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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Not Dead Yet!

July to October is a long time for nothing to be posted on a blog; - Sorry.   The effects of age on our bodies - mine & my wife Margaret's that is, - is taking its toll, and there have been rather more important things than railway modelling to capture my attention in recent months. Octagenarianism is approaching much faster than did teenagerism!!   We had a visit of EMGS friends and their wives - mainly comprising the ExpoEM North team, and Honley Tank was alive to three, finescale layo

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Model Railway Design – Breaking the Mould

Paul A. Lunn has penned an excellent article on model railway design in this month’s Model Rail (November 2013) entitled “Breaking the Mould”. He is challenging the basic exhibition concept of an oval layout that is scenic on the front boards and fiddle yard at the back with the operators in the middle. Paul’s idea […]   Source



Up hill - but not a struggle!

Managed a bit more on my little hill today. Firstly I built up a couple of areas with decorators caulk as the picture I am working from shows a very defined gully which looks like it has been used a short cut many times and has worn a distinct groove in the bank. When this had set(ish), a good old dollop of chocolate ganache - well that is what it looked like! Plaster, brown paint and PVA in reality. I then made up some basic forms for the hedge that sits atop the rise out of various bit of wire



At a Junction

From the Branch Terminus described in my last Post, the single line crosses a short viaduct to arrive at an ‘end on’ junction station where the BR(WR) branch makes a connection with another single track BR(LMR) line.   The Branch Junction – a blend of Scaledale and Scenecraft   This is one of my favourite track layouts and provides lots of play value with three loops for passing and storage, together with a small goods yard and locomotive facilities. There is also a long siding which doubl

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

A Southern Railway Brake Van-North Devon Style

In 1898 the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway purchased two brake vans from the Bristol Wagon & Carriage Co. The vans initially came with open verandahs until they were enclosed during 1908 and a 'Dog Box' which was also later removed. They were numbered No:5 and No: 14 but on grouping and the railway coming under control of the Southern Railway became 56039-56040.   The Nine Lines kit represents one of these brake vans in as built condition and is a very crisply moulded kit. With this build



"Immingham" Part V

I've made a fair bit of progress since last time:       Let's start with the tender.   Believe it or not, I've managed to re-use the B12 tender... I had to saw the chassis into three, and then use 2mm square plastic strip to lengthen it and also give the appearance of the tank being lower than it actually is. The tank itself was sawn in half and the fake coal sawn away (along with all of the top of the tank). I was then able to insert a 7mm length of plastic sheet between the two ha

James Harrison

James Harrison

Castell Mawr - Back to the station side

Although we're still waiting for more details on the planned house move I need to press on. Having done as much as I want on the top siding board I've now put these away in their storage pod and brought in a station side board. The station side is viewed from the signal box side and this is the condition it has been left in since February this year. I now need to fill in with something !! Currently my idea is to fix the Dapol de-mounted fruit 'D' box backing onto the tracks with a gravel



Ex-NER brake van

Hello, I'm back for a little while before disappearing again like an elusive ghost in the night.   At the moment I'm working on my sulphate train which will include an ex-LNER brake van bringing up the rear. The brake van is made up of a Dapol kit which is being extensively modified to take up it's representation. So far the chassis is night on complete and just requires the body to complete (well almost, we still need to paint it and number it and weather it).   Any so here he it is.  

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Some scenery!

Yes, some scenery at last! I know, I should be finishing off the Hunslet (I have done a bit today honest!), but just fancied a change. So, with a reference photo close to hand it didn't take me long to make up some contour ribs from foam board.       Then some cereal packet strips     Then some thirty year old plaster bandage. Yes, that is how long since I last attempted scenery and if memory serves correctly I didn't get very far then!     Quite remarkably the plaster seems to h



At last, another entry!

If you have been waiting for an update to my blog, apologies for the length of time it's taken to put one up. As a quick précis of my recent life, I was suspended from work on 4th March and after a long (6 month) time my suspension was lifted by the Governors (I work in a school, but as Network Manager, not a teacher) and I returned to work on 17th Sept. Since then I've been pre-occupied with getting life back to normal and have hardly done any modelling. Hopefully this is just about to change!



