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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

LMS Ventilated van

Hello,   This was the second kit I built, my first plastic one; a Parkside Dundas LMS ventilated van. I was pleased with the kit as it went together well with only very minor fettling of parts, from memory the axle boxes slide up and down for some compensation.   The paint and transfers have been done by the owner as, then, I had not any experience of painting or lettering models. I had a very nice arrangement with my friend who I built these kits for; I built the kits and got a OO gauge



An update of sorts..

I've not been active on RMweb for a while due to a mixture of health and other matters taking precedence.   Owing to financial situations of both myself and Natalie, layout progress or building sadly hasn't occured. But with enough plans in our heads collectively we will manage something eventually.   Out of all the plans we do have, we are likely to hopefully sometime in the next few months or so start on the simplest of the ideas. That being a small layout set around Woolwich Dockyard on t



Branching Out

Some time ago I was asked to provide more details of the current layout. Where to start? I would start with the Branch Terminus. The Branch Terminus – Long Shot 2013 First a little bit of history. Back in the 1960s I didn’t have that much space for a model railway and I had plans and even made the base boards for, a short ‘L’ shaped layout. It would be modelled on one of CJ Freezers suggestions. In this article from August 1961 CJ Freezer took the track diagram from Ashburton (ex GWR) and pr

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Berkeley Castle and 3863

One project which has sat in the to do pile for a long time has been my castle   The intention is to take what was Tintagnal Castle and renumber to 4085 Berkeley Castle which will be partnered with the Hawksworth tender from this yeas GW castle release. The tender from Tintagnal will then be used with the later loco from Wellington to produce Nunny Castle. Both locos have been picked for the names rather than the use (so I hope they will fit prototypically with a future layout with red coded

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

A view from the line #12 the pressure of signalling the line

The London South Western Railway (LSWR) first started using pneumatic control, rather than traditional wire and point rodding, at Grateley in 1901, using the system from the British Pneumatic Railway Signal Company that used low pressure air at 15psi to operate the signals and points. Following this successful trial Salisbury station, that was in the process of being rebuilt at the time, was also so equipped with the two new boxes, Salisbury East and West both containing a 64 slides frame (slide



Grantham Coaling Plant 2mmFS - Update

Good evening all,   Just thought I would update on the progress of my first and main structure for this mini layout. I have now added the sides to the top section and the base of the feeder floor, which was a bit of a nightmare to fit as I had to reposition the front two legs which were originally glued in place slightly too far forward.   Here are a couple of progress shots with my first strip of bullhead track now completed.       A ground level view.       A view of the Easter

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Scratch Building a Maunsell TPO van

http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=1MxgGWo4Hk3BoM&tbnid=9a9Y41v7xm0x2M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.marcmodels.co.uk%2Fhtml%2Ftpo.html&ei=zadJUpSnG4aw0AXfrIBI&bvm=bv.53217764,d.d2k&psig=AFQjCNEc70haV1TV5R-uuG1eh1_6IQylbg&ust=1380644997630372   Thinking of building one of these from card. I don't solder so I think I shall have a go, at card instead Please comment with you opini




Hello,   Welcome to my blog in which I hope to share my previous, current and future model building projects with you. I am not intent on offending anyone or expressing in anyway 'this is how it should be done', I just hope that my building experiences and the products thereof might inspire others to have a go.   I have a busy life thankfully but yet I still manage to have time to 'escape' into railway mode, which is very relaxing when it is going well... The subject picture here is my very



BaseBoards and Track Plan

Site survey completed, Aerial views analysed, Couple of train trips past the location to verify some of the details and I was ready to start the track planning piece. I'd already selected the location based on the alignment with the Main London Brighton line. The aerial views gave a good view of the current and probably historic layout so I just had to deal with the returns into the Fiddle Yard. The overall size was constrained by 2 main factors, firstly the length of a module for the WSNG stan



A quick update (let there be light.....!)

