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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Grassed up!

Have been busy with the grass machine, didn't take long actually but has made a huge difference and is making this end of the world seem pretty much finished. There is still a fair amount detailing to do but have made a start with weeds and you can just see the flags waiting to be used by the control point - need to find a suitable figure for here.         Did get a bit carried away and made a shell hole which I now need to fill with rubbish.     Altogether pretty pleased with th



Search and Rescue

It was only when I looked at the photograph of "City of Truro", which I took yesterday, that I noticed that the nameplate was missing! About half of my track is in tunnel, so there was an evens chance that it had dropped off in the tunnel. Fortunately, I have a 'search and rescue' procedure.   Some time ago, I became interested in the idea of shooting video from the footplates of my model locomotive. I found that there was a miniature video camera, popular with aircraft RC enthusisats,


MikeOxon in general


Since my last update, finally getting a decent result for a Robinson matchboard carriage, I've been quite busy. The intention is to rebuild all four of my matchboard carriages in one go, and so far I've completed two and got a third roughly half-way finished.   Yesterday progress on these came to a halt when the postman delivered a copy of W.A. Tuplin's 'Great Central Steam'. A quick flick through brought me to the obligatory centre pages of illustrations, complete with line drawings of loco

James Harrison

James Harrison

Trefeglwvs Road Cambrian Railways 18

Hi   I finally been able to work on the layout again. I have relayed the track over one of the baseboard joints, see below. The mainline has been relayed in code 100 track, because the cassette sits better on it, than on code 75 track. I've been experimenting with various supports for the cassette to ensure alignment and good electrical connection.     I have also decided to add a dedicated programming track, see below.     The next task is to relay the track over the other joint, an



Tender Drive - a convenient short-cut

Although popular with several European manufacturers, tender-drive has never been well-regarded in UK, possibly because of some rather poor implementations back in the 20th century. Nevertheless, it does have some advantages, when modelling prototypes from the 19th century. Locomotives of that period were generally quite small, with open cabs, and most passenger classes used single drivers until quite late in the century. These characteristics create two problems for the modeller: there is littl


MikeOxon in general

Heworth Sidings - Update - 09/11/2013

Hi,   Progress has been a bit slow over the past month or so as Heworth made an appearance at our clubs open weekend (26/27 October). This was only the second time the layout had been run with the basic scenics added and for some of our club members it was the first time they had seen anything but track on bare boards. There were several positive comments about how we had captured the 'winter' look!!!!   On the Saturday it was just a free for all, but on the Sunday we each took turns running



360 degrees........Yep a full circle!

Some 40 odd years ago, when I was lad, I used to enjoy playing with my model railway on the lounge carpet floor. This pleased my father, but annoyed my mum who got fed up doing a hop, skip and jump over the track and rolling stock just so she could sit down on the settee.   Sadly at that time, being that tender age I didn't appreciate my dad's efforts in buying and producing a running model railway, albeit I could only have it out on my school holidays. But looking back I should have paid more

Steaming South

Steaming South

5813 - New windows and 42xx

Following up from the work on this loco the other day, here is a photo of the finished windows: (unfortunately I didn't take a 'before' photo, but there are plenty of the Airfix/Hornby 14xx online.)     Unfortunately an inability to spray at the moment, means that I cannot finish off the loco. Possibly once the new layout room is converted the temperature inside the garage will be ok for spraying.   The longer the loco goes without being painted, the more modifications I seem to be maki

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Northall Dock – No Entry

In the archives of the Northall Gazette I found a nice description of the cottage and the warehouse behind it.     And some pictures of this part of the layout.   View from the dockside.     Birdseye view Farnshawe Ltd.   This picture is made before I did some more work on the roads. I also decided to create a ‘NO ENTRY’ sign for the alley. The background is also still the try-out.   I had to find out first some more information about how to place this traffic sign. With the h

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Lovely weather for duckboards

Very dull and wet today so a perfect day for building duckboards - but how. Firstly, what out of? Plastic micro strip would be great but could turn out pretty expensive as each board needs 30cm of material. Brass no go for same reason. Card cheap but too bendy so it had to be wood really. Guess it is the obvious choice for something made of wood.   Now, how? I first thought about making up a jig but the chances of getting bits glued in would be very high and if had to wait for glue to dry each



5813 - window detailing

A while back I was inspired by a photo of a 57xx pannier on Paul Marshall-Potter's Albion Yard blog, I decided that I would replace the rear windows on my pannier and 58xx with the Mainly Trains etch. This is a nicely done Ian rice designed part which comes with enough to do a good few locos. It's still a bit too flat compared to the prototype, but having the glass behind the etch should look a lot better than having window bars which are a scale 3 inches thick!   After a lot of procrastina

