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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A Major Crisis ....... Or Just A Few Problems To Overcome ?

Since April we have spent more time at our caravan in Dorset than at home. My wife has decided that she wants to move there to be nearer to one of our sons & grandchildren. In principal I quite like the idea and suggested that within a couple of years we should do that. However things have rolled along so fast I'm now a worried man. Within two days we have sold our house subject to contract. Fine only I'm working on Castell Mawr a collaborative layout with me doing nearly all the work &a



Modular System - West Sussex Area Group of the N Gauge Society

One of the constraints mentioned in the last blog was the alignmenet with the Modular system used by the West Sussex Area Group (WSNG) of the N Gauge Society. Link Below   http://www.wsng.co.uk/   The Modular system has some basic principles which I think are broadly aligned across the N Gauge Society but I'll just highlight the WSNG features. The first one is the the front 6 inches of the layout belongs to the club when connected. Tracks are laid at 2 inches, 3 and 5 from the front of the



Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 9

Hi   Firstly the picture below, which shows the scenic work that I have been doing today, does not do my work justice. However it is the only one I have taken so I have used it.     I have installed a landform of polystyrene, which is covered in PECO Modrock and then painted earth colour, and is now awaiting the addition of grass etc.   I know that the bridge needs work doing to it, currently the bridge supports looks drunk!   I have laid the ballast, but this requires much tiding up,



A new toy!

Got a new toy today which I have been thinking of for ages but finally justified for the new Hunslet project. I have always had a problem with cutting true circles out of sheet metal or even plasticard and with the imminent need for cab spectacles, wheel inserts and balance weights I finally gave in to a Jewelers Circular hole punch set. This is something I have knocked up myself before but this will do the job so much better. It has a good selection of sizes (except the one you really want of c



OO Gauge - Ramp Construction

The move to O gauge has caused me to come to the conclusion that I needed to wind down the old OO gauge layout. So a couple of weeks ago the task of packing up all the models, creating an inventory and disassembling the layout commenced.   Clearing all the stock off the layout had a purgative effect and allowed the entry of fresh thoughts...   Thoughts - like the need to never again leave the models on the layout but to place them there fresh every time the layout was operational. The clut



Im back

After much trial and error from my moving people projects a friend pointed out that the waist would allow the torso to flop over so from now on all 00 scale people stay complete,however i am please to mention i have finally completed a rake of BR coaches consisting of 1x BR push pull coach 1x guards coach,2x BR mk1 coaches form the new build your own model railway publication for which issue 1 is the only good bit. Due to moving in recent weeks i cannot find a loco to suit so though not complete



Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 8

Hi   Whilst working on the scenics, it was discovered, that althought the legs carried the weight, they were not as stable as desired. An extra brace was added going in the opposite diaginal to the original one.     Now what do you think about my improved legs?   Just as an aside, I have included a picture of an early sage of the scenic works, the support for the passenger platform.     Julie



MR - A Brief Update

Just a quick not in passing, to update on what's been happening   It's been a while since I last made a post, because it;s been a hectic few months, meaning my layout has taking a serious step into tha background.   Since the last time, I have started a new job, moved house, and all the circus that involves.   As my job was in a totally different town, we were limited in the choices of new house to move to, so I was worried at first about where I could put my board, and was worried it woul




I wanted to build a layout as part of the WSNG modular system that was based on a real location and was relatively close to where I live in West Sussex. My previous modelling has been focused on the Somerset and Dorset based on my ramblings over the old line as a teenager and familiarity with the Poole area from growing up. Neither the S&D or the Dorset area really dealt with the fundamental problem with the Modular solution of requiring 3 running tracks at the front for the Module and wha




Hi everyone, Firstly I'm new to Blogging so going to take me a while to get used to the tools and process and make sure that the pictures in FlickR align with the content here so please bear with me on this. I actually started this project at Xmas so will quickly bring the blog upto the current status and then probably the hardest thing of all carry on with blogging whilst Building.   Like many of you I've come back to Railway modelling after a number of years break with work and Family. Cra



Work in progress - the PCAs

What has been really taking up my time over the last few months are these:     They are the basic Farish Poole-based PCAs being detailed with the TPM detailing kit. I went to attach the walkways this morning only to find out I had to make a slight adjustment to get one of them to fit into the new holes. As I adjusted one, it pinged open. This is not the first time this has happened but it now means I'm going to have to solder them together, or they might spring open once painted. Then I'd h



GAP kits for the G16 and Z, plus a detailing job on a Triang 'Nellie'

I have been working on the Golden Arrow Productions Z class 0-8-0T, the body kit for which arrived last week. Rather than duplicating everything so far, I have hijacked Norwenglish's thread that deals specifically with this model, here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/74548-gap-z-class-kit/page-1. This uses a Hornby motor-driven Stanier 8F chassis but involves a lot less modification than the one in the G16 kit.   While most of the previous posts about the Z could equally well



Parkside 7mm GWR Vans.