A brief update, which I will add to in the week when I get chance, Victoria Bridge is coming on in leaps and bounds ready for the Cradley Heath show on the 19th October.. a quick peek through the dark door of my shed reveals a little slice of summer, neatly picture framed!         Next week, some technical trouble shooting and track cleaning, removing scenic bits from where they hadnt ought to be!

Will J

Will J

Photo Survey

Visited the site on 26th January, Very cold but dry but still snow on the ground in places. Wasn't sure what to expect and wasn't able to get any views from the main line side. I figured that these pictures would be enough to get me started and a feel for the size and positioning on the layout. This post covers the main features of the Aggregate recycling facility. Off to a good start though as the Internet searching found this great aerial view of the Burdens Yard, Just what every modeller need



Back to the point (rodding)

Hello again.   My modelling mojo has returned once again. I think its down to a combination of things, shows, steam railways, and quiet weekends have all helped. Using this new apparent enthusiasm I have once again turned my attention to the never ending point rodding for the layout. Its been something that has slowed progress on the layout to an almost standstill. Below is the next installment in the long running saga of Highcleres point rodding, some of you might have already seen some of th



Commencing an 'Immingham'

The newest project is my last planned locomotive for this year, and is a B4 or 'Immingham' class 4-6-0.   This will use bodies from a Hornby B12 and Patriot, and a chassis from the Hornby B12.   The chassis is actually the easiest part to do; in hindsight I should perhaps have done this model first, rather than leaving it this late- both my Jersey Lily and B5 use the same chassis but with major modification that were great headaches at the time. With the B4 all that is necessary is to cut do

James Harrison

James Harrison

Feeling rather proud of myself!

The replacement etches arrived from Mr. Chivers very promptly and a couple of days later I set about a new chassis for the second Hunslet. I will point out for any new readers that the need for a replacement chassis is entirely down to me and my rather over ambitious attempt to compensate the first one. I have not given up completely on this but is going to be put aside in the interests of meeting my now less than a year deadline. I think the recent experience has helped and did various things l




NOW the doors can be blown off...   Assembly of the basic body shell is very straightforward, with the slots & tabs lining up neatly & fitting well.   Solebars next - a fold and detail job - but here the detailing grows a little questionable in the instructions. Things like the 'spring stops' (part 14) once folded to shape are ''fixed to the solebar - see livery details for position". The 'livery details' are of course the 'in house' drawings contained in the kit. I suppose it is

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Crawley Yard Aerial Reconnisance

The great thing and perhaps the worst is the ability to order up your own aerial photographs from in this case Google Earth to look at the location you have chosen and make sure it meets your requirements. Having identified the potential from train Simulator and confirmed with a couple of trips on the train the next thing was the aerial views. I've actually managed to do some screenshots from the google earth site using paint and included them below     You can see the main London-Brighto



A few shots of South Downs Road

T:B : T A Leslie Green style tube station built from a Kingsway card kit M1 The underpass which acts as the station entrance M2 A view of the 4 track station area. shortly behind is the EMU sidings for terminating commuter services B Some Metcalfe shops recreating new development after the war



A Stanier 8F

So I have been busy with decorating but found time to weather this 8F for a client.   It is a DJH kit in EM     Stanier tenders accumulated grot along the top edge (where the grease etc from the chimney and the coal from being coaled met..     The locomotive running gear (rods etc did pick up some nasty dirt on top of their grease and oil..   I hope this gives a good impression of what it looked like

Barry O

Barry O

Northall Dock - Street furniture

Before I can finish the building of Fanshawe Ltd. I must decide what wall based street furniture I want to use.   I spend a lot of time behind my PC searching for street names for Northall Dock. For Greater London there are several options. See the picture below.     On Flickr there is a London Street Name Pool with a lot of pictures. I could skip all those modern type street name signs.   I also tried to find names that refer to the scene of Northall Dock.   For Northall Dock I will

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

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