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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Cattle dock

Couple of shots of the removable cattle dock:   In place:     After removal, showing the gap into which the Provender store module should drop:     You're probably wondering why I didn't just make the entire area in front of the dock part of the same removable part, and to be honest that's probably what I'd do if I were starting again, but at the time it was a bit hard to visualise how to arrange everything, especially as I didn't have the fascia in place.

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Cider, camera trouble and a C class

I have now added photos of visits to the Bluebell Railway and South Devon Railway in August to my 2013 page. There is also a video from the Bluebell, to be found under the photo gallery - my first for the site! You will also hopefully notice that I've freshened up the template for the site.   The delay in posting is a result of losing one of my cameras whilst at the Bluebell. I had given up all hope of finding it, but a very kind member went far out of his way to find it himself and return it



Blackcombe Redux

My big project for this winter (other than the forthcoming arrival of our baby girl) is to convert our garage to railway room. Phase 1 is to insulate the walls, seal the floor, insulate + improve the seal on the door and board in the ceiling, the second phase is adding a side door (and possibly a window as well.) fortunately have a couple of friends with the required expertise to work it all out...   Anyway what does that have to do with the old layout...   My original plan for the garage

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Hornby 42xx

Since they were released I have rather fancied getting one of the large GW tanks from Hornby, however given the low specification of the model I was rather put off by the £100 price tag.   However having found a damaged (and non painted) model on ebay for a sensible price, I couldn't resist...   First up the problems: It needs a new chimney, 3 new steps, a superheater cover, tank vents and of course a set of sprung buffers fitting. There are also a couple of bit of damage to the side which

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Isle Of Man Empress Van - Roxey Mouldings III

This week has seen a bit more progress on the Empress Van. I have reshaped one of the ducket pieces to match the profile of the coach end and re-soldered the ducket side piece to it. After a test fit, it is a lot better than it was before, still not 100% accurate, but it will actually go together with minimal re-shaping. I have also fitted the footboards to one side of the underframe and it's now really starting to look like a Manx vehicle with the bogies almost hidden behind them! A start h



Background Reading

I think I started looking at Pre-grouping railways because they offered an opportunity to build something different, in bright colours, with lots of polished brass, and with small locomotives and carriages that could operate in a small space. All attractive features for modellers!     Having got the 'bug', I wanted to find out more about how things were really done in the early days, when railways were at the cutting-edge of technology, so I've recently been doing quite a lot of reading.  



Return of the Duke

Following a good weekend at Missenden Abbey with my new High Level kit I didn't want to just ditch the Duke in favour of the new kit. I had decided not to take it to Missenden this Autumn as there was little new to do on it and also the Black Hawthorn would fit better on my little shunting puzzle. It seemed sensible to make the most of the time with expert advice on hand to start something very different from my previous modelling attempts.   So this weekend it was the turn of the Duke again.



This is actually quite fun...

Hello Again.   I seem to be on a bit of a roll at the moment. Yesterday was spent at the Didcot Show where I had a nice time talking to a few regulars as well as a few new people. Sadly though the modelling didnt quite go according to plan and I left the show actually having gone backwards, having less done than when I got there in the morning. Pride of place on my modelling desk though went to the Foden lorry...       I am really pleased with how this has turned out. OK, so



Another dugout

This was really hard. After doing one dugout entrance I didn't really want to do another but forced myself and here it is (with a bit of a PhotoShoped background).     Was actually quite hard as wanted to make something the same but different if that makes any sense. In reality this would have been a second entrance to the first deep dugout so couldn't be really different but wanted some variation. Still needs some work on the colour of the sandbags and the wood a bit. Will really come to l



5043 at Kemble. 19th October 2013.

Preservationland escapes in to the Real World!   Yesterday, Dad and myself made the short trip up the Kemble to see GWR Castle Class 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe hauling the Cotswold Wanderer Railtour. I've never been to Kemble before and found it to be a lovely station. Everything was well maintained. Many photo,s for future modelling purposes were taken. Great cup of tea from the tiny station buffet, the bacon baps smelt good too!   As I'm pretty useless at photographing moving stuff, I set



Wagons - Kirk, Coopercraft & Parkside and Lima Siphon

This morning I have been working on a few wagon projects, using up the last of my Bill Bedford units (still have another 7 wagons in the to build box so best get on and order some more....)   First up the second Coopercraft V5 for which I built the body last month. The chassis has now been assembled (thinning the solebars before gluing in position.) At least on these vans the higher than prototype floor is hidden inside the van (so no need to spend ages correcting it). It is now ready for f

