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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Isle Of Man Empress Van - Roxey Mouldings II

Afetr a bit of a hiatus while my attention was focussed on getting Whitborough Quayside ready for its exhibition last weekend, the Empress Van has been on a back burner. Now, however I can revisit it and hopefully make a bit of progress!   The bogies have gone together, and there is quite a bit of sideplay between the bearings but they aren't too sloppy. The cross-members are in place and need a little trimming flush with the sides.   Some fettling was required to get the bogie mounts to sit



A Sad Day for the WMR

It's been a long year for this layout.   Unfortunately, due to space constrictions and a few other issues, the Welsh Midland Railway will have to be saved for another day, when, perhaps, a larger layout space might be available. This all being said, I shall return, for the time being, to "N" scale, and model something I actually live (almost) right next to. The intersection of the old Boston & Maine Railroad's Portland-Boston mainline and the Portsmouth-Manchester "Portsmouth Branch"



7012 Barry Castle

I acquired some Modelmaster etched plates a while ago with a view to renumbering and renaming some of my GWR and WR locomotives, but as always I didn't really do my homework beforehand. My intention had been to rename my Hornby model of 7029 Clun Castle as Barry Castle, but as soon as I got the plates and took down my copy of Holden & Leech's book on the Castles, it seemed that this wasn't a good decision. My model of Clun Castle was double-chimneyed, and (as far as I can tell - it's a minef

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

An update and a bit of a rant!

The Weston show is creeping ever closer and thinks are beginning to take shape. Here is an update:   The Show The number of layouts is growing steadily. After a phonecall last week I have provisionally booked the 18th layout for the show. This will nicely fill another hole in one of the corridors. I can also confirm that the Meccano display will return for a second year, with different exhibits to last year. I still have a couple of other layouts I would like, and once I have measured up the



Wired for Sound

Spent a little session on the Hunslet this morning fitting the DCC decoder and wiring up the speakers. I had already fitted the speakers into the tanks and the chip went in the bunker. I am only going to wire up one speaker, the other is there as a spare as although it would be possible to get to them it would not be easy. The only thing that won't fit in the bunker is the capacitor which I have put up in the top of the fire box. I have run the wires below the foot plate inside some black heat s



Northall Dock – Victorian Rain pipe

For the building of Fanshawe Ltd I needed a rain pipe to hid the join in the alley.   I already made a rain pipe using a 1,2 mm rod from Evergreen for a house on Nice Street. A texture is glued around this.     For the warehouse I wanted to use a square Victorian rain pipe.   I wanted to create it myself using a self-made texture. My journey on the internet began. I learned a lot of new English words connected to rain drainage. Finally I found a picture by CG textures that was usable.

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

On the Narrow Gauge

I have mentioned before in this blog that my layout includes an 009 narrow-gauge section. Most of this section does not need changing in order to fit in with my revised 19th-century timeframe but, a long time ago (1980), I built a 'Centre Models' kit of a Leek & Manifold 2-6-4T, of which the prototypes appeared in 1904. Whilst not quite fitting my new era, it is a handsome locomotive that I had never got to run well, so I decided to re-build the chassis. A body kit is still available from Me


MikeOxon in general

Aire Valley Railway

Hi. More on real stone modelling. After all the personalised walls it was time to look at something a bit more challenging. At the time we were living at Keighley just a stones throw (no pun intended) from Bronte Country. In the end it came down to "Top Withens" the remote, now derelict farmstead on the moors above Haworth. Not to build it in this state but as near as possible as it was. Maudie and I did several trips to the building to measure the ground plan and try and calculate the slo



Procrastination is the key to ........ success?

Well a quick update, I recently went to the Model Railway show in Manchester with a small shopping list for Ingleside (don't we all when we go to a show?). So having purchased some cork for a track bed, kadee magnets for uncoupling and some buffer stops I thought I was sorted and then as ever I started looking at the rest of the trade stands. I saw some decent mouldings for industrial buildings on the Ten Commandments stand, now this is relevant to Carter's Dock one of the two layouts I am upg

Midland Lad

Midland Lad

Station detailing - the fun stuff

I don't think there's any part of the hobby I like more than adding small details to a nearly finished scene, in this case some of Hornby's delightfully rendered wicker baskets and (just out of shot) some Bachmann's equally useful milk churns grouped around the front of the station building. It's a small touch, and really just open-the-box modelling, but I find it really enjoyable to add these kind of features - it's the kind of modelling you can do at at the end of a busy or stressful day and s

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Pure Class (B)

