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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Barbed wire nightmare!

OK, so I probable was getting too confident! Have now hit a brick wall with my barbed wire (groan!). Having perfected my picket posts and even making them a lovely rusty colour I came to plant them. Of course the wire is not strong enough to just push them through the plaster scenery so pushed a small hole through with a drill. Problem - hole is so small and completely invisible bellow the static grass and brown paint! Admittedly I am trying to do this at silly O'clock and the light is not good.



Horse Power

One of the things to remember when 'turning back the clock' is the former widespread use of horses, which continued up until WW2 and lingered even into the 1950s. I felt I needed to learn a bit more about how they were used, so that I could replace some of my more modern traffic with appropriate period vehicles. I found the book 'Great Western Horse Power' by Janet Russell, which proved to be a mine of information but seemed to concentrate on large depots and cities, whereas I was interested to


MikeOxon in general

Great new downloadable kits

More and more downloadable building kits are becoming available and there are now several manufacturers supplying these items. Some of the producers are quite well known, but I’ve been a fan of some of the items produced by a lesser known supplier, modelrailwayscenery.com, for some time. I particularly like the ranges of signs and some […]   Source



Treatise on Tie-Bars

As requested by Phil, a few notes on how I make tie-bars. I'll try and cover the current TOUs later, my previous version made from plastruct was described here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/186/entry-8263-making-tous-turnout-operating-units/     The visible tie-bars are made from a couple of pieces of scrap etc roughly .75mm tall and a tiny piece of thin paxolin. Mine originally came from Eileen and judging by the price label which says 70p I suspect it is quite old! I have

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Cleminson to the Rescue

I am very grateful to member KH1, who alerted me to the 'Cleminson principle', in reply to my earlier blog entry about 'Milk Churns and Syphons'.   In another thread in the forums, http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/6484-cleminson-chassis-drawing/, I read that there was an article in 'The Engineer' of Feb 15th 1878, describing this system. Back volumes of The Engineer can be downloaded free from http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/The_Engineer_%28Bound_Volumes%29 , so I show an illustr



Procedure for entering new locos in database

I have spent some time entering locomotives into BRDatabase.info and I thought I would share with you the reasoning and procedure, so you can see what goes on in the background.   I was entering data for 1949 allocations and withdrawals etc from a copy of the Stephenson Locomotive Society journal. I came across an engine that didn't appear in the database - the reason being that I had it's proposed BR number but not it's LMS (ex L&Y) one, and it was withdrawn still carrying the LMS one. So



Not quite so on the backburner & narrow gauge thoughts.

In the previous entry I posted that I'd mothballed this plan, and whilst that's still true for the majority of the plan, I've had a few thoughts on one aspect of it.   If you'll ecall there was originally 3 parts to the plan: Narrow gauge bunker/exchange Standard gauge sidings/exchange Main line running from Waterloo I still ish at some stage to see the 2nd and 3rd parts realised, but it isn't going to be possible at the present time without some alternative location for storag



Stock considerations and research

Following on from my previous post I've been thinking on stock for this layout.   As it is planned to run Networkers as test rains and on shadow timetables alongside the EPBs a translation vehicle would be of use. So to that end I've pre-ordered the pair of limited editions from Invicta models, interestingly I used to live not far from the shop in Barnehurst 78-00.   The translator vehicles will allow a 465 or 466 to be on a delivery run to Slade Green depot, which as the layout is being bas



Picket Duty

Today I have addressed another of the peculiar challenges that this project keeps throwing up but which could also be relevant to more conventional projects. This time it is barbed wire and its associated screw pickets. I have been thinking about / dreading this aspect for ages but have come up with a rather good solution. Once I had established suitable dimensions from photographs and various sources i made up a little jig;     Simple but eventually effective. What you do is just bend the



Leeds Snowblade 7 part II

One of the things progressing has been a model of Leeds Snowblade7 as mentioned earlier in the blog here   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/172/entry-8616-leeds-snowblade-7/   It's now 99% finished, body from a Prime Grey 3d print other bits scratchbuilt in plastic/metal wire etc and a few w/m castings   Fortunately a few more prototype pictures surfaced showing front end detail etc.   Fairly heavy weathering as other pictures show it rather dirty when in use.   The co

Red Devil

Red Devil

More track laying and the first point servos fitted

Inspired by an excellent day out at the Peterborough Festival of Model Railways I launched into more track building. The turnout from the down mainline into the yard got finished as well as the rest of the down line on this first baseboard. Much pushing of wagons and coaches around has followed. I'm generally quite please with the way it looks.       The mirror is not because i have suddenly got particularly vain about my appearance but because it is an excellent tool to look along the t