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Laying the trackbed

I cheated with the baseboards, woodwork is something I'm pretty rubbish at. Having sourced the 9mm ply and softwood with best intentions, a friend built the boards in his workshop.     It consists of four 4' x 2' sections in two 4' x 4' halves. I will be building the layout so the baseboard can be split in half without doing too much damage.     I made a decision to cover the boards in 3mm cork sheet. On my last layout, there was an appreciable increase in noise after ballasting, presu

YK 50A

YK 50A

Barrow Hill - The Yard

I've finally buckled down and decided to build a layout based on Barrow Hill's Service Yard. At first I'd made great plans to somehow incorporate this with my layout of the Roundhouse, but reason has prevailed and I've decided to just model the yard which will butt up against a low relief version of the Roundhouse.     The coaling stage and ash plant, heavily modified versions of the Super Quick models, are just for scale. I made these at the same time as my 'D' Shop model during the brie



A walk through Bridge Street

Do you also have a lot of modelling pictures on your computer? What do you do with them?   If they only are an back up then you can maybe use them. Mostly I buy a calendar for my office at work. This time I wanted to make the calendar a little bit more personal.   Before I used the APA-box I built Bridge Street. Bridge Street doesn’t exist anymore as a layout. The only remembering are the pictures I made to follow the progress and to publish them on the RMweb for feedback. So I decided to u

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Dug Out

Here is another first, something I can safely say I have never modeled before is a dugout entrance. As firsts go though I can thoroughly recommend it! Just the sort of modeling I like bringing together lots of different techniques and quite a few new ones.   I started off by making up a door frame from balsa which I then lined with some slightly cut do cigar lighting tapers. I then stained it with EDM's weathered wood mixture which at 99% alcohol is slightly eye watering at eleven o'clock in



Like buses.........

Just like buses, you wait ages for a blog entry and then another one comes along rather sooner than expected!   I've been doing some woodworking over the last few days and now have a completed baseboard with track base on it. I've added a few pictures to show how it looks at the moment and if you look at the pictures of the layout plan, you can see how it will all work.   Next job is to buy the track for which I'm going to use SMP with phosphor bronze rail and their point kits. While I wait



Three lovelies

At the recent Manchester show I managed to pick up these three kit-built wagons from a second hand stall at an absolute steal of a tenner each. The LMS van is a Slaters kit, I think, while the two white metal Southern banana vans have the feel of David Geen kits. All have been built and painted to a high standard (better and neater than my batting average) and fitted with 3-link couplings. There was some damage to the roof of one of the banana vans, but I repaired it with plastic filler and then

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

On top of the hill!

Well here it is my first bit of scenery in thirty odd years finished - and rather proud of it! Not perfect though! The hedges still don't look quite right to me although much improved by a pruning. They are spaced as per the picture I am using for reference and in this picture appear to have little vegetation left. I have given them a bit more greenery but there is still not enough to make it look like a hedge rather than a series of bushes. I have also let the grass creep too far under the hedg



Time Travelling Equine Transport - Back Dating and Detailing The N Gauge Lima Horsebox - Part 4.

What might have been the last vaguely sunny evening of the year was used for getting the undercoat sprayed out in God's own paint booth. I am still working on a representation of the lake livery, which I personally think should be darker than most renditions I have seen. A mixture of a dark brown and deep red from the citadel range was used in this case.   I thought I had all the details added and then, upon opening the white(ish) colour for the roofs, I realised there were no rain strips on t



Something is running at last!

Here's a short clip of the first wired-up board under test. This is the entry to the hidden tracks behind Cowes. Sorry the E1 is running so badly - it's been in a box for more than 10 years and hasn't even had its wheels cleaned!   https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151976898439766&l=4917899407502608761     Chris



And suddenly as if by magic things start coming together!

So today a lovely box of goodies arrived from Ten Commandments for Tontine Street, here are some of the building sections I ordered sitting in test positions:         The mouldings are going to need some cleaning up and in places have chips in them, the chips I have decided I don't mind to much, as if they are suitably treated will give the finished buildings the air of hard worked and unloved commercial buildings. So now down to the fun of painting........   On another tack I did some

Midland Lad

Midland Lad

second effort that went to the same place.

AS can be seen these are all made from plywood covered with plasticard ect. but for my own railway outside I will substitute the ply for perspex hoping this to be more weather proof. But as I have never done anything like this before it is likely to be a large learning curve. Comments always welcome. (Its the only way to learn, as well as the cheapest).

Granddad gnome

Granddad gnome

First effort at scratch building

My representation of the old Baltimore and Ohio passenger station that used to be at Evan’s City. Pa.   This station was featured in Ripley's Believe It or Not as the only passenger rail station built completely over water. The station was built upon steel girders stretching over the Breakneck Creek, because the tracks ran too close to the waterway to do anything else.   Model built by Peter D Spencer February 2013. Models donated to the East Midland Area Group of the G Sca

Granddad gnome

Granddad gnome

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