Aggregate Recycling and Cement Mixers

Managed to get some modelling done today on the Aggregate recycling Facility. The basic building consists of 3 major parts, the Main Building, the back section and the tanks as shown in the picture above. I'd made the basic buildings a while ago to get the size and fit along with the positioning established but had to make a couple of changes to get the building to look right and deal with the backscene. The buildings themselves are made from cereal box card, to get the feeling of the corrugatio



Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 14

Hi   Now I am back home, I have made a first stab at composing the backscene, using the photographs I took on location at Trefeglwvs near Caresws in Mid Wales. the image below is much lower resolution than the one that will used on the layout, but should give an impression of what it might look like.     I must be born in mind that the foreground will be mostly hidden by the hedges trees and buildings on the modelled area of the layout.   I took all of the photographs at the highest res



The odd ex LMS Engine..

For some reason I have ended up with a few ex LMS engines   first up   a Crab... Wills kit built by Nicktoix, chassis by Mike Edge     next up a Model Loco Black 5 with a Portescap motor bought second hand..     and as way of comparison a Hornby Black 5. Tim Easter started the mods to this at BRM Doncaster this year and I have just finished it     and as another comparison on of my Ks Black 5s - built by my father painted and lined by me  

Barry O

Barry O

Aire Valley Railway

Hi All. I was exhibiting my latest completed project at the Furness Model Railway Show last weekend 12th and 13th. This was another of my real water models, Hirstwood Lock No 19. Also showing it at the Blackpool Model Boat Show next weekend. This a model of a narrow canal lock..It is one of those models I had to have a go at to see if it could be done. I had originally looked at a broad canal but at the planning stage realised it would have to be narrow canal. I came up with an optimum le



My Welsh Adventure

Hi   Whilst I was in Shrewsbury on Thursday, I made a short divertion the Caresws to take some pictures around the staion area, including the light railway buildings and structures still standing.   Firstly the light Railway locomotive shed, from many viewpoints.     And then the light railway staion, still complete with most of it's platform.     Next the cottages, built for the staff of the light railway, now much moderised.     The culvert which carried the light railway



Lineside Odds and Sods.

Lineside Odds and Sods   Here we have a collection of small modelling projects that have kept me busy for the past few  weeks. Most of these projects were inspired by a series of articles found in Model Railways  Magazine by Nelson Twells, Roy Anderson and Gregory Fox.   Included are : LMS Lamp Hut - February 1977. LMS Mileposts - March 1977. LMS/BR Concrete Lineside Bin - April 1977. LMS Sandbox - May 1977. LMS Sidings Gates - October 1977.  


snitzl in Misc

One Missenden Weekend, Two High Level Kits

Today saw the end of the Autumn Railway Modellers Weekend at Missenden Abbey. as is now the custom I attended with my son, now 17, for a few days of locomotive kit construction. This year the numbers of kit constructors was down, with people being seduced by the laser cutting, scenery, weathering and electronics side of the hobby. This meant there were two small rooms of us loco builders, we were placed under the care of new boy Tony Gee in a room with 5 other 4mm modellers, whilst next door Kev



Aldershot 2013

Just back from an enjoyable weekend with St Ruth at the Aldershot show organised by the Farnham and District MRC.   Getting the new sea siding crossover finished in time for the show was a bit of a struggle. We could certainly have used some more time to deal with the stickiness that always seems to happen as soon as new track is painted... and then again when it is ballasted. It managed to (mostly) make it through the weekend though.   The other new items were a new goods yard shunting sche



Crawley Yard - Weekend Jobs

This weekend managed to get a lot of little bits done over the layout and working towards the main buildings which are the most complicated to do. I've done some more ballasting which can be seen on these pictures. I used a mixture of ballast and finished off with a blast on the puffer bottle to this area as the yard doesn't appear to be weed treated.     One of the decisions I've had to make is where to change the ballast colouring between the Yard and the Main Line, The Main Line is brow



Midland Class 800 2-4-0

This blog was originally set up to document progress on my Midland Railway modelling, and layout Maxstoke. So after a brief excursion to GWR metals, and a rummage through the gloat box, the next loco has been started. This will be based on an etched (10 thou NS) originally produced by Nick Dearnally many years ago, under the name of Lodge Coachworks. The basic etch components are reasonably well defined, Those on my etch are marginally mis-aligned, and some of the etch fold lines were less defi



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