Some prototypes are just too much for we mere mortals to resist, even if we can’t completely justify them…     This is a Stephen Harris 35T GLW class ‘B’ tank that I’ve been working on (very slowly) over the summer. My original plan was to build three class ‘A’s and one class ‘B’. I thought I’d do the class ‘B’ first as a one-off.   While there is plenty of evidence of 35T class ‘A’ Esso tanks in Cornwall, I have not seen any photos of class ‘B’ tanks so had no good reason to splash out o



RM Article

This month's Railway Modeller has an interesting opinion piece from our club secretary in the “Comment - Observations and opinions on railway modelling” slot. Referred to in his article, his Lumpy Barmcake and Salted Cracker railway amply demonstrates that a model can be a complete flight of fantasy and still demonstrate some impressive modelling and transferable modelling techniques.   It does, above all, emphasise that modelling should be fun. Sure, people want to see models that are high-qu



Lima Pantographs

I've started work on yet another motor-coach for the Isle of Dhoon Railway but my supply of Lima pantograths (the IDR standard) has run dry. Does anyone know of where one or two may be obtained from?



Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 13

Hi   Since the last blog post, I have been researching how to model the water rushing over the weir. The basic water techniques I have used to model the stream were learned by watching Right Track 6, Modelling Landscape Part 2, by Barry Norman. This involves giving the stream some actual depth, modelling the surface with perspex sheet, and roughing and painting the stream base a dark brown colour.   Next I went out using the digital camera on my phone to take pictures of weirs on local water



Horsing Around!

I was sat here earlier this evening thinking that I ought to get on with the Hunslet but I had a problem - everything I needed to do involved filing, sawing or soldering all of which are banned in the wifes presence and as she was sat there amusing herself on the computer my options were limited. So this is how I busied myself;     I was probably about ten last time I painted a horse so had to make it up as I went along but pretty pleased with the results. They had already been spray primed



Hop(per) to it...

Much of today has been spent working on the working hopper system. It's very much a bodged, cobbled together system that developed as I worked on it. It's a fairly simple idea. Coal or ore (or whatever) will be poured into a receptacle behind the backscene which is then tipped into the wagons through a tube and... Well, I think the picture illustrates the idea well enough. Overall, how does the layout look? Like this. Looking like a layout and now looking "bare". The structures need stairc

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

First track laid - and nothing like starting with the easy bits

Time to finally start laying track and I decided that I needed to start with probably the most critical bit of the formation, the single slip and turnout into the loop. The template from Templot showed these a 1:8 crossings, which is actually the shallowest diamond that you can have apparently. Anyone who has ever made a diamond crossing will tell you the most difficult bit is making the obtuse crossings - they are a pig to get right. That said after spending the whole of Friday evening turning

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

TGV- Ramblings from rural France

Hi Folks,   It's been a while now since I last posted anything in this blog, largely due to having resumed work on the house renovation, realising that if I didn't do it no other bu@@er would. Apart from that I recently took my half yearly trip back to the UK. I had recently bought a French Senior Citizens rail pass which gives me 50% off of SNCF fares so booked 4 months in advance for Eurostar. I was very impressed with the TGV, very comfortable, smooth and quiet too. Eurostar looked a bit j



Yellow distractions

So I mentioned in a previous post that one of the reasons progress on Buckden stalled for a little while is that I got a little distracted by another project. It all started months ago when I caught a glimpse of something odd and yellow flying past outside my kitchen window late one evening. Some googling later and I had fallen down the rabbit hole of Network Rail test trains (until that point unknown to me) and I liked it!   This obviously lead to a modelling project, spurred on by the galler



Garston Bridge

Hi, I joined the forum a couple of months ago and posted a couple of pics but though it was about time I started a thread on my layout. I've been away from the hobby for over 20 years but having a bit more time on my hands and coming across this site thought there was no better time to start again. I was originally going to start in N gauge but having watch youtube clips of the models and the DCC sound chips available it had to be OO. After spending much time thinking of various layout ideas



Running out of bits - in a good way!

Have finally got to the point with the Hunslet where there really are not many bits left in the box which means nearly finished! As you may know finished is not a word which is often ascribed to my models!     Admittedly some of the bits are not stuck down yet but some of these have been sorted out since this morning when I took these pics. I am going to leave the rear cab sheet off until I have painted this little lot;     In my usual going over the top mode I have managed to add even




Manage to do a little more. I have carried on with the two sets of frames, the inner set will be painted very shortly and set up to be run in.     First up the castings were added to the front, they went to gether quite well, no major problems. The one buffer looks droopy in the photo so I need to checj that. You can now see how the small angle holds the sandpipe.         At the rear the brake cross shaft, bearings and cylinders have been


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

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