Repainting of my stock after I made the decision to change my modelling period has begun. The first batch of rolling stock to be completed are five Parkside Dundas 7mm vans. The camera has failed to pick up the weathering particularly well. They are dirtier than they appear, the variations in the shades of grey give a hint of which ones are more heavily weathered.        



New arrival

A new arrival was at home when I came back from a week in the field today - my new TMC lightly weathered eastern region horsebox. Seen here being shunted in the yard.     This will make an appearance from time to time at the end of a passenger train at Buckden.  




I have actually got on and cut some metal. As usual I started with the chassis. After a bit of cleaning up, it was time to see how we are going to do things.   Firstly there are no holes for the brakes so these are marked and drilled. I also noticed that the bottom of the chassis is straight but the outside frames are shaped. I decided to loosly fold up the frames and see how it looked. I do not think it was a problem, but decided to shape the bottom of the inner chassis, just make sur


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

Aire Valley Railway

Hi. Further to my posting of 17th july. This was about the attempt at a 009 layout ( tunnel through the chimney breast) and the indoor garden layout. I said I didn't have any images of these efforts apart from the one of the the garden line loco which I attached. Guess what? I have found some. Explanation. I have been down to Ellesmere again to a family get together for my Great Granddaughter's Christening. I was asked to look through my family photos for any revelant photos and found the attac



The latest exit from the workshop

Although I've been working on 2 of these for the last few months, here is 1 that has a coupling on one end.     Thanks to Paul Bartlett's excellent website, the model has been back-dated to the early/mid 80s style. I contacted Bachmann asking if they were going to release this particular model without nameboards, to which they replied - we only get the models as we receive them! Obviously I'm barking up the wrong tree here.Thinking about it, maybe they should release them with the boards lo



Something for nothing!

How often have you ever found a solution to a very real, sometimes costly but usually time consuming and uncomfortable problem and for no money! Well I did just that yesterday. My particular problem - dropping (and often loosing). bits on the floor. The solution - a clear out at my daughters school! In the skip were quite a number of strong plastic trays that I just couldn't resist. I was initially thinking seedlings for the garden or an extra cat poo tray when we go away (Yuk!), but one (and po




And now for something completly different. This is also a first for me, having never built a diesel. I have painted one or two but that is it.   The instructions say it will build the 13000 series, but needs work to make the airbraked etc. For me thats not a problem as I have BR green paint but would have to get other colours in. It is a GE Models, Acorn kit, drawn by Jim Haris well the chassis has his name on it. The etch do not look to bad, I have found one fault while punching


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

Foaming baseboards Batman!

Since the last blog entry I've been pretty busy. The entire layout was dismantled, all the shelves and even the shelving track removed from the room and the whole place redecorated. The result means that the plethora of holes drilled in the wall previously got filled up and everything looks much cleaner!   When everything went back into the room and fitted together again I was well pleased. The backscene is held up by industrial strength Velcro and is sitting about 5mm above the top of the bas

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Baby needs some new paint....

I'm feeling annoyed.   As mentioned I've started work on a Baby Deltic - a Silver Fox kit I picked up cheap secondhand at a show in January. It really should have been a "quick win": just paint the body, hack and assemble some RTR components I already have and there we are - a new Type 2.   I want it in 2 tone green (as it will spend most of it's time working with steam stock) and it will become D5901 - which became an RTC Derby loco, allowing me maximum excuses if it appears on a north Midl



Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 7

Hi   Since the last posting, I have given the underside of the layout a first coat of paint, See photograph below. PS I have missed a few small patches.     I have taken earlier comments to heart, and I have reduced the height of the fixed backscene. This will be increased by using net curtain, which will be dyed sky blue.   I have also reduced the height of the frame, as I have decided that it was originally over engineered. Both of the above will make the layout lighter to carry, and



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