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

MIDLAND 3130 (9)

Having been shamed into action by George T, and his rendition of the Belpaire boilered version of the 2F.     Here is the latest update on my 3130. As you can see she is now wearing a black coat. I have also started detailing the cab. Now just waiting for the backhead to be finished. I have also applied the transfers, I have based these on a photo of the prototype, which while having cream LMS on the tender has her BR number on the cab sheets, in ex LMS numerals. I still have some


N15class in LMS 3130 class

Scenic's and Wagons

Not made as much progress as I would have liked over the last week or so especially with the test coming up but managed to complete some jobs. In Burdens yard i've now fixed the fences both at the back of the yard towards the backscene buildings and right at the front paralell with the track, For this I've used one of the wire fencing packs from Ancortons. This was cut to size and then attached to the fence posts, not very easy and not sure how I would do this the next time but it looks ok in th



'Cheats' Lining & Lettering

I have mentioned before that the attractions of the pre-grouping period include the elaborate and colourful liveries. These also, however, present a challenge to the modeller in achieving these effects on a small scale.   Many years ago, while recuperating from a bout of pneumonia, I built a rake of Ratio 4-wheelers. Looking at these now, I am somewhat amazed to see the patience with which I tackled their painting! 30 years later, natural 'weathering' has given them a 'used' appearance


MikeOxon in general

The extension begins

Some of the traffic at Diddington is generated by an agricultural light railway, which leaves Diddington and proceeds to a terminus out on the fen. On the model to date there has been provision for the arriving light railway train, and I made a hole in the backscene for the line to leave Diddington station. I've now started work on the extension proper, with the construction of a joining section which will link Diddington to the terminus.   I gave some thought to the construction of the board



An introduction

Hi,   I am the author and webmaster of the website BRDatabase.info and as it gets mentioned fairly frequently on RMWeb, I thought I would try and give you all a better understanding of what it contains, how it has been built, the problems you may encounter and the plans for the future. I'm not going to do all that in this first post but I will try and keep you up to date with developments.   Firstly, despite there being no major updates since spring, I am working on it all the time on my own



Hi all

Hi everyone. This is my first blog post on RMWeb. It's going to be showing progress on my model railway I'm building. I'm endeavouring to do a Hogwarts express themed layout. Main features will be Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross, the Glenfinnan viaduct in a reduced length, and Hogsmeade station. These will be separate modules connected by track work depicting open countryside.




Started to use a bit of logic at last and rather than working on the middle have moved to the end. So, removed the middle scenic board and attached the right hand fiddle yard and started to work outwards. Here I have a major problem compared to your average GWR branch line layout as there is a significant lack of tunnels, over bridges or even big buildings to hide the fiddle yard. My solution (allied to as much of a rise as I can justify is a defense in depth - I really have been reading too m




Have almost got this finished.   All in all I am pleased with it. I have to blacken the tie down loops, and possible do some weathering on it. For such small side rails there are a lot of transfers to add. One has to be selective on the sizes too. The SR are tacken from LSWR on the HMRS sheet as they seem to be slightly smaller.     I had a devils own job with the buffers and coupling, the buffers because they are designed with 8BA nuts, with no where to put them. I reth


N15class in Wagons

Unorthorised Adverts on RMWebsite

Hi   I recently been hacked, and for a short while, untill I had removed the virus I was getting unorthorised adverts when viewing RMWeb. One of these was for brest enlargegments at a clinic in Bulgaria.   I don't think the infection passed to RMWeb or anyone else, but it might be a good idea to check! I had a unauthorised plug-in installed on my web browser.   The infection came from a software download server of a large software company, which has a footsy 100 listing in London.   Juli



Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 15

Hi   The images below was printed off using a cheap inkjet printer, and thus has virticle lines, which are caused because of the multi pass nature of the printing process. This is a sample area of the proposed backscene.     I think I have got the colours not quites right, I think the image is slightly too yellow. What do you think?   When I am happy with the colours, I will have it printed by a professional print company. They will print the whole images which measures about 1000 mm by



Base Boards part 2

Well its been a month since my last blog entry, so I thought it was about time I posted something up! Once the number plates for the Dean Good's turn up I'll post up some pictures of the finished loco. I've been promised delivery by the end of the month, so hopefully not too long a wait!   Although not much progress has been made on the modelling front, my modelling room has come on considerably. I've finished skimming and painting the plasterboard walls and laid a laminate floor. It used to f



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