings..   The next stage was to get spraying.   Now, it's been a very long time since I've used my airbrush in anger. I needed to add an in-line filter to the Compressor outlet to prevent moisture in the line, something I had remembered had begun to happen previously with prolonged use. It was a simple fit - a few 1/4" to 1/18" reducers sourced from Ebay and we were good to go. The airbrush I use is only a cheapo one from the Draper



Catching Up...

Hello   Its been a while, I think its time for an update...   1. Single line token apparatus.   Its been on my mind for a while now that I would like to see some form of single line apparatus on Highclere and thanks to Andy plus a visit to Didcot I managed to get enough info to make some. Armed with this I made a start at the recent Oxford show and finished them off today, ready for planting on the layout at sometime.     Ok, so close up they look a little tatty but when you wil



Ballasting cardboard

In my last post i mentioned cardboard.... Well it seems to work ok! I hhad expected the card to absord the PVA/water mix forcing me to soak it in over multiple evenings, however it looks like only one more selective dose will be required!   However I did fing it difficult to get the ballast nice and flat, in the end I used a 1" brush and gently laid it on the surface. Don't press or you get a ridge forming around the outside edge of the brush.   Another gotcha is that the drops made slight d



Back to front

Evening all Gosh, it's almost 3 months since I posted anything about the WC&PR. edit can't count! Well I have been busy with the T9... Had a blast at Expo EM North last weekend and on the journey I home I was reminded that the next show I'm exhibiting at is Clevedon's debut. Eeek Nothing like the headlong descent into blind panic to get the juices going! So where was I? Oh yes, at the last local EM meeting, there were a few mutterings about which side of the la



25 years

Well this year I celebrated 25 years of building model railways.   On the Mattington layout I have finally run out of room for new models, as part of the 25 year celebration I scratchbuilt a small factory to go in the back corner complete with a chimney (Bachmann)   I started working on the lights, however since most of the buildings are industrial, night scene lights are fairly limited. I have a welding unit and oil brazier for daytime lighting and station lights and yard lights for night t



Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 6

Hi   I have been thinking about the height of the backscene, and also about the possibility of a removable part, since the comment of MikeOxon, as a comment to posting 3.   Thanks Mike, I have now recalled seeing a layout at a show, with sky coloured net curtains as backscene, very good is was too, the backscene was about 600mm high, from near track level to the proscenium arch.   With the scenic section well lit, and the fiddleyard in relative darkness, the viewing public were unable to s



Grantham Coaling Plant 2mmFS - The tower takes shape

Good evening all,   The Coaling tower is progressing nicely and I have now fitted the sides to the initial structure started earlier on in the week and have now cut out the middle section parts, assembled them and offered them into position on the tower. It looks pretty high now as the photos below will show. Also obtained this week was a copy of "Great Northern Engine Sheds - Volume 1" which is an excellent read with stock allocations, photos and also a 1956 trackplan. I am still lacking any

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Subsidence and anti cat measures

Having erected two of the baseboards in my office last week and being rather alarmed at how vertically misaligned one of the loops had become i have worked out the reason. Strictly speaking though it is not subsidence but more like separation. I have realised that the outer card layer has parted company with the foam core of the foam board underlay taking the track with it. Luckily is just on one track but being at the baseboard join it is rather inconvenient to say the least. I will try to run



Dingham's Modified - Now More Realistic!

How to bash them to look almost as realistic as scale couplings in a train.   I have a handful of wagons converted with Dingham's and so far am happy with the result, they operate well once you've got the hang of making them and compared to some other couplings they don't look too wrong in comparison, not to mention the fact that they are compatible with 3-link, Instanter and Screw scale couplings. I'm a little unhappy with the way the iron droppers look however, so what follows is an experim




Taking advantage of a working session at Didcot today, I checked out their 'Cone' (GW code name for GPV's) -   http://www.didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk/wagons/105781/105781.html   and took my own image -     She's obviously in a sorrier state now!   First thing to note - this is a 'Z4' - purpose-built for the job in 1939. It has square rather than rounded corners - but also has door-latches (missing in the kit)     so I then trotted off to the carriage shed where 'Iron Mink 11152

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Work in Prospect

This is one of those posts that could go on the layout blog (here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/343-blacklade-artamon-square/ ) but as it amounts to a note-to-self of stock construction jobs that need doing, it's more logical to put it on my workbench thread . So here it is...   I had the layout up for an extended play a couple of weeks back. Things came out of boxes that had spent an awful long time in them . For the first time I actually got round to trying to run a Civil



Hunslet #2 progress (but don't get too excited!)

Yes, is actually a bit more strategic progress rather than physical but important all the same. After having had another couple of head scratching sessions over my possibly over ambitious compensated chassis I have admitted defeat and have instigated plan B. Anyone who followed my Hunslet week a couple of months ago will know that before I set about hacking into a perfectly good chassis I had talked to Mr Chivers about replacement etches if it didn't work out. Well, I have just instigated plan B



Carriage 6672- nearly there....

I reckon this looks quite good.   I built a very rudimentary interior from scraps of plastic sheet and balsa wood, repainted the body in a solid light brown then brush painted a very thin coat of dark brown over the top- this I think works much better than my previous method of teaking as used on the Robinson mainline stock.   Still to do obviously is the roof and the detailing there, the ventilators above the doors and lavatories and the numbers and insignia, but it is practically there..

James Harrison

James Harrison

is this a good way to start

so after having a keen intrest in model rail ways for some years and owning a few locomotives I've seen the magazine in the shops. Now I'm all for a bargin and brought 5 of the first issue and after some mixed reviews on you tube and other sites i felt Id air my view's and also to ask some friendly advice. so the track people are complaining that its different to the Hornby and Peco tracks but this dosn't bother me as I'm looking at aging and weathering my track any way to give it a more real lo



Friedrichstrasse - It's Getting Tangible!

Friedrichstrasse   We have finally taken delivery of all the boards for Friedrichstrasse (note the spelling has now changed!) Now was the task to drill the bolt holes whilst seeing how the boards fit together.   Overall view of the boards set up   The scenic area is quite a bit lower than the fiddleyard boards. This is because the entire length of the visible track will be carried on a viaduct above the town. It will present us with a lot of challenges, but who ever said this layout bu



Northall Dock – Morse’s Teas

I’m fond of ghost signs. The an add just some more character to a building or a scene. For Nice Street I made my first self-made ghost sign. I wanted to try that again on one of the buildings on Northall Dock.   During my research for the warehouses of Northall Dock I came along this one:     This sign I want to made on the premises of Farnshawe Ltd.   First I made the sign in Word and cut out the individual letters.     Then I used the cut out letter to create the letter for the

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Narrow gauge at the bottom of the garden!

OK, a complete aside from War department projects but I can't let the fact go that Sir Hayden (or Corris #3 as I prefer!) is currently sitting just 200 yards away! It has always been a happy coincidence that our ideal house was right next to the Severn Valley Railway but although I now know every loco by it's sound, standard gauge just doesn't do it for me! But..... as part of the annual steam gala which has trains running right through the night (and good beer opportunities!) this year Sir Hay



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