The Fatadder

The Fatadder


Win some, lose some.   Some time ago I bought a Collett goods from a well known site. Did not cost too much, so you pay your money and take the chance.   Well if you remember this is the way I got the Hall. Which for the price I was in a win, win situation.   This one arrived a little while ago and I only had a really good look at it today. I work on the principle if it costs no more than the wheels would then even a real lame duck is not a complete disaster.   Looking at this it is




I am plainly getting old (?) and not as computer literate as I thought. So I aplogise if this gets into the wrong area on this site!   First question: I have already posted a blog (SCALE CHANGE). I have since added an update to this but this does not seem to show up,separately, on the site. If you do click on the original blog it is there but, unless you click on the original blog, there seems to be no way that you would know. What am I doing wrong?   Second question: Where should I have pos

Jim Bob

Jim Bob

A thousand sandbags later....

I assure you I have better things to do than actually count the number of sandbags I have made in the last couple of days but it has to be around the 1000 mark. I have got pretty quick at making them now and thankfully this is probably all I will have to do now. The sandbag emplacement is a railway control post copied from a picture in the Davies book and is complete with lots of little details like the ammo boxes built into the sides and the plank for the flag man to stand on - all off which wi



A GRONK (8 )

Having not been in the workshop on Monday, I was hoping that I would of got all the brass work finished yesterday morning. Well usual story takes twice as long as you think.   I had a good day today, fortunately I had to be at the house all day as we were getting some furniture delivered. The castings for the body were reasonable except some were missing, not the end the world but it adds to the time, as they needed to be made.   The ladders went together better t


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

Photos that go wrong !

We all like a funny photo ..... Tonight I was laying some grass on embankment sides and decided as I was finishing to take a few photos. This one kind of caught me out !! Have you ever seen such pretty smoke coming from a chimney ?     Brought a smile to my face.   Dad-1




I have been weathering a J25 scratch built many, many years ago by Mike Edge. The "real" loco was loaned to the Derwent Valley Railway (DVR) in Yorkshire - this one is owned by someone who has a model of part of the DVR and is pictured in the new book on the DVR.   It has been washed over with a mix of black ink and water followed by a dusting of black weathering powder for the body of the loco and tender and a brown/black mix around the lower part of the chassis and wheels.     Detailing

Barry O

Barry O

Following prototypical recycling practices

Most railway companies would recycle components from use on a main line down into sidings and track of lesser importance. Following this practice (and because at £20 for 500 chairs they aren't cheap) I decided to try and remove some of the components off the old Empire Basin for reuse. Fortunately the chairs were willing to separate from the sleepers with a little persuasion and with not too much cleaning up some lengths of rail were made available to the track gang for reuse in the goods yard.

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Rosebay Willowherb day!

I hope the title of this one will be a little less controversial! So today I have been making - yes, you guessed Rosebay Willowherb to further liven up the bank. I adapted a method outlined in Gordon Gavett's book and got pretty quick at making them. Where I changed things was to use one full length of Hornby 'Field Grass' and dipped each end in tacky PVA and then a rather nasty Javis flock called 'Sandstone' (just about as far from sandstone as you can get!). When this had dried, which didn't t



Rescue Time - A 333 mile drive

A Blog I was once told is a sort of diary, what you're doing and perhaps why. Well yesterday was a 'save some models' day. I have a large collection of aircraft models made over the last 30 years. Many have not seen light of day for several years and are destined for the bin, others I spent a great deal of time making and want to keep. These are too delicate to be trusted with a removal company and as our moving date gets near I wanted to get some safely down to the holiday caravan. This ne



Ex Lancs and Yorks locos

and for some more of my fathers plasticard locos - three ex L&Y locomotives.   First up a highflyer - this uses original Sharman wheels     and next up. An ex L& Y 0-8-0     this has a Ks' HP2M motor and K's wheels     and finally for now a 2-4-2T - which is showing its age and some plastic warping

Barry O

Barry O

Taking Stock

As the Weston-on-Trent show creeps closer here is a further update:   The show What a difference a few days make. In my last blog I reported that a layout pulling out had reduced the total to 18. Within a few days it has increased to a provisional total of 21. One small layout which had pulled out earlier in the year is now coming again, and I have received a kind offer from another RMWeb user to bring their shunting layout too! It will certainly be good to welcome one of the website's young



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