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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

'Working' Day

On Sunday last we had another of our occasional work days, whereupon the main body of the hall where the club is based is taken over for about six hours. This extended club session enables us to carry out some more involved work, as well as set a number of layouts up and have a play. This time, we had the boards for Fredrichstrasse set up, with Yamanouchi Oshika, Warehouse District and a member's private layout all being worked on in some way.   Fredrichstrasse had the basic plan drawn onto th



Proof of the pudding

Ever since I started the construction of this APA box layout I have had the belief that the structures would be sufficiently anonymous to enable the layout to be operated using British outline OO scale stock and US outline HO scale stock. I think the two attached pictures back this opinion up. The backscene might be a bit of a letdown for the iron range of Minnesota as I would plan for this layout (a few more trees and no wheat fields) but other than that I think it's OK.

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Platform surfaces

Not much progress here, to be honest - or at least nothing yet worth pointing a camera at - but at least one of the two removable platforms is beginning to look a bit more of a piece with the rest of the scene, having had some painting and weathering treatment:     I did the platform top using Wills paving sheets, which were joined together with a lot of trimming, filling and sanding. I use nothing more clever than a pair of chunky kitchen-type scissors to cut Wills sheets as the newer plas

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

"Immingham" Part IV

No paint on yet but we're nearing the point where we'll need o break out the brushes!   Frustratingly I cam to fit a few parts tonight and couldn't find the materials... the steampipe down the drivers' side of the boiler needs 1mm plastic rod (I had a few odds and ends of this stuff left after my first GC clerestory carriage, but between putting it away a few weeks ago and coming to use it tonight it has done a disappearing act) and I need to buy ome new handrail (on order from an Eba supplier

James Harrison

James Harrison

Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 12

Hi   I had a frustrating weekend, attempting to paint a rectangle of MDF sky blue. In the last 6 months the two local art shops have gone bust, leaving us with no other option than buying paints from an internet supplier. The company sells a range of art products aimed at children, poster paints etc.   I purchased a bottle of white poster paint and mixed in a small quantity of blue artists acrylic paint, the colour in the pallet was good, it had the correct consistency, BUT when applied to t



Preparation - Missenden Autumn 2013

The autumn weekend of railway modelling at Missenden Abbey is almost here again, once again Daniel and I will be attending. This time I am going to start a new project, the Duke is to a stage now that I think I can probably finish it at home, plus I am keen to start a project that will run on my little shunting puzzle. Therefore my plan for the weekend is to make a start on a High Level kit of a Black Hawthorn 0-4- ST.   As part of my preparation I have started (several times) to read the ver



Latest Arrival

I should like to say that I had managed to make this, but I'm too busy making a mess of other models and painting pictures! As there has been some adverse comment in the 0 Guild Gazette on DMR kits I thought that I would post this picture to say that if you get a competent modeller these kits make for a lovely resulting loco! The chap who made this had not done LNER lined green livery before, so purists will note that there are a few bits of lining missing, but that would be very picky! He

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins


There hasn't been a great deal to report here recently. It's not that I haven't been doing anything, just that a good deal of it has been kit assembly or repeat builds.   There is one job that I did started shortly after the 2mm Expo that I thought would benefit from a few words here. We were a bit more relaxed at the Expo with mixing and matching locos to different trains. At one point this ad libbing caused us to come unstuck. My Hymek was moved from its usual local passenger turn and put on



Crawley Yard - Self Imposed Deadline, MOT and the Covers

One of the key Aspects of building a module is that it needs to pass a Module Operating Test (MOT) and following a quick discussion I had at the club it was recommended to me that I do this in two phases, phase 1 before ballasting and scenery detailing and phase 2 once the scenery and importantly the ballasting is done. Having realised this that has set my plans back a little and a slight change of focus.   I hadn't though too much about transport and when I was going to get the testing done b



Something 'Yellow' this way comes! (A brace of Narrow Planet RNAD Baguley-Drewerys)

As an aside from other projects that are ongoing I've just finished building two of the excellent Narrow Planet (NP) RNAD Baguley-Drewery loco kits. Here's the link:   http://narrowplanet.co.uk/products/NPL-001   These kits are 3D printed and supplied with a lovely nickel silver etch for the cab roof, bonnet access doors, window frames and other details. The build is really straight forward and kits are well designed. They run on a slightly modified KATO 11-104 tram chassis which easily clip



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. Bit of a change today.;I'm not sure if you will consider the ;items in this blog to come under models as we normally think of models or a touch of arts and crafts. Read on and see what you think. The items here were constructed between 1996 and 2007. They are miniature walls constructed from real Yorkshire stone. They were tailored for friends and relations who were to receive them. It started when Maudie and I were going to visit some American friends ;who we met up with while we were on a



On back burner for now

As per the West Cromwell Road plan, this is also on the back burner. Being much bigger in concept than the other plans I'm currently doubtful of the viability of producing it due to the problems associated with storage, etc. But it's something I really want to work on at some future stage, in the mean time the research is still pretty fascinating



On back burner for now

Due to finances and a house move it's been decided to put this layout plan on the back burner for a time. I'm still working to getting stock as money allows however, but work on the boards, track and buildings won't start till probably next year now.   The other aspect causing headaches is where to store it when it's started/done in the future now I've moved to a 1 bedroom flat. So that will maybe cause a bit of extra research in terms of size and construction at a later date I think.   In t



Some plans for next year - After a house move

As mentioned in my last posting we've sold our house subject to contract and have a 'chain' formed up so it looks like we could move well before Christmas !! It's also time to shut the holiday caravan down for winter, due to local authority regulations the site is closed from the end of October until mid March. On our last visit I took some of my Shillingstones Lane diorama back, I'd brought home to try and do some work, but didn't get much done. When there I lined all 6 small sections toge



Hidden loops control panel

Today I have been working on the control panel for the hidden section of the layout which is by far the biggest wiring task of the lot. And this is my third iteration, having been unsatisfied with my two previous attempts. The multipole connectors are the excellent "Ewe-Link 2" available from Elite Baseboards, with whom I have no association apart from being a very satisfied customer. These are easy to use although you may notice the sticky labels with numbers on which I printed to overcome the



Study time

I spend a lot of time looking at the layouts I build as they progress, I really do. It wouldn't surprise me if I spent as much time looking as I do actually constructing. The relationships between the size of the structures and the space between them is very important to me. I've seen way too many nice looking small layouts ruined (to my mind anyway) by the builders need to cram track or features in there. For example, I'm sure there are modellers who would think it a good idea to have a sidin

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

1701 nearing completion

My "quick diversion" ended up like all my other projects, victim to my lack of time, or is the a lack of commitment leading to excuses why I don't have the time. Either way it took longer to get to this stage than I had planned, but now I have the little saddle tank running and pretty much finished, it just needs some lamp irons on the front and the brake gear.   I am holding off on the brake gear until I have resolved a clicking sound, which I think is a pickup catching on a spoke, but so far



More Trees for St. Ruth (Part 3)

Having completed the Oak (which took more hours than I care to think about), my son suggested that he probably could get a couple of off-cuts of cable from work (he works for an electro-mechanical company). What he provided was about 13" of some pretty hefty stuff : Each cable within the main cable consisted of 7 twists of 72 individual (0.38mm diameter) strands which were a little thicker than the wire I'd used for the Oak.   I decided that by folding a single length double that it

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

"Immingham" part III

Suddenly the model starts to look like a locomotive again, rather than a pile of scrap....     What I have added here, if you can't see from the photo (damn plastic sheet being white and the photo being backlit!), are the splashers. Interesting fact is that the radius of a £2 coin is pretty much bang-on for a 4mm scale version of the splashers- so just draw around one and then measure 6.5mm down from the edge and cut a straight line, bingo!   I cut the splasher faces from 0.5mm plastic

James Harrison

James Harrison

Time Travelling Equine Transport - Back Dating and Detailing The N Gauge Lima Horsebox - Part 3.

It's been a while due to reducing this sprawl     to something that was presentable. There was a concession to keep one desk for now (by the window) and so I have this week finally manage to squeeze a few useful hours furthering the odd project not currently mothballed.   The horse boxes had a number of parts made or cut from the frets with the potential for loss when packed and I wanted to get them fitted. I had originally planned to finish these for next weekend and am now on a promise



3863 P4 Conversion and 3215

3863 - Hornby conversion   As previously mentioned at the weekend, I have been working on converting 3863 to P4. The initial conversion at the weekend showed that the crank pin nuts on the lead axel fouled the crosshead, and that the drive gear was loose on the axle.   I initially attempted to cure the latter with an application of loctight, however it still persisted. I have now stripped it down and attempted to resolve through the application of additional knurling to the axle (attacking

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Northall Dock – Clay tiled roof compromise

I decided to finish the cottage in the front of the diorama first. Added the street name sign on the building and a drain pipe.   For the roof I had a look at several slate and red clay tile options. In the front of the diorama I try to use whenever possible light colours. The grey slate tiles I found didn’t look right to me so I choose the red clay tiles from Wordsworth Models (free download). I also first searched for some background information and read it.   I wanted to give the roof a

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 11

Hi   Since the last posting, I have continued working on the scenery. I built the basic station buildings, using a Peco kit, which has been modified to suit the location.     The bridge that carries the farm track, still needs much work. The slope of the embankment which will carry the road is still impossibly steep, and there is no road surface yet. The front of the bridge structure exists, but not the back yet!   The light railway, didn't go in for fancy fencing to enclose it platform



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